Archive of Applied Mechanics

(The median citation count of Archive of Applied Mechanics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experiments and numerical simulation analysis of dynamic fracture toughness of compact tensile specimens of fiber reinforced composites52
Scattering of cylindrical inclusions in half space with inhomogeneous shear modulus due to SH wave51
A mechanical model of the crack-bridging effect in nacre with interlocking interface36
Static analysis and vibration characteristics of some noncarbon nanotubes through atomistic continuum coupled modelling31
A modeling method of flywheel rotor based on finite element and model simplification31
Data-based localisation methods using simulated data with application to small-scale structures28
Characteristic analysis of waves through semiconducting medium with multi-phase lags model27
Elastic–plastic bending analysis of beams with tension–compression asymmetry: bimodular effect and strength differential effect27
The method for solving topology optimization problems using hyper-dual numbers26
Evaluating the resistant force of an endoscopic capsule self-propelling in the small intestine24
Harmonic plane waves in isotropic micropolar medium based on two-parameter nonlocal theory23
Lie group and spectral analysis on entropy optimization for nanofluid flow over melting stretched surface with higher order slips23
Sensitivity analysis-based full-scale bounds estimation for 2-D interval bi-modular problems23
Reflection and refraction of SH waves at a combined interface23
A porous layer of negative value of Poisson’s ratio under a flat-ended and rigid cylinder indenter22
Drag exerted by a micropolar fluid on a dense swarm of permeable spherical particles22
Effect of void shape and highly conducting boundary on 2D conductivity of porous materials22
Heat conduction problem for a half-space medium containing a penny-shaped crack22
A three-dimensional computational multiscale micromorphic analysis of porous materials in linear elasticity21
Analytical and numerical solutions of pressurized thick-walled FGM spheres20
Anti-plane problem of a nano-sharp crack in one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystals with the electrically semi-permeable condition20
Enhancing the performance of micro-biosensors by functionally graded geometrical and material parameters19
Stochastic design of multiple tuned mass damper system under seismic excitation19
Mechanics of size-dependent materials19
An analytical compressive-shear fracture model influenced by thermally treated microcracks in brittle solids19
Periodic solution of circular Sitnikov restricted four-body problem using multiple scales method19
Analytical solution for torsion of cylindrical orthotropic annular wedge-shaped bars reinforced by thin shells18
Rayleigh’s quotients and eigenvalue bounds for linear dynamical systems18
On the static aeroelastic instability of an inverted plate in wall effect: a continuum model and its solution approximation18
Analysis of free vibration characteristics of porous rectangular plates with variable thickness18
Stability analysis of high speed milling process considering internal damping of composite cutter bar and gyroscopic effect in rotating coordinates17
Parametric investigation of the dynamic response of a circular plate excited by a two-degree-of-freedom moving oscillator with inclusion of surface roughness17
The Neumann–Monte Carlo methodology applied to the quantification of uncertainty in the problem stochastic bending of the Levinson–Bickford beam17
Generalized thermo-elastic waves propagating in bars with a rectangular cross-section17
Investigating the non-inertial R2BP in case of variable velocity $$\vec{\mathbf{V}}$$ of central body motion in a prescribed fixed direction15
Stability of modulated signals in the damped mechanical network of discontinuous coupled system oscillators with irrational nonlinearities15
A non-polynomial axiomatic framework to investigate the structural responses of CNT-reinforced beams: An analytical solution15
Variable cross sections functionally grad beams on Pasternak foundations: An enhanced interaction theory for construction applications15
Mixed variational continuum mechanics modeling: a multidomain subpotential approach14
Analytic approximation for the collapse of viscous tubes driven by surface tension and pressure difference14
A study on the mechanical response of magnesium using an anisotropic elasticity twinning CP FEM14
Natural convection of a heated paddle wheel within a cross-shaped cavity filled with a nanofluid: ISPH simulations14
Structural design of patient-specific vascular ring stents14
Computational modeling of cracking in cortical bone microstructure using the mesh fragmentation technique14
Elastoplastic nonlinear analysis of functionally graded beams utilizing the symplectic method14
Penetration mechanism of grouting by using the cement-based slurry with time-dependent viscosity14
Assessment on dynamic characterization of the cylindrical laminated composite shallow shell panel through experimental and numerical approach14
TMM-based study on sound insulation characteristics of laminated cylindrical shell lined with porous materials13
Analysis of a cylindrically orthotropic disk using a regular perturbation method13
A novel approach to study the mass-spring-damper system using a reliable fractional method13
Nonlinear numerical analysis and averaging method applied atomic force microscopy with viscoelastic term13
Numerical simulations of solid particles dispersion during double-diffusive convection of a nanofluid in a cavity with a wavy source13
Influence of fiber orientation on reflection and attenuation phenomenon in fiber-reinforced viscoelastic medium13
High-order sensitivity analysis of complex modal parameters and their comparison13
Elastic prolate spheroidal inclusion in an infinite elastic solid—an exact analysis of the inclusion stress by an engineering treatment of the problem based on the corresponding cavity solutions13
Dynamical stability of pipe conveying fluid with various lateral distributed loads13
Analysis of exterior resonant periodic orbits in the photogravitational ERTBP13
Propagation of pendulum-type wave in two-dimensional block-rock mass with accurate consideration of rotation effect12
Experimental research on the influence of modal nonlinearities of paintings under mechanical loads12
A mathematical formulation for analysis of diffusion-induced stresses in micropolar elastic solids12
Finite strain HFGMC analysis of damage evolution in nonlinear periodic composite materials12
Nonlinear dynamic response and stability of a rod fastening rotor with internal damping effect12
A novel quadrilateral element for analysis of functionally graded porous plates/shells reinforced by graphene platelets11
Size-dependent nonlinear stability response of perforated nano/microbeams via Fourier series11
Numerical prediction of thermal buckling load parameters of damaged polymeric layered composite structure and reversal of strength using SMA fibre11
Training deep material networks to reproduce creep loading of short fiber-reinforced thermoplastics with an inelastically-informed strategy11
Simulation of crack propagation based on eigenerosion in brittle and ductile materials subject to finite strains11
Thermoelastic response of a nonhomogeneous elliptic plate in the framework of fractional order theory11
A computational study of three-dimensional laminar boundary layer flow and forced convective heat transfer in a porous medium11
New insights on fractional thermoelectric MHD theory10
Nonlocal nonlinear vibration of porous Graphene Platelets microplates under nonlinear temperature rises using modified couple stress theory based on Bézier extraction of NURBS10
Non-Fourier thermoelastic damping in small-sized ring resonators with circular cross section according to Moore–Gibson–Thompson generalized thermoelasticity theory10
A size-dependent axisymmetric plate element: application to MEMS10
Investigation on the influence of compact tensile specimen thickness on the dynamic fracture properties10
A spheroidal compressible liquid inclusion perfectly bonded to an infinite transversely isotropic elastic matrix10
Simulation of fully nonlinear water wave propagation over the flat bottom and uneven bottom by meshless numerical wave tank10
Frictional contact problem of a coated half plane pressed by a rigid punch with coupled stress elasticity10
Generation of surface waves due to initial axisymmetric surface disturbance in viscous fluid of finite depth10
Aeroelastic-electric flutter characteristics of functionally graded piezoelectric material plates in supersonic airflow10
Vibrational behavior of thermoelastic rotating nanobeams with variable thermal properties based on memory-dependent derivative of heat conduction model10
Experimental study on creep characteristics of infiltrated coal-rock under load10
Modeling heat conduction in an infinite media using the thermoelastic MGT equations and the magneto-Seebeck effect under the influence of a constant stationary source9
Research on the high-pressure water jet impacting on the different solids based on improved SPH method9
An extension of the natural force density method to 3D problems9
Experimental verification of phononic crystal based on square arrays of cylindrical holes against seismic vibrations in full-scale systems: modeling, sensing and signal processing of seismic vibration9
Thermopotential function in position and time for a plate weakened by curvilinear hole9
Free and forced vibrations of a periodically stiffened plate with functionally graded material9
Rotating silver nanobeam subjected to ramp-type heating and varying load via Eringen’s nonlocal thermoelastic model9
Thermal residual stress and interface binding effects on fiber reinforced composites9
Multiscale characterization of effective thermal properties by an asymptotic homogenization method of a biosourced epoxy resin with two porosity levels9
A review of the analysis of wind-influenced projectile motion in the presence of linear and nonlinear drag force9
Contact model and elastic deformation analysis of plate structure based on the discrete element method9
Driving forces on dislocations: finite element analysis in the context of the non-singular dislocation theory9
Use of a neural network constitutive model for the size-dependent effects of curing on the deformation response and failure of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites9
Free vibration analysis of elastic metamaterial circular curved beams with locally resonant microstructures9
Tuning inter-modal energy exchanges of a nonlinear electromechanical beam by a nonlinear circuit9
Effects of the magneto-electro-elastic layer on the CNTRC cylindrical shell9
Modeling the indentation size effects of polymers, based on couple stress elasticity and shear transformation plasticity9
Concurrent energy harvesting and vibration suppression utilizing PZT-based dynamic vibration absorber8
Vibration and far-field sound radiation of a horizontal, finite-long cylindrical shell partially submerged in fluid8
Numerical investigation on auxetic angle-ply CFRP composite laminates under low-velocity impact loading8
A three-dimensional advancing front technique to generate grids based on the neural networks8
Large deflections of functionally graded sandwich beams with influence of homogenization schemes8
An improved energy method for form-finding of mesh reflectors8
Consistency, precision, and accuracy assessment of the collocation boundary element method for two-dimensional problems of potential and elasticity8
Analytical and numerical study of a vibrating magnetic inverted pendulum8
Data-driven computational mechanics: comparison of model-free and model-based methods in constitutive modeling8
Dynamic statistical damage constitutive model based on the Hoek–Brown criterion at high strain rates8
Aerothermoelastic behaviors of curvilinear fiber composite panels based on the refined zig-zag theory8
Thermal buckling analysis of bi-directional FGM doubly curved shell panels using a TSDT p-version finite element method8
Ternary nanofluid cooling of an elastic plate by using double sinusoidal wavy channels under different magnetic fields8
Dynamics of a non-circular-shaped nanorod with deformable boundaries based on second-order strain gradient theory8
A dynamic study of a bead sliding on a wire in fractal space with the non-perturbative technique8
Modeling of laminated thick-walled shaft rotor accounting for onboard dynamics8
Rapid heating of FGM plates resting on elastic foundation8
Stochastic evaluation of stress and strain distributions in duplex steel8
Analysis of thermo-elastoplastic bending behavior of FG skew sandwich plates on elastic foundation using an enhanced meshless radial basis reproducing kernel particle approach8
Mechanic-electro coupling overlapping finite element method for piezoelectric structures8
Buckling analysis of medical guidewires based on the modified couple stress theory8
Solar sail orbital motion at the non-autonomous oblate earth-moon system: family of periodic orbits8
Two-scale, non-local diffusion in homogenised heterogeneous media8
Numerical study of heat transfer performance of MHD Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid flow over inclined surface7
An improved first-order mixed plate element for static bending and free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates7
Modelling growth and formation of thrombi: a multiphasic approach based on the theory of porous media7
Flow-induced buckling statics and dynamics of imperfect pipes7
How accurate are the reliability assessments conducted by the finite element method?7
Continuum multiscale modeling of absorption processes in micro- and nanocatalysts7
Frictional mechanics of knots7
Effects of bedding plane dip angle and lithology on the mechanical and micro-failure behavior of stratified rock under uniaxial compression test7
Electrothermally-induced controllable self-actuated oscillation in liquid crystal elastomer mechanical metamaterials under steady-state circuits7
Nonlinear vibration and dynamic performance analysis of the inerter-based multi-directional vibration isolator7
Wave scattering by a circular cylinder over a porous bed7
A novel type of ER3BP introduced for hierarchical configuration with variable angular momentum of secondary planet7
Interaction of surface water waves with an elastic plate over an arbitrary bottom topography7
Modeling and analysis of a novel multi-directional micro-vibration isolator with spring suspension struts7
Penalty 4-node quadrilateral element formulation for axisymmetric-torsion problems within consistent couple stress theory7
Pulsed laser heating-induced generalized thermo-acoustic-elastic waves with two-temperature theory7
One-dimensional nonlinear model of generalized thermo-electroelasticity7
Instability analysis of moderately thick porous micro-plate via two-variable strain gradient theory7
Iterative algorithm for the conformal mapping from the unit disk to domains with regular boundaries7
Size-dependent buckling and instability of a porous microplate under electrostatic fields and Casimir forces7
Correction to: BIEM via graded piezoelectric half-plane Green’s function for wave scattering by curvilinear cracks7
Key influence factors on suspension compressible fluid through pore induced by SAW (motion of black powder in pipeline)7
Novel boundary crack front elements with Williams' eigenexpansion properties for 3D crack analysis7
Band gaps in a periodic electro-elastic composite beam structure incorporating microstructure and flexoelectric effects7
Crack shape evolution of single edge through cracked specimens under mode-I loading7
Loss factor analysis in real-time structural health monitoring using a convolutional neural network7
A modified star-shaped phononic crystal for the vibration wave filtration in plates: design and experiment7
Stoneley wave propagation in transversely isotropic thermoelastic rotating medium with memory-dependent derivative and two temperature7
Influence of contact interface friction of bolted disk joint on motion stability of rotor-bearing system7
New method for predicting the wrinkling stress in sandwich panels7
Bending analysis of functionally graded sandwich beams with general boundary conditions using a modified Fourier series method7
Electromechanical fields in PN junctions with continuously graded doping in piezoelectric semiconductor rods6
A micro–macro model of pore pressure effect on shear fracture in brittle rocks under compression6
A multiphasic model for determination of water and solute transport across the arterial wall: effects of elastic fiber defects6
Study of the transmission properties of piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic composite laminates6
Fractional-order non-Fick mechanical-diffusion coupling model based on new fractional derivatives and structural transient dynamic responses of multilayered composite laminates6
Buoyancy effects on the supersonic steam jet injection into cocurrently and countercurrently flowing water6
Flexural resonant frequencies of an AFM cantilever in viscoelastic surface contact mode using modified nonlocal elasticity theory6
Micromechanics prediction of the effective elastic property of composites reinforced with cylindrically orthotropic nano fiber under antiplane shear6
Harvesting energy using simultaneous rotational and translational motions of a breakwater6
A new numerical approach for determination of the Lemaitre’s ductile damage parameter in bulk metal forming processes6
Magnetic effect on the creeping flow around a slightly deformed semipermeable sphere6
Zipline mathematical model forming, experimental verification and analysis of influential parameters6
Unsteady elastic diffusion bending model for a Timoshenko beam on a Winkler foundation: unsteady elastic diffusion bending model for a Timoshenko beam on a Winkler foundation6
Illuminating dot-satellite motion around the natural moons of planets using the concept of ER3BP with variable eccentricity6
Elastic wave propagation and vibration characteristics of diamond-shaped metastructures6
Moderately large deflection of slightly curved layered beams with interlayer slip6
Green’s functions for infinite orthotropic, hygro-electro-magneto-thermoelastic materials6
Finite element analysis of thermal and mechanical buckling behavior of functionally graded plates6
Influences of angular velocity and periodic axial load on the dynamic instability of functionally graded porous cylindrical panels6
On Λ-fractional buckling and post-buckling of beams6
Micropolar thermoelastic plane waves in microscopic materials caused by Hall-current effects in a two-temperature heat conduction model with higher-order time derivatives6
Natural property and vibration suppression of fluid-conveying phononic crystal pipes with axial periodic composites based on Timoshenko beam model6
Thermoelastic damping in a thin circular transversely isotropic Kirchhoff–Love plate due to GN theory of type III6
Effects of surface unevenness on energy harvesting from beam vibration subjected to a moving mass6
Dynamics transitions in coupled Kuramoto oscillators model with heterogeneity and asymmetric coupling effects6
Statistical analysis of the reproducibility of residual stress measurements in cold extruded parts6
Transient response of vibration energy harvester incorporating inertial rotation structure6
A modified Green’s function approach to particle image velocimetry pressure estimates with an application to microenergy harvesters6
Nonlinear dynamic mechanical response analysis of dual-segment single-span rotor-bearing system under normal condition and misalignment fault6
Input reduction for nonlinear thermal surface loads6
Nonlinear passive magnetorheological damping characteristics of the scissor-like isolation platform6
Dampening of a cantilever beam with large particles in a small cavity: model and experiment6
Model fluids substituting fresh UHPC mixtures flow behaviour6
Magneto-thermal–mechanical analysis of functionally graded rotating cylinder and circular disk6
A finite element approach for simplified 2D nonlinear dynamic contact/impact analysis6
Procedure to implement shear evolution in fast rolling models with online capability on the example of an aluminum flat rolling process6
Exciting force for a coaxial configuration of a floating porous cylinder and a submerged bottom-mounted rigid cylinder in finite ocean depth6
Size-dependent stochastic vibration response of compositionally graded nanoplates with system randomness using nonlocal continuum model with partial support6
Sufficient conditions for hyperbolicity and consistency of the dynamic equations for fluid-saturated solids5
Light absorption process in a semiconductor infinite body with a cylindrical cavity via a novel photo-thermoelastic MGT model5
A size-dependent thermoelastic damping model for micro-beams based on modified gradient elasticity5
A novel finite element formulation based on five unknown model for free vibration analysis of circular and ellipse sandwich plates5
In the ability to extend Hashin criterion for mixed mode I/II fracture assessment of cracked orthotropic materials5
An elasto-plastic finite element for the analysis of planar beams with rectangular cross section5
Analysis method of collinear cracks subjected to thermo-magneto-electro-elastic loads5
One dimensional transient thermoelastic and associated fracture analysis of long porous ceramic plate5
Experimental and numerical investigation of flow around an inline square cylinder array at a high Reynolds number5
Multi-phase, large-strain constitutive models of cartilage for finite element analyses in 3-D5
Tangential contact stiffness modeling between fractal rough surfaces with experimental validation5
The mechanical response of nanobeams considering the flexoelectric phenomenon in the temperature environment5
Size effect on fracture behavior of quasi-brittle materials during uniaxial compression tests5
Iterative algorithm for the conformal mapping function from the exterior of a roadway to the interior of a unit circle5
Optimal design of the vascular stent ring in order to maximise radial stiffness5
Eshelby tensors and effective stiffness of one-dimensional orthorhombic quasicrystal composite materials containing ellipsoidal particles5
Instability regions of pneumatic artificial muscle actuator subject to direct and parametric excitations5
Experimental fault detection of rotating machinery through chaos-based tools of recurrence plot and recurrence quantitative analysis5
Dynamic BEM analysis of elastic foundation on anisotropic half-plane5
Enhancing damage prediction in bulk metal forming through machine learning-assisted parameter identification5
An improved predictive model for local deformational behavior of sandwich panels with gradient metallic foam cores5
Impact of a porous structure in mitigating wave effect on a floating elastic plate in a two-layer fluid5
A flexoelectric theory with rotation gradient and electric field gradient effects for isotropic dielectrics5
Size-dependent thermoelastic damping analysis in functionally graded bi-layered microbeam resonators considering the nonlocal dual-phase-lag heat conduction model5
The plane wave finite element method for the wave scattering by a 2-D phononic crystal5
Reflection of plane waves from the stress-free boundary of a nonlocal elastic solid half-space containing double porosity5
Effects of randomness and piezomagnetic coupling on the appearance of stop-bands in heterogeneous magnetorheological elastomers5
Shear and compression waves screening in 2D for dry or saturated ground using periodic infinite and finite soil-foam barriers5
A numerical study of the normal loading–unloading contact behaviors considering yield plateau and strain hardening5
Fuzzy fatigue life prediction of fiber-reinforced laminated composites by continuum damage mechanics5
Numerical characterization of residual stresses in a four-point-bending experiment of textured duplex stainless steel5
Vibration and acoustic radiation characteristics of simply supported curved plate in thermal environment5
Analytical and numerical analysis on local and global buckling of sandwich panels with strut-based lattice cores5
Nonlocal stress-driven model for functionally graded Mindlin annular plate: bending and vibration analysis5
Elasticity problems of beams on reaction-driven nonlocal foundation5
A topology optimization method and experimental verification of piezoelectric stick–slip actuator with flexure hinge mechanism5
Development of residual stresses by infeed rotary swaging of steel tubes5
Probabilistic assessment of footbridge response to single walkers5
Pure bending of fiber reinforced curved beam at the failure limit4
Comparison of barrier update strategies for interior point algorithms in single-crystal plasticity4
A reduced-order finite element formulation for the geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of viscoelastic structures based on the fractional-order derivative constitutive relation4
Free nonlinear vibration analysis of a functionally graded microbeam resting on a three-layer elastic foundation using the continuous piecewise linearization method4
Reduced transfer equations of ball-and-socket joint elements incorporated with Euler parameters4
Thermoelastic response of functionally graded sandwich plates using a simple integral HSDT4
Propagating, evanescent and ZGV Lamb modes in high-performance anisotropic Cu–Al–Ni alloy plates4
Surface waves in nonlocal transversely isotropic liquid-saturated porous solid4
Analytical optimal design and performance evaluation of series tuned inerter damper for ground motion excited structures4
Analytical H2 optimization for the design parameters of lever-type stiffness-based grounded damping dynamic vibration absorber with grounded stiffness4
Bending analysis of CNT-reinforced sandwich plates using non-polynomial zigzag theory based on secant function4
Microdynamic simulations of crack evolution in asphalt mixtures under three-point bending loads4
Fourth-order tensor algebraic operations and matrix representation in continuum mechanics4
Effect of crack presence on the dynamic and buckling responses of bidirectional functionally graded beams based on quasi-3D beam model and differential quadrature finite element method4
Multiscale computational homogenization for woven composites using the cluster-based nonuniform transformation field analysis4
Establishment of a contact stiffness matrix and its effect on the dynamic behavior of rod-fastening rotor bearing system4
Compressive response, fragmentation characteristics and energy dissipation of red bed soft rock subjected to impact loading4
Enhanced mean-field modelling for impact response of composite laminates incorporating strain rate-dependent matrix behaviour and 3D failure criteria4
Determination of the effective thermal conductivity of composites under the influence of an imperfect interface using a variational asymptotic-based method4
Strain and interface energy of ellipsoidal inclusions subjected to volumetric eigenstrains: shape factors4
The vibration characteristics of central tie rod rotor-blade-bearing coupling system considering the influence of the Hirth couplings4
Fault diagnosis in an optimized rolling bearing using an intelligent approach4