Journal of Geodesy

(The TQCC of Journal of Geodesy is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
IAG Newsletter90
A spatial-varying non-isotropic Gaussian-based convolution filter for smoothing GRACE-like temporal gravity fields88
A machine learning-based partial ambiguity resolution method for precise positioning in challenging environments47
The permanent tide and the International Height Reference Frame IHRF47
First results using high-rate BDS-3 observations: retrospective real-time analysis of 2021 Mw 7.4 Madoi (Tibet) earthquake46
Estimation of code observation-specific biases (OSBs) for the modernized multi-frequency and multi-GNSS signals: an undifferenced and uncombined approach44
IAG Newsletter42
The influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on strapdown inertial gravimetry using Q-Flex accelerometers: static and dynamic experiments41
On study of the Earth topography correction for the GRACE surface mass estimation40
Improvements and comparison of VLBI INT2 and INT3 session performance36
On the importance of accurate pole and station coordinates for VLBI Intensive baselines34
Pre-analysis of GNSS tomography solution using the concept of spread of model resolution matrix27
3D large-scale forward modeling of gravitational fields using triangular spherical prisms with polynomial densities in depth25
Continental and oceanic AAM contributions to Chandler Wobble with the amplitude attenuation from 2012 to 202223
IAG newsletter23
Determination of the time-variable geopotential by means of orbiting clocks23
Temporal spectrum of spatial correlations between GNSS station position time series22
Modelling and mitigation of GNSS multipath effects by least-squares collocation considering spatial autocorrelation22
IAG Newsletter22
GNSS observable-specific phase biases for all-frequency PPP ambiguity resolution19
5G assisted GNSS precise point positioning ambiguity resolution19
Centimeter-level clock synchronization and space-borne timescale generation for BDS-3 using inter-satellite link measurements18
Spherical harmonic synthesis of area-mean potential values on irregular surfaces18
Vertical deformation and residual altimeter systematic errors around continental Australia inferred from a Kalman-based approach18
IAG Newsletter18
The importance of co-located VLBI Intensive stations and GNSS receivers18
On the initialization of the sensitivity matrix in variational equations17
Obituary: Steve Kenyon 1957–202117
Enhanced orbit and baseline determination for formation-flying LEO satellites with spaceborne accelerometer measurements17
Absolute field calibration of receiver antenna phase center models for GPS/BDS-3 signals17
BDS-3 precise orbit and clock solution at Wuhan University: status and improvement16
Collocation and FFT-based geoid estimation within the Colorado 1 cm geoid experiment16
Linear regression with an observation distribution model16
Ionospheric corrections tailored to the Galileo High Accuracy Service16
Iterative data assimilation approach for the refinement of marine geoid models using sea surface height and dynamic topography datasets15
Pseudolite system-augmented GNSS real-time kinematic PPP15
Comparison concept and quality metrics for GNSS antenna calibrations15
All-frequency IGS phase clock/bias product combination to improve PPP ambiguity resolution14
Contribution of GRAV-D airborne gravity to improvement of regional gravimetric geoid modelling in Colorado, USA14
Ten years of Lake Taupō surface height estimates using the GNSS interferometric reflectometry14
Development of a continuous spatiotemporal finite element-based representation of the mean sea surface13
On the relation of GNSS phase center offsets and the terrestrial reference frame scale: a semi-analytical analysis13
Tibetan zenith wet delay model with refined vertical correction13
Combination and SLR validation of IGS Repro3 orbits for ITRF202013
Total Msplit estimation13
Coastal observation of sea surface tide and wave height using opportunity signal from Beidou GEO satellites: analysis and evaluation13
100 kHz satellite laser ranging demonstration at Matera Laser Ranging Observatory12
IAG Newsletter12
The B-spline mapping function (BMF): representing anisotropic troposphere delays by a single self-consistent functional model12
SBAS DFMC service for road transport: positioning and integrity monitoring with a new weighting model12
An ionospheric scintillation index derived from dual-frequency Doppler measurements released by geodetic GNSS receivers operating at 1 Hz12
Extending higher-order model for non-conservative perturbing forces acting on Galileo satellites during eclipse periods12
Differences among the total electron content derived by radio occultation, global ionospheric maps and satellite altimetry11
Improved short-term stability for real-time GNSS satellite clock estimation with clock model11
IAG Newsletter11
Minimum-entropy velocity estimation from GPS position time series11
Offsets in tide-gauge reference levels detected by satellite altimetry: ten case studies11
Efficient variance component estimation for large-scale least-squares problems in satellite geodesy11
Evaluation of methods for connecting InSAR to a terrestrial reference frame in the Latrobe Valley, Australia11
Consistency of Galileo satellite antenna phase center offsets10
RANSAC-based instantaneous real-time kinematic positioning with GNSS triple-frequency signals in urban areas10
How to quantify the accuracy of mass anomaly time-series based on GRACE data in the absence of knowledge about true signal?10
Real-time interpolation of global ionospheric maps by means of sparse representation10
Undifferenced and uncombined GNSS time and frequency transfer with integer ambiguity resolution10
Sentinel-6A precise orbit determination using a combined GPS/Galileo receiver10
A new approach to improve the Earth's polar motion prediction: on the deconvolution and convolution methods10
Turbulent atmospheric phase correction for SBAS-InSAR10
The JPL-GIM algorithm and products: multi-GNSS high-rate global mapping of total electron content10
A storm-time ionospheric TEC model with multichannel features by the spatiotemporal ConvLSTM network10
INTOMO operator for GNSS multi-source tomography based on 3D ray tracing technique10
A new spherical harmonic approach to residual terrain modeling: a case study in the central European Alps10
VLBI measurement of the vector baseline between geodetic antennas at Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory, Hawaii9
IAG Newsletter9
Multi-epoch PPP-RTK corrections: temporal characteristics, pitfalls and user-impact9
High-resolution geoid modeling using least squares modification of Stokes and Hotine formulas in Colorado9
IAG Newsletter9
Real-time precise orbit and clock estimation of multi-GNSS satellites with undifferenced ambiguity resolution9
IAG Newsletter9
Combining the GPS/Galileo/BDS-3 signals on overlap frequencies for interoperable multipath hemispherical maps8
The Tikhonov-L-curve regularization method for determining the best geoid gradients from SWOT altimetry8
Ground surface elevation changes over permafrost areas revealed by multiple GNSS interferometric reflectometry8
Preface to the special issue on CONT178
Validation of global ionospheric models using long-term observations of pulsar Faraday rotation with the LOFAR radio telescope8
IAG Newsletter8
IAG newsletter8
Comments and corrections to: “Ellipsoidal spectral properties of the Earth’s gravitational potential and its first and second derivatives” by Bölling and Grafarend (2005) in J. Geod. 79(6-7):300-3308
Moving mountains: reevaluating the elevations of Colorado mountain summits using modern geodetic techniques8
Modeling gravimetric signatures of third-degree ocean tides and their detection in superconducting gravimeter records8
The miniSLR: a low-budget, high-performance satellite laser ranging ground station8
IAG Newsletter8
Accounting for residual errors in atmosphere–ocean background models applied in satellite gravimetry8
IAG Newsletter8
Best integer equivariant position estimation for multi-GNSS RTK: a multivariate normal and t-distributed performance comparison7
A complete closed-form method for transformation from Cartesian to geodetic coordinates7
A new hybrid observation GNSS tomography method combining the real and virtual inverted signals7
Baseline-dependent clock offsets in VLBI data analysis7
On the harmonic correction in the gravity field determination7
Block PS-InSAR ground deformation estimation for large-scale areas based on network adjustment7
Combination of different observation types through a multi-resolution representation of the regional gravity field using the pyramid algorithm and parameter estimation7
On the consistency of coastal sea-level measurements in the Mediterranean Sea from tide gauges and satellite radar altimetry7
Analysis of long-term distributed autonomous orbit determination for BeiDou-3 satellites7
ON GLONASS pseudo-range inter-frequency bias solution with ionospheric delay modeling and the undifferenced uncombined PPP7
Detection-only versus detection and identification of model misspecifications7
Benefit of classical leveling for geoid-based vertical reference frames7
Estimating $$C_{30}$$ coefficients for GRACE/GRACE-FO time-variable gravity field models using the GRACE-OBP approach7
Secular polar motion observed by GRACE7
IAG Newsletter7
Corrections to: “Accurate computation of gravitational field of a tesseroid” by Fukushima (2018) in J. Geod. 92(12):1371–13867
Principles, methods and applications of cycle slip detection and repair under complex observation conditions7
Variance component adaptive estimation algorithm for coseismic slip distribution inversion using interferometric synthetic aperture radar data7
Short-baseline interferometry local-tie experiments at the Onsala Space Observatory7
Real-time cascading PPP-WAR based on Kalman filter considering time-correlation7
Rapid calibration of HY-2A satellite-borne microwave radiometer using coastal GNSS observations7
High-resolution sub-canopy topography mapping via TanDEM-X DEM combined with future P-band BIOMASS PolInSAR data7
Decentralized GNSS PPP-RTK6
Strategies to remove hydrological effects in continuous gravity time series6
Integer-estimable FDMA model as an enabler of GLONASS PPP-RTK6
Investigating support by minimal detectable displacement in confidence region determination and significance test of displacements6
External gravitational field of a homogeneous ellipsoidal shell: a reference for testing gravity modelling software6
Manufacturer calibrations of GPS transmit antenna phase patterns: a critical review6
Spherical radial basis functions model: approximating an integral functional of an isotropic Gaussian random field6
A triaxial reference ellipsoid for the Earth6
Bridging astronomical, astrometric and geodetic scheduling for VGOS6
First-order derivatives of principal and main invariants of gravity gradient tensor of the tesseroid and spherical shell6
ITRF2020: an augmented reference frame refining the modeling of nonlinear station motions6
GNSS satellite inter-frequency clock bias estimation and correction based on IGS clock datum: a unified model and result validation using BDS-2 and BDS-3 multi-frequency data6
Rapid source models of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo, China, earthquake inferred from high-rate BDS3/2, GPS, Galileo and GLONASS observations6
Quantifying discrepancies in the three-dimensional seasonal variations between IGS station positions and load models6
Gap filling between GRACE and GRACE-FO missions: assessment of interpolation techniques6
A main direction-based noise removal algorithm for ICESat-2 photon-counting LiDAR data6
Automated VLBI scheduling using AI-based parameter optimization6
PPP–RTK theory for varying transmitter frequencies with satellite and terrestrial positioning applications6
Smartphone RTK positioning with multi-frequency and multi-constellation raw observations: GPS L1/L5, Galileo E1/E5a, BDS B1I/B1C/B2a6
Flatness constraints in the estimation of GNSS satellite antenna phase center offsets and variations6
Multi-GNSS ultra-rapid orbit determination through epoch-parallel processing6
Regional sea level budget around Taiwan and Philippines over 2002‒2021 inferred from GRACE, altimetry, and in-situ hydrographic data6
The CODE ambiguity-fixed clock and phase bias analysis products: generation, properties, and performance6