Work Employment and Society

(The median citation count of Work Employment and Society is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
‘My Life Is More Valuable Than This’: Understanding Risk among On-Demand Food Couriers in Edinburgh87
Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention47
At Least I’m My Own Boss! Explaining Consent, Coercion and Resistance in Platform Work39
Workers’ Power in Resisting Precarity: Comparing Transport Workers in Buenos Aires and Dar es Salaam31
From Flexible Labour to ‘Sticky Labour’: A Tracking Study of Workers in the Food-Delivery Platform Economy of China29
The Menopause Taboo at Work: Examining Women’s Embodied Experiences of Menopause in the UK Police Service29
‘I Wanted More Women in, but . . .’: Oblique Resistance to Gender Equality Initiatives27
The Worker Capabilities Approach: Insights from Worker Mobilizations in Italian Logistics and Food Delivery27
Algorithmic Integration and Precarious (Dis)Obedience: On the Co-Constitution of Migration Regime and Workplace Regime in Digitalised Manufacturing and Logistics25
Data Scientists’ Identity Work: Omnivorous Symbolic Boundaries in Skills Acquisition25
Can Active Labour Market Programmes Emulate the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Paid Employment? Longitudinal Evidence from the United Kingdom24
Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work23
Career Advancement for Women in the British Hospitality Industry: The Enabling Factors23
With a Little Help from My Friends: Social-Network Job Search and Overqualification among Recent Intra-EU Migrants Moving from East to West23
Precarity as a Biographical Problem? Young Workers Living with Precarity in Germany and Poland23
Economic Inactivity, Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and Scarring: The Importance of NEET as a Marker of Long-Term Disadvantage23
‘It’s Like a War Zone’: Jay’s Liminal Experience of Normal and Extreme Work in a UK Supermarket during the COVID-19 Pandemic22
The Making of Cheap Labour across Production and Reproduction: Control and Resistance in the Senegalese Horticultural Value Chain22
Disability and Academic Careers: Using the Social Relational Model to Reveal the Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Creating Disability22
Working from Home and Work–Family Conflict21
Alienation Is Not ‘Bullshit’: An Empirical Critique of Graeber’s Theory of BS Jobs20
Too Scared to Go Sick: Precarious Academic Work and ‘Presenteeism Culture’ in the UK Higher Education Sector During the Covid-19 Pandemic19
‘Good’ Bad Jobs? The Evolution of Migrant Low-Wage Employment in Germany (1985–2015)19
Upskilling, Deskilling or Polarisation? Evidence on Change in Skills in Europe19
Conceptualising ‘Meta-Work’ in the Context of Continuous, Global Mobility: The Case of Digital Nomadism19
Gendered Housework: Spousal Relative Income, Parenthood and Traditional Gender Identity Norms17
‘Working to Live, Not Living to Work’: Low-Paid Multiple Employment and Work–Life Articulation17
Motherhood 2.0: Slow Progress for Career Women and Motherhood within the ‘Finnish Dream’17
Flexible Working and the Division of Housework and Childcare: Examining Divisions across Arrangement and Occupational Lines16
Working from Home in Urban China during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Assemblages of Work-Family Interference16
The Relative Quality of Sex Work16
Profit over People? Evaluating Morality on the Front Line during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Front-Line Service Manager’s Confession and Regrets15
When Can a Disability Quota System Empower Disabled Individuals in the Workplace? The Case of France15
Business or Pleasure? A Comparison of Migrant and Non-Migrant Uber Drivers in Australia15
Means of Control in the Organization of Digitally Intermediated Care Work14
Doing and Negotiating Transgender on the Front Line: Customer Abuse, Transphobia and Stigma in the Food Retail Sector14
Gender Wage Gap and the Involvement of Partners in Household Work14
Vice-Chancellor Pay and Performance: The Moderating Effect of Vice-Chancellor Characteristics13
Reproducing Global Inequalities in the Online Labour Market: Valuing Capital in the Design Field13
Masters of None? How Cultural Workers Use Reframing to Achieve Legitimacy in Portfolio Careers13
When Following the Rules Is Bad for Wellbeing: The Effects of Gendered Rules in the Australian Construction Industry12
Relationship-Based Care Work, Austerity and Aged Care12
Disability Discrimination: Employer Considerations of Disabled Jobseekers in Light of the Ideal Worker12
Configurations of Boundary Management Practices among Knowledge Workers11
Negotiating Gendered Ageing: Intersectional Reflexivity and Experiences of Incongruity of Self-Employed Older Women11
Job Satisfaction and Sexual Orientation in Britain11
Migrants and Undeclared Employment within the European Construction Sector: Challenging Dichotomous Approaches to Workers’ Agency11
Youth, Work and ‘Career’ as a Way of Talking about the Self11
Lordly Management and its Discontents: ‘Human Resource Management’ in Pakistan11
How Does Precarious Employment Affect Mental Health? A Scoping Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence from Western Economies11
Gender Role Attitudes and Labour Market Behaviours: Do Attitudes Contribute to Gender Differences in Employment in Germany?10
A Heterodox Re-Reading of Creative Work: The Diverse Economies of Danish Visual Artists10
‘They’ve Been with Me the Whole Journey’: Temporality, Emotional Labour and Hairdressing Work10
Moral Dilemma of Striking: A Medical Worker’s Response to Job Duty, Public Health Protection and the Politicization of Strikes10
Killing Them ‘Softly’ (!): Exploring Work Experiences in Care-Based Animal Dirty Work10
Flexible Work, Temporal Disruption and Implications for Health Practices: An Australian Qualitative Study10
Fathers’ Perceptions of the Availability of Flexible Working Arrangements: Evidence from the UK10
Consuming Worker Exploitation? Accounts and Justifications for Consumer (In)action to Modern Slavery10
Bringing Women on Board? Family Policies, Quotas and Gender Diversity in Top Jobs9
A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms9
Conflictual Complementarity: New Labour Actors in Corporatist Industrial Relations9
The Partner Pay Gap: Associations between Spouses’ Relative Earnings and Life Satisfaction among Couples in the UK9
Why Do Humans Remain Central to the Knowledge Work in the Age of Robots? Marx’sFragment on Machinesand Beyond9
Customer Abuse and Aggression as Labour Control Among LGBT Workers in Low-Wage Services9
McStrike! Framing, (Political) Opportunity and the Development of a Collective Identity: McDonald’s and the UK Fast-Food Rights Campaign9
Working Hard for the Ones You Love and Care for Under Covid-19 Physical Distancing8
Are All the Stable Jobs Gone? The Transformation of the Worker–Firm Relationship and Trends in Job Tenure Duration and Separations in Canada, 1976–20158
Upgrading China through Automation: Manufacturers, Workers and the Techno-Developmental State8
Empowered in Business or Penalised in Marriage: Experiences of Single Female Entrepreneurs in China8
Emotional Labour and the Autonomy of Dependent Self-Employed Workers: The Limitations of Digital Managerial Control in the Home Credit Sector8
Organisational Social Mobility Programmes as Mechanisms of Power and Control8
Trouble in Direct Payment Personal Assistance Relationships8
The ‘Grey Zone’ at the Interface of Work and Home: Theorizing Adaptations Required by Precarious Work8
The Employment Trajectories of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence8
The Impact of Unemployment and Non-Standard Forms of Employment on the Housing Autonomy of Young Adults8
‘There Is Nothing Wrong with Me’: The Materialisation of Disability in Sheltered Employment8
Precarious Education-to-Work Transitions: Entering Welfare Professions under a Workfarist Regime7
Training Regimes and Diversity: Experiences of Young Foreign Employees in Japanese Headquarters7
Work in the Gig-Economy: The Role of the State and Non-State Actors Ceding and Seizing Regulatory Space7
Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation7
‘Chatting Shit’ in the Jobcentre: Navigating Workfare Policy at the Street-Level7
Women’s Vulnerability to the Economic Crisis through the Lens of Part-time Work in Spain7
‘You Can’t Eat Soap’: Reimagining COVID-19, Work, Family and Employment from the Global South7
Don’t Work for Free: Online Discursive Resistance to Precarity in Commercial Photography7
Refugee Subentrepreneurship: The Emergence of a Liquid Cage7
As the Two-Child Policy Beckons: Work–Family Conflicts, Gender Strategies and Self-Worth among Women from the First One-Child Generation in Contemporary China7
From Presence to Influence: Gender, Nationality and Network Centrality of Corporate Directors6
No Voice, No Choice: Assessing Danish Active Labour Market Policies Using Sen’s Capability Approach6
‘It’s My Passion and Not Really Like Work’: Balancing Precarity with the Work–Life of a Volunteer Team Leader in the Conservation Sector6
Gender Equalities: What Lies Ahead6
Trade Unions, Bargaining Coverage and Low Pay: A Multilevel Test of Institutional Effects on Low-Pay Risk in Germany6
Consent and Contestation: How Platform Workers Reckon with the Risks of Gig Labor6
Public Service, Private Delivery: Service Workers and the Negotiation of Blurred Boundaries in a Neoliberal State6
Workplace Bullying and Intensification of Labour Controls in the Clothing Supply Chain: Post-Rana Plaza Disaster6
Unpacking Super-Exploitation in the 21st Century: The Struggles of Haitian Workers in Brazil6
An NHS Doctor’s Lived Experience of Burnout during the First Wave of Covid-196
Staying Down with the Joneses: Differences in the Psychological Cost of Unemployment across Neighbourhoods6
Gender Differences in the Social Consequences of Unemployment: How Job Loss Affects the Risk of Becoming Socially Isolated6
Migrants at Work: Perspectives, Perceptions and New Connections6
How Occupational Pensions Shape Extended Working Lives: Gender, Class and Chance after the Norwegian Pension Reform6
‘Working While Feeling Awful Is Normal’: One Roma’s Experience of Presenteeism6
University or Degree Apprenticeship? Stratification and Uncertainty in Routes to the Solicitors’ Profession6
Thursday Night and a Sing-along ‘Sung Alone’: The Experiences of a Self-employed Performer During the Pandemic5
Labour Commodification in the Employment Heartland: Union Responses to Teachers’ Temporary Work5
Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees5
‘Bullshit’ After All? Why People Consider Their Jobs Socially Useless5
Resisting Patriarchal Cultures: The Case of Female Spanish Home-Based Teleworkers5
Dementia, Work and Employability: Using the Capability Approach to Understand the Employability Potential for People Living with Dementia5
From Crunch to Grind: Adopting Servitization in Project-Based Creative Work5
Self-Employed Women in Europe: Lack of Opportunity or Forced by Necessity?5
Managing Health and Well-Being in SMEs through an Adviceline: A Typology of Managerial Behaviours5
Reflexive Self-Identity and Work: Working Women, Biographical Disruption and Agency5
The Making of the Academic Precariat: Labour Activism and Collective Identity-Formation among Precarious Researchers in Germany5
On the Biopsychosocial Costs of Alienated Labor5
Representing Solo Self-Employed Workers: The Strengthening of Relations between Traditional and New Collective Actors in Industrial Relations4
‘The Biggest Problem We Are Facing Is the Running Away Problem’: Recruitment and the Paradox of Facilitating the Mobility of Immobile Workers4
Migrant Entrepreneurship Enablers: From Chance Encounters to Community Development4
Conceptualising ‘Within-Group Stigmatisation’ among High-Status Workers4
Modes of Incorporation: The Inclusion of Migrant Academics in the UK4
On the Front Line of the Circular Economy: The Entrepreneurial, Identity and Institutional Work of a Female Entrepreneur towards the Circular Transition4
Temporary Contracts, Employment Trajectories and Dualisation: A Comparison of Norway and Sweden4
‘We Don’t Have the Same Opportunities as Others’: Shining Bourdieu’s Lens on UK Roma Migrants’ Precarious (Workers’) Habitus4
The ‘Gender Face’ of Job Insecurity in France: An Individual- and Organizational-Level Analysis4
The Worth of Their Work: The (In)visible Value of Refugee Volunteers in the Transnational Humanitarian Aid Sector4
Neither Employee nor Contractor: A Case Study of Employment Relations between Riders and Platform-Based Food-Delivery Firms in Taiwan4
‘I Had to Take a Casual Contract and Work One Day a Week’: Students’ Experiences of Lengthy University Placements as Drivers of Precarity4
The Impact of Remote Work on Managerial Compliance: Changes in the Control Regime over Line Managers4
Wage Theft and the Struggle over the Working Day in Hospitality Work: A Typology of Unpaid Labour Time4
Employer Participation in Active Labour Market Policies in the United Kingdom and Denmark: The Effect of Employer Associations as Social Networks and the Mediating Role of Collective Voice4
Conceptualizing Responsible Return to Work: Corporate Social Responsibility in Relation to Employee Return to Work after Cancer4
Women Managers’ Impact on Use of Family-friendly Measures among Their Subordinates in Japanese Firms4
The Evolution of Professionalism as a Mode of Regulation: Evidence from the United States4
Learning about Pay at Work: A Labour Process Approach to Pay Transparency4
Experiencing Gender Regimes: Accounts of Women Professors in Mexico, the UK and Sweden4
Marketisation and Regulatory Labour in Frontline Disability Work4
Recoupling Corporate Culture with New Political Discourse in China’s Platform Economy: The Case of Alibaba4
Leveraging from Racism: A Dual Structural Advantages Perspective3
Old Media, New Gigs: The Discursive Construction of the Gig Economy in Australian News Media3
Fragmented Capital and (the Loss of) Control over Posted Workers: A Case Study in the Belgian Meat Industry3
Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment?3
Managerial Technique and Worker Subjectivity in Dialogue: Understanding Overwork in China’s Internet Industry3
Participation in Job-Related Training: Is There a Parenthood Training Penalty?3
Reproductive Work in the Global South: Lived Experiences and Social Relations of Commercial Surrogacy in India3
Labour Market Segmentation within Ethnic Economies: The Ethnic Penalty for Invisible Kurdish Migrants in the United Kingdom3
Predicting Child-Labour Risks by Norms in India3
Superfluous Jobs in Extractive Industries: The Usefulness/Uselessness of Job Creation after Dispossession3
Why Queer Workers Make Good Organisers3
Who’s Milking It? Scripted Stories of Food Labour3
Manufacturing Managerial Compliance: How Firms Align Managers with Corporate Interest3
Navigating the Perilous Waters of Partisan Scholarship: Participatory Action Research (PAR) with the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)3
Developing or Degrading Young Workers? How Business Strategy and the Labour Process Shape Job Quality across Different Industrial Sectors in England3
Catch-22: Token Women Trying to Reconcile Impossible Contradictions between Organisational and Societal Expectations3
This Is the End’? An Ethnographic Study of Management Control and a New Management Initiative3
A Bridge over Troubled Borders: Social Class and the Interplay between Work and Life3
Invisible Room Attendants: Outsourcing as a Dispositive of (In)visibility and the Resistance of Las Kellys in Spain3
Keeping It Quiet? The Micro-Politics of Employee Voice in Company Strategic Decision-Making3
Cultivating Precarisation: Intersecting Vulnerabilities of Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Agricultural Sector3
Union Equality Structures and the Challenge of Democratic Legitimacy: The Case of the Fire Brigades Union3
Gender Composition and the Symbolic Value of Occupations: New Evidence of a U-shaped Relationship between Gender and Occupational Prestige Based on German Microdata3
Is Rising Self-Employment Associated with Material Deprivation in the UK?3
Who Did You Meet at the Venice Biennale? Education-to-Work Transition Enhancers for Aspiring Arts Professionals in Australia3
Wage Differences between Polish and Romanian Intra-EU Migrants in a Flexi-Secure Labour Market: An Over-Time Perspective3
Welfare, Work and the Conditions of Social Solidarity: British Campaigns to Defend Healthcare and Social Security3
‘Basically He’s a Pet, Not a Working Dog’: Theorising What Therapy Dogs Do in the Workplace3
Structural Change Shapes Career Mobility Opportunities: An Analysis of Cohorts, Gender and Parental Class2
Between Settlement and Mobilization: Political Logics of Intra-Organizational Union Communication on Social Media2
Women’s Attrition from Male-Dominated Workplaces in Norway: The Importance of Numerical Minority Status, Motherhood and Class2
Relational Responsibilisation and Diversity Management in the 21st Century: The Case for Reframing Equality Regulation2
Families under Pressure: The Costs of Vocational Calling, and What Can Be Done about Them2
Divide and Conquer: Social Assistance Clients’ Competing Frames of Social Justice2
Bounded Well-Being: Designing Technologies for Workers’ Well-Being in Corporate Programmes2
Otherness in the Workplace among Highly Skilled Labour Migrants: Swedes in Germany and the UK2
Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Work, Employment and Society: Extending the Debate on Organisational Involvement in/Responsibilities around Fertility and Reproduction2
Absence from Work after the Birth of the First Child and Mothers’ Retirement Incomes: A Comparative Analysis of 10 European Countries2
The Association between Family Care and Paid Work among Women in Germany: Does the Household Economic Context Matter?2
Deservingness, Conditionality and Public Perceptions of Work Disability: The Influence of Economic Inequality2
‘They Exist but They Don’t Exist’: Personal Assistants Supporting Physically Disabled People in the Workplace2
Choreographies of Care: A Dance of Human and Material Agency in Rehabilitation Work with Robots2
Navigating Choppy Water: Flexibility Ripple Effects in the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Remote and Hybrid Working2
Meaningful Work and Sociology: An Introduction to This Themed Issue2
Book Review: Jean-Pierre Durand, Creating the New Worker: Work, Consumption and Subordination2
Technological Change, Tasks and Class Inequality in Europe2
The Scarring Effect of First Job Precarity: New Evidence from a Panel Study in Hong Kong2
Matching Candidates to Culture: How Assessments of Organisational Fit Shape the Hiring Process2
Gender Attitudes and Occupational Aspirations in Germany: Are Young Men Prepared for the Jobs of the Future?2
Gender in the Flesh: Allostatic Load as the Embodiment of Stressful, Gendered Work in Canadian Police Communicators2
Working Lives in India: Current Insights and Future Directions2
Worker-Led Dissent in the Age of Austerity: Comparing the Conditions of Success2
Platform Labour Unrest in a Global Perspective: How, Where and Why Do Platform Workers Protest?2
Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings2
Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany2
Advancing Workers’ Rights in the Gig Economy through Discursive Power: The Communicative Strategies of Indie Unions2
Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation2
‘Finally, We Are Well, Stable’: Perception of Agency in the Biographies of Precarious Migrant Workers2
It’s Not Just Sex: Relational Dynamics between Street-Based Sex Workers and Their Regular Customers2