Requirements Engineering

(The median citation count of Requirements Engineering is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Modeling machine learning requirements from three perspectives: a case report from the healthcare domain25
Empirical research on requirements quality: a systematic mapping study23
The state-of-practice in requirements elicitation: an extended interview study at 12 companies22
Formal requirements modeling for cyber-physical systems engineering: an integrated solution based on FORM-L and Modelica21
Exploring the challenges and benefits for scaling agile project management to large projects: a review21
Non-functional requirements for machine learning: understanding current use and challenges among practitioners19
A systematic literature review of empirical research on quality requirements12
Voice of the users: an extended study of software feedback engagement12
Risk-aware business process management using multi-view modeling: method and tool12
Explainable software systems: from requirements analysis to system evaluation10
A systematic literature review of requirements engineering education10
Crowd-based requirements elicitation via pull feedback: method and case studies9
Formal reasoning for analyzing goal models that evolve over time9
Privacy requirements elicitation: a systematic literature review and perception analysis of IT practitioners9
TracIMo: a traceability introduction methodology and its evaluation in an Agile development team9
Requirements engineering for sustainable software systems: a systematic mapping study8
Guidelines adopted by agile teams in privacy requirements elicitation after the Brazilian general data protection law (LGPD) implementation7
Interspecies information systems7
The state-of-practice in requirements specification: an extended interview study at 12 companies7
Assisted requirements selection by clustering7
An impact-driven approach to predict user stories instability6
A GRL-compliant iStar extension for collaborative cyber-physical systems6
Network structure and requirements crowdsourcing for OSS projects6
How do requirements evolve during elicitation? An empirical study combining interviews and app store analysis6
A negotiation support system for defining utility functions for multi-stakeholder self-adaptive systems5
Testing software’s changing features with environment-driven abstraction identification5
Requirements management in DevOps environments: a multivocal mapping study5
On the relationship between similar requirements and similar software5
Improving requirements completeness: automated assistance through large language models5
A multi-level semantic web for hard-to-specify domain concept, Pedestrian, in ML-based software5
Causality in requirements artifacts: prevalence, detection, and impact3
Requirements and software engineering for automotive perception systems: an interview study3
Requirements quality research: a harmonized theory, evaluation, and roadmap3
A Game-theoretic approach to analyze interacting actors in GRL goal models3
Detecting coreferent entities in natural language requirements3
How assurance case development and requirements engineering interplay: a study with practitioners3
Toward practical adoption of i* framework: an automatic two-level layout approach3
Evaluating a privacy requirements specification method by using a mixed-method approach: results and lessons learned3
Advances in automated support for requirements engineering: a systematic literature review3
Aligning requirements and testing through metamodeling and patterns: design and evaluation2
When details are difficult to portray: enriching vision videos2
Why don’t we trace? A study on the barriers to software traceability in practice2
Is it possible to disregard obsolete requirements? a family of experiments in software effort estimation2
Specifying requirements for collection and analysis of online user feedback2
RAPID: a knowledge-based assistant for designing web APIs2
Automatically detecting feature requests from development emails by leveraging semantic sequence mining2
Understanding the integration of accessibility requirements in the development process of information systems: a systematic literature review2
A use case driven approach to game modeling2
Stakeholder identification for a structured release planning approach in the automotive domain2