Finance and Stochastics

(The median citation count of Finance and Stochastics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal insurance under maxmin expected utility15
A concept of copula robustness and its applications in quantitative risk management15
The influence of economic research on financial mathematics: Evidence from the last 25 years13
Market-to-book ratio in stochastic portfolio theory12
Arbitrage problems with reflected geometric Brownian motion11
Speculative trading, prospect theory and transaction costs10
Thank you, Tomas!10
Asset pricing with dynamically inconsistent agents8
Hedging with physical or cash settlement under transient multiplicative price impact8
Quasi-sure essential supremum and applications to finance7
Risk-constrained portfolio choice under rank-dependent utility7
Convex ordering for stochastic Volterra equations and their Euler schemes7
Scenario-based risk evaluation6
Optimal trade execution under small market impact and portfolio liquidation with semimartingale strategies6
Infinite-dimensional polynomial processes6
Dynamic mean–variance problem with frictions6
Editorial: Special Issue in memory of Tomas Björk5
Additive logistic processes in option pricing5
The infinite-horizon investment–consumption problem for Epstein–Zin stochastic differential utility. I: Foundations4
Robustness of Hilbert space-valued stochastic volatility models4
Optimal reinsurance via BSDEs in a partially observable model with jump clusters4
An analytical study of participating policies with minimum rate guarantee and surrender option4
From Bachelier to Dupire via optimal transport4
My journey through finance and stochastics4
Martingale Schrödinger bridges and optimal semistatic portfolios4
Reinforcement learning and stochastic optimisation3
Rogue traders3
Risk sharing under heterogeneous beliefs without convexity3
Pricing of contingent claims in large markets3
Fundamental theorem of asset pricing with acceptable risk in markets with frictions3
A quasi-sure optional decomposition and super-hedging result on the Skorokhod space3
Speeding up the Euler scheme for killed diffusions3
Polynomial approximation of discounted moments2
Continuous-time incentives in hierarchies2
A càdlàg rough path foundation for robust finance2
Log-optimal and numéraire portfolios for market models stopped at a random time2
Duality theory for robust utility maximisation2
Deep neural network expressivity for optimal stopping problems2
A general approach for Parisian stopping times under Markov processes2
Set-valued dynamic risk measures for processes and for vectors2
In memoriam: Tomas Björk (1947–2021)2
Robust utility maximisation with intractable claims2
Investment–consumption–insurance optimisation problem with multiple habit formation and non-exponential discounting1
A stochastic control perspective on term structure models with roll-over risk1
Commonotonicity and time-consistency for Lebesgue-continuous monetary utility functions1
A framework for measures of risk under uncertainty1
Optional projection under equivalent local martingale measures1
Duality in optimal consumption–investment problems with alternative data1
Present-biased lobbyists in linear–quadratic stochastic differential games1
Improved robust price bounds for multi-asset derivatives under market-implied dependence information1
Optimal execution with multiplicative price impact and incomplete information on the return1
The infinite-horizon investment–consumption problem for Epstein–Zin stochastic differential utility. II: Existence, uniqueness and verification for $\vartheta \in (0,1)$1
A continuous-time asset market game with short-lived assets1
A Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model with leverage in Hilbert space for commodity forward markets1
Optimal dividends under a drawdown constraint and a curious square-root rule1
Jacobi stochastic volatility factor for the LIBOR market model1
Dispersion-constrained martingale Schrödinger problems and the exact joint S&P 500/VIX smile calibration puzzle1
Entropy martingale optimal transport and nonlinear pricing–hedging duality1
Optimal consumption with reference to past spending maximum1
On the role of skewness and kurtosis in tempered stable (CGMY) Lévy models in finance1
On the Guyon–Lekeufack volatility model1
Bubbles in discrete-time models1
Discount models1
A time-inconsistent Dynkin game: from intra-personal to inter-personal equilibria1
Cost-efficient payoffs under model ambiguity1