Work Employment and Society

(The H4-Index of Work Employment and Society is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
‘My Life Is More Valuable Than This’: Understanding Risk among On-Demand Food Couriers in Edinburgh87
Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention47
At Least I’m My Own Boss! Explaining Consent, Coercion and Resistance in Platform Work39
Workers’ Power in Resisting Precarity: Comparing Transport Workers in Buenos Aires and Dar es Salaam31
The Menopause Taboo at Work: Examining Women’s Embodied Experiences of Menopause in the UK Police Service29
From Flexible Labour to ‘Sticky Labour’: A Tracking Study of Workers in the Food-Delivery Platform Economy of China29
‘I Wanted More Women in, but . . .’: Oblique Resistance to Gender Equality Initiatives27
The Worker Capabilities Approach: Insights from Worker Mobilizations in Italian Logistics and Food Delivery27
Data Scientists’ Identity Work: Omnivorous Symbolic Boundaries in Skills Acquisition25
Algorithmic Integration and Precarious (Dis)Obedience: On the Co-Constitution of Migration Regime and Workplace Regime in Digitalised Manufacturing and Logistics25
Can Active Labour Market Programmes Emulate the Mental Health Benefits of Regular Paid Employment? Longitudinal Evidence from the United Kingdom24
Precarity as a Biographical Problem? Young Workers Living with Precarity in Germany and Poland23
Economic Inactivity, Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and Scarring: The Importance of NEET as a Marker of Long-Term Disadvantage23
Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work23
Career Advancement for Women in the British Hospitality Industry: The Enabling Factors23
With a Little Help from My Friends: Social-Network Job Search and Overqualification among Recent Intra-EU Migrants Moving from East to West23
Disability and Academic Careers: Using the Social Relational Model to Reveal the Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Creating Disability22
‘It’s Like a War Zone’: Jay’s Liminal Experience of Normal and Extreme Work in a UK Supermarket during the COVID-19 Pandemic22
The Making of Cheap Labour across Production and Reproduction: Control and Resistance in the Senegalese Horticultural Value Chain22
Working from Home and Work–Family Conflict21
Alienation Is Not ‘Bullshit’: An Empirical Critique of Graeber’s Theory of BS Jobs20