Formal Aspects of Computing

(The TQCC of Formal Aspects of Computing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Compositional Verification of Railway Interlocking Systems25
Comprehensive Systems: A formal foundation for Multi-Model Consistency Management19
On the Interactive Power of Higher-order Processes Extended with Parameterization18
Review on Theories of Programming: The Life and Works of Tony Hoare16
Sound Runtime Assertion Checking for Memory Properties via Program Transformation11
A compositional simulation framework for Abstract State Machine models of Discrete Event Systems11
Machine learning steered symbolic execution framework for complex software code11
JMLKelinci+: Detecting Semantic Bugs and Covering Branches with Valid Inputs Using Coverage-guided Fuzzing and Runtime Assertion Checking8
iStar Goal Model to Z Formal Model Translation and Model Checking of CBTC Moving Block Interlocking System8
Specification and Verification of Multi-Clock Systems Using a Temporal Logic with Clock Constraints7
Introduction to the Special Collection from the International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP) 2020 and 20217
RoboWorld: Verification of Robotic Systems with Environment in the Loop6
Mechanised Operational Reasoning for C11 Programs with Relaxed Dependencies6
Refinement-based Specification and Analysis of Multi-core ARINC 653 Using Event-B6
Does Every Computer Scientist Need to Know Formal Methods?6
Verification of Crashsafe Caching in a Virtual File System Switch6
An SMT-Based Approach to the Verification of Knowledge-Based Programs6
Probabilistic Bigraphs5
The Universality of Functions in the Sciences at Large and in Computing5
A Refinement-based Formal Development of Cyber-physical Railway Signalling Systems5
TOrPEDO: witnessing model correctness with topological proofs5
Algebra-Based Reasoning for Loop Synthesis5
ω-Regular Energy Problems5
Modelling and Analysing Routing Protocols Diagrammatically with Bigraphs4
Introduction to the Special Collection from FM 20234
UNITY and Büchi automata4
FuSeBMC v4: Improving Code Coverage with Smart Seeds via BMC, Fuzzing and Static Analysis4
Introduction to the Special Section on iFM 20204
Formal Specification and Verification of JDK’s Identity Hash Map Implementation4
Introduction to the Special Collection from PRDC 20234
A Case in Point: Verification and Testing of a EULYNX Interface4
Kaki: Efficient Concurrent Update Synthesis for SDN4
Introduction to the Special Section on Reliability, Safety, and Security of Railway Systems3
Learning safe neural network controllers with barrier certificates3
RNA: R1CS Normalization Algorithm Based on Data Flow Graphs for Zero-Knowledge Proofs3
Feature-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Robotic System3
Enhancing Probabilistic Model Checking with Ontologies3
Fast Automated Abstract Machine Repair Using Simultaneous Modifications and Refactoring3
Statistical model checking for variability-intensive systems: applications to bug detection and minimization3