Research in Nondestructive Evaluation

(The median citation count of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Characteristics of Eddy Current Attenuation in Metal Clad Plates and Measurement of Cladding Thickness10
Characteristics of Eddy Current Attenuation in Double-Layer Metallic Plate and Measurement of Gap Thickness10
Damage Detection of Cross-Plied CFRP Laminates Based on Rectangular Differential Pulse Eddy Current Sensors9
Shape Reconstruction of Columnar Structure Defect7
Identification of Corroded Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Based on Deep Learning SCNet Model4
Detecting Porosity in Additively Manufactured Parts with Deep Learning and Artificial Computed Tomography Data4
Fast VGG: An Advanced Pre-Trained Deep Learning Framework for Multi-Layered Composite NDE via Multifrequency Near-Field Microwave Imaging3
Excitation of Odd Harmonics of SH 0 Mode Ultrasonic Guided Waves Using Magnetostriction-Based EMAT: Theoretical Modeling3
A Detection Sensitivity Analysis Model for Structural Health Monitoring to Inspect Wall Thinning considering Random Sensor Location3
Applying Digital Twin Methods for Process-Structure-Property Correlation Assessment in Metal Additive Manufacturing with Limited Experimental Data3
Comparison of Skin Effects in Ferromagnetic and Nonferromagnetic Metals in Eddy Current Testing3
Evaluation of Stress and Stress Concentration Degree Based on the Online Piezomagnetic Measurement3
Concrete Microcracks Detection under Compressive Load Based on Nonlinear Ultrasonics Modulation with Broadband Excitation3
Time Multiplexing of Currents for Magnetic Particle Inspection3
Acoustic Properties of Steel Bridge Base Metals3
Computation and Storage Efficient Sparse MART Algorithm for 2-D, 3-D Reconstruction from Fan Beam, Cone-Beam Projection Data2
Guided Wave Studies for Enhanced Acoustic Emission Inspection2
Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Method for Corrosion Thinning Defects of Ferromagnetic Components Based on Parameter Inversion Algorithm2
Guest Associate Technical Editor Letter2
Assessment of Laser-Generated Ultrasonic Total Focusing Method for Battery Cell Foil Weld Inspection2
Numerical Study of Rayleigh Wave Interaction with Rolling Contact Fatigue Type of Defects2
A Novel Image-Based Long-Range Continuously Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer for Operational Modal Analysis of a Rotating Structure2
Limitations of Sonic Echo Testing on Buried Piles of Unknown Bridge Foundations2
Modeling of Eddy Current NDT Simulations by Kriging Surrogate Model2
Baseline-Free Damage Identification Method for Lattice Sandwich Structures Based on Operational Deflection Shapes2
Nonlinear Eddy Current Technique for Fatigue Detection and Classification in Martensitic Stainless-Steel Samples2
In-situ Laser ultrasound-based Rayleigh Wave Process Monitoring of DED-AM Metals2
Quantitative Evaluation of Corrosion Defects on Structural Steel Plates via Metal Magnetic Memory Method2
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Complex Defects in Thin Steel Strips with the Imaging Method of Magnetic Field Distortion2
Radial Field Detector to Improve Sensitivity of Localized Defects in Remote Field Eddy Current Technique2
Hybrid Method of ACA and Interpolation-based Algorithms for Analysis of Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluations2
Mechanical Sensing Properties of Embedded Smart Piezoelectric Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete2
The Effect of Cyclic Preloading on the Magnetic Behavior of the Hot-rolled 08G2B Steel under Elastic Uniaxial Tension2
Bridging the Gap: Correlating Ultrasonically Quantified BVID with the Compressive Strength of CFRP Composites1
Vibration Nondestructive Testing of Continuous Welded Rails: A Finite Element Analysis1
The Potential for Material Property Characterization Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Ultrasonic Wave Data1
In Situ Measurement of Concrete Static Modulus of Elasticity: Proof of Concept Implementation1
Millimeter-Wave Near-Field Evaluations of Polylactic Acid (PLA) Filament Used in Polymer-Based Additive Manufacturing (AM)1
Dynamic Defect Detection in Fast, Robust NDE Methods by Transfer Learning Based Optimally Binned Hypothesis Tests1
Application of Reciprocity for Facilitation of Wave Field Visualization and Defect Detection1
An Improved Adjacent Wave Subtraction Method for Damage Detection in Stiffened Composite Panels1
Nonlinear Resonant Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (NRUS) for Monitoring Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminum1
Nondestructive Evaluation of Nylon/carbon-Fiber Additively Manufactured Components Using Rotational Eddy Current Testing1
In-Motion Railroad Tie Deflection Measurement via Ultrasonic Airborne Sonar and Computer Vision Techniques1