Formal Methods in System Design

(The TQCC of Formal Methods in System Design is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Reluplex: a calculus for reasoning about deep neural networks23
Automatic verification of concurrent stochastic systems12
Distributed bounded model checking6
Gray-box monitoring of hyperproperties with an application to privacy5
Debug-localize-repair: a symbiotic construction for heap manipulations5
SAT modulo discrete event simulation applied to railway design capacity analysis5
Compositional verification of concurrent systems by combining bisimulations4
A relational shape abstract domain4
Abstraction and subsumption in modular verification of C programs4
On solving quantified bit-vector constraints using invertibility conditions4
Pegasus: sound continuous invariant generation4
Temporal prophecy for proving temporal properties of infinite-state systems4
Certifying proofs for SAT-based model checking4
Equivalence checking and intersection of deterministic timed finite state machines3
Practical algebraic calculus and Nullstellensatz with the checkers Pacheck and Pastèque and Nuss-Checker3
Bridging the gap between single- and multi-model predictive runtime verification3
Learning inductive invariants by sampling from frequency distributions3
Certified SAT solving with GPU accelerated inprocessing2
Faster algorithms for quantitative verification in bounded treewidth graphs2
Two SAT solvers for solving quantified Boolean formulas with an arbitrary number of quantifier alternations2
From LTL to rLTL monitoring: improved monitorability through robust semantics2
Static detection of uncoalesced accesses in GPU programs2
Interpolation with guided refinement: revisiting incrementality in SAT-based unbounded model checking2
Interpolating bit-vector formulas using uninterpreted predicates and Presburger arithmetic2
Symbolic encoding of LL(1) parsing and its applications2
LTL model checking of self modifying code2
Stochastic games with lexicographic objectives2
Rely-guarantee bound analysis of parameterized concurrent shared-memory programs2
Vacuity in synthesis2
Termination of triangular polynomial loops2
Extending rely-guarantee thinking to handle real-time scheduling2