Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques

(The TQCC of Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
High-risk bariatric candidates: does red-flagging predict the post-operative course?166
The avoidable delay in weight loss surgery for those with BMI over 5056
“Transanal endoscopic microsurgery” with a flexible colonoscope (F-TEM): a new endoscopic treatment for suspicious deep submucosal invasion T1 rectal carcinoma52
Gender benefit in laparoscopic surgical performance using a 3D-display system: data from a randomized cross-over trial49
Variable practice is superior to self-directed training for laparoscopic simulator training: a randomized trial46
Subcutaneous emphysema associated with laparoscopic or robotic abdominal surgery: a retrospective single-center study42
Enhanced recovery after surgery may mitigate the risks associated with robotic-assisted fundoplication in lung transplant patients41
Da Vinci robot-assisted endoscopic full-thickness gastric resection with regional lymph node dissection using a 3D near-infrared video system: a single-center 5-year clinical outcome40
Evaluation of a novel home-based laparoscopic and core surgical skills programme (Monash Online Surgical Training)40
Validity and reliability evidence support task-specific metrics for laparoscopic fundoplication38
A comparative study of laparoscopic near-total and total gastrectomy for patient nutritional status and quality of life using a propensity score matching analysis33
Development and validation of a hybrid simulator for ultrasound-guided laparoscopic common bile duct exploration33
Coffee break has no impact on laparoscopic skills: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled parallel-group trial32
Comparison of procedural outcomes between morning and afternoon colonoscopies performed by colorectal surgeons32
Peri-ampullary diverticulum was associated with a higher rate of acute cholangitis among patients with choledocholithiasis31
Structured surgical training in minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) increases textbook outcome–a risk-adjusted learning curve30
Versatility and clinical effectiveness of a synthetic sealing hemostatic patch as alternative to parenchyma suturing in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy29
Polypharmacy is predictive of postoperative complications in older adults undergoing ventral hernia repair28
Initial surgical performance in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is associated with clinical outcomes and learning curves27
Oncologic safety of transverse colon cancer surgery without central vessel ligation of middle colic artery27
From the simulation lab to the operating room: simulation performance predicts intraoperative performance in robotic gastrojejunostomy27
Utility of the mFI-5 as a predictor of post-operative outcomes following gastrectomy for gastric cancer: an ACS-NSQIP analysis27
Intra-operative pyloric BOTOX injection versus pyloric surgery for prevention of delayed gastric emptying after esophagectomy26
Intraoperative detection of parathyroid glands using artificial intelligence: optimizing medical image training with data augmentation methods26
Impact of opioid-related disorders on complications in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a propensity score-matched analysis of the national inpatient sample26
Non-therapeutic laparotomies in military trauma (2009–2014)25
“Unresectable” polyp management utilizing advanced endoscopic techniques results in high rate of colon preservation24
Endoscopic resection and suturing methods for non-ampullary duodenal submucosal tumors: “mini-invasive” treatments that should never be underestimated24
Reduced-port robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy with optimized surgical field deployment: early results of single-site plus-two ports method23
Endoscopic thyroidectomy via the combined trans-oral and chest approach for cT1-2N1bM0 papillary thyroid carcinoma23
Short-term and three-year long-term outcomes of laparoscopic surgery versus open surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer following self-expandable metallic stent placement: a meta-analysis23
Endoscopic central lymph node dissection of thyroid cancer via chest–breast approach: results, indications, and strategies23
Robotic, laparoscopic and open surgery for gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and network meta-analysis23
A study analyzing outcomes after bariatric surgery by primary language23
Is previous prostatectomy a risk factor for postoperative complications following minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair? A systematic review and meta-analysis23
Experiences in reverse sequence esophagectomy: a promising alternative for esophageal cancer surgery22
Process model analysis of parenchyma sparing laparoscopic liver surgery to recognize surgical steps and predict impact of new technologies22
The evaluation of bilateral stenting using braided or laser-cut self-expandable metallic stent for malignant hilar biliary obstruction22
Is it enough to observe less than 2 cm sized gastric SET?22
Laparoscopic antireflux surgery or PPIs in the management of reflux-related esophageal stricture22
Laparoscopic vs. ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block in colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials22
Postoperative outcomes for sleeve gastrectomy patients with positive pH-defined GERD22
Preoperative diagnosis of tumor depth in gastric cancer using transabdominal ultrasonography compared to using endoscopy and computed tomography21
Muscle mass ratio in male gastric cancer patients as an independent predictor of postoperative complications after minimally invasive distal gastrectomy21
A novel, easier and safer alternative method for oesophagojejunal reconstruction after totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy21
Prospective cohort study on short-term outcomes of 3D-laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy with stented pancreaticogastrostomy21
Evaluation of surgical complexity by automated surgical process recognition in robotic distal gastrectomy using artificial intelligence20
Prediction models in hernia repair: a systematic review20
Clinical outcomes on weekly endoscopic dilations as the initial approach to manage patients with complex benign esophageal strictures: report on 488 dilations20
Safety and efficacy of small-bowel capsule endoscopy examination in patients with Billroth II gastrojejunostomy20
Clinical outcomes of marginal ulcer bleeding compared with those of peptic ulcer bleeding20
2024 Scientific Session of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Cleveland, USA, 17–20 April 2024: Podium Videos20
Inguinal hernia mesh is safe in 1720 patients20
The usefulness of a double-balloon endolumenal interventional platform for colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection by non-expert endoscopists in a porcine model (with video)20
Patient-reported bowel and bladder function is not adversely impacted by bariatric surgery20
Morphology of the major duodenal papilla for the selection of advanced cannulation techniques in difficult biliary cannulation20
ERAS guidelines-driven upper gastrointestinal contrast study after esophagectomy20
Long-term follow-up of a cohort with post sleeve gastrectomy leaks: results of endoscopic treatment and salvage surgery20
A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of the effects of infusing local analgesia on post-operative pain during laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair19
Rates of synchronous advanced neoplasia and colorectal cancer in patients with colonic serrated lesions19
The EAES intellectual property awareness survey19
ERCP within 6 or 12 h for acute cholangitis: a propensity score-matched analysis19
Feasibility of endoscopic resection for large pedunculated duodenal lesions (with video)19
Evaluation of 30-day morbidity and mortality of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a multicenter prospective observational Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (IAGES) Study19
Reperfused human cadaver as a new simulation model for colonoscopy: a pilot study19
Reciprocity between lymphadenectomy quality and adjuvant chemotherapy compliance in gastric cancer: post hoc analysis of two randomized controlled trials19
Five-year outcomes of revisional bariatric surgery: gastric band to sleeve gastrectomy or to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass18
Are drains useful in eTEP ventral hernia repairs? An AWR surgical collaborative (AWRSC) retrospective study18
Simultaneous fluorescence imaging of bowel perfusion and ureter delineation using methylene blue: a demonstration in a porcine model18
Comparison of post-operative outcomes of large direct inguinal hernia repairs based on operative approach (open vs. laparoscopic vs. robotic) using the ACHQC (Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborati18
Efficacy of different endoscopic treatments in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review and network meta-analysis18
Bowel function after laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: a randomized controlled trial comparing intracorporeal anastomosis and extracorporeal anastomosis18
Comparison of robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy outcomes in multiple staple line treatment modalities from 2015 to 2019: a 5-year propensity score-adjusted MBSAQIP® analysis18
Guidelines for the performance of minimally invasive splenectomy18
Perioperative outcomes of robot-assisted versus laparoscopic liver resection for cavernous hemangioma: a propensity score matching study18
Robotic single-site cholecystectomy is better in reducing postoperative pain than single-incision and conventional multiport laparoscopic cholecystectomy17
Colonoscopy skills improvement training improves patient comfort during colonoscopy17
Current status of robotic surgery in colorectal residency training programs17
Comparison of endoscopic submucosal dissection and surgery for early gastric cancer that is not indicated for endoscopic resection in elderly patients17
An analysis of publications originating from abstracts presented at the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Meeting17
Clinical benefit of early precut sphincintroterotomy for difficult biliary cannulation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography17
Efficacy & safety of EUS-directed transgastric endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (EDGE) in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass anatomy: a systematic review & meta-analysis17
SAGES Reimagining Education & Learning (REAL) project17
Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision with central vascular ligation for splenic flexure colon cancer: short- and long-term outcomes17
The impact of interval cholecystectomy timing after percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy on post-operative adverse outcomes17
The formation process and mechanism of gastrointestinal anastomosis after retrieval anchor-assisted endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy: a preclinical study17
Robotic surgery training curricula: prevalence, perceptions, and educational experiences in general surgery residency programs17
SAGES SAFE CHOLE program changes surgeons practice in France—results of the FCVD implementation of SAFE CHOLE in France17
Variability in surgical approaches to hernias in patients with ascites17
The impact of parental bariatric surgery and patient age on laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy outcomes in adolescents16
Safer operating room teams: rationale for the fundamental use of surgical energy (FUSE) hospital compliance module16
Investigation of optimal hernia repair techniques in patients with inflammatory bowel disease16
Long-term outcomes of laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy with angle of His accentuation in patients of achalasia cardia16
Surgical treatment of retrorectal tumors: a plea for a laparoscopic approach16
Clinical outcomes after one anastomosis gastric bypass versus sleeve gastrectomy in super-super-obese patients16
High proficiency of esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection with a "tunnel + clip traction" strategy: a large French multicentric study16
Construction and validation of a risk-scoring model to predict lymph node metastasis in T1b–T2 esophageal cancer16
Laparoscopic and open minor liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma with clinically significant portal hypertension: a multicenter study using inverse probability weighting approach16
Reconstruction of the phreno-esophageal ligament (R-PEL) prevents the intrathoracic migration (ITM) after concomitant sleeve gastrectomy and hiatal hernia repair16
Indocyanine green fluorescence staining based on the “hepatic pedicle first” approach during laparoscopic anatomic liver resection16
Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer: a multicenter propensity-matched study16
Comparison of weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in Helicobacter pylori-negative and Helicobacter pylori eradicated patients during five years follow-ups16
Based on the IWATE criteria: to investigate the influence of different surgical approaches on the perioperative outcomes of hepatectomy16
Feasibility of transgastric endoscopic gallbladder-preserving surgery for benign gallbladder diseases (with video)15
Development of a deep learning model for safe direct optical trocar insertion in minimally invasive surgery: an innovative method to prevent trocar injuries15
Safety and clinical outcomes of early dual modality drainage (< 28 days) compared to later drainage of pancreatic necrotic fluid collections: a propensity score-matched study15
Risk factors and predictors of 30-day complications and conversion to open surgery after repeat ileocolic resection of Crohn’s disease15
Risk factors and natural history of bedside percutaneous endoscopic versus fluoroscopy-guided gastrostomy tubes in intensive care unit patients15
The impact of procedure type on 30-day readmissions following metabolic and bariatric surgery: postoperative complications of bariatric surgery15
Learning curve of robot-assisted transabdominal preperitoneal (rTAPP) inguinal hernia repair: a cumulative sum (CUSUM) analysis15
Safety of early surgery after self-expandable metallic stenting for obstructive left-sided colorectal cancer15
Safety, quality and efficiency of intra-operative imaging for treatment decisions in patients with suspected choledocholithiasis without pre-operative magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography15
Doppler probe method to reduce delayed bleeding after endoscopic submucosal dissection in the stomach: a propensity-score matched study (with video)15
A comparative study between staple line reinforcement during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and no reinforcement: an Egyptian experience15
ERAS program adherence-institutionalization, major morbidity and anastomotic leakage after elective colorectal surgery: the iCral2 multicenter prospective study15
Robotic repair of perineal hernias: a video vignette and review of the literature15
Deconstructing mastery in colorectal fluorescence angiography interpretation15
What’s Nissen on the net? the quality of information regarding Nissen fundoplication on the internet15
Evaluating outcomes among surgeons who changed their technique for gastric bypass: a state-wide analysis from 2011 to 202115
Early versus delayed EUS-guided drainage for postoperative pancreatic fluid collections: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic using virtual basic laparoscopic training in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: effects on confidence, knowledge, and skill14
Should be a locally advanced colon cancer still considered a contraindication to laparoscopic resection?14
Gastrojejunostomy versus endoscopic stenting for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis14
The effect of surgical strategy in difficult cholecystectomy cases on postoperative complications outcome: a value-based healthcare comparative study14
Chronological age does not predict postoperative outcomes following transversus abdominis release (TAR)14
Hiatal hernia reporting: time to remove subjectivity?14
The incidence of reintervention and reoperation following Heller myotomy across multiple indications14
The incidence and impact of enterotomy during laparoscopic and robotic ventral hernia repair: a nationwide readmissions analysis14
Feasibility of pressurized intra peritoneal aerosol chemotherapy using an ultrasound aerosol generator (usPIPAC)14
Survey of the 2020 Fellowship Council application and match process and the impact of COVID-1914
Characterization of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging patterns of pheochromocytomas14
Application of in vivo traction-assisted resection of proximal colon lesions: a case series (with video)14
Double anchor lock fixing method to prevent stent displacement in endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy: a porcine study14
Effect of preoperative diet regimen on liver size before laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in morbidly obese patients14
2022 Scientific Session of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Denver, Colorado, 16–19 March 2022: Podium Abstracts14
Long-term survival outcomes associated with robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) for esophageal cancer14
Comparison between ESD and RFA in patients with total or near-total circumferential early esophageal squamous cell neoplasia14
Risk factors for diaphragmatic injury in subxiphoid video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery14
Feasibility of sentinel node navigated surgery in high-risk T1b esophageal adenocarcinoma patients using a hybrid tracer of technetium-99 m and indocyanine green14
Body mass index and risk of mortality in patients undergoing bariatric surgery14
No evidence for fixation of mesh in laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials14
PEC for Ogilvie’s14
Comparisons of surgical outcomes between robotic and laparoscopic total gastrectomy in patients with clinical stage I/IIA gastric cancer14
Endoscopic cardial constriction with band ligation in the treatment of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease: a preliminary feasibility study14
Enhancing endoscopic measurement: validating a quantitative method for polyp size and location estimation in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy13
Towards automatic verification of the critical view of the myopectineal orifice with artificial intelligence13
A nomogram to predict postoperative nausea and vomiting in the ward following laparoscopic bariatric surgery13
Weight loss outcomes are not compromised in bariatric patients using cannabis13
The efficacy and safety of preoperative cholangiography via percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC)13
What are essential laparoscopic skills these days? Results of the SAGES Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Committee technical skills survey13
Trends in minimally invasive and open inguinal hernia repair: an analysis of ACGME general surgery case logs13
Optimizing the consent process for emergent laparoscopic cholecystectomy using an interactive digital education platform: a randomized control trial13
Endoscopic closure techniques of bariatric surgery complications: a meta-analysis13
Robot-assisted cervical esophagectomy with simultaneous transhiatal abdominal procedure for thoracic esophageal carcinoma13
A cost comparison of GLP-1 receptor agonists and bariatric surgery: what is the break even point?13
The joy of surgery: how surgeons experience joy, time, and support13
Effect of stapled versus layered skin closure on surgical site occurrences after abdominal wall reconstruction13
Impact of resident involvement on patient outcomes in laparoscopic cholecystectomy of different degrees of complexity: analysis of 2331 cases13
Combined endoscopic robotic surgery for complex colonic polyp resection: case series13
A decade of experience with minimally invasive anti-reflux operations: robot vs. LESS13
Survival paradox between stage IIB/C and stage IIIA colon cancer: is it time to revise the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM system?13
Compliance to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography according to current guidelines and adverse outcomes of suspected choledocholithiasis in an acute care setting13
Can you feel the force just right? Tactile force feedback for training of minimally invasive surgery—evaluation of vibration feedback for adequate force application13
Survival analysis of extragastrointestinal stromal tumors based on the SEER database: a population-based study13
Robotic gastrectomy is more beneficial for advanced than early-stage gastric cancer: a comparison with laparoscopic gastrectomy using propensity score matching13
Evaluation of the knowledge of the critical view of safety and recognition of the transoperative complexity during the laparoscopic cholecystectomy13
Do patients actually understand? An evaluation of the informed consent process for endoscopic procedures in rural Uganda13
Robot-assisted versus laparoscopic-assisted gastrectomy among malnourished patients with gastric cancer based on textbook outcome13
Achievement of textbook outcome after hepatectomy combined with thermal ablation for colorectal liver metastases13
Primary anastomosis with diverting loop ileostomy vs. Hartmann’s procedure for acute diverticulitis: what happens after discharge? Results of a nationwide analysis13
Comparable long-term survival outcomes of endoscopic therapy versus surgical therapy for T1-2N0M0 duodenal neuroendocrine tumors12
Cold snare polypectomy for superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumor: a prospective clinical trial (pilot study)12
Single-incision laparoscopic percutaneous extraperitoneal closure (SILPEC) for inguinal hernia with prolapsed ovary12
Evolution of laparoscopic liver resection in the last two decades: lessons from 2000 cases at a referral Korean center12
Effect of placing double-lumen irrigation-suction tube on closure of anastomotic defect following rectal cancer surgery12
Long-term potassium-competitive acid blockers administration causes microbiota changes in rats12
Abnormal response after multiple rapid swallow provocation is not predictive of post-operative dysphagia following a tailored fundoplication approach12
Robot-assisted anorectal pull-through for anorectal malformations with rectourethral and rectovesical fistula: feasibility and short-term outcome12
Factors associated with conversion in laparoscopic surgery in a low-resource setting: a single-center prospective study12
Pre-operative endoscopic balloon dilatation and its impact on outcome of laparoscopic Heller cardiomyotomy for patients with achalasia: does the frequency and interval matter?12
Residents perform better technically, have less stress and workload, and prefer robotic to laparoscopic technique during inanimate simulation12
Modified endoscopic radial incision and cutting method (M-RIC) for the treatment of refractory esophageal stricture12
Do advances in technology translate to improved outcomes? Comparing robotic bariatric surgery outcomes over two-time intervals utilizing the MBSAQIP database12
Metachronous gastric neoplasm beyond 5 years after endoscopic resection for early gastric cancer12
Does surgeon sex and anthropometry matter for tool usability in traditional laparoscopic surgery? A systematic review and meta-analysis12
Benefits of laparoscopic liver resection in elderly patients12
Safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic intratumoral resection facilitated by coagulation of giant hepatic hemangioma: a matched case–control study and literature review12
Laparoscopic vs robotic inguinal hernia repair: a comparison of learning curves and skill transference in general surgery residents12
Practice patterns of hepatobiliary surgery within the military12
Feasibility and safety of partial ampullary endoscopic mucosal resection: a novel technique for difficult biliary cannulation (with video)12
Assessment of postoperative common bile duct stones after endoscopic extraction and subsequent cholecystectomy12
Increased incidence of marginal ulceration following conversion of sleeve gastrectomy to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a multi-institutional experience12
Influence of hierarchy on risk communication during robot-assisted surgery: a preliminary study12
Prospective, randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair using conventional versus custom-made (mosquito) mesh performed in Cameroon: a short-term outcomes12
Surgeon perspectives on the STITCH trial: a mixed methods study12
Postoperative outcomes and costs of laparoscopic versus robotic distal pancreatectomy: a propensity-matched analysis12
Endoscopic dilation with bougies versus balloons in caustic esophageal strictures: 17-year experience from a tertiary care center12
Robotic versus laparoscopic liver resection for liver malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of propensity score-matched studies12
Cholangioscopy under direct visualization: skill progress during a dedicated Image-Guided Surgery Course12
Pancreatic thickness as a predictor of postoperative pancreatic fistula after laparoscopic or robotic gastrectomy12
SAGES guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis11
Transabdominal and retroperitoneal adrenalectomy: comparative study11
Primary closure of the midline abdominal wall defect during laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: analysis of risk factors for failure and outcomes at 5 years follow-up11
Magnetic anchor technique in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a single-center, prospective, randomized controlled trial11
A prospective evaluation of the effect of transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) on low anterior resection syndrome11
Equal short-term outcomes of intracorporeal mechanical gastrogastrostomy in laparoscopic pylorus-preserving gastrectomy for cT1N0 gastric cancer in the middle stomach compared with the extracorporeal 11
Long-term outcomes of fully covered self-expandable metal stents for refractory biliary strictures after living donor liver transplantation: a retrospective study at a tertiary center11
PLAFOKON: a new concept for a patient-individual and intervention-specific flexible surgical platform11
Three-year outcomes of transanal total mesorectal excision versus standard laparoscopic total mesorectal excision for mid and low rectal cancer11
Distinguishing characteristics of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis and gallbladder adenocarcinoma: a persistent diagnostic dilemma11
Randomized controlled trial of intravenous sedation vs general anesthesia for esophageal dilation with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in esophageal cancer patients11
Clinical application of pancreatic-duct-jejunum end-to-side continuous suture anastomosis in total laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy11
Unplanned conversions of robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy: short-term outcomes and suggested stepwise approach for a safe conversion11
The effect of bariatric surgery on the expression of Growth Differentiation Factor-15/Macrophage-Inhibitory Cytokine-1 (GDF-15/MIC-1) in rat11
Short-term incidence of protein-energy malnutrition is insufficient to evaluate long-term outcomes of hyposorptive bariatric surgery11
Impact of operative time on textbook outcome after minimally invasive esophagectomy, a risk-adjusted analysis from a high-volume center11
Identifying curriculum content for operating room nurses involved in robotic-assisted surgery: a Delphi study11
Circumferential submucosal incision prior to endoscopic mucosal resection versus conventional endoscopic mucosal resection for colorectal lesions with endoscopic features of sessile serrated lesions11
Endoscopic submucosal dissection for proximal duodenal subepithelial lesions: a retrospective cohort study11
Predictors of postoperative opioid use in ventral and incisional hernia repair11
How does the modality of delivering force feedback influence the performance and learning of surgical suturing skills? We don’t know, but we better find out! A review11
Robotic donor nephrectomy: optimizing outcomes beyond the limitations of laparoscopy11
Outcomes of simultaneous endoscopic submucosal dissection for synchronous multiple gastric neoplastic lesions: a retrospective comparative study11
Pharmacy-led initiative for improving peri-operative medication reconciliation among bariatric surgical patients: what is the role?11
Quantitative assessment of the troCarWash™ system for automated laparoscopic camera cleaning11
Transversus abdominis plane blocks for complex abdominal wall reconstruction decrease hospital length of stay compared to epidurals11
Ursodeoxycholic acid for the prevention of gall stones after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a prospective controlled study11
Factors contributing to the utilization of robotic colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis11
Weight loss benefits on HDL cholesterol persist even after weight regaining11
Safety and short-term outcomes of a modified valvuloplastic esophagogastrostomy versus gastric tube anastomosis after laparoscopy-assisted proximal gastrectomy: a retrospective cohort study11
Gender disparities in gastrointestinal surgery fellowship programs11
Original contribution: sleeve gastrectomy reduces soluble lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (sLOX-1) levels in patients with morbid obesity11
Defining benchmarks for fellowship training in foregut surgery: a 10-year review of fellowship council index cases11
The high rate of spontaneous migration of small size common bile duct stones may allow a significant reduction in unnecessary ERCP and related complications: results of a retrospective, multicenter st11
Time to endoscopic vacuum therapy—lessons learned after > 150 robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomies (RAMIE) at a German high-volume center11
Safety of advanced laparoscopic hepatectomy for elderly patients: a Japanese nationwide analysis11
Safety of early oral intake after endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticoenterostomy11
Is contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy better than conventional fine needle biopsy? A retrospective study in a medical center11
Minimally invasive mesohepatectomy for centrally located liver lesions—a case series11
Aptitude and attitude: predictors of performance during and after basic laparoscopic skills training11
Clinical outcomes of endoscopic resection for the treatment of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors originating from the muscularis propria: a 7-year experience from a large tertiary center in Chin11
Prognostic factors in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia—novel tools for determining patient outcomes11
SAGES/AHPBA guidelines for the use of microwave and radiofrequency liver ablation for the surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma or colorectal liver metastases less than 5 cm11
New persistent opioid use following robotic-assisted, laparoscopic and open surgery inguinal hernia repair10
Linear or circular: Anastomotic ulcer after gastric bypass surgery10
The use of tissue oxygen measurements compared to indocyanine green imaging for the assessment of intraoperative tissue viability of human bowel10
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty: early results of a minimally invasive procedure in patients with obesity10
Evidence supporting performance measures of laparoscopic appendectomy through a novel surgical proficiency assessment tool and low-cost laparoscopic training system10
One-stage laparoscopic parenchymal sparing liver resection for bilobar colorectal liver metastases: safety, recurrence patterns and oncologic outcomes10
Endoscopic full-thickness resection versus endoscopic submucosal dissection in the treatment of colonic neoplastic lesions ≤ 30 mm—a single-center experience10