Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

(The median citation count of Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
CuSb: The dominant defect in Cu-rich CuSbS2 solar cells fabricated by sulfurizing co-sputtered Cu–Sb precursor198
Effect of UV ageing on debonding of double glass laminates based on different crosslinking and thermoplastic PV encapsulants176
Unveiling the molecular symphony - A DFT exploration of structure, electronic dynamics, and excited state electron transfer in D-π-A systems, enhanced by TeO2@GQD multi-junctions for solar energy conv172
Unlocking dual-band electrochromism with stacked structure of amorphous tungsten oxide and Prussian blue162
Encapsulation strategies for mechanical impact and damp heat reliability improvement of lightweight photovoltaic modules towards vehicle-integrated applications147
Connecting material degradation and power loss of PV modules using advanced statistical methodology142
Effect of the mesoporous size, structure and surface on the melting and heat transport properties of solar salt139
Zr-doped indium oxide films for silicon heterojunction solar cells115
Radiative cooling film with self-cleaning function113
Enhanced visible light-activated gas sensing properties of nanoporous copper oxide thin films113
Insights into mechanism of UV-induced degradation in silicon heterojunction solar cells110
Improving the performance of industrial TOPCon solar cells through the insertion of intrinsic a-Si layer103
Corrosion behavior of alloys 600, 617, and hastelloy N in molten KCl salt100
Ga-doped Czochralski silicon with rear p-type polysilicon passivating contact for high-efficiency p-type solar cells100
Review of the spectrally selective (CSP) absorber coatings, suitable for use in SHIP93
Solar cells based on n+-AZO/p-BaSi2 heterojunction: Advanced opto-electrical modelling and experimental demonstration92
High-temperature corrosion of a nickel-based alloy in a molten chloride environment – The effect of thermal and chemical purifications91
Renewable organic phase change materials for latent heat thermal energy storage applications: Diesters of sebacic acid89
A cost-effective intense blue colour inorganic pigment for multifunctional cool roof and anticorrosive coatings88
Thermal properties of 1-hexadecanol/high density polyethylene/graphene nanoplates composites as form-stable heat storage materials82
Origami-foldable tessellated Crystalline-Si solar cell module with metal textile-based stretchable connections81
One-step construction of novel phase change composites supported by a biomass/MXene gel network for efficient thermal energy storage80
Design, development and analysis of large-area industrial silicon solar cells featuring a full area polysilicon based passivating contact on the rear and selective passivating contacts on the front80
Na induction effects for J–V properties of Cu2SnS3 (CTS) solar cells and fabrication of a CTS solar cell over-5.2% efficiency76
Evaluation of the resistance of halide perovskite solar cells to high energy proton irradiation for space applications75
A visible-to-infrared broadband all-solid-state electrochromic device based Li4Ti5O12/WO3 for optical and thermal management75
n/p and p/n InGaAs cells for high density TPV modules74
Building-integrated photovoltaic applied Bi-facial photovoltaic module structural design73
Design and simulation of 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite solar cells under LED illumination: Role of ETL and front contact band alignment72
Efficiency improvement of perovskite solar cells by charge transport balancing using length tunable ZnO nanorods and optimized perovskite morphology71
Effects of complexing agent on carrier transport property and photovoltaic performance of TiO2@MAPbI3 core-shell structured nanowire arrays71
Industrial metallization of fired passivating contacts for n-type tunnel oxide passivated contact (n-TOPCon) solar cells71
A modified two-step sequential spin-coating method for perovskite solar cells using CsI containing organic salts in mixed ethanol/methanol solvent67
Core-satellite assembly of phase-changing material microcapsules enabled with broadband light absorption and localized surface plasmonic resonance for effective photothermal energy harvesting67
WAlSiN-based solar-selective coating stability-study under heating and cooling cycles in vacuum up to 800 °C using in situ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry66
Optical performance of a solar dish concentrator formed by the same size mirror located on parabolic frame66
Plated copper electrodes for two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells66
Past research and future strategies for molten chlorides application in concentrated solar power technology66
Solar transparent radiators based on in-plane worm-like assemblies of metal nanoparticles65
Sputter-deposited CdMgTe for rear contact to CdSeTe/CdTe solar cells63
Transparent porphyrin-based hybrid films for spectral selective solar harvesting and energy generation63
Process development and integration of double-side Poly-Si passivated solar cells with printed contacts via LPCVD and ex-situ tube diffusion62
Black zirconia composites with enhanced thermal, optical and mechanical performance for solar energy applications61
1 MeV electron and 10 MeV proton irradiation effects on inverted metamorphic GaInP/GaAs/InGaAs triple junction solar cell61
Electrospinning-assisted radiative cooling composite films59
Study on annual performance of the solar still using shape-stabilized phase change materials with economic analysis59
BiVO4 and reduced graphene oxide composite hydrogels for solar-driven steam generation and decontamination of polluted water57
Full-spectrum light-driven phase change microcapsules modified by CuS-GO nanoconverter for enhancing solar energy conversion and storage capability56
Controllable crystallization engineering on amorphous tungsten oxide nanoparticles for highly efficient photochromic response56
Impact of polymeric stabilisers on the reaction kinetics of SrBr253
K2CO3–Li2CO3 molten carbonate mixtures and their nanofluids for thermal energy storage: An overview of the literature52
New frontiers in thermal energy storage: An experimental analysis of thermophysical properties and thermal stability of a novel ternary chloride molten salt51
Broad-band conical-shaped perfect absorber metamaterial for solar cells51
Effect of chlorides and sulfates on the corrosion of SS347 and GH3539 in molten solar salt51
Finite difference time domain simulations of absorption enhancement in thin GaAs solar cells with textured back surface reflectors50
Can interface charge enhance selectivity in tunnel layer passivated contacts? Using negatively charged aluminium oxide capped with dopant free PEDOT or boron doped polysilicon50
22.8% full-area bifacial n-PERT solar cells with rear side sputtered poly-Si(n) passivating contact49
Intergranular corrosion of 316H stainless steel induced by SO42− ions in MgCl2–KCl–NaCl molten salt49
Characterization of front contact degradation in monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules following damp heat exposure49
Investigation of the stability of metallic grids for large-area perovskite solar cells48
Maxwell-Garnett permittivity optimized micro-porous PVDF/PMMA blend for near unity thermal emission through the atmospheric window48
The effect of space charge neutralization on the parametric design of photon enhanced thermionic solar converters47
Preparation of highly efficient and stable CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells based on an anti-solvent rinsing strategy47
Bio-inspired colorful selective solar absorber47
Experimental study on the electrically-triggered crystallization behavior of supercooled copper foam-based and expanded graphite-based sodium acetate trihydrate46
Mitigation of J–V distortion in CdTe solar cells by Ga-doping of MgZnO emitter46
Comparative study of As and Cu doping stability in CdSeTe absorbers46
Stability of industrial gallium-doped Czochralski silicon PERC cells and wafers46
Effects of fluoride salt addition to the physico-chemical properties of the MgCl2–NaCl–KCl heat transfer fluid: A molecular dynamics study45
Voltage losses due to the perimeter and dark area in micro-concentrator solar cells45
Development of a Janus radiative cooler using a versatile fabrication process44
Effect of oxide diffusion barrier and substrate on the reliability of stainless-steel-based CIGS solar cells44
Preparation and optimization of all-inorganic CdSe/ZnTe solar cells44
Machine learning model to efficiently predict the structure and properties of MgCl2–NaCl–KCl melts43
The differences between the hydrogenation by means of photon-injection and electron-injection for N-type tunnel oxide passivated contacts solar cells43
Degradation of perovskite solar cells by the doping level decrease of HTL revealed by capacitance spectroscopy43
Prospects and requirements for thermophotonic waste heat energy harvesting42
A promising photovoltaic material Cu2MnSn(S,Se)4: Film growth and its application in solar cell42
Progress of phase change materials in solar water desalination system: A review42
Lamellar-structured phase change composites based on biomass-derived carbonaceous sheets and sodium acetate trihydrate for high-efficient solar photothermal energy harvest41
Optimization of the mass ratio and melting temperature of PCMs integrated in Salt Gradient Solar Ponds41
Application of carbon nanofluids in non-concentrating solar thermal collectors: A critical review of experimental investigations41
Molecular dynamics study on interfacial diffusion characterization of nanoparticle TiO2 and metal Fe in high-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage system41
Multifunctional daytime radiative cooler resistant to UV aging41
Towards high-efficiency Al-BSF c-Si solar cell with both superior omnidirectional and electrical performance by modulating the tilt angle of quasi-periodic inverted pyramid arrays41
High-performance semi-transparent organic solar cells for window applications using MoO3/Ag/MoO3 transparent anodes41
Contactless measurement of current-voltage characteristics for silicon solar cells40
Enhancing poly-Si contact through a highly conductive and ultra-thin TiN layer for high-efficiency passivating contact silicon solar cells40
An analytical investigation on characterizing the properties of glass composition for crystalline silicon solar cells based on the digital microsystem measurement technology40
Caesium doping accelerates the hydration rate of potassium carbonate in thermal energy storage40
Hole selective contacts based on transition metal oxides for c-Ge thermophotovoltaic devices40
Ambient condition curable, highly weather stable anti-soiling coating for photovoltaic application40
C3N4 interlayer formation while synthesizing black titania and their dye sensitized solar cell and conductivity performances40
Changes in ohmic shunts in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 devices during damp heat39
Influence of the annealing temperature of (n) poly-Si/SiOx passivating contacts on their firing stability39
Study on the influence of micro-alkali texturing and micro-alkali polishing process on the passivation and contact performance of n-TOPCon solar cells39
Improving the efficiency of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cell by using localized K-doped precursor film38
Tuning back side passivation for enhancing the performance of PERC solar cells38
Editorial Board38
High efficiency stable planar perovskite solar cells via heavy water additive37
Ultrasonic guided waves interaction with cracks in the front glass of thin-film solar photovoltaic module37
Editorial Board37
Electroforming of Si NCs/p-Si photovoltaic devices: Enhancement of the conversion efficiency through resistive switching37
Editorial Board37
Bio-based Polylactic acid/Polyurethane blends with good recyclability and excellent shape stability for solar thermal energy storage37
Editorial Board37
Maskless interdigitated a-Si:H PECVD process on full M0 c-Si wafer: Homogeneity and passivation assessment37
Solar reflective brick brown stable iron doped magnesium aluminate: Combustion synthesis, structure and chromatic properties37
Unlocking the full potential of monolithic perovskite/biPoly™ Si tandem devices through in-depth analysis and detailed engineering37
Study on the theoretical calculation method for the effective thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube composite molten salt for solar energy application37
Surface defect passivation by copper incorporation for efficient perovskite solar cells36
A comparative study of the thermochromic performances of VO2 films obtained by air oxidation of V and VN precursors36
Plasma immersion ion implantation for tunnel oxide passivated contact in silicon solar cell36
Multijunction solar cell mesa isolation: Correlation between process, morphology and cell performance36
An electron-selective SiC /SiO contact for Si solar cells made with fully industrial techniques36
Daytime radiative cooling of single-board computer in nearly enclosed unmanned surface vehicle36
Corrigendum to “Metal nano-grids for transparent conduction in solar cells” [Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 169 (2017) 68–77]35
Investigation of AlInAsSb/GaSb tandem cells – A first step towards GaSb-based multi-junction solar cells35
Editorial Board35
Spatially resolved defects parameters of the D1 dislocation center in silicon using temperature- and injection-dependent hyperspectral photoluminescence mapping35
Improved Auger recombination models: Consequences for c-Si solar cells35
Corrosion of stainless steel 316 in a ternary nitrate salt and its composite with expanded graphite for solar thermal applications35
An orthogonal investigation in pore size effect of EG on thermal properties and crystallinity of EG/CaCl2·6H2O composite34
Investigation on thermal performance of quinary nitrate/nitrite mixed molten salts with low melting point for thermal energy storage34
Al L2,3 near edge structure captures the dopant activation and segregation in Al-doped ZnO films34
Highly reproducible c-Si texturing by metal-free TMAH etchant and monoTEX agent34
Editorial to the proceedings of the 11th international conference on crystalline silicon photovoltaics34
Impact of temperature on corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steels in solar salt for CSP application: An electrochemical study34
Balance of efficiency and stability of silicon heterojunction solar cells34
Comprehensive energy balance analysis of photon-enhanced thermionic power generation considering concentrated solar absorption distribution33
Experimental characterization of extreme temperature granular flows for solar thermal energy transport and storage33
Multi-energy driven form-stable phase change materials based on SEBS and reduced graphene oxide aerogel33
A novel molten salt energy storage-solar thermophotovoltaic integrated system with mid-temperature metamaterial spectrum reshaping33
Editorial Board33
Editorial Board33
Micro-photoluminescence studies of shallow boron diffusions below polysilicon passivating contacts33
Corrosion of novel reactive silver ink and commercial silver-based metallizations in diluted acetic acid33
Improving thermal energy storage and transfer performance in solar energy storage: Nanocomposite synthesized by dispersing nano boron nitride in solar salt33
Radiation tolerance of GaAs1-xSbx solar cells33
Aerosol-based deposition of broadband antireflective silica coating with closed mesoporous structure32
State-of-the-art review on water-based nanofluids for low temperature solar thermal collector application32
Incorporation of CaZrO3 into calcium-based heat carriers for efficient solar thermochemical energy storage32
A high-performance electrochromic battery based on complementary Prussian white/Li4Ti5O12 thin film electrodes32
Improvement on solar selective absorption properties of anodic aluminum oxide photonic crystal films by electrodeposition of silver32
Influences of PVA modification on performance of microencapsulated reversible thermochromic phase change materials for energy storage application32
Thermal properties and cyclic stability of sodium acetate trihydrate composites containing expanded graphite of different sizes32
Biodegradable, scalable and flexible fiber membrane for green passive radiative cooling32
Experimental investigation of photothermal properties of phase change material enhanced by Zn–TiN binary nanoparticles32
Colorization of passive radiative cooling coatings using plasmonic effects32
A universal approach to fabricating infrared-shielding smart coatings based on vanadium dioxide32
Flexible, broadband, super-reflective infrared reflector based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymer32
Effects of CuAlO2 on the heterojunction interface and performance of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin-film solar cells32
Synthesis and characterization of a novel high durability alloy microcapsule for thermal energy storage31
Large-area bifacial n-TOPCon solar cells with in situ phosphorus-doped LPCVD poly-Si passivating contacts31
Experimental enhancement study of thermophysical properties of ternary carbonate phase change material with multi-dimensional nanoparticles31
Investigating the effect of Cu underlayer and FTO etching towards photoelectrochemical performance enhancement of Cu2O photoelectrode31
Study on preparation and thermophysical characteristics of molten salt nanocomposite by microwave method31
Circuit modeling and analysis of hysteresis effect of perovskite photovoltaic cells31
Defect inspection of photovoltaic solar modules using aerial electroluminescence (EL): A review31
ZIF-derived carbon/BN/CMF composite PCM for enhanced latent thermal storage, photothermal conversion, and thermal insulation31
Moisture induced degradation in field-aged multicrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules31
Long-term carrier lifetime instabilities in n-type FZ- and Cz-silicon under illumination at elevated temperature31
Enhanced photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction activity towards selective generation of alcohols over CuxO/SrTiO3 heterojunction photocathodes31
Construction of high thermal conductive boron Nitrid@Chitosan aerogel/ paraffin composite phase change material30
Advances in upconversion enhanced solar cell performance30
Fast-switching electrochromic smart windows based on NiO-nanorods counter electrode30
Conductive adhesive based shingled solar cells: Electrical degradation under cyclic loading30
A novel laser scribing method combined with the thermal stress cleaving for the crystalline silicon solar cell separation in mass production30
Sub-ambient radiative cooling under tropical climate using highly reflective polymeric coating30
Polymer based phase change material for photo-thermal utilization30
Optimization of bifacial Ge-incorporated Sb2Se3 thin-film solar cells by modeling Cu2O back buffer layer30
Long-lived electrochromic device with protonated viologen and Poly(ethylenedioxythiophene-carbazole)/Prussian blue composite for smart windows30
Investigation on ettringite as a low-cost high-density thermochemical heat storage material: Thermodynamics and kinetics30
Understanding interfacial chemistry of positive bias high-voltage degradation in photovoltaic modules30
On the limiting efficiency for silicon heterojunction solar cells30
Integration of thin n-type nc-Si:H layers in the window-multilayer stack of heterojunction solar cells30
Design of (C3N2H5)(1-)Cs PbI3 as a novel hybrid perovskite with strong stability and excellent photoelectric performance: A theoretical prediction30
Machine learning-enabled design of metasurface based near-perfect daytime radiative cooler29
Thermostat property of Janus emitter in enclosures29
Performance analysis of GaAsBi/InGaAs heterostructure for III-V multi-junction solar cells29
Electrical passivation of III-V multijunction solar cells with luminescent coupling effect29
Enhancement of power conversion efficiency of Ag-substituted Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells via tuning Cu2+/(Cu++Cu2+) percentage in precursor solution29
Hierarchical microencapsulation of phase change material with carbon-nanotubes/polydopamine/silica shell for synergistic enhancement of solar photothermal conversion and storage29
Enhanced optical properties and light-to-heat conversion performance of Ti3C2/[BMIM]BF4 nanofluids based direct absorption solar collector29
Finite element model of femtosecond laser scribing on silicon heterojunction solar cells29
Performance improvement mechanisms of perovskite solar cells by modification of NiO hole-selective contacts with self-assembled-monolayers29
FDTD modeling of sputtered Mo–Al2O3 nanocomposites29
Narrow bandgap photovoltaic cells28
Measurement of poly-Si film thickness on textured surfaces by X-ray diffraction in poly-Si/SiO passivating contacts for monocrystalline Si solar cells28
Machine learning in prediction of MXenes-based metasurface absorber for maximizing solar spectral absorption28
Erosion wear analysis of heat exchange surfaces in a falling particle-based concentrating solar power system28
Collimated solar simulator for curved PV modules characterization28
Sulfonate groups assisted texturing for efficient monocrystalline silicon solar cells28
Comparative study on high temperature thermal stability of quaternary nitrate-nitrite mixed salt and Solar salt28
A theoretical framework for reliable predictions of thermal conductivity of multicomponent molten salt mixtures: KCl-NaCl-MgCl28
Investigation on temperature dependence of recent high-efficiency silicon solar modules28
Interdigitated back-contacted crystalline silicon solar cells fully manufactured with atomic layer deposited selective contacts28
Sunlight-heating and electricity-heating interfacial evaporation membrane driven by sunlight and electricity from photovoltaic panels for steam production28
PV back sheet recovery from c-Si modules using hot knife technique28
Toward the recovery of solar silicon from end-of-life PVs by vacuum refining28
Sprayable PEDOT:PSS based spectrally selective coating for solar energy harvesting28
Alternative low-power plasma-sprayed inconel 625 coatings for thermal solar receivers: Effects of high temperature exposure on adhesion and solar absorptivity28
A multifunctional flame retardant enabling efficient and stable formamidine-cesium perovskite solar cells28
Highly reflective multilayer solar reflectors for daytime radiative cooling28
Lead leaching and electrowinning in acetic acid for solar module recycling27
Enhanced performance of perovskite solar cell via up-conversion YLiF4:Yb, Er nanoparticles27
High performance electrochromic energy storage devices based on Mo-doped crystalline/amorphous WO3 core-shell structures27
CQD-ATO hybrid nanofluid with good stability in the application of spectral beam splitters27
Pyrrole-based viologen derivatives with high contrast and magenta color for electrochromic-fluorescent devices27
Enhanced interfacial evaporation and desalination by solar heat localisation using nitrogenated graphitic carbon and Co3O4 nanorods27
Progress and challenges in flexible electrochromic devices27
Harnessing the potential of radiative cooling for the built environment: A new comprehensive protocol for materials’ characterization26
Monitoring solar irradiance and PV module performance in mobile applications26
Optimization of rear surface morphology in n-type TOPCon c-Si solar cells26
Kinetics of silicon nitride coatings degradation and its influence on liquid infiltration in PV silicon crystallization processes26
Decorating CaO with dark Ca2MnO4 for direct solar thermal conversion and stable thermochemical energy storage26
Solar Moves: Part 1, Modelling the impact of VIPV26
Optimization of indium recovery from waste crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells by acid leaching26
Setting the baseline for the modelling of Kesterite solar cells: The case study of tandem application26
Optoelectrical analysis of TCO+Silicon oxide double layers at the front and rear side of silicon heterojunction solar cells26
VO2:Ge based thermochromic solar absorber coatings26
Enhancing the photovoltaic efficiency of CZTSSe thin-film solar cells via Ag-doping induced defect modulation26
Review on selective absorber coatings: A catalyst for enhanced solar energy conversion efficiency26
Development and performance investigation of coffee husk-derived carbon-based nanofluid for solar thermal applications26
Finite-size effects on thermal property predictions of molten salts26
Multifunctional electrochromic yarns for variable optical and thermal regulation26
Crystalline quality control in sequential vapor deposited perovskite film toward high efficiency and large scale solar cells26
PV modules and their backsheets - A case study of a Multi-MW PV power station25
Experimental investigation and optical visualization of a salt gradient solar pond integrated with PCM25
Novel high specific heat capacity ternary nitrate/nitrite eutectic salt for solar thermal energy storage25
Absorption-polymerization method for synthesizing phase change composites with high enthalpy and thermal conductivity for efficient thermal energy storage25
Assessing the photocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction of BiFeO3 loaded with IrO2 nanoparticles as cocatalyst25
Corrosion performance of slurry aluminide coatings in molten NaCl–KCl25
Leakage-free porous cellulose-based phase change cryogels for sound and thermal insulation25
Investigating the effect of aluminum oxide fixed charge on Schottky barrier height in molybdenum oxide-based selective contacts25
A novel phase change materials used for direct photothermal conversion and efficient thermal storage25
Assessing the stability of p+ and n+ polysilicon passivating contacts with various capping layers on p-type wafers25
Fabrication of WO3 /Fe25
Efficient photo-thermal conversion using Pt nanofluid prepared by laser ablation in liquid25
Size-dependent electrochemical kinetics of nano-granular WO3 thin films25
Highly efficient and versatile daytime radiative cooler based on optimized polymer-ceramic composite fabricated via facile process24
Enhanced thermal energy storage performance of salt hydrate phase change material: Effect of cellulose nanofibril and graphene nanoplatelet24
Experimental repair technique for glass defects of glass-glass photovoltaic modules – A techno-economic analysis24
Controllable (h k 1) preferred orientation of Sb2S3 thin films fabricated by pulse electrodeposition24
Porous Ni/CNTs composite membrane as solar absorber for highly efficient solar steam generation24
Constructing of 3D porous composite materials of NiAl/CNTs for highly efficient solar steam generation24
High enthalpy efficiency lignin-polyimide porous hybrid aerogel composite phase change material with flame retardancy for superior solar-to-thermal energy conversion and storage24
3D reduced graphene oxide aerogel supported TiO2-x for shape-stable phase change composites with high photothermal efficiency and thermal conductivity24
Stabilizing perovskite solar cells with modified indium oxide electron transport layer24
Photon management of combining nanostructural antireflection and perovskite down-shifting composite films for improving the efficiency of silicon solar cells24