Resource and Energy Economics

(The H4-Index of Resource and Energy Economics is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Convergence of the world’s energy use47
Understanding the resistance to carbon taxes: Drivers and barriers among the general public and fuel-tax protesters38
Heterogeneous preferences and investments in energy saving measures29
The impact of information-based interventions on conservation behavior: A meta-analysis27
Rural light pollution from shale gas development and associated sleep and subjective well-being24
Empirical grid impact of in-home electric vehicle charging differs from predictions21
The impact of smart meters on residential water consumption: Evidence from a natural experiment in the Canary Islands19
Past and present outage costs – A follow-up study of households’ willingness to pay to avoid power outages19
Path dependence, self-fulfilling expectations, and carbon lock-in18
Energy efficiency and heating technology investments: Manipulating financial information in a discrete choice experiment18
Crop burning and forest fires: Long-term effect on adolescent height in India17
Hedging and temporal permit issuances in cap-and-trade programs: The Market Stability Reserve under risk aversion17
Raising climate ambition in emissions trading systems: The case of the EU ETS and the 2021 review16
Revisiting the location bias and additionality of REDD+ projects: the role of project proponents status and certification15
Environmental and socio-economic implications of woody biomass co-firing at coal-fired power plants15
Analysis of the optimal spatial distribution of natural gas under ‘transition from coal to gas’ in China15
Spatial discounting of ecosystem services15