Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems

(The median citation count of Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Funnel control of nonlinear systems44
Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections23
Stability conditions for impulsive dynamical systems22
The ISS framework for time-delay systems: a survey15
Piecewise structure of Lyapunov functions and densely checked decrease conditions for hybrid systems15
Forwarding techniques for the global stabilization of dissipative infinite-dimensional systems coupled with an ODE14
Robust tracking error feedback control for output regulation of Euler–Bernoulli beam equation13
Unified reinforcement Q-learning for mean field game and control problems13
ISS and integral-ISS of switched systems with nonlinear supply functions12
Recurrent neural networks for stochastic control problems with delay11
Variational point-obstacle avoidance on Riemannian manifolds10
Differential–algebraic systems with dissipative Hamiltonian structure10
Integral input-to-state stability of unbounded bilinear control systems8
Compound matrices in systems and control theory: a tutorial7
Boundary null-controllability of 1-D coupled parabolic systems with Kirchhoff-type conditions7
Neural network architectures using min-plus algebra for solving certain high-dimensional optimal control problems and Hamilton–Jacobi PDEs7
Nonlinear robust periodic output regulation of minimum phase systems7
Controlled Lagrangians and stabilization of Euler–Poincaré mechanical systems with broken symmetry II: potential shaping7
Delayed stabilization of the Korteweg–de Vries equation on a star-shaped network6
Erasure decoding of convolutional codes using first-order representations6
Manifold turnpikes, trims, and symmetries6
Interpreting models of infectious diseases in terms of integral input-to-state stability6
Parameter calibration with stochastic gradient descent for interacting particle systems driven by neural networks6
Convergence of stochastic approximation via martingale and converse Lyapunov methods6
The difference between port-Hamiltonian, passive and positive real descriptor systems6
Implementation of the algorithm for constructing homogeneous approximations of nonlinear control systems5
Exponential decay for semilinear wave equations with viscoelastic damping and delay feedback5
On the turnpike property with interior decay for optimal control problems4
Koopman operator approach for computing structure of solutions and observability of nonlinear dynamical systems over finite fields4
Control sets for bilinear and affine systems4
The exponential input-to-state stability property: characterisations and feedback connections4
Boundary control design for conservation laws in the presence of measurement disturbances3
The turnpike property and the longtime behavior of the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation for finite-dimensional LQ control problems3
Second-order multi-object filtering with target interaction using determinantal point processes3
Differential-algebraic systems are generically controllable and stabilizable3
Convergence results for an averaged LQR problem with applications to reinforcement learning3
Relative genericity of controllablity and stabilizability for differential-algebraic systems3
On the mathematical theory of ensemble (linear-Gaussian) Kalman–Bucy filtering3
Exponential stability of a general slope limiter scheme for scalar conservation laws subject to a dissipative boundary condition3
Robust output regulation of the linearized Boussinesq equations with boundary control and observation2
Parallelizability of control systems2
Finite-time estimator with enhanced robustness and transient performance applied to adaptive problems2
Integer-fractional decomposition and stability analysis of fractional-order nonlinear dynamic systems using homotopy singular perturbation method2
Approximate and null controllability for the multidimensional Coleman–Gurtin model2
Controllability of networked systems with heterogeneous dynamics2
Design of finite-/fixed-time ISS-Lyapunov functions for mechanical systems2
On discrete-time dissipative port-Hamiltonian (descriptor) systems2
Characterization, verification and computation of robust controlled invariants for monotone dynamical systems2
Linear turnpike theorem2
A distributional solution framework for linear hyperbolic PDEs coupled to switched DAEs2
Strong stabilization of non-dissipative operators in Hilbert spaces with input saturation2
The circle criterion for a class of sector-bounded dynamic nonlinearities1
Exact boundary controllability of 1D semilinear wave equations through a constructive approach1
Multi-omic integrated curvature study on pan-cancer genomic data1
Some global topological properties of a free boundary problem appearing in a two dimensional controlled ruin problem1
Semi-uniform input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems1
Cytokine storm mitigation for exogenous immune agonists1
New tests for the stability of 3D Roesser models1
Logarithmic regret in online linear quadratic control using Riccati updates1
Output feedback control with prescribed performance via funnel pre-compensator1
Port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are relative generically controllable and stabilizable1
Robustness under control sampling of reachability in fixed time for nonlinear control systems1
Gramian-based model reduction for unstable stochastic systems1
Are delay-differential systems generically controllable?1
Mean stability and $${\varvec{L}}_\mathbf{1 }$$ performance of a class of two-time-scale Markov jump linear systems1
Topological entropy of switched nonlinear and interconnected systems1
On state estimation for nonlinear systems under random access wireless protocols1
Boundary controllability for a 1D degenerate parabolic equation with a Robin boundary condition1
Correction to: Relative genericity of controllability and stabilizability for differential-algebraic systems1
Optimal dichotomy of temporal scales and boundedness/stability of time-varying multidimensional nonlinear systems1
Stabilization of Bresse system with thermodiffusion effects1
Controllability of periodic linear systems, the Poincaré sphere, and quasi-affine systems1
Almost linearizable control systems1
Control problems on infinite horizon subject to time-dependent pure state constraints1
Correction to: Remarks on input-to-state stability of collocated systems with saturated feedback1
Approximate controllability and stabilizability of a linearized system for the interaction between a viscoelastic fluid and a rigid body1
Mathematical analysis of the limiting behaviors of a chromatin modification circuit1
ISS-based robustness to various neglected damping mechanisms for the 1-D wave PDE1
State observation for heterogeneous quasilinear traffic flow system with disturbances1
Direct coupling coherent quantum observers with discounted mean square performance criteria and penalized back-action1
On stable solution of the problem of disturbance reduction in a linear dynamical system1