Journal of Applied Geophysics

(The median citation count of Journal of Applied Geophysics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A continuous towed seismic data acquisition and correlation stack method for rapid detection of urban road46
Classification of slag material by spectral induced polarization laboratory and field measurements33
Practical workflows for monitoring saturation and pressure changes from 4D seismic data: A case study of Malay Basin32
Porosity prediction from pre-stack seismic data via a data-driven approach31
Study on the acoustic and thermal response characteristics of coal samples with various prefabricated crack angles during loaded failure under uniaxial compression30
Geological, geophysical and mathematical analysis of synthetic bulk density logs around the world- Part II- the use of non-linear regression on empirical parameters estimation26
Toward the optimisation of the Kalman Filter approach in ground penetrating radar application for detection and locating buried utilities26
A new methodology for the simulation of tunnel rockburst due to far-field seismic event26
Rockfall susceptibility assessment along M-2 Motorway in Salt Range, Pakistan26
Full waveform inversion of common-offset ground-penetrating radar based on a special source wavelet and multiple integral wave-field transform25
Multivariate geophysical index-based prediction of the compression index of fine-grained soil through nonlinear regression24
A novel envelope algorithm for estimating and evaluating noise effect in stationary controlled-source electromagnetic data23
Applied geophysics to support the cultural heritage safeguard: A quick and non-invasive method to evaluate the dynamic response of a great historical interest building23
Permeability estimation and analysis of fracture networks using resistivity logs in an offshore Aptian carbonate reservoir pre-salt, in the Southeastern Santos Basin23
Magnetotelluric impedance estimation Based on clustering analysis23
An advanced instantaneous frequency method for ground-penetrating radar cavity detection22
Cuspate-lobate folding in glacial sediments revealed by a small-scale 3-D seismic survey22
The drone-borne magnetic survey as the optimal strategy for high-resolution investigations in presence of extremely rough terrains: The case study of the Taverna San Felice quarry dike22
Cross-street electrical resistivity imaging for environmental applications21
Shear-wave velocity imaging of weathered granite in La Campana (Chile) from Bayesian inversion of micro-tremor H/V spectral ratios21
Detecting active faults in intramountain basins using electrical resistivity tomography: A focus on Kashmir Basin, NW Himalaya21
The effect of brine spatial distribution on electrical resistivity during imbibition processes in unconsolidated sands20
Selection of noise sources and short-time passive surface wave imaging——A case study on fault investigation20
Editorial Board20
Magnetotelluric investigation in the swarm prone intraplate Talala region of Saurashtra, Gujarat, western India19
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A comparison of 2D inversion of RMT and 1D weighted joint inversion of ground-based and helicopter-borne electromagnetic data19
Utilization-focused evaluation of relationship among spatial, temporal, and density resolutions of muography19
Editorial Board19
First order born scattering away from a fluid-filled borehole19
Tipper data forward modeling and inversion of three-dimensional tensor CSAMT19
Self-potential variations associated with the slip of Huangnibazi Landslide18
Interpretable denoising of distributed acoustic sensing vertical seismic profile data using adaptive consistent prior net18
Heat supply pipeline detection based on temperature gradient data of shallow ground18
3D model of water saturation, effective porosity and volume of shale in upper Assam Shelf, India using multi-attribute regression and cascade-probabilistic neural network18
Revealing subsurface subtle channel boundaries and fluid discrimination by employing time-frequency analysis on pre-stack seismic data, a case study: Simian Field, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt17
Geo-electrical anisotropy corrections derived from square array data to improve Earth resistivity models of the Shale Hills' critical zone17
New interpretation approach of well logging data for evaluation of Kern aquifer in South California16
Integrating GPR with ArcGIS Pro to map the Central Arkansas Water pipelines beneath the old Broadway Bridge, Little Rock16
Application and comparison of very low frequency electromagnetic and electrical resistivity techniques to investigate a Karstic Region: A case study of EL Hajeb Municipality, Morocco16
Sensitivity analysis of inverted model parameters from transient electromagnetic measurements affected by induced polarization effects16
Editorial Board15
Near-surface imaging by joint analysis of traffic-induced Rayleigh and Love waves using 3C dense linear arrays: A case study in Hangzhou, China15
Characteristic evaluation of passive seismic ellipticity method in urban shield tunnel15
Editorial Board15
The investigation of joint stiffness determination based on the frequency characteristics of transmitted wave in rock mass15
A comparative analysis between viscoacoustic forward and adjoint wave equations based on Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt, and SLS rheological models15
Application of 1D inverse scattering and projection onto convex sets to inversion of seismic data15
LRSTV: A low-rank total variation-based seismic fault preserving denoising algorithm14
Fast sparse Bayesian learning-based seismic resolution enhancement14
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Multi-window spectrum analysis of Búzios oil field PSDM seismic data applied to frequency attenuation study13
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High-quality surface wave retrieval from vibrations generated by high-speed trains moving on viaducts13
Spatial and temporal behaviour of Ionospheric VTEC and Atmospheric parameters before New Zealand earthquake on 13th November 2016 (M 7.8)13
Combined usage of geophysical methods in continental water bodies, their benefits and challenging issues: A special focus on sediment deposits in dam reservoirs12
Porosity and water saturation predicting beyond boreholes from electromagnetic sounding and core sample data: Soultz-sous-Forêts (France) case study12
Joint passive seismic imaging based on surface wave inversion and reflection wavefield retrieval: A case study in the sedimentary basin areas adjacent to Well Songke-212
3D MCSEM modeling based on domain-decomposition finite-element method12
On research of dispersion characteristics of multi-component surface waves from traffic-induced seismic ambient noise12
Detecting hypogenic karst features in the northeastern Delaware Basin, west Texas: Applications of Full Tensor Gradient (FTG) gravity data12
Predicting anisotropic parameters of strata by deep multiple triangular kernel extreme learning machine optimized by flower pollination algorithm12
Canal dike characterization by means of electrical resistivity, shear wave velocity and particle size data fusion12
PP-wave reflection coefficient for vertically cracked media: Single set of aligned cracks12
TM - polarization experimental electrical exploration from ice surface12
Electric dipole scattering from a finitely conducting cylinder12
Analysis on the dispersion characteristics of surface waves in a layered slope12
Combined application of electrical resistivity tomography and multi-channel analysis of surface waves methods in the tunnel detection: A case study from Kocaeli University Campus Site, Turkey12
Determination of dynamic elastic moduli by integration of geophysical, geotechnical and rock physics diagnostic techniques for construction at Ba Na, Da Nang City, Vietnam11
An improved variational mode decomposition for seismic random noise attenuation using grasshopper optimization via shape dynamic time warping11
3D density structure of Sichuan basin, Southwest China based on the inversion of gravity data11
Hybrid domain frequency controllable envelope inversion with lowrank approximation for long-wavelength velocity model building11
Hydrological influence on the variation of the terrestrial gravity field in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil11
A new electronic model of seismoelectric measurements: Theory, simulations and experimental validation11
Geological, geophysical and mathematical analysis of synthetic bulk density logs around the world- Part I- the use of linear regression on empirical parameters estimation10
Editorial Board10
Utilizing NWCR optimized arrays for 2D ERT survey to identify subsurface structures at Penang Island, Malaysia10
Trust-region versus line search globalization strategies for inexact Newton method and application in full waveform inversion10
A variational inequality approach with SVM optimization algorithm for identifying mineral lithology10
A robust method for instantaneous frequency estimation via inverse spectral decomposition10
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Editorial Board10
Elastic anisotropic finite-difference full-wave modeling and imaging of 2D tilted transversely isotropic (TTI) media10
Direct synthesis of time domain pseudo-random 3D electromagnetic response with a band-limited source10
A method for magnetotelluric data processing based on sparsity adaptive stage-wise orthogonal matching pursuit10
C-responses estimation of geomagnetic depth sounding using regularization method and its application in Northeast China9
Reflection coefficient frequency-dependent inversion of a planar interface with spherical waves: Using critical and post-critical angles9
Prediction of calcareous sandstone based on simultaneous broadband nonlinear inversion of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and S-wave modulus9
The potential of spatial statistics for the reconstruction of a subsoil model: A case study for the Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Basin, Central Italy9
Gamma ray log to estimate clay content in the layers of water boreholes9
Viscoacoustic wave equation for qP-wave in transversely isotropic media9
Seismic signal denoising using Swin-Conv-UNet9
Smoothness: The key factor in well-log information-assisted PINNtomo9
Geoelectric survey of the Granite Gravel aquifer, Llano Uplift, Central Texas, to determine locations for water wells9
Biorthogonal wavelet energy entropy method with different time windows for strong interference processing of GPR signals9
Uses of Green's function for enhancing the image resolution of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data9
A new conceptual model of the Travale (Italy) enhanced geothermal system: Insights from electromagnetic geothermometry9
Unsupervised learning approach for revealing subsurface tectono-depositional environment: A study from NE India9
Two dimensional dynamically focused beam migration in weakly anisotropic media9
Data-driven seismic prestack velocity inversion via combining residual network with convolutional autoencoder9
Stratigraphic identification with airborne electromagnetic methods at the Hanford Site, Washington9
Performance of geophysical methods in determining fault zone at Darakeh Area (Tehran Province; Iran)9
A novel identification method of microseismic events based on empirical mode decomposition and artificial neural network features9
A homotopy continuation inversion of geoelectrical sounding data9
Changes in the magnetic properties of a tropical red soil following the conversion of forest into agricultural land9
Active and passive seismic methods to explore areas of active faulting. The case of Lamezia Terme (Calabria, southern Italy)9
Numerical simulation of borehole compressional wave and shear wave in 3D vug formation9
A combined denoising method for Q-factor compensation of poststack seismic data9
Seismic prediction of fracture-cavity reservoirs using a rock physics model8
Geo-electrical characterization of physical and mechanical properties of zinc tailing8
Ultrahigh-resolution seismic enhancement. The use of colored inversion and seismic attributes on sub-bottom profiler data8
Joint imaging of ERT datasets and its application in seepage characterization at Nanshan Dam, southeast China8
Near real-time nautical depth mapping via horizontal optical fibers and distributed acoustic sensing8
Vehicle noise characteristics in magnetotelluric data and vehicle noise removal using waveform fitting8
Hybrid Monte Carlo 1-D joint inversion of LOTEM and MT8
Inversion of airborne transient electromagnetic data based on reference point lateral constraint8
Leak identification in non-pressurized concrete pipelines by the use of geophysical methods8
A hybrid model based on unsupervised learning for seismic response feature extraction and gas-bearing reservoir prediction using longitudinal and transverse waves seismic data in low-degree exploratio8
Using VLF-EM, vertical electrical sounding (VES) and pumping test in large-diameter wells to characterize shallow groundwater — A case study of the Karfiguela paddy field in Burkina Faso8
A stable analytical expression for magnetotelluric/radiomagnetotelluric impedances in anisotropic layered Earth models8
Improving spatial characterization of buried bedrock valleys through airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic, residual magnetic, and surface resistivity measurements8
Experimental investigation of correlations between electrical resistivity, moisture content and voltage values for leachate contaminated clayey sand8
Assessing global parameters of slope stability model using Earth data observations for forecasting rainfall – induced shallow landslides8
Cuckoo Search Algorithm for model parameter estimation from self-potential data8
3D electrical structure definition of aquifer systems in the Kalahari basin in Southern Angola based on legacy data reprocessing8
Three-dimensional modeling of ground-airborne transient electromagnetic responses of typical models based on the finite difference approach8
Understanding slow-moving landslide triggering processes using low-cost passive seismic and inclinometer monitoring8
Acoustic wave propagation and scattering in visco-acoustic medium: Integral equation representation and De Wolf approximation8
GPR antennas geometry and its impact over detection of near-surface water contamination through AVO Data analysis at laboratory site8
Three-dimensional edge-based finite element modeling of magnetotelluric data in anisotropic media with a divergence correction8
Correlation between SPT-N and shear wave velocity (V) and seismic site classification for Amaravati city, India8
An anisotropic rock physics modeling for the coalbed methane reservoirs and its applications in anisotropy parameter prediction8
Contribution of VLF electromagnetic survey to the investigation of Hessdalen lights (Norway)8
Processing and joint interpretation of multi-resolution marine seismic datasets8
Enhancing seismic feature orientations: A novel approach using directional derivatives and Hilbert transform of gradient structure tensor8
Reverse time migration of GPR data based on accurate velocity estimation and artifacts removal using total variation de-noising8
Interpolation of irregularly sampled seismic data via non-convex regularization8
Simultaneous prediction of petrophysical properties and formation layered thickness from acoustic logging data using a modular cascading residual neural network (MCARNN) with physical constraints7
Editorial Board7
Dispersion measurement from ultra-short ambient noise using phase-weighted stacking in urban areas7
A model integration approach for stratigraphic boundary delineation based on local data augmentation7
Shallow Water Flows (SWF) evaluation by 3D seismic studies in the South Caspian Basin, Iran7
The analysis of the early electromagnetic response of the receiving coil and its application at close-range TEM detection7
Detecting and locating microseismic events with stacking velocity analysis for surface monitoring7
Characteristics of inverse dispersion curve of Rayleigh wave in pavement shallow structure with engineering application7
Advanced predictive modelling of electrical resistivity for geotechnical and geo-environmental applications using machine learning techniques7
Robust data smoothing algorithms and wavelet filter for denoising sonic log signals7
Quantitative analysis of Khajjiar and Rewalsar lakes and their surroundings, Himachal Pradesh (India): Remote sensing and GIS-based approaches7
Seismic fracture characterization in tight sand reservoirs: A case study of the Xujiahe Formation, Sichuan Basin, China7
Imaging freshwater and saline aquifers beneath Bradford County, Pennsylvania, USA, using Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) data7
Hunger Games Search optimization for the inversion of gravity anomalies of active mud diapir from SW Taiwan using inclined anticlinal source approximation7
The influence of the internal structure of loaded composite coal-rock on the variation characteristics of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) signal7
Estimation of reservoir properties using pre-stack seismic inversion and neural network in mature oil field, Upper Assam basin, India7
Characterization with geoelectrical methods of fissural porosity and flow pattern in physical models of fractured rock masses7
Development of numerical model for simulating resistivity and hydroelectric properties of fractured rock aquifers7
Predicting dynamic shear wave slowness from well logs using machine learning methods in the Mishrif Reservoir, Iraq7
Three-dimensional forward calculation of time domain electromagnetic response stimulated by a pseudo-Gaussian pulse source7
Shale rocks brittleness index prediction method using extended elastic impedance inversion7
How close can we get to the classical magnetotelluric sounding?7
Deep learning-based geophysical joint inversion using partial channel drop method7
Application of multichannel analysis of passive surface waves method for fault investigation7
Lithology prediction from well log data using machine learning techniques: A case study from Talcher coalfield, Eastern India7
A pixel-based finite element implementation to estimate effective wave velocity in heterogeneous media7
Spatio-temporal hierarchical cluster analysis of mining-induced seismicity in coal mines using Ward's minimum variance method7
Automatic recognition and tracking of highway layer-interface using Faster R-CNN7
A Pn-wave spectral inversion technique based on trust region reflective algorithm7
Data-driven logistic function for weighting of geophysical evidence layers in mineral prospectivity mapping7
Sandstone reservoir zonation of the north-western Bredasdorp Basin South Africa using core data7
Characterization of carbonate reservoir using post-stack global geostatistical acoustic inversion approach: A case study from a mature gas field, onshore Pakistan7
Accurate identification of microseismic waveforms based on an improved neural network model7
Frequency-dependent inversion based on spherical-wave reflection coefficient in elastic medium: Theory and methodology7
Compact source inversion of self-potential data generated by geomicrobes7
3D Phase tensor inversion and Joint inversion using impedance and phase tensor components aiming better subsurface mapping and interpretation in Dhanjori basin, Singhbhum craton, eastern India7
Errors in microseismic events locations introduced by neglecting anisotropy during velocity model calibration in downhole monitoring7
Shallow crustal electrical structure of the Qingchengzi orefield in Liaodong area revealed by three-dimensional inversion of Magnetotelluric data7
Extracting acoustic leakage signals in buried pipes7
A probabilistic neural network (PNN) based framework for lithology classification using seismic attributes7
Time-series clustering approaches for subsurface zonation and hydrofacies detection using a real time-lapse electrical resistivity dataset7
Revisiting b-value for extended Kopili region of Northeast India and probabilistic estimation of seismic hazard attributes thereof6
3D time-domain induced polarization modelling considering anisotropy and topography6
Electrode structural effects on the mechanism of high-voltage pulse rock breaking6
Digital preservation and archaeoastronomical insights: 3D digitization of megalithic heritage in the Maltese Archipelago6
Multi-parameter full waveform inversion using only the streamer data based on the acoustic-elastic coupled wave equation6
Poroelastic full-waveform inversion as training a neural network6
Nonlinear constitutive relation in acoustoelastic-orthotropic media and its wide azimuth seismic reflection coefficient characteristics for in-situ stress prediction6
Using BHR to detect coal seam interface in coal mine6
Enhanced heat flow assessment in Gulf of Hammamet and Pelagian Sea: Temperature corrections and conductivity adjustments6
Studying petrophysical properties of micritic limestones using machine learning methods6
Investigation of the structural control of a deltaic valley with geophysical methods. The case study of Pineios river delta (Thessaly, Greece)6
Mapping agricultural soil water content using multi-feature ensemble learning of GPR data6
Fluid identification in fractured media with genetic algorithm6
Research and application of comprehensive detection methods for geological structural planes in drill and blast tunnels6
Assessment of the liquefaction potential of the Arifiye (Sakarya) region with multidisciplinary geoscience approaches in the GIS environment6
Monitoring of water volume in a porous reservoir using seismic data: A 3D simulation study6
Wasserstein distance-based full waveform inversion method for density reconstruction6
The ground penetrating radar response recognition of hidden dam defects using multi-output convolutional neural network6
A comprehensive workflow to analyze ensembles of globally inverted 2D electrical resistivity models6
Novel methodology for interpretation of magnetic anomalies due to two-dimensional dipping dikes using the Manta Ray Foraging Optimization6
Fast 3D time-domain airborne EM forward modeling using random under-sampling6
Generation of reverse time migration dip gathers with the stabilized Poynting vector and their application in the improvement of subsalt images6
Wave impedance inversion and interpretation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data for Amery Ice Shelf in East Antarctica6
Anti-planar response due to cylindrical cavity with linear crack under semicircular canyon6
Editorial Board6
Improving tailings dam risk management by 3D characterization from resistivity tomography technique: Case study in São Paulo – Brazil6
Pore pressure prediction based on rock physics theory and its application in seismic inversion6
Pade approximation operator iterative method for potential field downward continuation6
Elastic wave full-waveform inversion in the time domain by the trust region method5
Size estimation of underground targets from GPR frequency spectra: A deep learning approach5
Using DC resistivity ring array surveys to resolve conductive structures around tunnels or mine-workings5
S-wave log construction through semi-supervised regression clustering using machine learning: A case study of North Sea fields5
Audio-frequency spectra of passive source electromagnetic fields under a cultural background: A case study from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China5
Can laboratory ultrasonic measurements on core plugs reproduce results obtained from sonic well logging in carbonates?5
Seismic response assessment of a weakly nonlinear soil deposit5
Adaptive fault enhancement in OVT domain based on anisotropy theory5
Parallel-swath-array analysis of passive source surface waves based on beamforming5
Variations in the present-day stress field and its implications for hydrocarbon development in the Hassi Terfa field, Hassi Messaoud, Algeria5
GNSS blasting vibration monitoring and feature recognition method5
Full waveform inversion based on hybrid conjugate gradient with BFGS direction5
A 17-point composite average-derivative optimal method for high-accuracy frequency-domain scalar wave modeling5
Editorial Board5
Prediction of Gamma Ray data from pre-stack seismic reflection partial angle stacks using Continuous Wavelet Transform and convolutional neural network approach5
Stochastic inversion combining seismic data, facies properties, and advanced multiple-point geostatistics5
Comparison of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic data from double-line and single-line grounded-wire sources5
Elastic reverse time migration without wavefield decomposition5
Electrical and electromagnetic geophysical signature associated with geological frame of polymineralic deposit within hydrothermal alteration zones5
GPR method for continuous monitoring of compaction during the construction of railways subgrade5
A hybrid workflow for updating 1D velocity model and microseismic event location5
Inverse effect of packing density on shear wave velocity of binary mixed soils with varying size ratios5
Anisotropic media hybrid grid tomographic inversion method based on angle domain imaging gathers5
Assessment of geoelectrical configurations using reduced physical models for the structural mapping of rock mass and fractured aquifers5
Interpretation of transient electromagnetic data using zero-level curves5
An adaptive clustering constraint inversion method for gravity data5
Method for seismic signal denoising based on generalized S-transform and nonlinear complex diffusion5
Extraction of gravity components related to W-Sn polymetallic deposits using Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) in the Laojunshan Ore Cluster Region, SW China5
Time-synchroextracting of generalized S-transform and its application in fault identification5
Geophysics applied to the optimization of blasting design at the S11D mine, Carajás, Brazil5
Geophysics-based approach to predict triaxial undrained and drained compressive behavior in soft soils5
New geoid model for Egypt using the shallow-layer method and its validation5
DAS seismic signal recovery with non-uniform noise based on high-low level feature fusion model5
1-D inversion of frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic data using the open-source aempy toolbox5
A comparative study of multidimensional Fourier reconstruction of 2D prestack seismic data5
Illumination compensation for the adjoint-state first-arrival traveltime tomography in VTI media5
Recovery of the main fracturing direction of oil reservoirs from seismic and AVO data5
A data driven approach to assess the petrophysical parametric sensitivity for lithology identification based on ensemble learning5
Deep sequence model-based approach to well log data imputation and petrophysical analysis: A case study on the West Natuna Basin, Indonesia5
A new implementation of the beam migration by using a model-driven variable grid strategy5
Characterization of seepage in an earthfill dam by the integration of geophysical surveys and geotechnical data5
Seismic wave propagation analysis in the framework of generalized continuum mechanics theory5
Three-dimensional forward modeling and characterization of the responses of the ground-airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic method5
Amplitude of the magnetic anomaly vector in the interpretation of total-field anomaly at low magnetic latitudes5