European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research

(The TQCC of European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An Examination of Community Awareness and Understanding of Patron Banning Provisions in Western Australia: Implications for Policy Development and Success17
Drugs, Gangs, and Social Media in Provincial England14
Public Punitiveness Towards Individuals with Sexual Convictions in Italy: A Vignette Study11
In the Name of Love or Hatred: a Systematic Comparison Between Filicide-Suicide and Mariticide/Uxoricide-Suicide in Hong Kong10
The Prevalence, Directionality, and Dyadic Perpetration Types of Intimate Partner Violence in a Community Sample in Portugal: a Gender-Inclusive Inquiry10
Predicting Gun Violence in Stockholm, Sweden, Using Sociodemographics, Crime and Drug Market Locations9
Moral Case Deliberation in Dutch Prisons: Experienced Outcomes and the Moral Learning of Prison Staff9
EU and UK Sanctions Policies After Brexit: Divergent Allies? The Case Study of Belarus9
Mobility, Nonstationary Density, and Robbery Distribution in the Tourist Metropolis9
Exploring Prison Misconduct and the Factors Influencing Rule Infraction in Northern Ireland9
Challenges to the Educational “Digital Divide” in Spanish Prisons9
Crime Concentration and Temporal Stability in Spatial Patterns of Crime in Niš, Serbia8
The Impact of Collective Efficacy, and Policing Practices on Perceived Crime Problem: Evidence from Neighborhoods of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia6
The Enemy Hates Best? Toxicity in League of Legends and Its Content Moderation Implications6
Lost in the Maze: Disentangling the Behavioral Variety of Money Laundering6
Upholding Fundamental Rights in National Arrest Warrant Proceedings in Practice: a Need for Third Level of Judicial Protection?6
Examining the Role of Legal Culture as a Protective Factor Against High Rates of Pre-trial Detention: the Case of Ireland5
A Biographical Perspective on Processes of Radicalisation5
Prosecution and Punishing Femicide in Serbia5
Subway Station Closures and Robbery Hot Spots in New York City—Understanding Mobility Factors and Crime Reduction5
Mapping Activist Responses and Policy Advocacy for Street Harassment: Current Practice and Future Directions5
Correction to: Invisible Victims: Exploring Gendered Trends in Youth Intimate Partner Homicide4
Mainstreaming the Blackpill: Understanding the Incel Community on TikTok4
Looking for a preventive approach to sexual harassment in academia. A systematic review4
Beyond Black and White: the Intersection of Ideologies in Online Extremist Communities4
Stalking Behaviors Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence in Portugal: Correlates and Mediating Variables3
Sanctions Effects on Russia: A Possible Sanction Transmission Mechanism?3
Sentencing Elsewhere: Structuring Sentencing Discretion in Post-communist Europe3
An Assessment of How Rights Are Read and Exercised at a Police Station in Spain3
To Other and Vilify: Manufacturing Migration as Crime3
How ‘Outlaws’ React: a Case Study on the Reactions to the Dutch Approach to Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs3
Affective Atmosphere in an Art Fair Jewel Heist3
Crime within a Bandwidth: Testing “the Law of Crime Concentration at Place” in Brussels3
Taser Use in Scotland: a Qualitative Study of Police Officer and Community Perspectives3
The Impact of External Pressure on Companies’ Responses to Sanctions – an International Comparative Study3
To Be or Not to Be Empathic: the Role of Empathy in Child Sexual Offending3