Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications

(The TQCC of Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Guarantees on nearest-neighbor condensation heuristics13
Algorithms for the line-constrained disk coverage and related problems13
Acrophobic guard watchtower problem7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board6
Edge guards for polyhedra in three-space6
Piercing pairwise intersecting geodesic disks6
Simultaneous visibility representations of undirected pairs of graphs5
Developing a tetramonohedron with minimum cut length5
Editorial Board5
Improved algorithms for the bichromatic two-center problem for pairs of points5
Rearranging a sequence of points onto a line5
Editorial Board4
On the approximation of shortest escape paths4
Bisecting three classes of lines4
Accelerating iterated persistent homology computations with warm starts4
Characterization and computation of feasible trajectories for an articulated probe with a variable-length end segment4
Linear-size planar Manhattan network for convex point sets4
Generalized class cover problem with axis-parallel strips3
Value-offset bifiltrations for digital images3
Rectangle stabbing and orthogonal range reporting lower bounds in moderate dimensions3
Editorial Board3
On path-greedy geometric spanners3
CGTA Awards2
Editorial Board2
Editorial Board2
Editorial Board2
Enumerating combinatorial resultant trees2
Straight-line drawings of 1-planar graphs2
Navigating planar topologies in near-optimal space and time2
Subquadratic algorithms for some 3Sum-hard geometric problems in the algebraic decision-tree model2
Untangling circular drawings: Algorithms and complexity2
Global strong convexity and characterization of critical points of time-of-arrival-based source localization2
Discrete Fréchet distance for closed curves2
On reverse shortest paths in geometric proximity graphs2
The dispersive art gallery problem2
Clustering with faulty centers2
Geometric triangulations and discrete Laplacians on manifolds: An update2
Computing discrete harmonic differential forms in a given cohomology class using finite element exterior calculus2
A 4-approximation of the 2π32
Compression for 2-parameter persistent homology2
On interval decomposability of 2D persistence modules2
Colouring bottomless rectangles and arborescences2
Maximum-area and maximum-perimeter rectangles in polygons2
Angles of arc-polygons and Lombardi drawings of cacti2
Range updates and range sum queries on multidimensional points with monoid weights2
Editorial Board2
Approximating the packedness of polygonal curves1
Efficient planar two-center algorithms1
On the geometric priority set cover problem1
Dynamic layers of maxima with applications to dominating queries1
On crossing-families in planar point sets1
Computing maximum independent set on outerstring graphs and their relatives1
Rational tensegrities through the lens of toric geometry1
Efficient segment folding is hard1
Erratum to: “Densest Lattice Packings of 3–Polytopes” [Computational Geometry 16 (2000) 157–186]1
Closest-pair queries and minimum-weight queries are equivalent for squares1
Planar rectilinear drawings of outerplanar graphs in linear time1
Piercing families of convex sets in the plane that avoid a certain subfamily with lines1
Line segment visibility with sidedness constraints1
Editorial Board1
The constant of point–line incidence constructions1
Editorial Board1
Coloring Delaunay-edges and their generalizations1
Linear-time approximation scheme for k-means clustering of axis-parallel affine subspaces1
I/O-efficient 2-d orthogonal range skyline and attrition priority queues1
An Ω(n) lower bound on the number of cell crossings for weighted shortest paths in d-dimensional polyhedral structures1
Snipperclips: Cutting tools into desired polygons using themselves1
Expected size of random Tukey layers and convex layers1
Maximum-width rainbow-bisecting empty annulus1
A note on the minimum number of red lines needed to pierce the intersections of blue lines1
Minimum cuts in geometric intersection graphs1
Editorial Board1
1-planarity testing and embedding: An experimental study1
Hierarchical categories in colored searching1
Editorial Board1
Lions and contamination: Monotone clearings1
Tilings of the regular N-gon with triangles of angles π/N,π/N,(N − 2)π/N for N = 5,8,10 and 121
A 2D advancing-front Delaunay mesh refinement algorithm1
Editorial Board1
Universality of persistence diagrams and the bottleneck and Wasserstein distances1
Editorial Board1
Euclidean minimum spanning trees with independent and dependent geometric uncertainties1
A linear optimization oracle for zonotope computation1
Dynamic data structures for k-nearest neighbor queries1
Crossing lemma for the odd-crossing number1
Practical volume approximation of high-dimensional convex bodies, applied to modeling portfolio dependencies and financial crises1
Panel-point model for rigidity and flexibility analysis of rigid origami1
Simplex closing probabilities in directed graphs1
Approximating Gromov-Hausdorff distance in Euclidean space1