Transplant International

(The TQCC of Transplant International is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Issue Information52
Issue Information39
Issue Information32
The long‐term outcomes in liver transplantation using donation after circulatory death grafts32
Issue Information28
Obituary: Jean‐Michel “Max” Dubernard (1941–2021)27
Malignancy among adult heart transplant recipients following patient‐tailored dosing of anti‐thymocyte globulin: a retrospective, nested case‐control study of individualized dosing27
Author Index26
Issue Information25
Endoscopic ultrasound guided portal‐systemic pressure gradient measurement to determine candidacy for kidney transplant alone versus combined liver kidney transplant in patients with advanced fibrosis24
Post‐kidney transplant serum magnesium exhibits a U‐shaped association with subsequent mortality: an observational cohort study23
Issue Information22
From combined heart‐kidney to kidney transplantation program: What nephrologists should know about dilated cardiomyopathy21
Liver transplantation for congenital hepatic fibrosis19
Issue Information18
The impact of race and comorbid conditions on adult liver transplant outcomes in obese recipients18
Cardiorespiratory fitness in kidney transplant recipients compared to patients with kidney failure: a systematic review and meta‐analysis17
Is transplantation per se a risk factor for worse outcome of SARS–CoV–2 infection in kidney transplant recipients?17
Long term outcomes and complications of reno‐portal anastomosis in liver transplantation: results from a propensity score‐based outcome analysis16
Liver transplantation versus watchful waiting in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with complete response to bridging therapy – a retrospective observational study16
Low seroprevalence of SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies in a liver transplant cohort15
Predicting recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation using a novel model that incorporates tumor and donor‐related factors15
Post‐liver transplantation chronic kidney disease is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk and poor survival15
Glomerular galactose‐deficient IgA1 detected in donor‐derived and recurrent IgA nephropathy14
Task force groups of Transplant International: working together to globally connect the transplant community of tomorrow14
Weight trends in living kidney donors suggest predonation counselling alone lacks a sustainable effect on weight loss: a single centre cohort study14
Pre‐transplant bariatric surgery is not associated with an increased risk of infection after kidney transplant13
Extreme hyponatremia as a risk factor for early mortality after liver transplantation in the MELD‐sodium era13
Managing immunosuppressive therapy in potentially cured post‐kidney transplant cancer (excluding non‐melanoma skin cancer): an overview of the available evidence and guidance for shared decision‐makin13
Is simplification of immunosuppressive medication a way to promote medication adherence of kidney transplant recipients? Findings from a randomized controlled trial13
MiR‐339 and galectin‐3: diagnostic value in patients with airway obstruction after lung transplantation13
Consensus statement on normothermic regional perfusion in donation after circulatory death: Report from the European Society for Organ Transplantation’s Transplant Learning Journey13
Observational study of risk factors associated with clinical outcome among elderly kidney transplant recipients in Sweden – a decade of follow‐up12
Mini‐organs forum: how to advance organoid technology to organ transplant community12
Cancer transmissions and non‐transmissions from solid organ transplantation in an Australian cohort of deceased and living organ donors12
Personalized physical rehabilitation program and employment in kidney transplant recipients: a randomized trial12
Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in Dutch kidney recipients with and without calcineurin inhibitor exposure: a retrospective study12
Stratifying the humoral risk of candidates to a solid organ transplantation: a proposal of the ENGAGE working group11
Exercise capacity, muscle strength and objectively measured physical activity in patients after heart transplantation11
Successful treatment of acute kidney allograft rejection using extracorporeal photopheresis in the context of post‐transplant lymphoproliferative diseases: three successive cases11
Increased rejection rates in kidney transplantations during the COVID‐19 pandemic11
It is not only extending donor criteria: it is extending the donor pool. A cross‐sectional survey from the European Society of Organ Transplantation11
Safe use of right lobe living donor livers with moderate steatosis in adult‐to‐adult living donor liver transplantation: a retrospective study11
Short‐ and long‐term impact of neutropenia within the first year after kidney transplantation11
CT fluoroscopy‐guided pancreas transplant biopsies: a retrospective evaluation of predictors of complications and success rates11
What happens after graft loss? A large, long‐term, single‐center observation11
Kidney transplant recipient perspectives on telehealth during the COVID‐19 pandemic11
Oral presentations10
Transplant Trial Watch10
Issue Information10
Acknowledgements to reviewers10
Association between ethnicity and kidney transplant waitlist outcomes beyond estimated post‐transplant survival score10
PSC recurrence post liver transplantation: retransplantation justified or not?10
What a ride!10
Issue Information9
A kidney discard decision strategy based on zero‐time histology analysis could lead to an unjustified increase in the organ turndown rate among ECD9
Cohort study: “Outcomes of kidney transplantation in patients with prosthetic heart valves”9
Transplant Trial Watch9
Editorial: changing of the guard at Transplant International9
Pancreas utilization rates in the UK – an 11‐year analysis9
Implementation of the kidney team at home intervention: Evaluating generalizability, implementation process, and effects9
Impacts of single nucleotide polymorphisms in Fc gamma receptor IIA ( rs1801274 ) on lung transplant outcomes among Japanese lung transplant recipients9
Transplant Trial Watch9
Building a bridge between patients and transplant healthcare professionals – a descriptive study9
Impact of recipient and donor smoking in living‐donor kidney transplantation: a prospective multicenter cohort study8
Extraperitoneal kidney transplantation: a comparison between children weighting ≤15 kg and >15 kg. Experience of a single institution8
Seroprevalence of SARS‐CoV‐2 IgG antibodies in the current COVID‐19 pandemic amongst co‐workers at a UK renal transplant centre8
Advanced donor age does not increase risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation: a retrospective two‐centre analysis using competing risk analysis8
Organ Repair and Regeneration. Eds: GiuseppeOrlando and ShafKeshavjee. London, UK: Academic Press, 2021; 289 pages8
Simultaneous liver kidney allocation policy and the Safety Net: an early examination of utilization and outcomes in the United States8
Donor age (≥45 years) and reduced immunosuppression are associated with the recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis after liver transplantation – a multicenter retrospective study8
Kidney paired donation is necessary in Brazil8
Successful surgical weight loss with laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity prior to kidney transplantation8