Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

(The TQCC of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Free surface wave interaction with a submerged body using a DtN boundary condition70
Evolution of high-frequency instabilities in the presence of azimuthally compact crossflow vortex pattern over a yawed cone52
An integral equation for solitary surface gravity waves of finite amplitude27
Mixing and combustion at low heat release in large eddy simulations of a reacting shear layer24
Sparse sensor reconstruction of vortex-impinged airfoil wake with machine learning24
Model-based multi-sensor fusion for reconstructing wall-bounded turbulence22
Discrete vortex modeling of perching and hovering maneuvers17
Transient Stokes flow past a spherical droplet with a stagnant cap due to contaminated surfactant layer17
Crossflow effects on shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions15
Optimal computational parameters for maximum accuracy and minimum cost of Arnoldi-based time-stepping methods for flow global stability analysis14
Global transition dynamics of flow in a lid-driven cubical cavity14
Subgrid-scale parametrization of unresolved scales in forced Burgers equation using generative adversarial networks (GAN)13
Modified formulation of the interfacial boundary condition for the coupled Stokes–Darcy problem12
Prediction of leading-edge-vortex initiation using criticality of the boundary layer11
Electrophoretic motion of a porous polyelectrolyte microcapsule10
Linear stability analysis of compressible vortex flows considering viscous effects9
Three-dimensional evolution of body and fluid motion near a wall9
An Eulerian–Eulerian–Lagrangian modeling of two-phase combustion9
Application of the lattice Boltzmann method to the study of ultrasound propagation and acoustic streaming in three-dimensional cavities: advantages and limitations8
A one-dimensional mathematical model for shear-induced droplet formation in co-flowing fluids8
The fluidic pinball with symmetric forcing displays steady, periodic, quasi-periodic, and chaotic dynamics8
Contribution of wedge and bulk viscous forces in droplets moving on inclined surfaces7
Systolic anterior motion in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a fluid–structure interaction computational model7
Mach number effects on shock-boundary layer interactions over curved surfaces of supersonic turbine cascades6
Wave reflections and resonance in a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet6
Influence of separation structure on the dynamics of shock/turbulent-boundary-layer interactions6
Solutions to aliasing in time-resolved flow data6
A hybrid method for aeroacoustic computation of moving rigid bodies in low Mach number flows6
Theory and simulation of shock waves freely propagating through monoatomic non-Boltzmann gas6
Acoustic resolvent analysis of turbulent jets6
An analysis of the effect of the jet initial conditions on the wavelet separated near-field acoustic pressure5
Effects of annulation on low Reynolds number flows over an orthocone5
A balanced outflow boundary condition for swirling flows5
Shape diagram determination of a multiphase system in stratified configuration by CFD5
Effect of curvature variations on the hydrodynamic performance of heaving and pitching foils5
Stabilization of crossflow mode by grooves on a supersonic swept wing5
Backpropagation of neural network dynamical models applied to flow control4
Flow over a hydrofoil subjected to traveling wave-based surface undulation: effect of phase difference between surface waves and wave number4
The three-dimensional instabilities and destruction of the viscous Hill’s vortex4
Vortex-induced vibration and flutter of a filament behind a circular cylinder4
Settling of two-way momentum and energy coupled particles subject to Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq heating4
Linear stability analysis of compressible pipe flow4
Modeling rarefied gas chemistry with QuiPS, a novel quasi-particle method4
Analysis of the wall heat flux of the hypersonic shock wave/boundary layer interaction using a novel decomposition formula4
Dispersion of free-falling saliva droplets by two-dimensional vortical flows4
LBM study of natural convection heat transfer from a porous cylinder in an enclosure4