Potential Analysis

(The median citation count of Potential Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Quantitative Heat-Kernel Estimates for Diffusions with Distributional Drift37
Equivalence of Sobolev Norms with Respect to Weighted Gaussian Measures17
Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equation in $$\textsf{RCD}(K,\infty )$$ Spaces and Applications to Large Deviations13
From A1 to $A_{\infty }$: New Mixed Inequalities for Certain Maximal Operators8
$$p-$$Harmonic Functions in the Upper Half-space7
Stability Results for Symmetric Jump Processes on Metric Measure Spaces with Atoms7
Well-posedness for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Equations with Random Initial Data7
Heyde Theorem on Locally Compact Abelian Groups with the Connected Component of Zero of Dimension 16
Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems in Weighted Function Spaces6
Finite Time Blow-Up Behaviors of Strong Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations6
The Normal Contraction Property for Non-Bilinear Dirichlet Forms6
Homogeneous Dirichlet Forms on p.c.f. Fractals and their Spectral Asymptotics6
Nonlinear McKean-Vlasov Diffusions under the Weak Hörmander Condition with Quantile-Dependent Coefficients5
Ergodic Decomposition of Dirichlet Forms via Direct Integrals and Applications5
On the Upper Rate Functions of Some Time Inhomogeneous Diffusion Processes5
On M. Riesz Conjugate Function Theorem for Harmonic Functions5
Global Well-Posedness of Solutions to a Class of Double Phase Parabolic Equation With Variable Exponents5
On Some Operators Associated with Non-Degenerate Symmetric α-Stable Probability Measures5
A BMO-Type Characterization of Higher Order Sobolev Spaces4
A Trace Inequality for Solenoidal Charges4
Compact Sets in Petals and Their Backward Orbits Under Semigroups of Holomorphic Functions4
Dirichlet Problem for Schrödinger Operators on Heisenberg Groups4
Stochastically Complete, Parabolic and L1-Liouville Spacelike Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector4
Removability of Isolated Singular Points for Fourth Order Elliptic Equations with Nonstandard Growth4
Strong Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Coefficients in Mixed-Norm Spaces4
On the Relation Between the Girsanov Transform and the Kolmogorov Equations for SPDEs4
Distribution-Path Dependent Nonlinear SPDEs with Application to Stochastic Transport Type Equations4
The Robin Mean Value Equation II: Asymptotic Hölder Regularity4
Asymptotic Behavior of Ground States and Local Uniqueness for Fractional Schrödinger Equations with Nearly Critical Growth4
Inclusion Relations Among Fractional Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces and a Littlewood-Paley Characterization4
Marcinkiewicz Estimates for Solutions of Some Elliptic Problems with Singular Data3
Off-Diagonal Heat Kernel Estimates for Symmetric Diffusions in a Degenerate Ergodic Environment3
Global Gaussian Estimates for the Heat Kernel of Homogeneous Sums of Squares3
Obstacle Problems with Double Boundary Condition for Least Gradient Functions in Metric Measure Spaces3
Maz’ya–Shaposhnikova Meet Bishop–Gromov3
Erratum: Weighted Fractional Leibniz-type Rules for Bilinear Multiplier Operators3
Littlewood-Paley-Stein Theory and Banach Spaces in the Inverse Gaussian Setting3
Boundary Harnack Principle on Uniform Domains3
The Weighted Hp Estimates for Commutators of Fractional Integrals3
Regularizing Properties of (Non-Gaussian) Transition Semigroups in Hilbert Spaces3
Removable Singularities for Solutions of the Fractional Heat Equation in Time Varying Domains3
Optimal Extension to Sobolev Rough Paths3
Sobolev-Type Inequalities on Cartan-Hadamard Manifolds and Applications to some Nonlinear Diffusion Equations3
Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian Satisfying Hardy-Type Estimates on Homogeneous Trees3
Multiplicity of Semiclassical States Solutions for a Weakly Coupled Schrödinger System with Critical Growth in Divergent Form2
Edge Laplacians and Edge Poisson Transforms for Graphs2
The Probabilistic Solution of a System of Semilinear Elliptic PDEs Under the Third Boundary Conditions2
Parabolic Harnack Inequality Implies the Existence of Jump Kernel2
Rate of Convergence in the Smoluchowski-Kramers Approximation for Mean-field Stochastic Differential Equations2
The Fractional Laplacian with Reflections2
Martin Boundary of Killed Random Walks on Isoradial Graphs2
Khavinson Problem for Hyperbolic Harmonic Mappings in Hardy Space2
Diffusion Processes with One-sided Selfsimilar Random Potentials2
Normal Trace for a Vector Field of Bounded Mean Oscillation2
On potentials of Itô’s Processes with Drift in Ld+ 12
C1,α Regularity for Degenerate Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Neumann Boundary Conditions2
Uniform Estimates for Concave Homogeneous Complex Degenerate Elliptic Equations Comparable to the Monge-Ampère Equation2
Large Deviations Principles for Symplectic Discretizations of Stochastic Linear Schrödinger Equation2
Neumann Boundary Problems for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations with Divergence Terms2
The Stochastic Klausmeier System and A Stochastic Schauder-Tychonoff Type Theorem2
The Regularity Problem for Uniformly Elliptic Operators in Weighted Spaces2
The Perron Method Associated with Finely p-harmonic Functions on Finely Open Sets2
Asymptotic Behavior for Multi-scale SDEs with Monotonicity Coefficients Driven by Lévy Processes2
Extrapolation for Weighted Product Morrey Spaces and Some Applications2
Averaging Principle for Multi-Scale McKean-Vlasov SPDEs with Locally Monotone Coefficients2
Rough Bilinear Hypersingular Integrals2
On Fundamental Solutions and Gaussian Bounds for Degenerate Parabolic Equations with Time-dependent Coefficients2
Positive Solutions of the $\mathcal {A}$-Laplace Equation with a Potential2
Compactness of Semigroups Generated by Symmetric Non-Local Dirichlet Forms with Unbounded Coefficients2
Lower Bound for the Green Energy of Point Configurations in Harmonic Manifolds2
Positive Solutions of Schrödinger Equations in Product form and Martin Compactifications of the Plane, II2
A Small Time Approximation for the Solution to the Zakai Equation2
Heat Kernel Estimates of Fractional Schrödinger Operators with Hardy Potential on Half-line2
Sobolev Extension on Lp-quasidisks2
Correction to: The CMO-Dirichlet Problem for Elliptic Systems in the Upper Half-Space1
Hessian Lane-Emden Type Systems with Measures Involving Sub-natural Growth Terms1
Quasiconformal Harmonic Mappings Between the Unit Ball and a Spatial Domain with C1,α Boundary1
Heat Kernel Estimates for Stable-driven SDEs with Distributional Drift1
A Bakry-Émery Approach to Lipschitz Transportation on Manifolds1
Weighted Poincaré Inequalities and Degenerate Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: An Approach via the Distance Function1
Large Deviations of Stochastic Heat Equations with Logarithmic Nonlinearity1
On the theory of balayage on locally compact spaces1
Lie Symmetries of Fundamental Solutions to the Leutwiler-Weinstein Equation1
Non-local Markovian Symmetric Forms on Infinite Dimensional Spaces1
On complete Weingarten Hypersurfaces Under Assumptions on the Gauss-Kronecker Curvature1
Gaussian-type Density Bounds for Solutions to Multidimensional Backward SDEs and Application to gene Expression1
Higher Order Coercive Inequalities1
Total Variation Error Bounds for the Approximation of the Invariant Distribution of Parabolic Semilinear SPDEs Using the Standard Euler Scheme1
Intrinsic Harnack’s Inequality for a General Nonlinear Parabolic Equation in Non-divergence Form1
Convexity Estimates for Green’s Function and the First Eigenfunction of Laplace Operator1
Anisotropic Fractional Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Weighted Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and Lyapunov-type Inequalities, and Applications to Riesz Potentials and p-sub-Laplacian Systems1
Fine Representation of Hessian of Convex Functions and Ricci Tensor on RCD Spaces1
An Elliptic Problem Involving Large Advection1
Wasserstein Convergence for Empirical Measures of Subordinated Diffusions on Riemannian Manifolds1
Dimension-Free Estimates for Maximal Functions with Nonisotropic Dilations1
On $$L_{p}-$$ Theory for Integro-Differential Operators with Spatially Dependent Coefficients1
A Smooth 1-Parameter Family of Delaunay-Type Domains for an Overdetermined Elliptic Problem in $$\mathbb {S}^n\times \mathbb {R}$$ and $$\mathbb {H}^n\times \mathbb {R}$$1
Large Intersection Property for Limsup Sets in Metric Space1
Stretching and Rotation of Planar Quasiconformal Mappings on a Line1
Comparison Geometry for Integral Radial Bakry-Émery Ricci Tensor Bounds1
Large Deviations and Gradient Flows for the Brownian One-Dimensional Hard-Rod System1
The Superposition Operator and Strauss Lemma in Logarithmic Besov Spaces1
Fractional Leibniz-type Rules on Spaces of Homogeneous Type1
Large and Moderate Deviations for Empirical Density Fields of Stochastic Seir Epidemics with Vertex-Dependent Transition Rates1
Distributional Solutions of Burgers’ type Equations for Intrinsic Graphs in Carnot Groups of Step 21
An Improved Trudinger–Moser Inequality Involving N-Finsler–Laplacian and Lp Norm1
Necessary cancellation conditions for the boundedness of operators on local Hardy spaces1
First Dirichlet Eigenvalue and Exit Time Moment Spectra Comparisons1
An Averaging Principle for Stochastic Flows and Convergence of Non-Symmetric Dirichlet Forms1
Spectral Asymptotics of the Cauchy Operator and its Product with Bergman’s Projection on a Doubly Connected Domain1
Nonlinear Inequalities with Double Riesz Potentials1
The Dirichlet Problem for p-minimizers on Finely Open Sets in Metric Spaces1
Monotonicity in Half-spaces for p-Laplace Problems with a Sublinear Nonlinearity1
Fractional Higher Differentiability for Solutions of Stationary Stokes and Navier-Stokes Systems with Orlicz Growth1
Lévy Laplacians, Holonomy Group and Instantons on 4-Manifolds1
Capacities and Density Conditions in Metric Spaces1
Some convergences results on the stochastic Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes equations with multiplicative noise1
Dual Spaces for Weak Martingale Hardy Spaces Associated with Rearrangement-Invariant Spaces1
On Well-posedness of Stochastic Anisotropic p-Laplace Equation Driven by Lévy Noise1
The Robin Mean Value Equation I: A Random Walk Approach to the Third Boundary Value Problem1
Two-Sided Boundary Points of Sobolev Extension Domains on Euclidean Spaces1
Off-Diagonal Estimates for Bilinear Commutators1
Convergence of Harmonic Measures and Capacities1
Linear Combination of Composition Operators on Bergman and Korenblum Spaces1
Attainability of Second Order Adams Inequalities with Navier Boundary Conditions1
Quadrature Domains for the Helmholtz Equation with Applications to Non-scattering Phenomena1
On Evans’ and Choquet’s Theorems for Polar Sets1
Decay Rate of the Eigenvalues of the Neumann-Poincaré Operator1
Log-Hessian and Deviation Bounds for Markov Semi-Groups, and Regularization Effect in $\mathbb {L}^{1}$1
Regularity of Solutions to Kolmogorov Equations with Perturbed Drifts0
On the Shape of the First Fractional Eigenfunction0
Nonlinear Dirichlet Forms Associated with Quasiregular Mappings0
Coercive Inequalities and U-Bounds on Step-Two Carnot Groups0
Scattering Theory for a Class of Radial Focusing Inhomogeneous Hartree Equations0
On the Small Time Asymptotics of Quasilinear Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations0
Regular Subspaces of Symmetric Stable Processes0
The Berezin Transform of Toeplitz Operators on the Weighted Bergman Space0
Weak Universality of the Dynamical ${{\Phi }_{3}^{4}}$ Model on the Whole Space0
Non-uniqueness in law of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics system forced by random noise0
Rank 5 Trivializable Subriemannian Structure on $$\mathbb {S}^7$$ and Subelliptic Heat Kernel0
A Version of Hörmander’s Theorem for Markovian Rough Paths0
Corrigendum to “Asymptotics for the Unconstrained Polarization (Chebyshev) Problem”0
A Discovery Tour in Random Riemannian Geometry0
Gradient Estimates for a Weighted Γ-nonlinear Parabolic Equation Coupled with a Super Perelman-Ricci Flow and Implications0
Boundary Doubling Inequality and Nodal sets of Robin and Neumann eigenfunctions0
Existence and Uniqueness for McKean-Vlasov Equations with Singular Interactions0
On the Restriction of a Right Process Outside a Negligible Set0
Large-Time Behavior of Two Families of Operators Related to the Fractional Laplacian on Certain Riemannian Manifolds0
Boundedness of Operators Related to a Degenerate Schrödinger Semigroup0
Growth of Harmonic Mappings and Baernstein Type Inequalities0
Uniqueness of Conformal Metrics with Constant Q-Curvature on Closed Einstein Manifolds0
Corrigendum to “From $$A_1$$ to $$A_\infty $$: New Mixed Inequalities for Certain Maximal Operators”0
Martin Boundary of a Space-time Brownian Motion with Drift Killed at the Boundary of a Moving Cone0
Schatten Classes and Commutator in the Two Weight Setting, I. Hilbert Transform0
Mittag–Leffler Euler Integrator and Large Deviations for Stochastic Space-Time Fractional Diffusion Equations0
Correction to: The Dirichlet Problem for p-minimizers on Finely Open Sets in Metric Spaces0
Game-Theoretic Approach to Hölder Regularity for PDEs Involving Eigenvalues of the Hessian0
Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations Over $$\sigma $$-finite Measure Spaces with Non-continuous Diffusivity Function0
Eigenvalue Estimates for Beltrami-Laplacian Under Bakry-Émery Ricci Curvature Condition0
On a Class of Nonlinear Plate Equations on Modulation Spaces0
Quantitative Estimates for Square Functions with New Class of Weights0
Absolute Continuity of Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Multiplicative Noise0
Trace Operator on von Koch’s Snowflake0
Analysis on Trees with Nondoubling Flow Measures0
Finite Time Blowup in L2 Sense of Solutions to SPDEs with Bernstein Functions of the Laplacian0
Diameter and Laplace Eigenvalue Estimates for Left-invariant Metrics on Compact Lie Groups0
Boundary Lipschitz Regularity and the Hopf Lemma for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations0
Characterization of Lipschitz Space via the Commutators of Fractional Maximal Functions on Variable Lebesgue Spaces0
Compactness Characterizations of Commutators on Ball Banach Function Spaces0
A Basic Homogenization Problem for the p-Laplacian in $$\mathbb {R}^d$$ Perforated along a Sphere: $$L^\infty $$ Estimates0
The $$\textrm{CMO}$$-Dirichlet Problem for Elliptic Systems in the Upper Half-Space0
Littlewood-Paley Theorem, Nikolskii Inequality, Besov Spaces, Fourier and Spectral Multipliers on Graded Lie Groups0
p-Capacity with Bessel Convolution0
Comparison Principle for Elliptic Equations with Mixed Singular Nonlinearities0
Differentiability of the Nonlocal-to-local Transition in Fractional Poisson Problems0
An Integration by Parts Formula for Functionals of the Dirichlet-Ferguson Measure, and Applications0
Sobolev Embeddings for Fractional Hajłasz-Sobolev Spaces in the Setting of Rearrangement Invariant Spaces0
Universal Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of Sub-Riemannian Manifolds0
Long-time Behaviour of Entropic Interpolations0
A Regularity Theory for Evolution Equations with Time-measurable Pseudo-differential Operators in Weighted Mixed-norm Sobolev-Lipschitz Spaces0
On Existence of Multiple Normalized Solutions to a Class of Elliptic Problems in Whole $$\mathbb {R}^N$$ Via Penalization Method0
Strong Maximum Principle and Boundary Estimates for Nonhomogeneous Elliptic Equations0
Fractional Derivative Description of the Bloch Space0
On Sharp Olsen’s and Trace Inequalities for Multilinear Fractional Integrals0
Generalized Superharmonic Functions with Strongly Nonlinear Operator0
The Dirichlet Heat Kernel in Inner Uniform Domains in Fractal-Type Spaces0
Improved Upper Bounds for the Hot Spots Constant of Lipschitz Domains0
Manifolds with Density and the First Steklov Eigenvalue0
Hardy Factorization in Terms of Multilinear CalderÓN–Zygmund Operators using Morrey Spaces0
Best Constants in Inequalities Involving Analytic and Co-Analytic Projections and Riesz’S Theorem in Various Function Spaces0
Itô-Wentzell-Lions Formula for Measure Dependent Random Fields under Full and Conditional Measure Flows0
Sharp Trace and Korn Inequalities for Differential Operators0
Sharp Estimates for the Gaussian Torsional Rigidity with Robin Boundary Conditions0
The $L^{\infty }$-positivity Preserving Property and Stochastic Completeness0
Uniqueness for an Obstacle Problem Arising from Logistic-Type Equations with Fractional Laplacian0
Sharp Interface Limit of Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Singular Noise0
Connections and Loops Intertwinning0
Estimates of Poisson Kernels for Symmetric Lévy Processes and Their Applications0
Two-Weight Inequalities for Multilinear Commutators in Product Spaces0
Large and Moderate Deviation Principles for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Jumps0
Restoration of Well-Posedness of Infinite-Dimensional Singular ODE’s via Noise0
INLS Equation with Hartree Type0
Nonlinear Semigroups Built on Generating Families and their Lipschitz Sets0
A Convergence Rate for Extended-Source Internal DLA in the Plane0
A Fourier Integral Formula for Logarithmic Energy0
Calderón-Zygmund Decomposition, Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators and Weak Type Estimates0
Large Deviation Principle for a Class of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Fully Local Monotone Coefficients Perturbed By Lévy Noise0
Mixed Inequalities for Operators Associated to Critical Radius Functions with Applications to Schrödinger Type Operators0
Sharp Regularity Estimates for a Singular Inhomogeneous (m, p)-Laplacian Equation0
Feynman-Kac Formula for Iterated Derivatives of the Parabolic Anderson Model0
On the Theory of Capacities on Locally Compact Spaces and its Interaction with the Theory of Balayage0
Non-Degeneracy and Infinitely Many Solutions for Critical SchrÖDinger-Maxwell Type Problem0
On Efficiency and Localisation for the Torsion Function0
Harmonic Bergman Projectors on Homogeneous Trees0
Weighted Discrete Hardy Inequalities on Trees and Applications0
Balls Minimize Moments of Logarithmic and Newtonian Equilibrium Measures0
The non-Radial Focusing Inhomogeneous Coupled Schrödinger Systems in Three Space Dimensions0
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Invariant Manifolds in Embedded Hilbert Spaces0
q-Poincaré Inequalities on Carnot Groups with Filiform Type Lie Algebra0
The Random Normal Matrix Model: Insertion of a Point Charge0
The Eigenvalue Problem for the Regional Fractional Laplacian in the Small Order Limit0
Exponential Contractivity and Propagation of Chaos for Langevin Dynamics of McKean-Vlasov Type with Lévy Noises0
A Serrin’s type Problem in Weighted Manifolds: Soap Bubble Results and Rigidity in Generalized Cones0
Correction to: Erratum on the labeling of two papers0
Higher Order Terms of the Spectral Heat Content for Killed Subordinate and Subordinate Killed Brownian Motions Related to Symmetric α-Stable Processes in ${\mathbb {R}}$0
On the Strong Liouville Property of Covering Spaces0
Parabolic Muckenhoupt Weights with Time Lag on Spaces of Homogeneous Type with Monotone Geodesic Property0
Self-shrinkers and Translating Solitons Related to the Anisotropic Mean Curvature Flow0
An Endpoint Estimate for the Commutators of Singular Integral Operators with Rough Kernels0
Inner Riesz Pseudo-Balayage and its Applications to Minimum Energy Problems with External Fields0
Uniform Large Deviations for a Class of Burgers-Type Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in any Space Dimension0
Hydrodynamics of the Generalized N-urn Ehrenfest Model0
Existence and Limiting Profiles of Boosted Ground States for the Pseudo-Relativistic Schrödinger Equation with Focusing Power Type Nonlinearity0
Geometric Topics Related to Besov type Spaces on the Grushin Setting0
Quantum Confinement for the Curvature Laplacian −Δ + cK on 2D-Almost-Riemannian Manifolds0
Some Boundary Harnack Principles with Uniform Constants0
Some Inequalities Between Ahlfors Regular Conformal Dimension And Spectral Dimensions For Resistance Forms0
Wolff Potential Estimates for Supersolutions of Equations with Generalized Orlicz Growth0
Dynamics of the Non-radial Energy-critical Inhomogeneous NLS0
Toeplitz Operators on a Class of Radially Weighted Harmonic Bergman Spaces0
On Lp-boundedness of Fourier Integral Operators0
Functional Inequalities for Two-Level Concentration0
Publisher Correction: The Dirichlet Heat Kernel in Inner Uniform Domains in Fractal-Type Spaces0
Calderón–Zygmund Operators on Local Hardy Spaces0
Extremal Functions for a Trudinger-Moser Inequality with a Sign-Changing Weight0
Stochastic Doubly Nonlinear PDE: Large Deviation Principles and Existence of Invariant Measure0
Strengthened Fractional Sobolev Type Inequalities in Besov Spaces0
Equivalence of Subcritical and Critical Adams Inequalities in $W^{m,2}(\mathbb {R}^{2m})$ and Existence and Non-existence of Extremals for Adams Inequalities under Inhomogeneous Constraints0
Volume Growth and On-diagonal Heat Kernel Bounds on Riemannian Manifolds with an End0
Besov Reconstruction0