Applied Categorical Structures

(The median citation count of Applied Categorical Structures is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The Grothendieck Group of an n-exangulated Category9
Subprojectivity in Abelian Categories6
The Karoubi envelope and weak idempotent completion of an extriangulated category6
The Kechris–Pestov–Todorčević Correspondence from the Point of View of Category Theory5
Classifying Substructures of Extriangulated Categories via Serre Subcategories5
Free gs-Monoidal Categories and Free Markov Categories5
Basic Concepts of Quantale-Enriched Topologies5
Idempotent Completion of n-Angulated Categories5
Monoid Properties as Invariants of Toposes of Monoid Actions4
A Constructive Approach to Freyd Categories3
Abelian Categories from Triangulated Categories via Nakaoka–Palu’s Localization3
Cartesian Differential Categories as Skew Enriched Categories3
On Equalizers in the Category of Locales3
(Lack of) Model Structures on the Category of Graphs3
Tropical Duality in $$(d+2)$$-Angulated Categories3
Maurer–Cartan Moduli and Theorems of Riemann–Hilbert Type3
The Structure of Aisles and Co-aisles of t-Structures and Co-t-structures2
Morphisms and Pushouts in Compact Normal Joinfit Frames2
Exponential Functions in Cartesian Differential Categories2
The Representation Theory of Brauer Categories I: Triangular Categories2
Mapping Ideals to Sublocales2
Homology Groups of Cubical Sets with Connections2
Categorical Extension of Dualities: From Stone to de Vries and Beyond, I2
Kan Extensions are Partial Colimits2
Differential Equations in a Tangent Category I: Complete Vector Fields, Flows, and Exponentials2
On Continuity of Accessible Functors2
Higher Coverings of Racks and Quandles—Part II2
General Facts on the Scott Adjunction2
Inner Automorphisms of Presheaves of Groups2
Discrete and Conservative Factorizations in Fib(B)2
Torsion Theories and Coverings of V-Groups1
Weight Structures Cogenerated by Weak Cocompact Objects1
Split Extensions and Actions of Bialgebras and Hopf Algebras1
Functoriality of Groupoid Quantales. II1
Vector Bundles and Differential Bundles in the Category of Smooth Manifolds1
Tietze Equivalences as Weak Equivalences1
Gabriel–Zisman Cohomology and Spectral Sequences1
Semantic Factorization and Descent1
Distributive Laws for Relative Monads1
$$C^*$$ Completions of Leavitt-Path-Algebra Pullbacks1
Yoneda Lemma for Simplicial Spaces1
Weighted limits in an $$(\infty ,1)$$-category1
Projective and Reedy Model Category Structures for (Infinitesimal) Bimodules over an Operad1
Free bounded archimedean $$\ell $$-algebras1
Injective Hulls of Quantale-Enriched Multicategories1
Covariant Isotropy of Grothendieck Toposes and Extensive Categories1
On the Composition of Three Irreducible Morphisms in the Bounded Homotopy Category1
Locally Type $$\text {FP}_{{\varvec{n}}}$$ and $${\varvec{n}}$$-Coherent Categories1
A New Diagonal Separation and its Relations With the Hausdorff Property1
Matrix Taxonomy and Bourn Localization1
A Pullback Diagram in the Coarse Category1
Profunctors Between Posets and Alexander Duality1
An Essential, Hyperconnected, Local Geometric Morphism that is not Locally Connected1
Adjunction in the Absence of Identity1
Integrals Along Bimonoid Homomorphisms1
Different Exact Structures on the Monomorphism Categories1
Non-hyperoctahedral Categories of Two-Colored Partitions Part II: All Possible Parameter Values1
Descent for internal multicategory functors1
Totally Acyclic Approximations1
Weighted Colimits of 2-Representations and Star Algebras0
Correction to: The Karoubi envelope and weak idempotent completion of an extriangulated category0
Isbell Adjunctions and Kan Adjunctions via Quantale-Enriched Two-Variable Adjunctions0
String and Band Complexes Over String Almost Gentle Algebras0
Trace Decategorification of Categorified Quantum sl(3)0
Diagrammatic Presentations of Enriched Monads and Varieties for a Subcategory of Arities0
Additive Grothendieck Pretopologies and Presentations of Tensor Categories0
The Chromatic Brauer Category and Its Linear Representations0
On the Structure of an Internal Groupoid0
Higher Auslander’s defect and classifying substructures of $$\varvec{n}$$-exangulated categories0
Homotopies of Crossed Modules of R-Algebroids0
On the De Morgan’s Laws for Modules0
Categorical View of the Partite Lemma in Structural Ramsey Theory0
Hopf Monads: A Survey with New Examples and Applications0
Correction to: Ramsey Properties of Products and Pullbacks of Categories and the Grothendieck Construction0
Deriving Dualities in Pointfree Topology from Priestley Duality0
Relative Oppermann–Thomas Cluster Tilting Objects in $$(n+2)$$-Angulated Categories0
Codescent and Bicolimits of Pseudo-Algebras0
On the Cocartesian Image of Preorders and Equivalence Relations in Regular Categories0
Extension of Topological Groupoids and Hurewicz Morphisms0
Maximal Ordered Groupoids and a Galois Correspondence for Inverse Semigroup Orthogonal Actions0
Idempotent Completions of n-Exangulated Categories0
Tannaka Duality, Coclosed Categories and Reconstruction for Nonarchimedean Bialgebras0
A DG-Enhancement of $${\text {D}}_{qc}(X)$$ with Applications in Deformation Theory0
The Differential Bundles of the Geometric Tangent Category of an Operad0
On String Algebras and the Cohen–Macaulay Auslander Algebras0
Clifford’s Theorem for Orbit Categories0
Rings and Modules in Kan Spectra0
Pervin Spaces and Frith Frames: Bitopological Aspects and Completion0
Parametrised Presentability Over Orbital Categories0
Semilattice Base Hierarchy for Frames and Its Topological Ramifications0
Unitless Frobenius Quantales0
The Stone Representations for Generalized Continuous Posets0
Coends of Higher Arity0
Homotopy (Co)limits via Homotopy (Co)ends in General Combinatorial Model Categories0
A Categorical Approach to Linkage0
Correction: Presenting Quotient Locales0
Diagrammatics for Comodule Monads0
A Relative Silting Theorem0
De Vries Powers and Proximity Specker Algebras0
Bifold Algebras and Commutants for Enriched Algebraic Theories0
Algebraic Dynamical Systems in Machine Learning0
Pseudo-Dualizing Complexes of Bicomodules and Pairs of t-Structures0
Spectra of Tensor Triangulated Categories over a Category Algebra—A New Approach0
Codenseness and Openness with Respect to an Interior Operator0
A Characterization of n-Gorenstein Tilting Comodules0
Quotients of Span Categories that are Allegories and the Representation of Regular Categories0
Operads, Operadic Categories and the Blob Complex0
Homotopy Sheaves on Generalised Spaces0
Generalization of the Dehornoy–Lafont Order Complex to Categories: Application to Exceptional Braid Groups0
Ramsey Properties of Products and Pullbacks of Categories and the Grothendieck Construction0
Continuous Nakayama Representations0
Coring Categories and Villamayor–Zelinsky Sequence for Symmetric Finite Tensor Categories0
The Homotopy Category of Cotorsion Flat Modules0
Operators Between Classes of Modules Given by Preradicals0
From Gs-monoidal to Oplax Cartesian Categories: Constructions and Functorial Completeness0
Admissibility of Localizations of Crossed Modules0
Morphisms of Rational Motivic Homotopy Types0
Finite Distributive Semilattices0
2-Limits and 2-Terminal Objects are too Different0
Compact Hausdorff Locales in Presheaf Toposes0
Presenting the Sierpinski Gasket in Various Categories of Metric Spaces0
Semiseparable Functors and Conditions up to Retracts0
Compatibility of t-Structures in a Semiorthogonal Decomposition0
Closed and Open Maps for Partial Frames0
A Halmos–von Neumann Theorem for Actions of General Groups0
Morita Equivalence and Morita Duality for Rings with Local Units and the Subcategory of Projective Unitary Modules0
Universal Finite Functorial Semi-norms0
Local Cohen–Macaulay DG-Modules0
Koszul Monoids in Quasi-abelian Categories0
Functorial Factorizations in the Category of Model Categories0
Functorial Polar Functions in Compact Normal Joinfit Frames0
The Booleanization of a d-frame0
A symmetric approach to higher coverings in categorical Galois theory0
Internalizations of Decorated Bicategories via $$\pi _2$$-Indexings0
The Categorical Basis of Dynamical Entropy0
Publisher Correction to: Injective Hulls of Quantale-Enriched Multicategories0
Internal Enriched Categories0
Bicategories of Action Groupoids0
Commutative Objects, Central Morphisms and Subtractors in Subtractive Categories0
Cokernels in the Category of Formal Group Laws0
Grothendieck Enriched Categories0
Locally Coherent Exact Categories0
R-Linear Triangulated Categories and Stability Conditions0
Partialising Institutions0
Grothendieck’s Vanishing and Non-vanishing Theorems in an Abstract Module Category0
Coactions on $$C^*$$-Algebras and Universal Properties0
A Topological Duality for Monotone Expansions of Semilattices0
Topological Quantum Field Theories and Homotopy Cobordisms0
A Simplicial Category for Higher Correspondences0
q-Tensor and Exterior Centers, Related Degrees and Capability0
Compatible Structures of Nonsymmetric Operads, Manin Products and Koszul Duality0
Universal Tensor Categories Generated by Dual Pairs0
Pointless Parts of Completely Regular Frames0
The Construction of Braided T-Categories via Yetter–Drinfeld–Long Bimodules0
Maps with Discrete Fibers and the Origin of Basepoints0
2-Cartesian Fibrations I: A Model for $$\infty $$-Bicategories Fibred in $$\infty $$-Bicategories0
Presenting Quotient Locales0
Homotopy Quotients and Comodules of Supercommutative Hopf Algebras0
Nonexistence of Colimits in Naive Discrete Homotopy Theory0
Some Modifications of Hull Operators in Archimedean Lattice-Ordered Groups with Weak Unit0
Minimal Models of Some Differential Graded Modules0
Unbounded Algebraic Derivators0
Dold–Kan Correspondence, Revisited0
Higher Dualizability and Singly-Generated Grothendieck Categories0