Climate Research

(The median citation count of Climate Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Climate change projections of maximum temperatures for southwest Iraq using statistical downscaling28
The nexus of climate change, sustainable agriculture and farm livelihood: contextualizing climate smart agriculture19
Spatiotemporal variability in annual drought severity, duration, and frequency from 1901 to 202013
The future of paleoclimate13
Role of changing land use and land cover (LULC) on the 2018 megafloods over Kerala, India12
Observed and expected changes in wildfire-conducive weather and fire events in peri-urban zones and key nature reserves of the Czech Republic11
Regional integrated assessment of climate change impact on cotton production in a semi-arid environment11
Food web approach for managing Arctic wildlife populations in an era of rapid environmental change11
Role of the eastern Pacific-Caribbean Sea SST gradient in the Choco low-level jet variations from 1900-201510
Ohallenges and opportunities when implementing strategic foresight: lessons learned when engaging stakeholders in climate-ecological research9
Socio-economic, social-capital, and psychological characteristics and climate change adaptive behavior of farmers in Iran9
Climate change and maize production in the Vaal catchment of South Africa: assessment of farmers’ awareness, perceptions and adaptation strategies9
Climate change impacts on wheat yield: a multi-modeling case study of central Punjab, Pakistan8
Direct and indirect effects of environmental drivers on reindeer reproduction8
Observed changes in temperature and precipitation over Asia, 1901-20208
Spatiotemporal variation in climatic conditions across ecosystems8
Mean temperature evolution on the Spanish mainland 1916-20157
Non-pooled oak (Quercus spp.) stable isotopes reveal enhanced climate sensitivity compared to ring widths7
Assessing the impact of land-use and land-cover changes on the climate over India using a regional climate model (RegCM4)7
Influences of atmospheric circulation patterns on interannual variability of winter precipitation over the northern part of the Korean Peninsula6
Evaluation of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA v7) in drought monitoring over southwest Iran6
Hunting quotas, selectivity and stochastic population dynamics challenge the management of wild reindeer6
Influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns on nutrient dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea in the extended winter season (October-March) 1961-19996
Environmental effects on spatial population dynamics and synchrony: lessons from northern ecosystems6
Replacing rice with lower water consumption crops: green policy implications for Iran6
Population responses to harvesting in fluctuating environments6
Factors preventing smallholder farmers from adapting to climate variability in South Africa: lessons from Capricorn and uMshwati municipalities5
Tornado climatology and potentially severe convective environments in Mexico5
Using ensemble-mean climate scenarios for future crop yield projections: a stochastic weather generator approach5
Towards a future without stocking: harvest and river regulation determine long-term population viability of migratory salmonids5
Predicting areas suitable for wheat and maize cultivation under future climate change scenarios in Pakistan5
Ocean-Land Atmosphere Model (OLAM) performance for major extreme meteorological events near the coastal region of southern Brazil5
Projections of wind power density in Pakistan and adjacent regions5
Shifted dynamics of plankton communities in a restored lake: exploring the effects of climate change on phenology through four decades5
Projected changes in extreme precipitation events over Iran in the 21st century based on CMIP5 models4
Spatiotemporal characterization of meteorological drought: a global approach using the Drought Exceedance Probability Index (DEPI)4
Long-term changes in surface air temperature over the Chinese mainland during 1901-20204
Optimal harvesting in a changing climate4
Impact of Automated Statistical Downscaling and Delta Downscaling methods on projecting future climate change in the northeast Tibetan Plateau4
Tree ring-reconstructed late summer moisture conditions, 1546 to present, northern Lake Michigan, USA4
Climatology and variability of the start, end, and length of the frost-free season across Iran4
Change in mean and extreme precipitation in eastern China since 19013
Evaluating the impacts of climate change on industrial water demand by sector3
Ten years of climate change adaptation in Greenlandic fisheries: key observations from local ecological knowledge3
Low impact of first-time spawners on population growth in a brown trout population3
Increasing impact of compound agricultural drought and hot events on maize yield in China3
Climate change impact assessment on low streamflows using cross-entropy methods3
Comparison of seasonal climate in China during the cold and warm phases of ENSO3
Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies on rainfed and irrigated maize in the agro-pastoral ecotone of Northwestern China3
Climate resilience of irrigated quinoa in semi-arid West Africa3
Sectoral emissions contributions to anthropogenic aerosol scenarios over the Indian subcontinent and effects of mitigation on air quality, climate, and health3
Investigating net primary production in climate regions of central Zagros, Iran, using MODIS and meteorological data3
Association between El Niño and extreme temperatures in southern South America in CMIP5 models. Part 1: model evaluation in the present climate3
Future changes in aridity in the Upper Indus Basin during the twenty-first century2
Absence of an internal multidecadal oscillation in the North Atlantic has consequences for anticipating the future of marine ecosystems2
Dimming in the Pearl River Delta of China and the major influencing factors2
Topographically channeled ocean-atmosphere coupling in the southern Caribbean and summer climate variability2
Temporal characteristics of extreme high temperatures in Wuhan since 18812
North American rain-on-snow ablation climatology2
Trends and irregular variation of spatial temperature differences in the high-latitude coastal city of Turku, Finland2
Intercomparison of statistical downscaling models: a case study of a large-scale river basin2
Daily precipitation characteristics of RegCM4 and WRF in China and their interannual variations2
Long-term trend of near-surface air temperature lapse rate over the Chinese mainland during 1961-20182
Asian climate warming since 1901: observation and simulation2
Extreme precipitation changes over the Yangtze River Basin in 1901-20202
Changes in wind erosion climatic erosivity in northern China from 1981-2016: a comparison of two climate/weather factors of wind erosion models2
Spatiotemporal variation of erosive rainfall and its influence on sediment discharge in the Ganjiang River Basin2
A new version of the reconnaissance drought index, N-RDI2
Radiation budget in RegCM4: simulation results from two radiative schemes over the South West Indian Ocean2
Evaluation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation from 1901 to 2014 in CMIP6 models2
Investigating the factors driving the adoption of a combination of water- and nutrient-smart and soil fertility-smart agricultural practices2
Exploring drift simulations from ocean circulation experiments: application to cod eggs and larval drift2
Spatio-temporal trend and frequency analysis of precipitation in South-southern Nigeria (SSN)2
Impacts of greenhouse gases and deforestation in Amazon Basin climate extreme indices2
Recent patterns of extreme temperature events over Tamil Nadu, India2
Sensitivity of precipitation and atmospheric low-level circulation patterns to domain size and choice of parameterization schemes in RegCM4.4 over Central America2
Updated analysis of surface warming trends in North China based on in-depth homogenized data (1951-2020)2