Cognitive Linguistics

(The median citation count of Cognitive Linguistics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Cognitive approaches to uniformity and variability in morphology20
Changesin the midst ofa construction network: a diachronic construction grammar approach to complex prepositions denoting internal location11
Exerting control: the grammatical meaning of facial displays in signed languages10
The intrinsic frame of reference and the Dhivehi ‘FIBO’ system9
Constructional associations trump lexical associations in processing valency coercion8
Balancing information-structure and semantic constraints on construction choice: building a computational model of passive and passive-like constructions in Mandarin Chinese8
The interplay of verbs and argument structure constructions in second language processing: roles of verb’s lexical properties and verb–construction association8
Individual corpus data predict variation in judgments: testing the usage-based nature of mental representations in a language transfer setting8
A sisterhood of constructions? A structural priming approach to modelling links in the network of Objoid Constructions8
Using structural priming to test links between constructions: English caused-motion and resultative sentences inhibit each other6
Corrigendum to: Force dynamics as the path to the Spanish subjunctive5
Probabilistic reduction and constructionalization: a usage-based diachronic account of the diffusion and conventionalization of the Spanish la de  <noun> que construction5
Improvisations in the embodied interactions of a non-speaking autistic child and his mother: practices for creating intersubjective understanding5
Allostructions and stancetaking: a corpus study of the German discourse management constructionsWo/wenn wir gerade/schon dabei sind5
Introduction to the Special Issue4
Updating constructions: additive effects of prior and current experience during sentence production4
The emergence of Information Structure in child speech: the acquisition ofc’est-clefts in French4
The colexification of vision and cognition in Mandarin: controlled activity surpasses uncontrolled experience4
A cognitive account of subjectivity put to the test: using an insertion task to investigate Mandarin result connectives4
What can cognitive linguistics tell us about language-image relations? A multidimensional approach to intersemiotic convergence in multimodal texts3
Analogy as driving force of language change: a usage-based approach towoanddaclauses in 17th and 18th century German3
An assessment of the fourth law of Kuryłowicz: does prototypicality of meaning affect language change?3
Explaining uncertainty and defectivity of inflectional paradigms3
Linguistic synesthesia is metaphorical: a lexical-conceptual account2
Incorporating the multi-level nature of the constructicon into hypothesis testing2
Locative construals: topology, posture, disposition, and perspective in Secoya and beyond2
Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: effects of cross-linguistic influence1
Conceptualisation of event roles in L1 and L2 by Japanese learners of English: a cross-linguistic comparison of perspectives of event construal1
Infinitives of affect and intersubjectivity: on the indexical interpretation of the Finnish independent infinitives1
A chained metonymic approach toίdὸ‘eye’ constructional metonymies in Hausa1
The language of sound: events and meaning multitasking of words1
Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation aftergive1
The boundary-crossing constraint revisited: movement verbs across varieties of Spanish1
Language change in a constructional network: the emergence of Mandarin [bi N hai N] comparative constructions1
Multimodal constructions revisited. Testing the strength of association between spoken and non-spoken features of Tell me about it1
When life is no longer a journey: the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults – a representative survey1
Articulatory features of phonemes pattern to iconic meanings: evidence from cross-linguistic ideophones1
Metonymy and argument alternations in French communication frames0
Sound symbolism in Chinese children’s literature0
Comparing linguistic and cultural explanations for visual search strategies0
Preferences in the use of overabundance: predictors of lexical bias in Estonian0
Predicting syntactic choice in Mandarin Chinese: a corpus-based analysis ofbasentences and SVO sentences0
Entrenchment effects in code-mixing: individual differences in German-English bilingual children0
Typological shift of Mandarin Chinese in terms of motion verb lexicalization pattern0
Comprehension of object relatives in Spanish: the role of frequency and transparency in acquisition and adult grammar0
ABB, a salient prototype of collocate–ideophone constructions in Mandarin Chinese0
Individual differences in word senses0
Patterns of semantic variation differ across body parts: evidence from the Japonic languages0
The role of constructions in understanding predictability measures and their correspondence to word duration0
Running across the mind or across the park: does speech about physical and metaphorical motion go hand in hand?0
A related-event approach to event integration in Japanese complex predicates: iconicity, frequency, or efficiency?0
Ideal and real paradigms: language users, reference works and corpora0
Force dynamics as the path to the Spanish subjunctive0
Moving Figures and Grounds in music description0
Of absent mothers, strong sisters and peculiar daughters: The constructional network of English NPN constructions0
Investigating the psychological reality of argument structure constructions and N1 of N2 constructions: a comparison between L1 and L2 speakers of English0
The role of entrenchment and schematisation in the acquisition of rich verbal morphology0
Ambiguity avoidance as a factor in the rise of the English dative alternation0
Indonesian basic olfactory terms: more negative types but more positive tokens0
The associative system of early-learned Hebrew verbs and body parts: a comparative study with American English0
Chinese synthetic verbs: a further challenge to manner/result complementarity on the basis of lexical root meaning analysis0
A network of allostructions: quantified subject constructions in Russian0
Cross-modal iconicity and indexicality in the production of lexical sensory and emotional signs in Finnish Sign Language0
The linguistic dimensions of concrete and abstract concepts: lexical category, morphological structure, countability, and etymology0
Using constructions to measure developmental language complexity0
The complexity principle and the morphosyntactic alternation between case affixes and postpositions in Estonian0
Baseless derivation: the behavioural reality of derivational paradigms0
English modal enclitic constructions: a diachronic, usage-based study of’dand’ll0
Exposure and emergence in usage-based grammar: computational experiments in 35 languages0
Phonotactically probable word shapes represent attractors in the cultural evolution of sound patterns0
LOOKing for multi-word expressions in American Sign Language0
Putting the argument back into argument structure constructions0
What makes the past perfect and the future progressive? Experiential coordinates for a learnable, context-based model of tense and aspect0
From ‘clubs’ to ‘clocks’: lexical semantic extensions in Dene languages0
The heart’s downward path to happiness: cross-cultural diversity in spatial metaphors of affect0
What makes a complement false? Looking at the effects of verbal semantics and perspective in Mandarin children’s interpretation of complement-clause constructions and their false-belief understanding0
Semantic micro-dynamics as a reflex of occurrence frequency: a semantic networks approach0
The next station: chunking of değİl ‘not’ collocations in Turkish Sign Language0
About as boring as flossing sharks: Cognitive accounts of irony and the family of approximate comparison constructions in American English0
Attraction or differentiation: diachronic changes in the causative alternation of Chinese change of state verbs0
Null se constructions in Brazilian and European Portuguese: Morphosyntactic deletion or emergence of new constructions?0
Inferences about event outcomes influence text-based memory of event outcomes0
Speed and space: semantic asymmetries in motion descriptions in Estonian0
Perspective-taking and intersubjectivity in oral narratives of people with a schizophrenia diagnosis: a cognitive linguistic viewpoint analysis0