Journal of Marine Science and Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Marine Science and Technology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experimental low-speed positioning system with VecTwin rudder for automatic docking (berthing)117
Parameter identification based on unity feedback responses for steering control in model experiments44
New area of application of the energy wave criterion (EWC): determination of the coastal navigation voyage44
Sensitivity analysis of simple methods in determination of offshore jacket structures levels stiffness38
Dynamic model of cable tension and configuration for vessel at anchor30
Distributed-integrated model predictive control for cooperative operation with multi-vessel systems21
Research on the parametric rolling of the KCS container ship21
Acknowledgement to reviewers21
Influence of free-surface on wake flow characteristics of a torpedo-like geometry20
Ocean model with adjustable arrangements of discrete variables: application to strong tidal flows and low-salinity water dynamics20
Parametric study of the oleophilic skimming process: CFD simulation using VOF model17
Theoretical estimation of joint probability density function of roll angle and angular acceleration in beam seas using PDF line integral method16
Development of detailed engine model for evaluation ship performance in waves by a self-propulsion model test16
Experimental study on elastic behaviors of two tandem risers in constant flow15
A new model and method of terrain-aided positioning confidence interval estimation15
A novel method for numerical simulation of the interaction between level ice and marine structures15
Numerical calculation of six degree of freedom floating motion of submarine with flow holes15
A Numerical Investigation into the Influence of Bionic Ridge Structures on the Cavitation Performance of Marine Propellers14
Water quality modeling in subtropical shallow waters to predict environmental impacts of ocean thermal energy conversion14
Chaotic self-governing particle swarm optimization for marine propeller design11
An optimal thrust allocation algorithm with bivariate thrust efficiency function considering hydrodynamic interactions11
Time-domain TEBEM method for mean drift force and moment of ships with forward speed under the oblique seas11
Surface pressure measurements on a generic submarine hull form at high angles of incidence10
State constrained path following of underactuated unmanned surface vehicles subjected to dynamic unknowns and environmental disturbances9
Collision probability reduction method for tracking control in automatic docking/berthing using reinforcement learning9
Reproducibility evaluation of detailed directional spectrum based on mean spreading angle for ship performance estimation in actual seas9
Investigation of the efficiency of wind-assisted systems using model-based design approach8
Robust adaptive formation control of underactuated surface vehicles with the desired-heading amendment8
Collision avoidance path planning in multi-ship encounter situations8
Towards approval of autonomous ship systems by their operational envelope8
System parameter exploration of ship maneuvering model for automatic docking/berthing using CMA-ES7
Correction to: A study on berthing and unberthing of a single-shaft ship with a bow thruster7
Approximate probability density function for nonlinear surging in irregular following seas7
An attention mechanism model based on positional encoding for the prediction of ship maneuvering motion in real sea state7
Correction to: Computational study on multi‑objective optimization of the diffuser augmented horizontal axis tidal turbine7
Study on shaft alignment of propulsion shafting system depending on single reaction force supporting position of aft stern tube bearing7
Tracking controller based on model prediction control for remotely operated vehicle for thruster fault7
Analysis of submerged vehicle wakes in stratified ocean7
Correction to: Numerical simulation and hydrodynamics analysis of a tethered underwater robot with control equipment6
Research on optimisation design of cavitation noise of pump-jet propulsion6
Event-triggered coupled control of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) for setpoint tracking with linear event threshold6
Computational study on multi-objective optimization of the diffuser augmented horizontal axis tidal turbine6
Linear and nonlinear analyses of the porpoising dynamics of high-speed planing craft using full-scale trial data6
Design and performance study of oscillating hydrofoil-wave energy conversion device6
A new approach to study the nonlinear energy transfer rate for an observed wave spectrum using splines6
Computational analysis of air bubble-induced frictional drag reduction on ship hulls6
Techno-economic model-based design space exploration of ‘combined’ ship propulsion systems5
The effects of hydrodynamics load on the heave and pitch coupling oscillations of a plate5
Optimal matching investigation of marine contra-rotating propellers for energy consumption minimization5
Robust-adaptive dynamic programming-based time-delay control of autonomous ships under stochastic disturbances using an actor-critic learning algorithm5
Development of model-based and model-free reactive control scheme: considering copper loss and movable-floater-displacement constraint for a wave energy converter5
Research on coupling mechanism of intelligent ship navigation risk factors based on N-K model5
Experimental investigation of the hydrodynamic effects of breaking waves on monopiles in model scale5
Design of a structurally welded/adhesively bonded joint between a fiber metal laminate and a steel plate for marine applications5
Estimation of full-scale performance of energy-saving devices using Boundary Layer Similarity model5
Simulation of turbulent effective wakes for propellers in off-design conditions by a correction factor approach5
Sea state estimation using monitoring data by convolutional neural network (CNN)5
Study of the power performance of a variable-camber hydrofoil used in a flapping tidal stream turbine5
A simplified fluid structure interaction model for the assessment of ship hard grounding5
A crack propagation simulation for a steel CHS T-joint employing an advanced shell-solid finite element modeling5
Hydrodynamics of the self-diving function of thunniform swimmer relying on switching the caudal fin shape5
On the hydrodynamic derivatives with respect to heading angle for ship maneuvering in a canal4
Downstream wake features of a Rood wing predicted by different turbulence models4
Multi-ship collision avoidance decision-making method under complex encounter situations4
Path planning and collision avoidance for autonomous surface vehicles I: a review4
Isogeometric analysis with embedded stiffened shells for the hull structural mechanical analysis4
FPSO/FLNG mooring system evaluation by Gaidai reliability method4
Practical method for evaluating wind influence on autonomous ship operations4
Line-of-sight path-following control utilizing an extended Kalman filter for estimation of speed and course over ground from GNSS positions4
Application of mesh deformation and adaptive method in hullform design optimization4