Heat and Mass Transfer

(The TQCC of Heat and Mass Transfer is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Interference effect of suspended particles on the crystallization fouling: A critical review25
Experimental study on the on-line cleaning system influencing the heat transfer performance of shell-tube heat exchanger23
Particle-resolved simulation of the pyrolysis process of a single plastic particle23
Oscillating heat pipe performance in various gravity force implementing openFOAM code21
Experimental comparative study of straight and loop wickless heat pipes with rectangular evaporator and water cooled condenser20
Assessment of carrier agents in terms of physicochemical, energy analyses and bioactive constituents of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) powder processed by convective and hybrid drying methods19
Enhanced CeO2 evaporation from refractory crucibles (Mo, Ta, W)19
Numerical simulation on combustion based on soft-measuring technique17
A model for predicting thermal conductivity of porous composite materials17
The measurement of friction factors and heat transfer Nusselt numbers for the flow of air and CO2 through micro tubes17
Conjugated analysis of heat transfer by natural convection and radiation in a fin array using a semitransparent fluid medium15
Experimental investigation of pressure drop in helical coil during flow boiling at subatmospheric pressures15
Energy correlation of heat transfer for drag reduction surfactant solution in a double pipe heat exchanger14
Effect of R-600a and distilled water on nucleate pool boiling characteristics from horizontal tubes at low and moderate heat flux14
Experimental study on heat transfer caused by feed gas concentration fluctuation in low concentration CBM utilization unit14
Measuring heat flux on the surface of a natural reservoir by its infrared image, taking into account environmental conditions13
Comparison of heat transfer characteristics between natural ester oil and mineral oil in large oil-immersed transformer13
Drying characteristics and moisture migration of ultrasound enhanced heat pump drying on carrot12
Liquid wicking flow characteristics in metallic screens with various weave densities12
Effect of bend radius and insulation on adiabatic section on the performance of a single closed loop pulsating heat pipe: experimental study and heat transfer correlation12
Numerical analysis of convective heat transfer coefficients at the facades of two cubical buildings in tandem and staggered configurations12
An experimental study on bubble dynamics and pool boiling heat transfer of grinding/laser-structured surface12
Experimental investigation on flow boiling characteristics of the ethanol–water mixture in conventional channels11
Digital interferometric studies of jet impingement cooling system11
A "training-test" method for predicting single capillary evaporation rates using a conjugate mass transfer model based on coefficient fitting11
Experimental investigation and modeling of conductive drying of washing phosphate sludge with and without shrinking effect11
Investigation of performance in a cylindrical trapped vortex combustor with swirler11
Investigation for the use of nanofluids as a coolant in a vehicle radiator10
Numerical investigations on the thermal performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon with extended condenser surface10
Simulating of non-premixed turbulent combustion using a presumed probability density function method10
Characterization of thermal boundary resistance at solid–liquid interface based on continuous wave frequency domain thermal reflection method10
Effects of the frequency conversion characteristics of fan and pump on the performance of heat pump driven humidification-dehumidification wastewater treatment system10
Enhancement of film cooling effectiveness using upstream vortex generator10
Experimental study on migration and heat transfer characteristics of three potential molten salts leaking into tank foundation materials9
Experimental investigation of air jet impingement cooling in car radiator with hollow cone nozzle plate spacing using nanofluids9
Heat transfer characteristics of cascade phase change energy storage composite pipeline9
Post-dryout heat transfer in circular tubes using R-134a: experiment and correlation assessment9
Experimental assessment on the thermal and moisture migration of sand-based materials combined with kaolin and graphite9
Impact of heat flow from the cylinder sidewalls on thermocapillary droplet flow in a vibrating fluid: 3D study9
Design and performance analysis of compressed air adsorption dryer with heatless regeneration mode9
Comparative experimental studies of flow boiling heat transfer phenomena in smooth and enhanced tubes using R407C9
Investigation of the radial uniform and variable inflow profiles to improve production in the perforated horizontal wellbore9
CFD and ANN analyses for the evaluation of the heat transfer characteristics of a rectangular microchannel heat sink with various cylindrical pin-fins9
Pool boiling heat transfer performance of low-GWP refrigerant R-513A on smooth tube9
Analysis of the optimum configuration for the capillary rise and the permeability of the fiber wick structure for heat removal in heat pipes8
Vapour-liquid rebalancing behaviour of free water evaporation kinetics: experimental investigation and modelling8
Study on the effect of inclusion of thermal energy storage unit in the energy performance of a household refrigerator8
Direct contact evaporation of a single two-phase bubble in a flowing immiscible liquid media. Part II: convective heat transfer coefficient8
Pressure loss and heat transfer characteristics in a dimpled channel with crescent-shaped protrusion8
Similarity solutions of a Blasius flow with variable fluid properties and viscous dissipation8
Operational analysis of a newly untreated sewage source heat pump with a plate heat exchanger8
Particulate fouling during boiling heat transfer and crystallization of CaCO3 aqueous solutions8
Hydrodynamic behaviors of air–water two-phase flow during the water lifting in a bubble generator type of airlift pump system8
Visualization research and simulation analysis on flat plate heat pipe8
Investigation on detachable vertical tube evaporator for small scale multi effect distillation system: Design, modelling, fabrication and experimental analysis7
System for automated monitoring of local soil removal during cleaning in closed food processing lines with a quartz crystal sensor7
Smoke and evacuation modelling of multi-compartment building for nuclear applications7
Experimental investigation on energy and exergy analysis of solar water heating system using cobalt oxide based nanofluid7
Thermophysical characterization and melting heat transfer analysis of an organic phase change material dispersed with GNP- Ag hybrid nanoparticles7
An experimental assessment on the influence of high fuel injection pressure with ternary fuel (diesel‐Mahua methyl ester‐Pentanol) on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of common rai7
Estimation of the thermal properties of MgO-SiO2/water hybrid nanofluid and development of novel thermo-economically viable model for heat transfer applications7
Three-dimensional simulation of earth air heat exchanger for cooling application and its validation using an experimental test rig7
Study of a novel solar-driven internally cooled liquid desiccant system for hot and humid climates7
Influence of working conditions on the condensation efficiency of the prototype condensation hood7
Conjoint effect of turbulator and Al2O3 nanofluids on DPHEs thermal performance: Experimental study7
An experimental investigation on the effect of relative waviness on performance of minichannel heat sinks using water and nanofluids7
Energy and exergy analyses and electricity generation of PV-T combined with a solar collector for varying mass flow rate and ambient temperature7
Thermodynamic analysis of batch adsorption isotherms of different types of olive pomace7
Study of the evaporation kinetics of pure and binary droplets: volatility effect7
Parametric variation studies of experimental flow boiling heat transfer phenomena using R407c inside an enhanced tube7
Experimentation and correlation development of mass transfer in a mimicked Fischer–Tropsch slurry bubble column reactor7
Start-up and damping of a standing wave thermoacoustic engine: model development and experimental evaluation6
On the use of a spacetime modeling for heat equation applied to self-heating computation with comparison to experimental results6
Prediction of soil thermal conductivity based on Intelligent computing model6
Design and experimental study on a new heat dissipation method for watch-phones6
A modified zonal method to solve coupled conduction-radiation physics within highly porous large scale digitized cellular porous materials6
A critical review on recent developments and applications of microchannels in the field of heat transfer and energy6
Sensitivity analysis of a combined Free Piston Stirling Engine-Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Machine model6
Visualized experimental study on the dynamic behavior of boiling bubbles in the square micro pin-fins on different hydrophobic surfaces6
Impingement Heating Characteristics of Domestic Gas Burner Flames6
Investigation of the flow boiling performance in mini channel with micro pin fin6
Experimental study on a R134a loop heat pipe with high heat transfer capacity6
Experimental and numerical investigations of a single turn pulsating heat pipe using distilled water including micro-coppers6
Integration of water sorption hysteresis for heat and mass transfer modeling6
Hydro - thermal interactions of a ferrofluid in a non - uniform magnetic field6
Impact of emulsion drops on a plane solid: Effect of composition and wall temperature6
Transient heat modeling for non-destructive assessment of boiled eggs6
Analysis of enhanced pool boiling heat transfer on a copper foam surface with microchannels6
Experimental study on ethylene glycol/choline chloride deep eutectic solvent system based nanofluids6
Enhancement of heat transfer performance with asymmetrically inclined flexible vortex generators: a numerical analysis6
On an averaged energy-balance method for the analysis of wavy microchannels6
Experimental study of drying garlic slices (Allium sativum L.) using a fluidized-bed dryer6
Structural optimization for an axial oil‐water separator with multi‐stage separation5
Experimental investigations on the thermal performance of ultrasonic field in pool boiling on rib surfaces5
Comprehensive study of serpentine heat exchangers in thermoelectric coolers: experimental and numerical approaches5
Drying of Curcuma longa L. slices by refractance window: Effect of temperature on thermodynamic properties and mass transfer parameters5
Thermal management analysis of simulative power batteries using phase change material and flat heat pipe5
Numerical and experimental research on natural convection condensation heat transfer5
Effects of magnetic field on CO2 hydrate phase equilibrium5
Experimental investigation on impact cooling characteristics of annular air jets with small clearance5
Correction to: thermal conductivity of porous sintered metal powder and the Langmuir shape factor5
Theoretical analysis of hot oil carrying in hydrostatic bearing5
Numerical investigation of nozzle geometry influence on the vortex cooling in an actual gas turbine blade leading edge cooling system5
Study on the flow boiling of different media under supercooled conditions on surfaces with microstructures5
Experimental study for effects of tube spacing and tube material on falling film flow transition mode between tubes5
Experimental assessment of thermohydraulic performance on counter flow impinging air solar heater integrated with arc shaped roughness5
Experimental study on the effect of shape on the boiling flow and heat transfer characteristics of different pin-fin microchannels5
Micro-fin tubes for improved flow boiling heat transfer in refrigeration systems: a performance comparison with R134a and R407c refrigerants5
Thermo-hydraulics flow investigation and heat performance augmentation evaluation in 3d tube based on novel corrugated, varying insert tape and dimple configurations5
3D simulation of momentum, heat and mass transfer in potato cubes during intermittent microwave-convective hot air drying5
Anode influence on the electrochemical realization of packed bed heat transfer5
Investigation of the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic behavior of the liquid jet quenching process5
Modeling thermal conductivity of soils during a freezing process4
Surface temperature measurement using thermochromic liquid crystals and ratiometric analysis of spectral intensities of scattered light4
Numerical study of nanocomposite phase change material-based heat sink for the passive cooling of electronic components4
Ultrasound-assisted air drying of cumin seeds: modeling and optimization by response surface method4
Heat transfer and fluid flow during natural convection on upward facing heater4
Heat transfer augmentation in a double-pipe heat exchanger with dimpled twisted tape inserts: an experimental study4
Effects of heat and moisture transfer on the transient dynamic of solute transport in unsaturated soil under isothermal and thermal conditions4
Fabrication and test of enhanced boiling heat transfer copper surface with micro-structure4
Pore characteristics and permeability changes of high-temperature limestone after rapid cooling by dry ice4
Influence of silt sand on the characteristics of methane hydrate equilibrium and formation4
Calculation and analysis of compression and expansion in a piston hybrid power machine with regenerative heat exchange in pump mode4
Effect of nanofluid on the performance of humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system4
Optimizing the macrostructure of 3D-printed pipe surfaces to improve cleanability4
Liquid water phenomena in compressed gas diffusion and micro-porous layers of Proton exchange membrane fuel cell4
Experimental correlation investigation of liquid nitrogen spray cooling4
Investigation on the structure function of an electronic packaging to verify detailed thermal model assumptions4
Experimental investigation of the effect of copper electrodeposition on the aluminum surface and addition of ethylene glycol on boiling heat transfer coefficient4
Performance prediction and evaluation of heat pipe with hexagonal perforated twisted tape inserts4
Two-phase refrigerant distribution for a horizontal header/horizontal mini-channel tube configuration4
Thermal performance of a R600a two-phase loop thermosiphon in rotational shaft4
Effect of an electrolyte (MgSO4) on the boiling flow regime and heat transfer for water at low heat flux and low pressure4
One dimensional versus two dimensional heat and mass transfer modeling of cylindrical sorption cells4
Role of zinc in bulk precipitation from the steaming process of potable water4
Experimental study of flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal rifled tube4
Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in plate-fin heat exchanger with irregular-shaped hole leading flow structure4
A comprehensive study of air jet impingement on curved surfaces: experimental analysis and correlation development4
Numerical simulations of the dynamics of Taylor bubble in the presence of small-dispersed bubbles4
Optimization of Condensation Heat Transfer on enhanced and integral fin tubes by Functionalized-Graphene Layers4
CubeSat thermal analysis: evaluating models for thermal contact conductance4
Computational study of the effect of spray parameters on adhesion of splat on the stainless street substrate during the impact of molten zirconia droplet4
A new method for thermal conductivity measurement: application to complex heterogeneous materials used in thermal batteries4
Development of numerical model to study the effect of condensate liquid layer on condensation heat transfer of R134a in minichannel4
Impact of cut diameter on thermohydraulic performance of DPHE: an experimental analysis using internet of things (IoT) approach4
Development of numerical model to describe water transfer in hygroscopic soil: use of a new method based on off-center upstream principle for convective flux4
Separation mechanism and dynamics characteristics of natural gas hydrate by helically coiled tube4
Experimental and computational investigations on microchannel heat sinks with novel ITSCEB cross-section4
Utilizing RSM for experimental modeling of mass transfer coefficients in a perforated rotating disc contactor (PRDC)4
A semi-experimental model to predict the thermal conductivity coefficient of nanofluids4
Drying properties, color characteristics, microstructure, and modeling of ginger cubes dried using electrohydrodynamic, electrohydrodynamic-hot air, and hot air methods4
Numerical and experimental investigation of braking performance of carbon/ceramic brakes4
The effect of high values of relative surface roughness on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in the laminar, transitional, quasi-turbulent and turbulent flow regimes4
Thermal analysis of suspended single droplet evaporation measurements with a coupled lumped parameter model4
Experimental study and Large Eddy Simulation of slot jet impingement cooling from heated cylinder placed on flat plate4