Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

(The median citation count of Journal of Intelligent Information Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Recommender systems in the healthcare domain: state-of-the-art and research issues143
A survey of Big Data dimensions vs Social Networks analysis40
Community detection in complex networks using network embedding and gravitational search algorithm34
A comprehensive Benchmark for fake news detection32
RecogNet-LSTM+CNN: a hybrid network with attention mechanism for aspect categorization and sentiment classification31
Attention-based hybrid CNN-LSTM and spectral data augmentation for COVID-19 diagnosis from cough sound31
Approaches and algorithms to mitigate cold start problems in recommender systems: a systematic literature review28
BERT-LSTM model for sarcasm detection in code-mixed social media post25
GNNRec: gated graph neural network for session-based social recommendation model25
Financial markets sentiment analysis: developing a specialized Lexicon24
Machine learning in industrial control system (ICS) security: current landscape, opportunities and challenges23
Knowledge graph summarization impacts on movie recommendations22
Hierarchical reinforcement learning for efficient and effective automated penetration testing of large networks20
Towards psychology-aware preference construction in recommender systems: Overview and research issues19
An enhanced opinion retrieval approach via implicit feature identification18
An overview of machine learning techniques in constraint solving16
A survey on data fusion: what for? in what form? what is next?16
Deep learning based sentiment analysis of public perception of working from home through tweets16
A case study comparing machine learning with statistical methods for time series forecasting: size matters16
SDDM: an interpretable statistical concept drift detection method for data streams15
Depression detection from sMRI and rs-fMRI images using machine learning15
An image and text-based multimodal model for detecting fake news in OSN’s15
CAESAR: context-aware explanation based on supervised attention for service recommendations14
Music emotion recognition using recurrent neural networks and pretrained models14
Sentimental and spatial analysis of COVID-19 vaccines tweets14
Multi-task learning for toxic comment classification and rationale extraction14
Multimodal time-aware attention networks for depression detection13
Path-based reasoning with K-nearest neighbor and position embedding for knowledge graph completion13
Applying MAPE-K control loops for adaptive workflow management in smart factories13
Research on telecom customer churn prediction based on ensemble learning13
How to raise artwork prices using action rules, personalization and artwork visual features12
Sequential group recommendations based on satisfaction and disagreement scores12
Leveraging siamese networks for one-shot intrusion detection model12
Prediction of customer’s perception in social networks by integrating sentiment analysis and machine learning11
Forecasting and explaining emergency department visits in a public hospital11
Exploring rich structure information for aspect-based sentiment classification11
SentiCode: A new paradigm for one-time training and global prediction in multilingual sentiment analysis11
Multilingual deep learning framework for fake news detection using capsule neural network11
Addressing the complexity of personalized, context-aware and health-aware food recommendations: an ensemble topic modelling based approach11
Enhancing aspect and opinion terms semantic relation for aspect sentiment triplet extraction11
Fake news detection based on statement conflict11
Aspect extraction and classification for sentiment analysis in drug reviews10
Multi-class classification of COVID-19 documents using machine learning algorithms10
LDA-based term profiles for expert finding in a political setting10
Two-stage sequential recommendation for side information fusion and long-term and short-term preferences modeling10
Stock market prediction with time series data and news headlines: a stacking ensemble approach9
A relational tsetlin machine with applications to natural language understanding9
User-controlled federated matrix factorization for recommender systems9
Interest-aware influence diffusion model for social recommendation8
Using an auxiliary dataset to improve emotion estimation in users’ opinions8
Windows and IoT malware visualization and classification with deep CNN and Xception CNN using Markov images8
Exploiting stance hierarchies for cost-sensitive stance detection of Web documents8
Forecasting emergency department admissions8
TROMPA-MER: an open dataset for personalized music emotion recognition8
Towards a soft three-level voting model (Soft T-LVM) for fake news detection8
A systematic review of question answering systems for non-factoid questions7
Genre based hybrid filtering for movie recommendation engine7
User profiling and satisfaction inference in public information access services7
A sampling approach to Debiasing the offline evaluation of recommender systems7
Interpretable segmentation of medical free-text records based on word embeddings7
Coarse-grained decomposition and fine-grained interaction for multi-hop question answering7
Hierarchy-based semantic embeddings for single-valued & multi-valued categorical variables7
A review of federated learning: taxonomy, privacy and future directions7
Selecting the most helpful answers in online health question answering communities7
Leveraging contextual embeddings and self-attention neural networks with bi-attention for sentiment analysis6
A natural language querying interface for process mining6
MCD: A modified community diversity approach for detecting influential nodes in social networks6
Performance-preserving event log sampling for predictive monitoring6
Leveraging posts’ and authors’ metadata to spot several forms of abusive comments in Twitter6
Modeling and querying temporal RDF knowledge graphs with relational databases6
ES-ASTE: enhanced span-level framework for aspect sentiment triplet extraction6
A knowledge-enhanced interactive graph convolutional network for aspect-based sentiment analysis6
How to deal with negative preferences in recommender systems: a theoretical framework6
IbLT: An effective granular computing framework for hierarchical community detection6
An AI framework to support decisions on GDPR compliance6
Enhanced density peak-based community detection algorithm6
Using reinforcement learning with external rewards for open-domain natural language generation6
A generic approach to extract object-centric event data from databases supporting SAP ERP5
Leveraging autoencoders in change vector analysis of optical satellite images5
Predicting temporary deal success with social media timing signals5
Community detection in weighted networks using probabilistic generative model5
A contextual-bandit approach for multifaceted reciprocal recommendations in online dating5
An improved recommendation based on graph convolutional network5
A model for automated technological surveillance of web portals and social networks5
A novel deep recommend model based on rating matrix and item attributes5
Cross-lingual transfer of abstractive summarizer to less-resource language5
Design of fully homomorphic multikey encryption scheme for secured cloud access and storage environment5
Topic modeling for sequential documents based on hybrid inter-document topic dependency5
FPGA supported rough set reduct calculation for big datasets4
ELECTRA-based graph network model for multi-hop question answering4
Making design decisions under uncertainties: probabilistic reasoning and robust product design4
Detecting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in India: a multimodal transformer based approach4
DoWTS – Denial-of-Wallet Test Simulator: Synthetic data generation for preemptive defence4
Explanations for over-constrained problems using QuickXPlain with speculative executions4
Transformer based multilingual joint learning framework for code-mixed and english sentiment analysis4
Identifying multimodal misinformation leveraging novelty detection and emotion recognition4
Top-N music recommendation framework for precision and novelty under diversity group size and similarity4
Incremental and accurate computation of machine learning models with smart data summarization4
Machine learning methods for predicting the admissions and hospitalisations in the emergency department of a civil and military hospital4
A novel approach for software defect prediction using CNN and GRU based on SMOTE Tomek method4
A framework for interoperability between models with hybrid tools4
Entity-aware answer sentence selection for question answering with transformer-based language models4
On exploring feature representation learning of items to forecast their rise and fall in social media4
LOD search engine: A semantic search over linked data4
Ensemble of temporal Transformers for financial time series3
Summarizing consumer reviews3
An empirical evaluation of active learning strategies for profile elicitation in a conversational recommender system3
A novel technique using graph neural networks and relevance scoring to improve the performance of knowledge graph-based question answering systems3
Analyzing and improving stability of matrix factorization for recommender systems3
Smart integration of sensors, computer vision and knowledge representation for intelligent monitoring and verbal human-computer interaction3
SMGNN: span-to-span multi-channel graph neural network for aspect-sentiment triplet extraction3
Leveraging distant supervision and deep learning for twitter sentiment and emotion classification3
Can recurrent neural networks learn process model structure?3
An overview of actionable knowledge discovery techniques3
The detection of mental health conditions by incorporating external knowledge3
Leveraging neighborhood and path information for influential spreaders recognition in complex networks3
Group event recommendation based on a heterogeneous attribute graph considering long- and short- term preferences3
Reducing the user labeling effort in effective high recall tasks by fine-tuning active learning3
Extractive text-image summarization with relation-enhanced graph attention network3
A data-driven situation-aware framework for predictive analysis in smart environments3
EqBal-RS: Mitigating popularity bias in recommender systems3
Compact representations for efficient storage of semantic sensor data2
Impact of techniques to reduce error in high error rule-based expert system gradient descent networks2
Learning autoencoder ensembles for detecting malware hidden communications in IoT ecosystems2
Parameters tuning of multi-model database based on deep reinforcement learning2
MhSa-GRU: combining user’s dynamic preferences and items’ correlation to augment sequence recommendation2
AI infers DoS mitigation rules2
Information gain based dynamic support set construction for cold-start recommendation2
Improving knowledge-based dialogue generation through two-stage knowledge selection and knowledge selection-guided pointer network2
Self-supervised opinion summarization with multi-modal knowledge graph2
Bi-knowledge views recommendation based on user-oriented contrastive learning2
3T-IEC*: a context-aware recommender system architecture for smart social networks (EBSN and SBSN)2
Aspect-location attention networks for aspect-category sentiment analysis in social media2
Mining emotion-aware sequential rules at user-level from micro-blogs2
How can text mining improve the explainability of Food security situations?2
GIAD-ST: Detecting anomalies in human monitoring based on generative inpainting via self-supervised multi-task learning2
Movie tag prediction: An extreme multi-label multi-modal transformer-based solution with explanation2
Audio-based anomaly detection on edge devices via self-supervision and spectral analysis2
An Ontology driven model for detection and classification of cardiac arrhythmias using ECG data2
Finding a needle in a haystack: insights on feature selection for classification tasks2
Enhancing anomaly detectors with LatentOut2
Model-based decision support for knowledge-intensive processes2
Local feature selection for multiple instance learning2
Semantic event relationships identification and representation using HyperGraph in multimedia digital ecosystem2
Multi-perspective enriched instance graphs for next activity prediction through graph neural network2
The role of transitive closure in evaluating blocking methods for dirty entity resolution2
Issues in clustering algorithm consistency in fixed dimensional spaces. Some solutions for k-means2
Improving information retrieval through correspondence analysis instead of latent semantic analysis2
UTLDR: an agent-based framework for modeling infectious diseases and public interventions2
MMusic: a hierarchical multi-information fusion method for deep music recommendation2
Tell me what you Like: introducing natural language preference elicitation strategies in a virtual assistant for the movie domain2
Offensive language identification with multi-task learning2
Enhancing aspect-based sentiment analysis with dependency-attention GCN and mutual assistance mechanism2
Semi-supervised and ensemble learning to predict work-related stress2
Session-aware recommender system using double deep reinforcement learning2
SI: methodologies for intelligent systems2