Accreditation and Quality Assurance

(The TQCC of Accreditation and Quality Assurance is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Implementation of ISO 17034 & Guide 34 in China11
Promotion of metrological traceability through the provision of a metrologically traceable proficiency testing reference value for the mass fraction of benzoic acid in fish sauce10
Progress with the work program of ISO/REMCO during 202010
Development of a certified reference material for benzo[a]pyrene and benz[a]anthracene in olive oil7
Study of the shutting effect of a liquid thermostat during measurements using a two-electrode electrolytic cell6
A new methodology for proficiency testing scheme interpretation based on residual analysis6
Assessment of liquids homogeneity in storage tanks in the oil industry through the comparison of uncertainties5
Estimation of the error due to radial displacements in a conductivity cell (jones type)5
Preparation of matrix reference material of aflatoxin M1 in milk powder5
Allergenic proteins in wine: an overview of results obtained from proficiency-tests5
Identification key for selection of the matrix type to which a sample belongs within the context of GMO analysis5
Introduction and reflection on the revision of ISO/IEC 170435
Facing a shortage of the Latin letters for the prospective new SI symbols: alternative proposal for the new SI prefixes4
Accreditation of medical laboratories: What is new in ISO 15189:20224
Development of new metrology methods for determining major elements in solid biofuels ash and establishment of results’ traceability4
Quantitation of hydrogen sulfide reference gas mixtures to provide traceability for indoor air quality monitoring4
A review of proficiency exercises offered by the Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network (Vet-LIRN) and Moffett Proficiency Testing Laboratory from 2012 to 20184
Collusion or falsification of results in PT: why does it happen and how can it be prevented?3
A practical two-step procedure for taking into account all available information (prior and current) about influence quantities in measurement uncertainty analysis3
The PT/EQA community finally meets again!3
Paradox? What paradox?3
S-score: a new score for binary qualitative proficiency testing schemes interpretable as the z-score3
Proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine: discussions on current practice and future directions3
Paul De Bievre down under: practical metrology in chemistry and its principles3
The principles of good laboratory practices in biotechnology: multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) as an innovative model for transferring knowledge2
Proficiency tests for analysis of pesticide residues in kimchi cabbage and ginseng in South Korea from 2008 to 20202
An ID-HPLC–MS/MS based candidate reference measurement procedure for the quantification of valproic acid in human serum2
An empirical study: The multidimensionality of the quality management in determining university research laboratories performance2
Expression for uncertainty intervals handling skewness when the relative standard uncertainty is independent of the measurand level2
Laboratory glassware cleaning validation in pharmaceutical industry: a case study2
Quality- from adequacy to fitness for purpose2
Is harmonisation of performance assessment in non-quantitative proficiency testing possible/necessary?2
Assessment of homogeneity and stability of new reference material of passion-flower fruits for proficiency testing: Pesticide residues in purple passion fruit (Passiflora pinnatistipula)2
Association between blood lead levels and socio-demographic factors among outpatient children in Ningbo, China2
Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties—The new International Standard ISO 334062
Inter-comparability of analytical laboratories in quantifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons collected from industrial emission sources2
On the optimal use of silver–silver chloride reference electrodes2
GUM guidance on developing and using measurement models2
Points to consider when establishing an equipment calibration programme in a conventional food microbiology laboratory for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation purpose2
The path to continual improvement and business excellence: compliance to ISO standards versus a business excellence approach2
Certification of the total element mass fractions in UME EnvCRM 03 soil sample via a joint research project2
Sampling in the context of conformity assessment2
Feasible stoichiometric reactions for SI traceable bromate assays2
Development of UME CRM 1008: certified reference material for C-reactive protein2
Improved coverage factors for expanded measurement uncertainty calculated from two estimated variance components1
Error analysis of measurement uncertainty: a snapshot literature review in field of medicine and health in China1
Reporting uncertainty for gas certified reference materials: balancing customer requirements with calibration and measurement capabilities1
Development of certified reference materials of ethanol in aqueous solution resulting from the participation of GUM in EMPIR 16RPT02 ALCOREF project1
Investigation of oil and grease in surface soils of gas station, automobile repair workshop, urban, recreational area, and rural sites using FT-IR1
Correction to: Improving performance evaluation via the provision of proficiency testing programmes in Asia–Pacific with metrologically traceable reference values for inorganic elements1
A proposal of model for a quality management system in research testing laboratories1
True value, error, and measurement uncertainty: two views1
Optimization of medium composition for production of a simulated urine sample containing Enterococcus faecalis1
Proficiency testing interpretation based on analysis of variance method1
Design and implementation of electronic reference material document system1
Quality control charts for short or long runs without a training phase. Part 1. Performances in state of control and in the presence of outliers1
Proficiency test of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant detection in diagnostics samples by veterinary diagnostic laboratories1
Interlaboratory comparisons of chemical measurements: Quo Vadis?1
Green metrics-based HPLC method for quantification of three antidiabetic drugs in tablet dosage form using Box–Behnken design1
Implementation of ISO 9001:2015: quality management system in the university by a verification method1
A case study for in-house method validation of gas chromatography technique using class-1 calibration gas mixtures for greenhouse gases monitoring1
Identifying risk management challenges in laboratories1
Estimation of uncertainty from duplicate measurements: new quantification procedure in the case of concentration-dependent precision1
Proficiency testing to evaluate the effectiveness of laboratories analyzing active ingredient in formulation samples1
Risk analysis approach for PT participation1
Measurement uncertainty of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) by headspace gas chromatography: comparison of different strategies1
A fit-for-purpose nongaseous impurity assay procedure for potential inorganic primary reference materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry1
Use of the Monte Carlo method for the estimation of measurement uncertainty in chemical analysis systems with intensive mathematical treatment1
Analytical quality by design (AQbD) in the ICHQ14 guidelines for analytical procedure development1
Proficiency tests: a tool for improvement and testing analytical performance at Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Laboratory1
Ten years of an external quality program control in clinical microbiology: a statistical analysis of the results1
Correction: Certification of the total element mass fractions in UME EnvCRM 03 soil sample via a joint research project1
The conception and initial years of a quality management system based on ISO/IEC 17025: an action research1
External quality assessment (EQA) combined with on-site technical evaluation for capacity building in clinical microbiology laboratories in Pakistan1
Determination of residual protein in commercial human milk oligosaccharides1
Quantitative 1H NMR methodology for purity assay with high accuracy1
Uncertainty of measurement of pesticide residues in vegetable products: application of alternative approaches based on quality control data for multi/single residue methods1