Science As Culture

(The TQCC of Science As Culture is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Big Tech: Four Emerging Forms of Digital Rentiership37
Economies of Virtue: The Circulation of ‘Ethics’ in Big Tech29
Big Tech27
Big Tech Meets Big Ag: Diversifying Epistemologies of Data and Power26
Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Techno-Optimism: Examining Outer Space Utopias of Silicon Valley24
The Big Techification of Everything17
Urban Techno-Politics: An Introduction14
The Test Bed Island: Tech Business Experimentalism and Exception in Singapore13
Hawaiʻi as a Laboratory Paradise: Divergent Sociotechnical Island Imaginaries11
Big Tech and Labour Resistance at Amazon11
It Takes Two to Techno-Tango: An Analysis of a Close Embrace Between Google/Apple and the EU in Fighting the Pandemic Through Contact Tracing Apps10
Experimenting with the Social Life of Homes: Sensor Governmentality and Its Frictions10
Conscious, Complacent, Fearful: Agri-Food Tech’s Market-Making Public Imaginaries10
Data Hugging in European Biobank Networks9
The Rape Kit’s Promise: Techno-optimism in the Fight Against the Backlog8
Amazon’s Ring: Surveillance as a Slippery Slope Service8
Refused-knowledge during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mobilising Experiential Expertise for Care and Well-being8
Demonstrating a Flexible Electricity Consumer: Keeping Sight of Sites in a Real-world Experiment7
Misunderstanding Citizen Science: Hermeneutic Ignorance in U.S. Environmental Regulation7
The (Possible) Future of Cyborg Healthcare: Depictions of Disability in Cyberpunk 20777
What Counts as the Environment in Epigenetics? Knowledge and Ignorance in the Entrepreneurial University7
Monstrous Motherhood – Women on the Edge of Reproductive Age7
Island Imaginaries: Introduction to a Special Section6
How data governance principles influence participation in biodiversity science5
Techno-Scientific Promises, Disciplinary Fields, and Social Issues in Peripheral Contexts5
Empty Minds: Innovating Audience Participation in Symphonic Practice5
Provisional by design. Frontex data infrastructures and the Europeanization of migration and border control5
Bioprinting as a Sociotechnical Project: Imaginaries, Promises and Futures4
Assetization and the Logic of Venture Capital, or Why Facebook Does not ‘Feel’ Like a Monopoly to Zuckerberg4
Gaze-scaling: Planets as Islands in Exobiologists’ Imaginaries4
The Board Game Pandemic: Cooperative Sociotechnical Imaginaries Obscuring Power Relations4