Applied Categorical Structures

(The TQCC of Applied Categorical Structures is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Simplicial Category for Higher Correspondences6
Algebraic Dynamical Systems in Machine Learning6
Deriving Dualities in Pointfree Topology from Priestley Duality5
Codescent and Bicolimits of Pseudo-Algebras5
Continuous Nakayama Representations5
Coactions on $$C^*$$-Algebras and Universal Properties5
Categorical View of the Partite Lemma in Structural Ramsey Theory3
A Characterization of n-Gorenstein Tilting Comodules3
Homotopy Sheaves on Generalised Spaces3
Grothendieck Enriched Categories3
Partialising Institutions3
Internalizations of Decorated Bicategories via $$\pi _2$$-Indexings2
Adjunction in the Absence of Identity2
A Tangent Category Perspective on Connections in Algebraic Geometry2
Higher Auslander’s defect and classifying substructures of $$\varvec{n}$$-exangulated categories2
Diagrammatic Presentations of Enriched Monads and Varieties for a Subcategory of Arities2
Diagrammatics for Comodule Monads2
Isbell Adjunctions and Kan Adjunctions via Quantale-Enriched Two-Variable Adjunctions2
Bicategories of Action Groupoids2
Abelian Categories from Triangulated Categories via Nakaoka–Palu’s Localization2
Injective Hulls of Quantale-Enriched Multicategories2
Partial Algebras and Implications of (Weak) Matrix Properties2
On Continuity of Accessible Functors1
Clifford’s Theorem for Orbit Categories1
Functorial Polar Functions in Compact Normal Joinfit Frames1
Presentations of Pseudodistributive Laws1
Profunctors Between Posets and Alexander Duality1
The Karoubi envelope and weak idempotent completion of an extriangulated category1
Tropical Duality in $$(d+2)$$-Angulated Categories1
Functoriality of Groupoid Quantales. II1
Split Extensions and Actions of Bialgebras and Hopf Algebras1
Homotopy (Co)limits via Homotopy (Co)ends in General Combinatorial Model Categories1
Dold–Kan Correspondence, Revisited1
Projective and Reedy Model Category Structures for (Infinitesimal) Bimodules over an Operad1
2-Limits and 2-Terminal Objects are too Different1
The Categorical Basis of Dynamical Entropy1
Mapping Ideals to Sublocales1
Universal Finite Functorial Semi-norms1
Nonexistence of Colimits in Naive Discrete Homotopy Theory1
Additive Grothendieck Pretopologies and Presentations of Tensor Categories1
Free bounded archimedean $$\ell $$-algebras1
An Essential, Hyperconnected, Local Geometric Morphism that is not Locally Connected1
Semilattice Base Hierarchy for Frames and Its Topological Ramifications1
Weighted limits in an $$(\infty ,1)$$-category1
Classifying Substructures of Extriangulated Categories via Serre Subcategories1
Pseudo-Dualizing Complexes of Bicomodules and Pairs of t-Structures1
Compatibility of t-Structures in a Semiorthogonal Decomposition1
Dualizations of Approximations, $$\aleph _1$$-Projectivity, and Vopěnka’s Principles1