Journal of Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Economics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Strategic trade policy with interlocking cross-ownership21
Corporate social responsibility and partial privatisation of state holding corporations10
Technology licensing under product differentiation9
The relationship between privatization and corporate taxation policies8
Quality choice and behavior-based price discrimination6
Profitable collusion on costs: a spatial model6
Will managerial delegation impede upstream collusion?6
Subsidizing risk prevention5
Brand premia driven by perceived vertical differentiation in markets with information disparity and optimistic consumers5
Downstream competition and profits under different input price bargaining structures5
University dropout problems and solutions5
Demographic change, human capital accumulation, and sectoral employment5
Inter-jurisdiction migration and the fiscal policies of local governments5
Post-merger internal organization in multitier decentralized supply chains4
Welfare reducing vertical licensing in the presence of complementary inputs4
Intellectual property and taxation of digital platforms4
An introduction to perfect and imperfect competition via bilateral oligopoly4
New results on precautionary saving and nonlinear risks4
Intra-brand competition in a differentiated oligopoly4
The impact of strategic agents in two-sided markets4
Private versus public companies with strategic CSR4
Corruption, mortality rates, and development: policies for escaping from the poverty trap4
More licensed technologies may make it worse: a welfare analysis of licensing vertically two-tier foreign technologies4
Prominence of store-brand products in an electronic platform3
Optimal partial privatization in an endogenous timing game: a mixed oligopoly approach3
Limited asset market participation and fiscal sustainability3
Market size, entry costs and free entry Cournot equilibrium3
Two-sided competition, platform services and online shopping market structure3
Procurement of advanced inputs and welfare-reducing vertical integration3
Patent portfolios and firms’ technological choices3
Revenue royalties: comment3
Growth, innovation, credit constraints, and stock price bubbles2
Profit raising entry under mixed behavior2
An optimal investor-state dispute settlement mechanism2
Investment decisions under incomplete markets in the presence of wealth effects2
When to merge with a lower quality producer?2
Supervise me if you can. Relational feelings, incentive pays and supervisory violations2
Strategic product compatibility in network industries2
The good, the bad and the worse: current, past and future consumption externalities and equilibrium efficiency2
Imperfect collusion in monitored markets with free entry2
Technological knowledge and wages: from skill premium to wage polarization2
Progressive consumption tax and monetary policy in an endogenous growth model2
Self-insurance and saving under a two-argument utility framework2
Centralized or decentralized bargaining in a vertically-related market with endogenous price/quantity choices2
Effects of patent policy on growth and inequality: exogenous versus endogenous quality improvements2
Free labor mobility and indeterminacy in models of neoclassical growth2
Ad valorem versus per unit taxation: a perspective from price signaling2
Optimal funding coverage in a mixed oligopoly with quality competition and price regulation1
Product differentiation, privatization commitment and profitability comparisons1
On the political economy of compulsory education1
International licensing under an endogenous tariff in vertically-related markets1
Ralf Korn and Bernd Luderer, Money and Mathematics: A Conversational Approach to Modern Financial Mathematics and Insurance1
Common ownership in a delivered pricing duopoly1
How do demand and costs affect the nature of innovation?1
The role of business locations in international patenting1
On the desirability of taxing bequests1
Quality provision under conditions of oligopoly1
Alternative forms of buyer power in a vertical duopoly: implications for profits, welfare, and cost pass-through1
The effects of downstream entry in a vertical mixed oligopoly: the role of input pricing1
Competition in online markets with auctions and posted prices1
P. Aghion, C. Antonin, S. Bunel, The power of creative destruction: Economic upheaval and the wealth of nations1
Loanable funds versus money creation in banking: a benchmark result1
Commodity taxes and rent extraction1
Who should be regulated: Genuine producers or third parties?1
Green products, market structure, and welfare1
Blanchard, O.: Fiscal policy under low interest rates,1
Product liability, multidimensional R&D and innovation1
Equivalence and revenue comparison among identical-item auctions1
Multitasking: incentivizing agents differing either in their work ethic or intrinsic motivation1
Conjectures and underpricing in repeated mass disputes with heterogeneous plaintiffs0
Collusion under product differentiation0
Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp, six faces of globalization0
Intrapersonal price discrimination and welfare in a dominant firm model0
Degree of product differentiation, antitrust enforcement and cartel stability0
Spatial competition and social welfare considering different feasible location regions0
Mitigation and adaptation: an informational perspective0
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Regulation with Financial Frictions0
Taxation, capital accumulation, environment and unemployment in an efficiency wage model0
Strategic partial outsourcing in the presence of single-source components0
Public sector and human capital: on the mechanics of economic development0
Complementarity between online and offline channels for quality signaling0
Can cross-holdings benefit consumers?0
Informal input suppliers, quality choice and welfare0
Platform competition with common ownership0
Seller competition on two-sided platforms0
Losses from horizontal merger and collusion0
Lifestyle taxes in the presence of profit shifting0
Government spending and monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firm productivity0
Sonia Jaffe, Robert Minton, Casey B. Mulligan, and Kevin M. Murphy: Chicago Price Theory0
Mario Ferrero : The political economy of Indo-European polytheism: how to deal with too many gods0
A model of privately funded public research0
R. Skidelsky, What’s wrong with economics? A primer for the perplexed0
Existence and uniqueness of price equilibria in location-based models of differentiation with full coverage0
Taxation and the sustainability of collusion with asymmetric costs0
Credible spatial preemption in a mixed oligopoly0
Analyzing strategic behavior in a dynamic model of bargaining and war0
Optimal sentencing with recurring crimes and adjudication errors0
Incentives for prosocial behavior under reputation persistence and policy lags0
Correction to: An introduction to perfect and imperfect competition via bilateral oligopoly0
Komlos, John, Foundations of real-world economics: what every economics student needs to know, 3rd edition, 2023, Routledge, New York and London, 420 pp., £ 39.99 (Paperback)0
Translation efficiency and directionally optimal scale0
Delegation in multiproduct downstream firms with heterogeneous channels0
Howard S. Friedman, Ultimate price: the value we place on life0
Higher tax and less work: reverse “Keep up with the Joneses” and rising inequality0
Sugata Marjit, Biswajit Mandal, and Noritsugu Nakanishi: Virtual trade and Comparative advantage: the Fourth dimension0
Correction: Can cross-holdings benefit consumers?0
Mark Hayes, John Maynard Keynes: the art of choosing the right model0
Large Tullock contests0
Multiple prizes for multiple tasks: externalities and the optimal design of tournaments0
Bardhan, Pranab: A world of insecurity. Democratic disenchantment in rich and poor countries, Harvard university press, 2022, 240 pp., $ 27.95 (hardcover)0
Terzi, Alessio, Growth for good: reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe0
Correction to: Product liability, multidimensional R&D and innovation0
Nick Cowen, a neoliberal theory of social justice0
Informed agent’s advice in bargaining under two-sided incomplete information0
Licensing of a new technology by an outside and uninformed licensor0
Correction to: Limited asset market participation and fiscal sustainability0
Intellectual property rights, taxation, and firms’ innovation: theory and evidence from China0
Entry, market structures and welfare0
Correction to: On the regulation of public broadcasting0
Should the global community welcome new oil discoveries?0
Correction to: Komlos, John, Foundations of real-world economics: what every economics student needs to know, 3rd edition, 2023, Routledge, New York and London, 420 pp., £ 39.99 (Paperback)0
Roy, Tirthankar, Monsoon Economies: India’s History in a Changing Climate0
Nonlinear pricing, biased consumers, and regulatory policy0
An upstream monopoly with transport costs0
Platform investment and seller competition in two-sided markets0
C. Furtado, the Myth of economic development0
Optimal Regional Insurance Provision: Do Federal Transfers Complement Local Debt?0
Cochrane, John H., The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 20230
Environmental policy, licensing strategy, and social welfare0
Working from home, wages, housing prices, and welfare0
Investment externalities, bank liquidity creation, and bank failures0
On the takeover mechanism in market socialism0
J. Rosenfeld: You’re paid what you’re worth—and other myths of the modern economy0
On the distribution of lifetime wealth accumulation0
Daniel Markovits, The Meritocracy Trap, Penguin Random House, 484 pp., 2019, $ 18. Michael Sandel, The Tyranny of Merit, 288 pp., Allen Lane, 2020 £ 20.00 (HB)/£ 9.99 (PB)0
Cournotian duopolistic firms may be Walrasian: a case in the Gabszewicz and Vial model0
Public investment, factor income taxation, and intergenerational welfare distribution in an overlapping generations model0
Resource allocations in the best-of-k ($$k=2,3$$) contests0
Optimal contract under double moral hazard and limited liability0
On the regulation of public broadcasting0
M. Diss & V. Merlin, (Ed.), Evaluating voting systems with probability models: essays by and in Honor of William Gehrlein and Dominique Lepelley0
P. Subacchi, The cost of free money: how unfettered capital threatens our economic future0
Selective attribute rules0
The legal incidence of ad valorem taxes matters0
Is full annuitization socially optimal?0
Stefan Nagel: Machine learning in asset pricing0
Population aging, human capital accumulation, and coordination of policies0
Correction to: Self-insurance and saving under a two-argument utility framework0
Commodity taxation principle, heterogeneous goods, and endogenous choice between price and quantity contracts0
A contest model of balancing0
Technology choice, externalities in production, and a chaotic middle-income trap0
Repeated matching, career concerns, and firm size0
Blanqué, Pascal, The Optimum Liquidity Theory and Other Essays, Economica, Paris, 20220
Endogenous capital-augmenting R&D, intersectoral labor reallocation, and the movement of the labor share0
Kam Yu, Mathematical economics: prelude to the neoclassical model0
Optimal stopping time, consumption, labour, and portfolio decision for a pension scheme0
V. Valli, The American Economy from Roosevelt to Trump0
Cross-ownership and managerial delegation under vertical product differentiation0
Brunnermeier M.K. and R. Reis: a crash course on crisis. Macroeconomic concepts for run-ups, collapses and recoveries0
Piketty, Thomas, Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016–20210
Pandemics and support for mitigation measures0
The impact of consumer’s regret on firms’ decisions in a durable good market0
Dhami, Sanjit and Sunstein, Cass R., bounded rationality. Heuristics, Judgment and Public Policy, MIT Press, 2022, 552 pp., $ 60.00 (Paperback)0
Even imprudent risk lovers may engage in precautionary saving0
Paolo Serafini: mathematics to the rescue of democracy. What does voting mean and how can it be improved?0
Downstream new product development and upstream process innovation0