Journal of Population Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Population Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Socio-demographic factors associated with self-protecting behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic195
The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 US presidential election106
Stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and trust103
COVID-19: a crisis of the female self-employed63
Implications of COVID-19 labour market shocks for inequality in financial wellbeing45
School closures and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan43
Sexual orientation and earnings: a meta-analysis 2012–202032
The safest time to fly: pandemic response in the era of Fox News30
Local mortality estimates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy29
Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?28
The distributional consequences of social distancing on poverty and labour income inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean22
Global warming and urbanization22
Timing of social distancing policies and COVID-19 mortality: county-level evidence from the U.S.21
Does social participation improve cognitive abilities of the elderly?20
Something in the pipe: the Flint water crisis and health at birth20
Coronagraben in Switzerland: culture and social distancing in times of COVID-1920
The impact of repeated mass antigen testing for COVID-19 on the prevalence of the disease20
The effects of temperature on mental health: evidence from China18
Culture and mental health resilience in times of COVID-1917
Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave17
The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the demand for health care and on mortality: evidence from COVID-19 in Scandinavia16
Behind the child penalty: understanding what contributes to the labour market costs of motherhood15
From the lockdown to the new normal: individual mobility and local labor market characteristics following the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy15
Higher education expansion and gender norms: evidence from China15
Housing wealth and fertility: evidence from China14
The unintended effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders on abortions14
Back to work or stay at home? Family policies and maternal employment in Finland14
In medio stat victus: Labor Demand Effects of an Increase in the Retirement Age13
Gender differences in the skill content of jobs13
Employment effects of language training for unemployed immigrants13
Child marriage and infant mortality: causal evidence from Ethiopia12
The impact of Covid-19 on older workers’ employment and Social Security spillovers12
Housing market regulations and strategic divorce propensity in China12
Temperature, climate change, and human conception rates: evidence from Hungary11
Brothers increase women’s gender conformity11
Children and labor market outcomes: separating the effects of the first three children10
Social identity and labor market outcomes of immigrants10
The effect of same-sex marriage legalization on interstate migration in the USA10
Optimal lockdown and social welfare10
Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the USA, 1960–202010
The unequal impact of natural light on crime10
Increasing longevity and life satisfaction: is there a catch to living longer?10
The Feminisation U, cultural norms, and the plough10
School friendship networks, homophily and multiculturalism: evidence from European countries9
Malthus in preindustrial Northern Italy?9
Growing up in ethnic enclaves: language proficiency and educational attainment of immigrant children9
Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes9
Double-edged sword: persistent effects of Communist regime affiliations on well-being and preferences8
Vocational training for unemployed youth in Latvia8
Social assimilation and immigrants’ labour market outcomes8
Reopening schools in a context of low COVID-19 contagion: consequences for teachers, students and their parents8
The US COVID-19 baby bust and rebound8
Identifying ethnic occupational segregation8
Aging and automation in economies with search frictions7
Heaven can wait: future tense and religiosity7
The impact of 2020 French municipal elections on the spread of COVID-197
Child care costs, household liquidity constraints, and gender inequality7
The impact of timing of in utero drought shocks on birth outcomes in rural households: evidence from Sierra Leone7
The intergenerational effects of birth order on education7
Fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria7
Social externalities, endogenous childcare costs, and fertility choice7
The effect of compulsory schooling laws and child labor restrictions on fertility: evidence from the early twentieth century7
The effect of the 2016 United States presidential election on employment discrimination7
Big Five personality traits and sex6
The morbidity costs of air pollution through the Lens of Health Spending in China6
Social integration of Syrian refugees and their intention to stay in Germany6
Early childhood education and care: effects after half a century and their mechanisms6
Do high aspirations lead to better outcomes? Evidence from a longitudinal survey of adolescents in Peru6
Son preference and education Inequalities in India: the role of gender-biased fertility strategies and preferential treatment of boys6
Landownership concentration and human capital accumulation in post-unification Italy6
Analysing tax-benefit reforms in the Netherlands using structural models and natural experiments5
Social security, economic growth, and social welfare in an overlapping generation model with idiosyncratic TFP shock and heterogeneous workers5
Economic geography of contagion: a study of COVID-19 outbreak in India5
The labor market returns to “first-in-family” university graduates5
The effect of linguistic proximity on the labour market outcomes of the asylum population5
Minimum working age and the gender mortality gap5
Managing the impact of climate on migration: evidence from Mexico5
How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility5
How the earnings growth of US immigrants was underestimated5
Fluctuations in the wage gap between vocational and general secondary education: lessons from Portugal5
Health spillover effects of a conditional cash transfer program5
Preventing reforming unequally4
Neighborhoods and mental health—evidence from a natural experiment in the public social housing sector4
Changes in parental gender preference in the USA: evidence from 1850 to 20194
Delay in childbearing and the evolution of fertility rates4
Social Mobility and Political Regimes: Intergenerational Mobility in Hungary, 1949–20174
The supply of foreign talent: how skill-biased technology drives the location choice and skills of new immigrants4
Demographic change and the rate of return in pay-as-you-go pension systems4
Saving lives: the 2006 expansion of daylight saving in Indiana4
Estimating poverty for refugees in data-scarce contexts: an application of cross-survey imputation4
Parental inputs and socio-economic gaps in early child development4
Children having children: early motherhood and offspring human capital in India4
Male wage inequality and characteristics of “early mover” marriages3
A twenty-first century of solitude? Time alone and together in the United States3
Female breadwinning and domestic abuse: evidence from Australia3
Changes in children’s time use during periods of financial hardship3
Health and aging before and after retirement3
Compensation for girls in early childhood and its long-run impact: family investment strategies under rainfall shocks3
The impact of sodomy law repeals on crime3
No man is an island: trust, trustworthiness, and social networks among refugees in Germany3
Optimal interventions in networks during a pandemic3
Migration control policy and parent–child separation among migrant families: evidence from China3
Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women3
Under- and over-investment in education: the role of locked-in fertility3
Migration and experienced utility of left-behind parents: evidence from rural China3
Eastward enlargements of the European Union, transitional arrangements and self-employment3
International migration and the religious schooling of children in the home country: evidence from Bangladesh3
The immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes3
Baby commodity booms? The impact of commodity shocks on fertility decisions and outcomes3
Gendered university major choice: the role of intergenerational transmission3
Native Americans’ experience of chronic distress in the USA3
Gender equity and the gender gap in STEM: is there really a paradox?2
Quantity-quality trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing dynasty2
Return migrants and the wage premium: does the legal status of migrants matter?2
Long-term barriers to global fertility convergence2
Health shocks and spousal labor supply: an international perspective2
Mothers and fathers: education, co-residence, and child health2
Vaccination and risky behaviors: evidence from the hepatitis B vaccination campaign in China2
The impact of police violence on migration: evidence from Venezuela2
Revolutionized life: long-term effects of childhood exposure to persecution on human capital and marital sorting2
I am a survivor, keep on surviving: early-life exposure to conflict and subjective survival probabilities in adult life2
Hyperbolic discounting in an intergenerational model with altruistic parents2
The impact of targeted regulation of abortion providers laws on abortions and births2
The female happiness paradox2
Banning the purchase of sex increases cases of rape: evidence from Sweden2