Climate Dynamics

(The median citation count of Climate Dynamics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation129
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution part 2: historical and future simulations of precipitation111
Temperature dataset of CMIP6 models over China: evaluation, trend and uncertainty109
Bias correction of temperature and precipitation over China for RCM simulations using the QM and QDM methods100
Changing status of tropical cyclones over the north Indian Ocean95
Climate hazard indices projections based on CORDEX-CORE, CMIP5 and CMIP6 ensemble95
Evaluation of extreme precipitation over Asia in CMIP6 models92
Projected future daily characteristics of African precipitation based on global (CMIP5, CMIP6) and regional (CORDEX, CORDEX-CORE) climate models87
Uncertainty of ENSO-amplitude projections in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models75
Assessing mean climate change signals in the global CORDEX-CORE ensemble67
Added value of kilometer-scale modeling over the third pole region: a CORDEX-CPTP pilot study66
Extremely hot East Asia and flooding western South Asia in the summer of 2022 tied to reversed flow over Tibetan Plateau57
Extreme climate changes over three major river basins in China as seen in CMIP5 and CMIP652
Hydroclimatic trends during 1950–2018 over global land49
21st Century alpine climate change49
South America climate change revealed through climate indices projected by GCMs and Eta-RCM ensembles45
Modelling Mediterranean heavy precipitation events at climate scale: an object-oriented evaluation of the CNRM-AROME convection-permitting regional climate model44
Evaluation of extreme precipitation indices over West Africa in CMIP6 models41
Future urban heat island influence on precipitation40
Exploiting large ensembles for a better yet simpler climate model evaluation40
Impact of climate change on intense Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones of the post-monsoon season: a pseudo global warming approach39
Improved atmospheric circulation over Europe by the new generation of CMIP6 earth system models39
Changing Indian monsoon rainfall patterns under the recent warming period 2001–201838
Large-scale control on the frequency of tropical cyclones and seeds: a consistent relationship across a hierarchy of global atmospheric models38
Evolution of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall simulations from CMIP3 to CMIP6 models34
Deforestation impacts on Amazon-Andes hydroclimatic connectivity34
The CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study in southeastern South America: a comparative study of statistical and dynamical downscaling models in simulating daily extreme precipitation events34
Impacts of dynamic and thermal forcing by the Tibetan Plateau on the precipitation distribution in the Asian arid and monsoon regions34
A perturbed parameter ensemble of HadGEM3-GC3.05 coupled model projections: part 2: global performance and future changes33
Evaluating the impact of climate change on extreme temperature and precipitation events over the Kashmir Himalaya33
Historical changes and projected trends of extreme climate events in Xinjiang, China33
Elevation dependent precipitation and temperature changes over Indian Himalayan region33
Snowfall and snowpack in the Western U.S. as captured by convection permitting climate simulations: current climate and pseudo global warming future climate33
Impact of North Atlantic SST and Tibetan Plateau forcing on seasonal transition of springtime South Asian monsoon circulation32
A perturbed parameter ensemble of HadGEM3-GC3.05 coupled model projections: part 1: selecting the parameter combinations32
Spatiotemporal characteristics of meteorological drought variability and trends (1981–2020) over South Asia and the associated large-scale circulation patterns32
Editorial for the CORDEX-CORE Experiment I Special Issue31
Impact of bias correction of regional climate model boundary conditions on the simulation of precipitation extremes31
On deep learning-based bias correction and downscaling of multiple climate models simulations30
Projected changes in the mean and intra-seasonal variability of the Indian summer monsoon in the RegCM CORDEX-CORE simulations under higher warming conditions30
200 years of equilibrium-line altitude variability across the European Alps (1901−2100)30
Characterizing non-stationary compound extreme events in a changing climate based on large-ensemble climate simulations29
The maxima in northerly wind speeds and wave heights over the Arabian Sea, the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Red Sea derived from 40 years of ERA5 data29
Investigation of future climate change over the British Isles using weather patterns29
Influence of Tibetan Plateau autumn snow cover on interannual variations in spring precipitation over southern China28
High-resolution dynamical downscaling of ERA-Interim temperature and precipitation using WRF model for Greece28
Variability in the global energy budget and transports 1985–201728
Simulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall, interannual variability and teleconnections: evaluation of CMIP6 models28
An updated evaluation of the global mean land surface air temperature and surface temperature trends based on CLSAT and CMST27
Understanding past and future sea surface temperature trends in the Baltic Sea27
The differing role of weather systems in southern Australian rainfall between 1979–1996 and 1997–201527
Understanding climate change over the southwestern Mediterranean using high-resolution simulations26
Temperature and precipitation projections for the Antarctic Peninsula over the next two decades: contrasting global and regional climate model simulations26
Historical and future climates over the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin simulated by a regional climate model in CORDEX26
On the suitability of deep convolutional neural networks for continental-wide downscaling of climate change projections26
Evaluation of snow cover and snow water equivalent in the continental Arctic in CMIP5 models26
How can the winter North Atlantic Oscillation influence the early summer precipitation in Northeast Asia: effect of the Arctic sea ice26
Deep mixed ocean volume in the Labrador Sea in HighResMIP models26
Contrasting controls on Congo Basin evaporation at the two rainfall peaks26
What causes the spread of model projections of ocean dynamic sea-level change in response to greenhouse gas forcing?26
The eastward expansion of the climate humidification trend in northwest China and the synergistic influences on the circulation mechanism26
Large increases of multi-year droughts in north-western Europe in a warmer climate26
Role of the South China Sea in Southern China rainfall: meridional moisture flux transport26
Potential shifts in climate zones under a future global warming scenario using soil moisture classification26
Understanding the combined effects of global warming and anthropogenic aerosol forcing on the South Asian monsoon26
Projected changes of stratospheric final warmings in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres by CMIP5/6 models26
Intraseasonal contributions of Arctic sea-ice loss and Pacific decadal oscillation to a century cold event during early 2020/21 winter25
Drying tendency over the southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades: role of a CGT-like atmospheric change25
Future projections of Mediterranean cyclone characteristics using the Med-CORDEX ensemble of coupled regional climate system models25
The dominant North Pacific atmospheric circulation patterns and their relations to Pacific SSTs: historical simulations and future projections in the IPCC AR6 models25
Ocean heat content and its role in tropical cyclogenesis for the Bay of Bengal basin25
Comparison of Mann–Kendall and Şen’s innovative trend method for climatic parameters over Nigeria’s climatic zones25
Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its asymmetric relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation25
Using deep learning for precipitation forecasting based on spatio-temporal information: a case study25
Megadroughts and pluvials in southwest Australia: 1350–2017 CE24
Detectable anthropogenic forcing on the long-term changes of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau24
Emerging new climate extremes over Europe24
Extreme daily precipitation in southern South America: statistical characterization and circulation types using observational datasets and regional climate models24
Droughts and heatwaves in the Western Mediterranean: impact on vegetation and wildfires using the coupled WRF-ORCHIDEE regional model (RegIPSL)24
Tropical cyclone precipitation in the HighResMIP atmosphere-only experiments of the PRIMAVERA Project24
Future surface temperature changes for the Iberian Peninsula according to EURO-CORDEX climate projections24
Causes of the persistent merging of the western North Pacific subtropical high and the Iran high during late July 202224
Do CMIP models capture long-term observed annual precipitation trends?24
Strengthening impacts of spring sea surface temperature in the north tropical Atlantic on Indian Ocean dipole after the mid-1980s24
Air-Sea interaction over the Gulf Stream in an ensemble of HighResMIP present climate simulations24
Reconstructing atmospheric circulation and sea-ice extent in the West Antarctic over the past 200 years using data assimilation23
A new perspective on ENSO-Indian summer monsoon rainfall relationship in a warming environment23
Impact of early spring sea ice in Barents Sea on midsummer rainfall distribution at Northeast China23
Evaluation of CMIP6 models for simulations of surplus/deficit summer monsoon conditions over India22
Influences of the boreal winter Arctic Oscillation on the peak-summer compound heat waves over the Yangtze–Huaihe River basin: the North Atlantic capacitor effect22
Seasonal prediction of European summer heatwaves22
Twenty-first century drought analysis across China under climate change22
A statistical–dynamical downscaling methodology for the urban heat island applied to the EURO-CORDEX ensemble21
Century-long cooling trend in subpolar North Atlantic forced by atmosphere: an alternative explanation21
The role of Indian Ocean warming on extreme rainfall in central China during early summer 2020: without significant El Niño influence21
Linking the North Atlantic Oscillation to winter precipitation over the Western Himalaya through disturbances of the subtropical jet21
Evaluation of CMIP6 models toward dynamical downscaling over 14 CORDEX domains21
CMIP6 GCM ensemble members versus global surface temperatures21
Seasonal predictability of Ethiopian Kiremt rainfall and forecast skill of ECMWF's SEAS5 model21
Interaction between Arctic sea ice and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a warming climate21
Assessing the performance of 33 CMIP6 models in simulating the large-scale environmental fields of tropical cyclones21
Origin of Indian Ocean multidecadal climate variability: role of the North Atlantic Oscillation20
Unexpected climate variability inferred from a 380-year tree-ring earlywood oxygen isotope record in the Karakoram, Northern Pakistan20
Tropical cyclone contribution to extreme rainfall over southwest Pacific Island nations20
Effects of cumulus parameterization and land-surface hydrology schemes on Tibetan Plateau climate simulation during the wet season: insights from the RegCM4 model20
Convection-permitting fully coupled WRF-Hydro ensemble simulations in high mountain environment: impact of boundary layer- and lateral flow parameterizations on land–atmosphere interactions20
Monsoonal precipitation over Peninsular Malaysia in the CMIP6 HighResMIP experiments: the role of model resolution20
A stronger versus weaker Walker: understanding model differences in fast and slow tropical Pacific responses to global warming20
Cooperative effects of tropical Pacific and Atlantic SST forcing in southern China winter precipitation variability20
Understanding the signal-to-noise paradox in decadal climate predictability from CMIP5 and an eddying global coupled model19
Sensitivity of tropical monsoon precipitation to the latitude of stratospheric aerosol injections19
Kilometer-scale modeling projects a tripling of Alaskan convective storms in future climate19
Climate change over UK cities: the urban influence on extreme temperatures in the UK climate projections19
Analysis of rain-shadows in the Ethiopian Mountains using climatological model data19
ENSO evolution asymmetry: EP versus CP El Niño19
Characteristics of the monsoon low pressure systems in the Indian subcontinent and the associated extreme precipitation events19
Tropical Indian Ocean and ENSO relationships in a changed climate19
A dynamic and thermodynamic coupling view of the linkages between Eurasian cooling and Arctic warming19
Future projections in the climatology of global low-level jets from CORDEX-CORE simulations19
Recent Eurasian winter cooling partly caused by internal multidecadal variability amplified by Arctic sea ice-air interactions19
Assessing changes in the atmospheric water budget as drivers for precipitation change over two CORDEX-CORE domains18
The performance of CORDEX-EA-II simulations in simulating seasonal temperature and elevation-dependent warming over the Tibetan Plateau18
Extreme windstorms and sting jets in convection-permitting climate simulations over Europe18
Role and influence of key atmospheric parameters in large-scale environmental flow associated with tropical cyclogenesis and ENSO in the North Indian Ocean basin18
Can current reanalyses accurately portray changes in Southern Annular Mode structure prior to 1979?18
Increase in summer monsoon rainfall over the northeast India during El Niño years since 160018
On the uncertainty of future projections of Marine Heatwave events in the North Atlantic Ocean18
On the decreases in North Atlantic significant wave heights from climate projections18
Interdecadal change in the relationship between El Niño in the decaying stage and the central China summer precipitation18
Distinct impacts of spring soil moisture over the Indo-China Peninsula on summer precipitation in the Yangtze River basin under different SST backgrounds18
Detection of non‐climatic biases in land surface temperature records by comparing climatic data and their model simulations18
Evaluation of convective parameters derived from pressure level and native ERA5 data and different resolution WRF climate simulations over Central Europe18
Influence of Walker circulations on East African rainfall18
An observation-based scaling model for climate sensitivity estimates and global projections to 210018
Subseasonal prediction and predictability of summer rainfall over eastern China in BCC_AGCM2.218
The CORDEX-Australasia ensemble: evaluation and future projections17
Forecast skill of the Indian monsoon and its onset in the ECMWF seasonal forecasting system 5 (SEAS5)17
Mean and extreme precipitation changes over China under SSP scenarios: results from high-resolution dynamical downscaling for CORDEX East Asia17
Revisiting the interannual impact of the Pacific Meridional Mode on tropical cyclone genesis frequency in the Western North Pacific17
Multi-decadal convection-permitting climate projections for China’s Greater Bay Area and surroundings17
How well can a convection-permitting-modelling improve the simulation of summer precipitation diurnal cycle over the Tibetan Plateau?17
Observed variability and trends in global precipitation during 1979–202017
Persistent freshening of the Arctic Ocean and changes in the North Atlantic salinity caused by Arctic sea ice decline17
High-resolution dynamical downscaling for regional climate projection in Central Asia based on bias-corrected multiple GCMs17
The role of interannual ENSO events in decadal timescale transitions of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation17
Regional climate model emulator based on deep learning: concept and first evaluation of a novel hybrid downscaling approach17
Linkage between autumn sea ice loss and ensuing spring Eurasian temperature17
Dynamical mechanisms linking Indian monsoon precipitation and the circumglobal teleconnection17
Erratic Asian summer monsoon 2020: COVID-19 lockdown initiatives possible cause for these episodes?17
Dynamics and predictability of cold spells over the Eastern Mediterranean17
Summer temperature response to extreme soil water conditions in the Mediterranean transitional climate regime17
Mapping of cyclone induced extreme water levels along Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts: a climate change perspective17
Assessing precipitation extremes (1981–2018) and deep convective activity (2002–2018) in the Amazon region with CHIRPS and AMSU data17
Evaluation of multiple downscaling tools for simulating extreme precipitation events over Southeastern South America: a case study approach17
Regional earth system modelling framework for CORDEX-SA: an integrated model assessment for Indian summer monsoon rainfall17
Quantifying the rarity of extreme multi-decadal trends: how unusual was the late twentieth century trend in the North Atlantic Oscillation?16
Relating model bias and prediction skill in the equatorial Atlantic16
Fractional contribution of global warming and regional urbanization to intensifying regional heatwaves across Eurasia16
Long-term trends in atmospheric rivers over East Asia16
Assessment of the spatio-temporal variability of the added value on precipitation of convection-permitting simulation over the Iberian Peninsula using the RegIPSL regional earth system model16
Monsoon precipitation variations in Myanmar since AD 1770: linkage to tropical ocean‐atmospheric circulations16
A robust equatorial Pacific westerly response to tropical volcanism in multiple models16
Projected changes to severe thunderstorm environments as a result of twenty-first century warming from RegCM CORDEX-CORE simulations16
Impacts of stratospheric polar vortex changes on wintertime precipitation over the northern hemisphere16
The interplay of thermodynamics and ocean dynamics during ENSO growth phase16
The Choco low‐level jet: past, present and future16
Cut-off lows in the Southern Hemisphere and their extension to the surface16
Wet bias of summer precipitation in the northwestern Tibetan Plateau in ERA5 is linked to overestimated lower-level southerly wind over the plateau16
Mass balance reconstruction for Shiyi Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its climatic drivers16
A mechanism of spring Barents Sea ice effect on the extreme summer droughts in northeastern China16
Changes in mean and extreme temperature and precipitation events from different weighted multi-model ensembles over the northern half of Morocco16
Summertime atmosphere–sea ice coupling in the Arctic simulated by CMIP5/6 models: Importance of large-scale circulation16
The characteristics and possible growth mechanisms of the quasi-biweekly Pacific–Japan teleconnection in Boreal Summer16
Recurrent transitions to Little Ice Age-like climatic regimes over the Holocene16
Impact of ocean heat transport on the Arctic sea-ice decline: a model study with EC-Earth316
Projected wave climate of Bass Strait and south-east Australia by the end of the twenty-first century15
Role of the Atlantic multidecadal variability in modulating East Asian climate15
Complex network approach for detecting tropical cyclones15
The dynamical-statistical subseasonal prediction of precipitation over China based on the BCC new-generation coupled model15
Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation and regression approach guided by El Niño–Southern Oscillation to model the tropical cyclone occurrence over the Bay of Bengal15
Climate response to introduction of the ESA CCI land cover data to the NCAR CESM15
Effect of atmospheric circulation on surface air temperature trends in years 1979–201815
Lag impacts of the anomalous July soil moisture over Southern China on the August rainfall over the Huang–Huai River Basin15
Drivers of the decadal variability of the North Ionian Gyre upper layer circulation during 1910–2010: a regional modelling study15
Seasonal prediction of the boreal winter stratosphere15
Objectively combining climate sensitivity evidence15
Longitudinal peculiarities of planetary waves-zonal flow interactions and their role in stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling15
Identifying key driving mechanisms of heat waves in central Chile15
Understanding the variability of the rainfall dipole in West Africa using the EC-Earth last millennium simulation15
Diverse influences of spring Arctic Oscillation on the following winter El Niño–Southern Oscillation in CMIP5 models15
Uncertainties in solar radiation assessment in the United States using climate models15
Internal multi-centennial variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation simulated by EC-Earth315
Multi-model climate projections of the main cyclogenesis hot-spots and associated winds over the eastern coast of South America15
What induces the spatiotemporal variability of glacier mass balance across the Qilian Mountains15
Uncertainty of land surface model and land use data on WRF model simulations over China15
Adjusting spatial dependence of climate model outputs with cycle-consistent adversarial networks15
Investigating the influence of synoptic circulation patterns on regional dry and moist heat waves in North China15
Enhanced joint effects of ENSO and IOD on Southeast China winter precipitation after 1980s15
Fine-scale rainfall over New Caledonia under climate change14
Synergistic effect of SST anomalies in the North Pacific and North Atlantic on summer surface air temperature over the Mongolian Plateau14
Future changes in winter explosive cyclones over the Southern Hemisphere domains from the CORDEX-CORE ensemble14
Setting the tree-ring record straight14
Revisiting mechanisms of the Mesoamerican Midsummer drought14
Atmospheric blocking events in the North Atlantic: trends and links to climate anomalies and teleconnections14
Ensemble projection of city-level temperature extremes with stepwise cluster analysis14
Internal variability plays a dominant role in global climate projections of temperature and precipitation extremes14
Performance evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs for the projections of precipitation extremes in Pakistan14
Diagnosing whether the increasing horizontal resolution of regional climate model inevitably capable of adding value: investigation for Indian summer monsoon14
Dual response of Arabian Sea cyclones and strength of Indian monsoon to Southern Atlantic Ocean14
Linkage of water vapor distribution in the lower stratosphere to organized Asian summer monsoon convection14
Interdecadal change in the effect of Tibetan Plateau snow cover on spring precipitation over Eastern China around the early 1990s14
Subseasonal forecast barrier of the North Atlantic oscillation in S2S models during the extreme mei-yu rainfall event in 202014
Cloud radar observations of multi-scale variability of cloud vertical structure associated with Indian summer monsoon over a tropical location14
The present and future offshore wind resource in the Southwestern African region14
Contributors to linkage between Arctic warming and East Asian winter climate14
Convection-permitting simulations of historical and possible future climate over the contiguous United States14
Decadal change and inter-annual variability of net primary productivity on the Tibetan Plateau14
Temperature and precipitation seasonal forecasts over the Mediterranean region: added value compared to simple forecasting methods14
Influence of the QBO on tropical convection and its impact on tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific14
Assessment of climate change impact on temperature extremes in a tropical region with the climate projections from CMIP6 model14
Historical and projected low-frequency variability in the Somali Jet and Indian Summer Monsoon14
The contrasting effects of thermodynamic and dynamic processes on East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the Last Glacial Maximum: a data-model comparison14
Surface friction contrast between water body and land enhances precipitation downwind of a large lake in Tibet14
Near-term regional climate change over Bangladesh14
Decadal changes of wintertime poleward heat and moisture transport associated with the amplified Arctic warming14
The modulation of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on winter Eurasian cold anomaly via the Ural blocking change14
Intensification and Northward extension of Northwest Pacific anomalous anticyclone in El Niño decaying mid-summer: an energetic perspective14
Mechanisms behind large-scale inconsistencies between regional and global climate model-based projections over Europe14
Fast adjustment versus slow SST-mediated response of daily precipitation statistics to abrupt 4xCO214
Pacific multidecadal (50–70 year) variability instigated by volcanic forcing during the Little Ice Age (1250–1850)14
Spatial patterns and possible mechanisms of precipitation changes in recent decades over and around the Tibetan Plateau in the context of intense warming and weakening winds14
On the freeze–thaw cycles of shallow soil and connections with environmental factors over the Tibetan Plateau14
Assessment of zonally symmetric and asymmetric components of the Southern Annular Mode using a novel approach13
Pacific variability reconciles observed and modelled global mean temperature increase since 195013
Sensitivity of tropical cyclones to convective parameterization schemes in RegCM413
Influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies on springtime surface air temperature variation over Eurasia in CMIP5 models13
Future projections in tropical cyclone activity over multiple CORDEX domains from RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE simulations13
Novel dynamical indices for the variations of the western Pacific subtropical high based on three-pattern decomposition of global atmospheric circulation in a warming climate13
Characteristic changes in climate projections over Indus Basin using the bias corrected CMIP6 simulations13
Observed impact of the Arctic Oscillation in boreal spring on the Indian Ocean Dipole in the following autumn and possible physical processes13
Relative contributions of global warming, AMO and IPO to the land precipitation variabilities since 1930s13
Process-based assessment of the impact of reduced turbulent mixing on Congo Basin precipitation in the RCA4 Regional Climate Model13
Precipitation over Indochina during the monsoon transition: modulation by Indian Ocean and ENSO regimes13
Marine heatwaves in the Mozambique Channel13
Change in the variability in the Western Pacific pattern during boreal winter: roles of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies and North Pacific storm track activity13
A novel information changing rate and conditional mutual information-based input feature selection method for artificial intelligence drought prediction models13
The most extreme heat waves in Amazonia happened under extreme dryness13
Synoptic forcing associated with extreme precipitation events over Southeastern South America as depicted by a CORDEX FPS set of convection-permitting RCMs13
Occurrence of heatwave in Korea by the displacement of South Asian high13
Revisiting remote drivers of the 2014 drought in South-Eastern Brazil13