Group Decision and Negotiation

(The median citation count of Group Decision and Negotiation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Shapley Value of Uncertain Coalitional Game based on Hurwicz Criterion with Application to Water Resource Allocation76
Choice of Knowledge Collaboration Strategy of Knowledge Chain Members66
Exploiting Meta-cognitive Features for a Machine-Learning-Based One-Shot Group-Decision Aggregation53
The Generalized Shapley Value of Cooperative Games as a Social Preference Function35
A Linguistic Cloud-Based Consensus Framework with Three Behavior Classifications Under Trust-Interest Relations34
Majority Voting and Higher-Order Societies28
A Novel Multi-attribute Model to Select Appropriate Weighting Method in Decision Making, an Empirical Application in Petroleum Industry17
Two-party Bargaining Processes Based on Subjective Expectations: A Model and a Simulation Study15
M&A Negotiations: Role of Negotiation Process, Ownership and Advisors on Deal Completion15
Promoting Less Complex and More Honest Price Negotiations in the Online Used Car Market with Authenticated Data14
Group Decision-Based Construction of Scenarios for Multicriteria Analysis in Conditions of Uncertainty on the Basis of Quantitative and Qualitative Information13
A Society Can Always Decide How to Decide: A Proof13
A Core-Partition Ranking Solution to Coalitional Ranking Problems12
A Water Resources Management Simulation–Optimization Model: Application of Graph-Based Hypergame Model in Water Supply Conflicts Resolution11
Dynamic Reference Point-Oriented Consensus Mechanism in Linguistic Distribution Group Decision Making Restricted by Quantum Integration of Information11
Multi-criteria Large-Scale Group Decision-Making in Linguistic Contexts: A Perspective of Conflict Analysis and Resolution11
A Values-based Approach to Understanding Corporate- Stakeholder Interactions10
MCDM Application of the Third Vote9
Big Data and Intelligent Decisions: Introduction to the Special Issue8
Analysis of Security Threats in the Supply Chain of ICT Products Based on Evolutionary Game Theory8
Group Decision Making in Multiobjective Optimization: A Systematic Literature Review7
Determination of a Representative Collective Value Function Through a Value Function-Based Consensus-Reaching Process6
Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Collaborative Learning During the COVID-19 Period: An Expectation-Confirmation Model6
Editorial of the Special Issue on ‘New Trends in Intelligent Group Decision Making and Consensus Modelling’6
A Hybrid Fuzzy-Probabilistic Bargaining Approach for Multi-objective Optimization of Contamination Warning Sensors in Water Distribution Systems6
Uncertainty Analysis in Group Decisions through Interval Ordinal Priority Approach6
Group Risky Choice and Resource Allocation Under Social Comparison Effects5
Coming to Consensus on Classification in Flexible Linguistic Preference Relations: The Role of Personalized Individual Semantics5
A Competency Framework for Participatory Modeling5
Unveiling and Unraveling Aggregation and Dispersion Fallacies in Group MCDM5
Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Landscape from 1981 to 20225
Consensus Building for Uncertain Large-Scale Group Decision-Making Based on the Clustering Algorithm and Robust Discrete Optimization5
Inverse Preference Optimization in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution based on the Genetic Algorithm5
A Critical Exploration of Bargaining in Purchasing and Supply Management: A Systematic Literature Review5
A Multi-Criteria and Multi-Agent Framework for supporting complex decision-making processes5
Managing Consistency and Consensus Issues in Group Decision-Making with Self-Confident Additive Preference Relations and Without Feedback: A Nonlinear Optimization Method5
The Relationship Between Unlearning and Innovation Ambidexterity with the Performance of New Product Development Teams5
Do We Learn From Each Other: Understanding the Human-AI Co-Learning Process Embedded in Human-AI Collaboration4
Causal Relationship and Ranking Technique (CRRT): A Novel Group Decision-Making Model and Application in Students’ Performance Assessment in Indian High School Context4
Factors Affecting the Use of Blockchain Technology in Humanitarian Supply Chain: A Novel Fuzzy Large-Scale Group-DEMATEL4
Ranking Objects from Individual Linguistic Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Information in View of Optimal Model-Based Consistency and Consensus Iteration Algorithm4
Bidirectional Adjustable N-Soft Expert PROMETHEE-II Model: A New Framework for Multi-Attribute Group Decision-Making4
A novel assessment approach based on group evidential reasoning and risk attitude4
Risk-Averse Two-Stage Stochastic Minimum Cost Consensus Models with Asymmetric Adjustment Cost4
Risk Based Weight Determination in Multiple Criteria Decision Making4
Happy to Continue: Satisfaction, Commitment, and Persistence to Use Technology-Supported Collaborative Work Practices4
Dominant Smart Contracts Based on Major Bargaining Solutions4
Trust Matters in Negotiation3
Coalition Stability in International Environmental Matching Agreements3
On the Combinatorial Acceptability Entropy Consensus Metric for Multi-Criteria Group Decisions3
Modeling and Implementation of a New Negotiation Decision Support System for Conflict Resolution Under Uncertainty3
First vs. Lasting Impressions: How Cognitive and Affective Trust Cues Coordinate Match-Making in Online Sharing Platforms3
Applying the AHP to Conflict Resolution: A Russia—NATO Case Study3
Consensus Reaching with Dynamic Trust Relationships and Cost-Learning in Group Decision Making3
Modeling the Maximum Perceived Utility Consensus Based on Prospect Theory3
Confidence and Outcome Expectations in Bilateral Negotiations–A Dynamic Model3
Gamification of Electronic Negotiation Training: Effects on Motivation, Behaviour and Learning3
Consensus-trust Driven Bidirectional Feedback Mechanism for Improving Consensus in Social Network Large-group Decision Making3
A Graph Model for Conflict Resolution with Time-varying Attitudes and Its Application to China-US Trade Disputes2
Group Multi-Objective Optimization Under Imprecision and Uncertainty Using a Novel Interval Outranking Approach2
Efficiency of Community-Based Content Moderation Mechanisms: A Discussion Focused on Birdwatch2
Aggregation of Correlated Judgments on Multiple Interconnected Issues2
A Multi-criteria Group Decision Making Based on Possibility Degree Matrix and $$\mathbb {ZPDHL}$$-VIKOR Method2
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Two-Person Negotiation Under Multiple Criteria2
Pre-bargaining Investment Implies a Pareto Ranking of Bargaining Solutions2
Envy-Free Solutions to the Problem of Room Assignment and Rent Division2
An Adaptive Core-Nash Bargaining Game Consensus Mechanism for Group Decision Making2
Introducing Credible Movements in the Optimism Pessimism Stability in the Graph Model2
Can Gender-Disposed Personality Traits Explain Who Initiates Negotiations?2
Using Artificial Intelligence to provide Intelligent Dispute Resolution Support2
Correction to: Gender, Pay Transparency, and Competitiveness: Why Salary Information Sometimes, but Not Always, Mitigates Gender Gaps in Salary Negotiations2
BargCrEx: A System for Bargaining Based Aggregation of Crowd and Expert Opinions in Crowdsourcing2
A Scientometric and Social Network Analysis of the Literature on the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution2
Using the Shapley Value to Mitigate the Emergency Rescue Risk for Hazardous Materials2
Managing Group Confidence and Consensus in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Large Group Decision-Making Based on Social Media Data Mining2
How Team Diversity Influences Online Medical Team Service Performance Through Shared Leadership: An Input-Process-Output Perspective2
A Characterization of the Totally Critical Raw Banzhaf Power Index on Dichotomous Voting Games with Several Levels of Approval in Input2
Integration Through Redefinition: Revisiting the Role of Negotiators’ Goals1
A Large-Scale Group Decision-Making Model Considering Expert Authority Degree and Relationship Evolution Under Social Network1
Concept Design Evaluation of Sustainable Product–Service Systems: A QFD–TOPSIS Integrated Framework with Basic Uncertain Linguistic Information1
Analytical Comparison of Clustering Techniques for the Recognition of Communication Patterns1
On the Difficulty of Budget Allocation in Claims Problems with Indivisible Items and Prices1
Advancing Content Synthesis in Macro-Task Crowdsourcing Facilitation Leveraging Natural Language Processing1
Reformulation of Public Help Index θ Using Null Player Free Winning Coalitions1
Values for Restricted Games with Externalities1
An Agent that Facilitates Crowd Discussion1
Two Person Bargaining Mechanisms: A Laboratory Experiment1
Exploring the Ordinal Classifications of Failure Modes in the Reliability Management: An Optimization-Based Consensus Model with Bounded Confidences1
Testing Fairness Principles for Public Environmental Infrastructure Decisions1
Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Maximum Expert Consensus Model with Incomplete Information on Uncertain Cost1
The Determination and Elimination of Decision Makers’ Hidden Inherent Preference in Probabilistic Linguistic Group Decision-Making1
Facing Reciprocity: How Photos and Avatars Promote Interaction in Micro-communities1
An Extension of Higher-Order Sequential Stabilities for Multilateral Conflicts and for Coalitional Analysis in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution1
Gender, Pay Transparency, and Competitiveness: Why Salary Information Sometimes, but Not Always, Mitigates Gender Gaps in Salary Negotiations1
How Tourist Group Books Hotels Meeting the Majority Affective Expectations: A Group Selection Frame with Kansei Text Mining and Consensus Coordinating1
An Integrated Group Decision-Making Method with Hesitant Qualitative Information Based on DEA Cross-Efficiency and Priority Aggregation for Evaluating Factors Affecting a Resilient City1
Mixed Feelings: Effects of Mood Diversity on Groups’ Discussion of Disconfirming Information and Evaluation of Alternatives1
A Real Case Application of Game Theoretical Concepts in a Complex Decision-Making Process: Case Study ERTMS1
Individual Differences in Within-Person Variability in Personality Positively Predict Economic Gains and Satisfaction in Negotiations1
Robust and High-Accessibility Ranking Method for Crowdsourcing-Based Decision Making1