Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section A-A Journal of Physical Scienc

(The TQCC of Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section A-A Journal of Physical Scienc is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The controlled fission, fusion and collision behavior of two species Bose–Einstein condensates with an optical potential70
Curvilinear flow of micropolar fluid with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model due to oscillation of curved stretchable sheet25
Weak signal detection of composite multistable stochastic resonance with Woods–Saxon potential18
On the validity of the exchange principle in rotatory electrothermoconvection16
Dynamical investigation of the perturbed Chen–Lee–Liu model with conformable fractional derivative15
Cosmology in f(R, T) gravity with quadratic deceleration parameter14
Free vibration analyses of 3D printed plates with different geometric fillings: experimental testing and numerical simulations14
The Standard Model and quantum state reduction from Heim’s field theory13
Evolution of ion-acoustic shock waves in magnetized plasma with hybrid Cairns–Tsallis distributed electrons13
Corrigendum to: Study of ferrofluid flow and heat transfer between cone and disk12
Turbulent boundary layer heat transfer of CuO–water nanofluids on a continuously moving plate subject to convective boundary12
Vortices in a strongly coupled collisional quantum plasma embedded in an external magnetic field11
Time and space waveform optimization to extend the harmonic cutoff and to produce the water window single attosecond pulse11
The first-order phase transition of melting for molecular crystals by Frost–Kalkwarf vapor- and sublimation-pressure equations10
Control of the single-order harmonic generation by changing the laser parameters of two-color pulse10
Kelvin–Helmholtz stability of rotating magnetoplasma with electron inertia9
The design of optical non-reciprocal abnormal transmission based on PT asymmetric system9
The uniqueness of the solution of a mixed problem for three-dimensional hyperbolic equations with type and order degeneracy property9
Numerical modelling of 1-dimensional silicon photonic crystal sensor for hydrostatic pressure measurement8
Exfoliated g-C3N4 as efficient sorbent for Pb ions removal from synthetic wastewaters8
Concept of introverted space: is multidimensional, extroverted space an illusion?8
Periodic and localized structures in dusty plasma with Kaniadakis distribution8
Magneto- and barocaloric properties of the ferro-antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain8
The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric and the principle of equivalence8
An approach without partial wave expansion to calculate scattering of spin-0 and spin- 1 2 $\frac{1}{2}$ particles in high energy regions and those governed by long range interactions8
Pressure-exerted steady laminar flow of an incompressible fluid along a porous parallel-walled channel with an impermeable wall7
Free vibrations of nanobeams under non-ideal supports based on modified couple stress theory7
Effects of an external constant pressure gradient on a steady incompressible laminar flow through a semi-porous annular pipe7
On the limitations of the complex wave velocity for the heterogeneous swirling flows6
Similarity solutions for cylindrical shock wave in a self-gravitating and rotating gas under the influence of monochromatic radiation and azimuthal or axial magnetic field by using Lie invariance meth6
Pressure and size dependent investigation of ultrasonic and thermal properties of ScRu intermetallic6
On timeless macroscopic spaces6
Predator-dependent transmissible disease spreading in prey under Holling type-II functional response6
Investigations on the EPR parameters and local structures for the substitutional Ti3+ and W5+ centers in stishovite6
Temperature-insensitive intensity-modulation liquid refractive index sensor based on fiber-optic Michelson probe structure6
Quantum-mechanical treatment of two particles in a potential box6
Critical buckling loads of embedded perforated microbeams with arbitrary boundary conditions via an efficient solution method5
Numerical treatment of squeezing unsteady nanofluid flow using optimized stochastic algorithm5
Photocatalytic decomposition of Congo red dye by black paste@TiO2 as an efficient recyclable photocatalyst5
Mathematical modelling of classical Graetz–Nusselt problem for axisymmetric tube and flat channel using the Carreau fluid model: a numerical benchmark study5
Chaos analysis for a class of impulse Duffing-van der Pol system5
Impact of temperature asymmetry and small fraction of static positive ions on the relaxed states of a relativistic hot pair plasma5
One-dimensional spherical shock waves in an interstellar dusty gas clouds5
On the existence of simple waves for two-dimensional non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamics5
Magnetic and porous effects on steady state and flow resistance of Burgers fluids between parallel plates4
Robust white light emission of UV pumped SrCeO3: xSm3+ perovskites for wLEDs4
Nanoarchitecture of Eumeninae nest: the compositional mystery unwrapped4
Wronskian solution, Bäcklund transformation and Painlevé analysis to a (2 + 1)-dimensional Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky equation4
Temperature-dependent elastic, mechanical, thermal, and acoustic behavior in alkaline earth semiconductors4
Nambu Jona-Lasinio model of relativistic superconductivity4
Fiber-optic Michelson interferometer for detecting coolant level and refractive index4
Excitation of proton firehose instability in magnetospheric cold and hot proton plasma: a quasilinear approach4
Numerical solutions and conservation laws for nonlinear evolution equations4
Quantum cosmology4
Terahertz plasma oscillations and dissipating solitary pulses in electron–hole semiconductor plasmas3
An inspect on rational solutions to the generalized Boussinesq-type equation3
Structural, band profiles and optical reflectivity studies of ALi2B (A = Cu, Ag; B = Ge, Sn, Pb) compounds3
A first-principles investigation of XZn2Si2 (X = Ca, Sr, Ba) Zintl compounds: structural, elastic, electrical, optical and thermoelectric properties3
Study of mechanical and thermophysical properties of Ni3Ti3
Plasmonic graphene/perovskite Schottky barrier photodetector3
Delta-shock for the Chaplygin gas Euler equations with source terms3
Rayleigh–Taylor stability of quantum magnetohydrodynamic plasma with electron inertia and resistivity3
Outlining the impact of electro-osmotic force and mixed convection flow of EMHD nanofluid flow on the stretched cylinder: a computational layout3
Comparative study of novel solitary wave solutions with unveiling bifurcation and chaotic structure modelled by stochastic dynamical system3
Analytical treatment of the critical properties of a generalized van der Waals equation3
Optoelectronics and thermoelectric performances in CuX (X = F, Cl, Br, and I)3
Identification of thermo optical parameters in 4l-hexyloxy-4-cyanobyphenyl with dispersed ZnO nano particles3
Dynamic responses of graded nonhomogeneous unsaturated soils under a strip load3
Why does momentum depend on inertia?3
Mach–Zehnder carbon monoxide gas sensor based on tin dioxide coated endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber3
All waves have a zero tunneling time2
Ultra-sensitive one-dimensional phononic crystals temperature sensor: theoretical optimization2
Local structure and electron density distribution analysis of tin(II) sulfide using pair distribution function and maximum entropy method2
Riemann problems for the 2-D pressureless gas dynamics with external forces2
Design of fractal shaped antenna with MBBA LC material dispersed with ZnO nanoparticles for bandwidth improvement2
Structural, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of the full-Heusler compounds Ni2Mn(Ge,Sn) and Mn2NiGe2
The effect of second order slip condition on MHD nanofluid flow around a semi-circular cylinder2
Age-selective harvesting in a delayed predator–prey model with fear effect2
Evolution of weak shock waves in non-ideal magnetogasdynamics2
Qualitative behavior of a discrete predator–prey system under fear effects2
Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on optical textures and image analysis properties of 7O.O5 liquid crystalline compound2
Oscillating modes of thermomagnetic avalanches in superconductors2
Implications of incorporating CrFeNiTiZn high-entropy alloy on the tribomechanical and microstructure morphology behaviour of A356 composites processed by friction stir processing2
Bond energies and hydrogen density distributions for hydrogen bond2
A comparison study of the structural electronic, elastic and lattice dynamic properties of ZrInAu and ZrSnPt2
Quadruple Beltrami field structures in electron–positron multi-ion plasma2
Ion acoustic solitary waves in magnetized anisotropic nonextensive plasmas2
Effect of deposition potential and saccharin addition on structural, magnetic and magnetoresistance characteristics of NiCoFeCu films2
Similarity solution for one dimensional motion of a magnetized self-gravitating gas with variable density under the absorption of monochromatic radiation2
Simultaneous effects of Brownian motion and thermophoretic force on Eyring–Powell fluid through porous geometry2
Exact path integral solutions of Dirac wave equation for an exponentially decaying magnetic field2
Chaotic dynamics of an extended Duffing-van der Pol system with a non-smooth perturbation and parametric excitation2
Calibration-free approaches for quantitative analysis of a brass sample2
From maximum force to physics in 9 lines and towards relativistic quantum gravity2
Effects of heat treatment on some magnetic properties of amorphous alloys containing (Fe–Ni)1−x M x (M = 2
Inward and outward dust acoustic cylindrical and spherical waves interaction in four-component dusty plasma with nonthermal ions2
On the O-mode instability generated by dual core-halo solar wind electrons2
Three-to-one internal resonances of stepped nanobeam of nonlinearity2
Qualitative analysis of nonlinear electrostatic excitations in magnetoplasma with pressure anisotropy2
Nonhomogeneous multicolor laser beams optimization to obtain a stronger intensity single harmonic radiation path2
Trace cadmium ion detection using optical fiber Mach–Zehnder interferometer coated with PVA/TEOS/APTES2