Philosophical Magazine Letters

(The TQCC of Philosophical Magazine Letters is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Electric field influenced coordinate jump of the guiding centre and magnetotransport19
Hypercooling limit and physical properties of liquid MoNbReTaW refractory high-entropy alloy15
Calculation of parameters of the Ashcroft and Heine–Abarenkov model potential for fcc actinium13
Correlation between tensile strength and microstructural properties of LM6 semi-solid cast alloy ball-milled with Si-rich/Al powder10
Microstructure refinement and high-temperature tensile properties of Mg–12Gd–3Y–0.5Zr alloy after equal channel angular pressing9
Effects of carbon fibers with different particle sizes on the physical properties of MoS2-filled PTFE composites9
Degradation caused by self-multiplication of damage induced by an interplay between hydrogen and the martensite transformation in a Ni–Ti superelastic alloy8
Comprehensive review on single-atom catalysts in electrochemical hydrogen-evolution reaction: computational modelling and experimental investigation7
Elucidating the role of micro-galvanic coupling between eutectic α-Mg lamellas and α-Mg matrix on the hydrogen evolution behaviour of Mg-0.6Ca binary alloy using real-time imaging6
Prospect for application of radial distribution function in coal carbonisation research6
A distinctive kinetics transition from stable hcp to metastable fcc dendrite growth within liquid Re 95 W 5 refractory alloy6
Alignment and strengthening effect of β precipitates in Mg-Gd-Y-Zr during ageing process studied by HAADF-STEM and GPA6
An angular dislocation in an anisotropic medium6
Structure evolution of vacancy-hydrogen complexes in a nickel-based single-crystal superalloy5
On a thermodynamic foundation of Eyring rate theory for plastic deformation of polymer solids5
Notch sensitivity of combined mode I–II fracture behaviour of a rolled magnesium alloy5
The stress field of an infinite set of discrete dislocations5
Gibbs energy minimisation model for the austenite-ferrite phase transformation in Fe-C-X-Y alloys4
Experimental verification of molybdenum segregation for large-scale slab ingots of Ti–0.3Mo–0.8Ni alloy during electron-beam cold-hearth melting4
In situ change of fractal structure in coal with coking capability during high-temperature carbonisation4
Deformation mechanisms in the directionally solidified nickel-based CM247LC at room temperature4
Comparative study of microstructure and mechanical properties of thermo-mechanically processed Al ( 0 4
A note on mixed-mode fracture by the smoothing gradient damage model4
Effect of size and vacancy defects on buckling properties of arsenene nanosheets4
Evaluating the respective role of individual precipitates on the hydrogen trapping ability and locations of a co-precipitation enameled steel via in situ Scanning Kelvin4
Concentration-gradient-driven anisotropic spinodal decomposition kinetics: nitriding of metallic alloys3
In-situ SAXS study on fractal of Jincheng anthracite during high-temperature carbonisation3
The respective strain hardening of constituting phases during Lüders deformation of a medium-Mn steel3
Study of desirable precipitate-strengthening effects on friction-stir welded joints of third-generation Al–Cu–Li alloys3
Machine-learning-assisted analysis of highly transient X-ray imaging sequences of weld pools3
Enhanced ferroelectricity for nanoporous barium titanate: a phase-field prediction3
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction observation of phase transformation during annealing of Si processed by high-pressure torsion3
Pore structure and gasification activity of coal and coke studied by small-angle X-ray scattering3
Regression-based detection of missing boundaries in multiphase polycrystalline microstructures3
Nano-scale superelastic response of laser-welded NiTi shape-memory alloys3
Disorder induced in silicon carbide by heavy-ion irradiation3