Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

(The TQCC of Vegetation History and Archaeobotany is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pollen richness: a reflection of vegetation diversity or pollen-specific parameters?31
Human-facilitated dispersal of pawpaw (Asimina triloba [L.] Dunal) at its northern range limits: re-examining the historical and archaeological evidence20
Palynological evidence for the temporal stability of the plant community in the Yellow River Source Area over the last 7,400 years19
Archaeobotanical evidence of the function of four-post structures in Denmark11
Contribution to Neotoma: Hallwilersee (Switzerland) pollen and diatoms11
Pre-hispanic Datura ferox L. in the Southern Andes: archaeobotanical evidence from an Inca archaeological site at Salta, Argentina11
Which pulse is it? Identifying archaeological legumes seeds by means of biometric measurements and geometric morphometrics10
The importance of wild plant resources in the Neolithic: a case study of the Late Neolithic lakeshore settlement of Grandson-Corcelettes, Les Pins (Switzerland)10
Predynastic and Early Dynastic plant economy in the Nile Delta: archaeobotanical evidence from Tell el-Iswid10
Introduction to the special issue on ‘Plant use and management during the emergence of farming in Southwest Asia: recent insights and new approaches’9
A complex subsistence regime revealed for Cucuteni–Trypillia sites in Chalcolithic eastern Europe based on new and old macrobotanical data9
Reconstruction of the environmental conditions for the past 2,000 years in the Perico River basin (NW Argentina) based on fossil pollen records9
Stable carbon isotope (δ13C) analysis of archaeobotanical remains from Bronze Age Kaymakçı (western Anatolia) to investigate crop management9
Revisiting the concept of the ‘Neolithic Founder Crops’ in southwest Asia9
The persistent place at Lubrza: a small paradise for hunter-gatherers? Multi-disciplinary studies of Late Palaeolithic environment and human activity in the Łagów lake district (western Poland)8
Multi-proxy evidence for woodland clearance in northeast Northumberland (England) during the Iron Age8
Cultural landscape and plant use at the Phoenician site of Motya (Western Sicily, Italy) inferred from a disposal pit8
Inventions, innovations and the origins of spelt wheat8
The first annually resolved analysis of slash-and-burn practices in the boreal Eurasia suggests their strong climatic and socio-economic controls8
The archaeobotany of Qaratepe, Azerbaijan 2nd–13th century8
Wild foods, woodland fuels, and cultivation through the Ceramic and Early Historical periods in Araucanía, Southern Chile (400–1850 ce)7
Human-woodland interactions during the Pre-Aksumite and Aksumite periods in northeastern Tigray, Ethiopia: insights from the wood charcoal analyses from Mezber and Ona Adi7
Introduction, spread and selective breeding of crops: new archaeobotanical data from southern Italy in the early Middle Ages7
Influence of taxonomic resolution on the value of anthropogenic pollen indicators7
Archaeobotany of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel (Israel): insights into plant exploitation along the Natufian sequence7
Differences in forest composition following two periods of settlement by pre-Columbian Native Americans7
Examining climate and composition differences in eastern North American temperate forests using pollen ratios and pollen assemblage cluster analysis6
Flax use, weeds and manuring in Viking Age Åland: archaeobotanical and stable isotope analysis6
Land cover and use-history of large empty spaces at fortified Iron Age hilltop sites; a case study from La Terrasse, Bibracte oppidum6
A glimpse into the viticulture of Roman Lusitania: morphometric analysis of charred grape pips from Torre dos Namorados, Portugal6
Late Holocene vegetation dynamics: degree and regional patterns of the Dark Ages woodland regeneration (ad 300–700) in the Netherlands5
Modern phytolith assemblages as indicators of vegetation in the southern Caucasus5
Food, farming and trade on the Danube frontier: plant remains from Roman Aelia Mursa (Osijek, Croatia)5
Microhistological analysis of ancient wild herbivore droppings from the Potrerillos valley, central western Argentina: palaeodiets, vegetation and human activity5
The impact of Lusatian Urnfield and subsequent prehistoric cultures on lake and woodland ecosystems: insights from multi-proxy palaeoecological investigations at Bruszczewo, western Poland5
NPP-ID: Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database as a research and educational platform5
Performance of vegetation cover reconstructions using lake and soil pollen samples from the Tibetan Plateau4
Triticum timopheevii s.l. (‘new glume wheat’) finds in regions of southern and eastern Europe across space and time4
Potential late glacial maximum refugial areas of Alaska-Yukon postglacial migrant plants4
Afromontane forests and human impact after the African Humid Period: wood charcoal from the Sodicho rock shelter, SW Ethiopian highlands4
Correction: Seeing the fields through the weeds: introducing the WeedEco R package for comparing past and present arable farming systems using functional weed ecology4
Correction to: Intensification of agriculture in southwestern Germany between the Bronze Age and Medieval period, based on archaeobotanical data from Baden-Württemberg4
Eric C. Grimm 1951–20204
Plant gathering and people-environment interactions at Epipalaeolithic Kharaneh IV, Jordan4
The history of settlement and agrarian land use in a boreal forest in Värmland, Sweden, new evidence from pollen analysis4
Correction to: Tracking the history of grapevine cultivation in Georgia by combining geometric morphometrics and ancient DNA4
Lucayan charred wood selection patterns: a comparative study of variability in fragile island ecosystems of the central and northern Bahamas4
Documenting a thousand years of environmental and anthropogenic changes on mangroves on the Bangkok coast, the upper Gulf of Thailand4
Woodland management at the Swedish middle Neolithic site of Alvastra? A new perspective3
Colourful rivers: archaeobotanical remains of dye plants from urban fluvial deposits in the southern Low Countries (Belgium)3
Exploring palaeoecology in the Northern Territory: the Walanjiwurru rockshelter, vegetation dynamics and shifting social landscapes in Marra Country3
The introduction history of Hordeum vulgare var. nudum (naked barley) into Fennoscandia3
Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the International Work Group for Palaeoethobotany, České Budějovice 20223
Ancient crop movements from South Asia to the Middle East and the Mediterranean3
New research on crop diversity of the early farmers in southeastern Europe (ca. 6400 − 5700 bce)3
Wild or cultivated? a study of Vitis sylvestris in natura in Slovakia and implications for archaeology and archaeobotany (morphometric approach)3
Holocene vegetation dynamics, river valley evolution and human settlement of the upper Kama valley, Ural region, Russia3
Ecological-cultural inheritance in the wetlands: the non-linear transition to plant food production in the southern Levant3