Multimedia Systems

(The median citation count of Multimedia Systems is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Blockchain-enabled supply chain: analysis, challenges, and future directions136
Medical image-based detection of COVID-19 using Deep Convolution Neural Networks126
A graph-based CNN-LSTM stock price prediction algorithm with leading indicators94
Deep learning-based meta-classifier approach for COVID-19 classification using CT scan and chest X-ray images84
Leveraging big data analytics in healthcare enhancement: trends, challenges and opportunities81
A novel image encryption cryptosystem based on true random numbers and chaotic systems73
Myocardial infarction detection based on deep neural network on imbalanced data73
Transfer learning using freeze features for Alzheimer neurological disorder detection using ADNI dataset68
An explainable stacked ensemble of deep learning models for improved melanoma skin cancer detection65
Prediction model using SMOTE, genetic algorithm and decision tree (PMSGD) for classification of diabetes mellitus64
Application of machine learning in ocean data57
A holistic overview of deep learning approach in medical imaging56
Classification of COVID-19 individuals using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system56
Immersive multisensory virtual reality technologies for virtual tourism55
A review of computer vision-based approaches for physical rehabilitation and assessment51
Multimodal cyberbullying detection using capsule network with dynamic routing and deep convolutional neural network48
Detection of hate speech in Arabic tweets using deep learning47
CyberBERT: BERT for cyberbullying identification46
A survey on the interpretability of deep learning in medical diagnosis45
Optimized multimedia data through computationally intelligent algorithms42
Wavelet-Attention CNN for image classification40
DL-CNN-based approach with image processing techniques for diagnosis of retinal diseases37
Music mood and human emotion recognition based on physiological signals: a systematic review36
Assessing learning engagement based on facial expression recognition in MOOC’s scenario31
A hybrid firefly and particle swarm optimization algorithm applied to multilevel image thresholding31
Image and audio caps: automated captioning of background sounds and images using deep learning30
Few-shot imbalanced classification based on data augmentation28
A comprehensive review of facial expression recognition techniques28
Comprehensive systematic review on virtual reality for cultural heritage practices: coherent taxonomy and motivations28
A privacy-preserving and traitor tracking content-based image retrieval scheme in cloud computing28
A deep learning-based framework for detecting COVID-19 patients using chest X-rays28
2D Human pose estimation: a survey27
Multimodal biometric authentication based on deep fusion of electrocardiogram (ECG) and finger vein27
A novel method for ECG signal classification via one-dimensional convolutional neural network25
RiceNet: convolutional neural networks-based model to classify Pakistani grown rice seed types24
A comprehensive survey of image and video forgery techniques: variants, challenges, and future directions24
Automatic liver segmentation from abdominal CT volumes using improved convolution neural networks24
AI inspired EEG-based spatial feature selection method using multivariate empirical mode decomposition for emotion classification24
A comprehensive survey on human pose estimation approaches24
A novel pixel-wise authentication-based self-embedding fragile watermarking method23
Combating multimodal fake news on social media: methods, datasets, and future perspective23
FU-Net: fast biomedical image segmentation model based on bottleneck convolution layers23
Automatic segmentation of melanoma skin cancer using transfer learning and fine-tuning22
Image compression and encryption algorithm based on 2D compressive sensing and hyperchaotic system21
Abusive language detection from social media comments using conventional machine learning and deep learning approaches20
BDCNet: multi-classification convolutional neural network model for classification of COVID-19, pneumonia, and lung cancer from chest radiographs20
Face spoofing detection based on chromatic ED-LBP texture feature20
Interactive video retrieval in the age of effective joint embedding deep models: lessons from the 11th VBS20
Study and investigation of video steganography over uncompressed and compressed domain: a comprehensive review19
Intelligent multimodal medical image fusion with deep guided filtering19
Radar target recognition based on few-shot learning18
Deep learning and evolutionary intelligence with fusion-based feature extraction for detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images18
Facial expression recognition of online learners from real-time videos using a novel deep learning model18
A literature survey on multimodal and multilingual automatic hate speech identification17
Evaluation of accurate iris center and eye corner localization method in a facial image for gaze estimation17
Pupil detection schemes in human eye: a review17
Medical image encryption and compression by adaptive sigma filterized synorr certificateless signcryptive Levenshtein entropy-coding-based deep neural learning17
Multi-head attention-based two-stream EfficientNet for action recognition17
$$\hbox {DA}^2$$Net: a dual attention-aware network for robust crowd counting17
Applying deep learning-based multi-modal for detection of coronavirus16
An overview of deep learning techniques for COVID-19 detection: methods, challenges, and future works16
Music genre classification based on auditory image, spectral and acoustic features16
Predicting skeleton trajectories using a Skeleton-Transformer for video anomaly detection15
A light-weight convolutional Neural Network Architecture for classification of COVID-19 chest X-Ray images15
An olfactory display for virtual reality glasses15
Correction to: DL‑CNN‑based approach with image processing techniques for diagnosis of retinal diseases15
Use of deep learning in soccer videos analysis: survey14
ParallelNet: multiple backbone network for detection tasks on thigh bone fracture14
Dynamic hand gesture recognition using combination of two-level tracker and trajectory-guided features14
Multiple forgeries identification in digital video based on correlation consistency between entropy coded frames14
Key frame extraction based on global motion statistics for team-sport videos13
Hybrid features and semantic reinforcement network for image forgery detection13
RDH-based dynamic weighted histogram equalization using for secure transmission and cancer prediction13
An efficient 2D encoding/decoding technique for optical communication system based on permutation vectors theory12
Fusion of AI techniques to tackle COVID-19 pandemic: models, incidence rates, and future trends12
Multi-modal cyber-aggression detection with feature optimization by firefly algorithm12
Rescue decision via Earthquake Disaster Knowledge Graph reasoning12
Local–Global Transformer Neural Network for temporal action segmentation12
DwiMark: a multiscale robust deep watermarking framework for diffusion-weighted imaging images11
Visual saliency detection via combining center prior and U-Net11
Virtual reality in medical emergencies training: benefits, perceived stress, and learning success11
3D shallow deep neural network for fast and precise segmentation of left atrium11
Towards a multimodal human activity dataset for healthcare11
A survey on face presentation attack detection mechanisms: hitherto and future perspectives10
Practical 3D human skeleton tracking based on multi-view and multi-Kinect fusion10
A survey of visual neural networks: current trends, challenges and opportunities10
Fusion of spatial and dynamic CNN streams for action recognition10
PFIMD: a parallel MapReduce-based algorithm for frequent itemset mining10
A lightweight CNN-based algorithm and implementation on embedded system for real-time face recognition10
How does context influence music preferences: a user-based study of the effects of contextual information on users’ preferred music10
MADP-IIME: malware attack detection protocol in IoT-enabled industrial multimedia environment using machine learning approach10
A novel multi-image cryptosystem based on weighted plain images and using combined chaotic maps10
“Tomato-Village”: a dataset for end-to-end tomato disease detection in a real-world environment10
CMFCUNet: cascaded multi-scale feature calibration UNet for pancreas segmentation10
Steganalysis of convolutional neural network based on neural architecture search10
Predicting COVID-19 statistics using machine learning regression model: Li-MuLi-Poly10
Camouflage design, assessment and breaking techniques: a survey10
Understanding the limits of 2D skeletons for action recognition9
A convolutional neural network and classical moments-based feature fusion model for gesture recognition9
Unsupervised single image dehazing with generative adversarial network9
Low-complexity fake face detection based on forensic similarity9
Link prediction in social networks using hyper-motif representation on hypergraph9
Video-based driver action recognition via hybrid spatial–temporal deep learning framework9
Image lossless encoding and encryption method of EBCOT Tier1 based on 4D hyperchaos9
A CNN-based scheme for COVID-19 detection with emergency services provisions using an optimal path planning9
Deep learning in multimedia healthcare applications: a review9
Local feature fusion and SRC-based decision fusion for ear recognition9
Multiscale object detection based on channel and data enhancement at construction sites9
A multi-scale multi-attention network for dynamic facial expression recognition9
Novel design of cryptosystems for video/audio streaming via dynamic synchronized chaos-based random keys9
Multi-scale skip-connection network for image super-resolution9
Inceptr: micro-expression recognition integrating inception-CBAM and vision transformer9
Multi-scale feature balance enhancement network for pedestrian detection9
2C-Net: integrate image compression and classification via deep neural network9
BLE-Net: boundary learning and enhancement network for polyp segmentation9
An image watermarking technique using hybrid signals as watermarks8
Sequential learning for sketch-based 3D model retrieval8
Deblurring transformer tracking with conditional cross-attention8
Deep learning based cyber bullying early detection using distributed denial of service flow8
A hybrid DST-SBPNRM approach for compressed video steganography8
CaDaCa: a new caching strategy in NDN using data categorization8
A gated multi-hierarchical feature fusion network for recognizing steel plate surface defects8
An image classification model based on transfer learning for ulcerative proctitis8
Skip-attention encoder–decoder framework for human motion prediction8
A new design of multimedia big data retrieval enabled by deep feature learning and Adaptive Semantic Similarity Function8
Fully automatic image segmentation based on FCN and graph cuts8
Attention based video captioning framework for Hindi8
Watermarking techniques for three-dimensional (3D) mesh models: a survey8
3D human pose estimation with multi-scale graph convolution and hierarchical body pooling8
EfficientFace: an efficient deep network with feature enhancement for accurate face detection8
An effective and secure video watermarking using hybrid technique8
SegNet: a network for detecting deepfake facial videos8
Meta-relationship for course recommendation in MOOCs8
DSTnet: a new discrete shearlet transform-based CNN model for image denoising8
View-target relation-guided unsupervised 2D image-based 3D model retrieval via transformer8
Recent advancement in haze removal approaches8
A compressed string matching algorithm for face recognition with partial occlusion7
A selective region-based detection and tracking approach towards the recognition of dynamic bare hand gesture using deep neural network7
Shallow multi-branch attention convolutional neural network for micro-expression recognition7
NasmamSR: a fast image super-resolution network based on neural architecture search and multiple attention mechanism7
Deep learning methods for anomalies detection in social networks using multidimensional networks and multimodal data: a survey7
Multichannel speech separation using hybrid GOMF and enthalpy-based deep neural networks7
Micro-expression recognition based on SqueezeNet and C3D7
Visual saliency prediction using multi-scale attention gated network7
Correction to: Abusive language detection from social media comments using conventional machine learning and deep learning approaches7
Audio steganography with less modification to the optimal matching CNV-QIM path with the minimal hamming distance expected value to a secret7
An object detection-based few-shot learning approach for multimedia quality assessment7
SEViT: a large-scale and fine-grained plant disease classification model based on transformer and attention convolution7
Reversible data hiding in encrypted medical DICOM image7
Multi-cue multi-hypothesis tracking with re-identification for multi-object tracking7
Complementary spatiotemporal network for video question answering7
Efficient and high-performance pedestrian detection implementation for intelligent vehicles6
Visual driving assistance system based on few-shot learning6
Secure speech coding communication using hyperchaotic key generators for AMR-WB codec6
Characteristic analysis of new four-dimensional autonomous power system and its application in color image encryption6
Efficient and self-adaptive rationale knowledge base for visual commonsense reasoning6
Unbiased feature enhancement framework for cross-modality person re-identification6
Structural smoothness low-rank matrix recovery via outlier estimation for image denoising6
A TextCNN and WGAN-gp based deep learning frame for unpaired text style transfer in multimedia services6
A novel biometric crypto system based on cryptographic key binding with user biometrics6
A multi-level approach with visual information for encrypted H.265/HEVC videos6
Unsupervised knowledge representation of panoramic dental X-ray images using SVG image-and-object clustering6
Visible light polarization image desmogging via Cycle Convolutional Neural Network6
Wireless multipath video transmission: when IoT video applications meet networking—a survey6
Scale-aware attention-based multi-resolution representation for multi-person pose estimation6
Feature fusion and optimization integrated refined deep residual network for diabetic retinopathy severity classification using fundus image6
Development of outdoor swimmers detection system with small object detection method based on deep learning6
RES-CapsNet: an improved capsule network for micro-expression recognition6
A reference-based model using deep learning for image captioning6
PAGN: perturbation adaption generation network for point cloud adversarial defense6
Improving CT-image universal lesion detection with comprehensive data and feature enhancements6
Perturbation consistency and mutual information regularization for semi-supervised semantic segmentation6
Cross-domain collaborative recommendation without overlapping entities based on domain adaptation6
TMIF: transformer-based multi-modal interactive fusion for automatic rumor detection6
TS-MDA: two-stream multiscale deep architecture for crowd behavior prediction6
Point cloud denoising algorithm with geometric feature preserving6
A new adaptive VR-based exergame for hand rehabilitation after stroke6
A new, enhanced EZW image codec with subband classification5
DeepRecog: Threefold underwater image deblurring and object recognition framework for AUV vision systems5
Optical flow and pattern noise-based copy–paste detection in digital videos5
Reversible data hiding in adjacent zeros5
LET-Net: locally enhanced transformer network for medical image segmentation5
Deep learning model with multi-feature fusion and label association for suicide detection5
A customizable framework for multimodal emotion recognition using ensemble of deep neural network models5
Student engagement detection in online environment using computer vision and multi-dimensional feature fusion5
A two stream face anti-spoofing framework using multi-level deep features and ELBP features5
Numerical computation based few-shot learning for intelligent sea surface temperature prediction5
Research on person re-identification based on posture guidance and feature alignment5
ENet: event based highlight generation network for broadcast sports videos5
GVA: guided visual attention approach for automatic image caption generation5
Attentional weighting strategy-based dynamic GCN for skeleton-based action recognition5
Gender estimation based on deep learned and handcrafted features in an uncontrolled environment5
LMSN:a lightweight multi-scale network for single image super-resolution5
Multi-branch aware module with channel shuffle pixel-wise attention for lightweight image super-resolution5
Employing data generation for visual weapon identification using Convolutional Neural Networks5
A multi-scale feature fusion spatial–channel attention model for background subtraction5
Real emotion seeker: recalibrating annotation for facial expression recognition5
GH-DDM: the generalized hybrid denoising diffusion model for medical image generation5
FPF-Net: feature propagation and fusion based on attention mechanism for pancreas segmentation5
Real-time anomaly detection on surveillance video with two-stream spatio-temporal generative model5
Exploring contactless techniques in multimodal emotion recognition: insights into diverse applications, challenges, solutions, and prospects4
Self-assessment and deep learning-based coronavirus detection and medical diagnosis systems for healthcare4
Ensemble deep honey architecture for COVID-19 prediction using CT scan and chest X-ray images4
Empowering neural collaborative filtering with contextual features for multimedia recommendation4
Smartphone-based gait recognition using convolutional neural networks and dual-tree complex wavelet transform4
Improved SSD using deep multi-scale attention spatial–temporal features for action recognition4
Spatial–temporal correlations learning and action-background jointed attention for weakly-supervised temporal action localization4
View-aware attribute-guided network for vehicle re-identification4
Cellular automata-based digital image scrambling under JPEG compression attack4
Multimodal metadata assignment for cultural heritage artifacts4
CED-Net: contextual encoder–decoder network for 3D face reconstruction4
Multi-level Fisher vector aggregated completed local fractional order derivative feature vector for face recognition4
Biosignal based emotion-oriented video summarization4
Convolutional neural network-based apple images classification and image quality measurement by light colors using the color-balancing approach4
Depth alignment interaction network for camouflaged object detection4
Automated brain tumor malignancy detection via 3D MRI using adaptive-3-D U-Net and heuristic-based deep neural network4
DBFC-Net: a uniform framework for fine-grained cross-media retrieval4
Code generation from a graphical user interface via attention-based encoder–decoder model4
Zero-shot image classification via Visual–Semantic Feature Decoupling4
G-UNeXt: a lightweight MLP-based network for reducing semantic gap in medical image segmentation4
Foreground detection using motion histogram threshold algorithm in high-resolution large datasets4
Point cloud inpainting with normal-based feature matching4
YOLO-ERF: lightweight object detector for UAV aerial images4
Lossy image compression based on efficient multiplier-less 8-points DCT4
Image quality measurement-based comparative analysis of illumination compensation methods for face image normalization4
VoxSeP: semi-positive voxels assist self-supervised 3D medical segmentation4
Multi-window Transformer parallel fusion feature pyramid network for pedestrian orientation detection4
Edge-preserving image denoising using noise-enhanced patch-based non-local means4
An energy-saving video compression targeting face recognition of disaster victim4
Pedestrian attribute recognition based on attribute correlation4
Authenticable medical image-sharing scheme based on embedded small shadow QR code and blockchain framework4
BERT-based semi-supervised domain adaptation for disastrous classification4
A framework of generative adversarial networks with novel loss for JPEG restoration and anti-forensics4
A multitask joint framework for real-time person search4
Question-relationship guided graph attention network for visual question answer4
A computer-aided speech analytics approach for pronunciation feedback using deep feature clustering4
Unsupervised cross-database micro-expression recognition based on distribution adaptation3
CTNet: hybrid architecture based on CNN and transformer for image inpainting detection3
Learning effective embedding for automated COVID-19 prediction from chest X-ray images3
Auto ROI & mask R-CNN model for QR code beautification (ARM-QR)3
Recent advancements of deep learning in detecting breast cancer: a survey3
Data-driven personalisation of television content: a survey3
CSLSEP: an ensemble pruning algorithm based on clustering soft label and sorting for facial expression recognition3
Fast bilateral filter with spatial subsampling3
Layer-wise enhanced transformer with multi-modal fusion for image caption3
A multi-layer mesh synchronized reversible data hiding algorithm on the 3D model3
ESGAN for generating high quality enhanced samples3
A traffic flow estimation method based on unsupervised change detection3
HCNNet: hybrid convolution neural network for automatic identification of ischaemia in diabetic foot ulcer wounds3
360° video quality assessment based on saliency-guided viewport extraction3