Postharvest Biology and Technology

(The median citation count of Postharvest Biology and Technology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Postharvest decontamination of fresh black truffle (Tuber melanosporum): Effects on microbial population and organoleptic qualities144
Dynamic controlled atmosphere monitored by respiratory quotient as a new method to store pears: Effect on the volatile compounds profile and general quality100
Application of ABA and GA3 alleviated browning of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) via different strategies96
Nitrogen management can inhibit or induce the sprouting of potato tubers: Consequences of regulation tuberization92
Impact of storage atmosphere relative humidity on ‘Gala’ apple fruit quality91
Transcriptome analysis identified a transcriptional repressor, BES1-INTERACTING MYC-LIKE1 regulating rapid postharvest fruit softening of Actinidia arguta85
Xanthosine is a novel anti-browning compound in potato identified by widely targeted metabolomic analysis and in vitro test84
Exogenous isoleucine can confer browning resistance on fresh-cut potato by suppressing polyphenol oxidase activity and improving the antioxidant capacity79
The relative importance of postharvest eating quality and sustainability attributes for apple fruit: A case study using new sensory–consumer approaches78
Preharvest spraying with L-Phenylalanine effectively delayed the degradation of chlorophyll in postharvest broccoli76
Efficient estimation of gas exchange and respiration kinetics in apple using pathlength-resolved GASMAS71
Metabolic adaptation of ‘Conference’ pear to postharvest hypoxia: The impact of harvest time and hypoxic pre-treatments69
Postharvest light and temperature elicitors improve chemical composition and level of essential oils in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) through boosting antioxidant machinery63
Design of aminoethoxyvinylglycine functional analogues to delay postharvest ripening of tomato fruit58
Postharvest application of imazalil sulphate using a heated flooder for control of citrus green mould58
Nonclimacteric ‘Jen-Ju Bar’ guava ripening behavior is caused by Copia LTR retrotransposon insertion in the promoter region of PgACS1, a System-2 ACC synthase gene57
Small GTPases RasA and RasB regulate development, patulin production, and virulence of Penicillium expansum56
Editorial Board55
Long non-coding RNAs associated with the postharvest quality and stress resistance of horticultural crops54
Editorial Board53
Extremely low oxygen with different hysteresis and dynamic controlled atmosphere storage: Impact on overall quality and volatile profile of ‘Maxi Gala’ apple53
Monitoring low O2 stress in apples – What we can learn from chlorophyll fluorescence and respiratory characteristics52
New insights into early biochemical prediction of internal browning disorder in 'Conference' pears52
Editorial Board51
Editorial Board51
Integration of 4-OH-7-C3HO-coumarin and controlled atmosphere storage extends the storage period of peeled water chestnuts (Eleocharis dulcis) by delaying the yellowing and quality deterioration50
Oxalic acid alleviates chilling injury and positively influences post-harvest parameters of sweet bell pepper by affecting glycine betaine accumulation, cells respiration rate and NADPH oxidase enzyme48
Assessment of the efficacy of decontamination treatments against Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Thompson on strawberries at different storage conditions48
Comparative analyses of D-fenchone and MENA inhibited sprouting of sweet potato storage roots46
Transcriptomic analysis to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the growth advantage of Kluyveromyces marxianus XZ1 and the development of resistance in apple induced by XZ146
A Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase CgBVMO1 is involved in superoxide anion metabolism, cell wall synthesis, and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides45
Aqueous formulations of 1H-cyclopropabenzene modulate ethylene production and fruit quality in Japanese plums45
Identification and characterization of lettuce cultivars with high inhibitory activity against the human pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7: Toward a plant-intrinsic hurdle approach to microbial safety44
Spatial frequency domain imaging combining profile correction enables accurate real-time quantitative mapping of optical properties of apples44
Multifunctional fibrous films fabricated by microfluidic blow spinning for the preservation of fresh-cut apples44
Postharvest quality and metabolism changes of daylily flower buds treated with hydrogen sulfide during storage44
Pichia galeiformis-secreted protein PgSLP increases citrus fruit disease resistance by activating amino acid metabolism44
Wuyiencin reduces the virulence and patulin production of Penicillium expansum by interfering with its membrane integrity and the patulin synthesis pathway44
PcPME63 is involved in fruit softening during post-cold storage process of European pear (Pyrus communis L.)43
The water relation parameters are associated with the genotypic differences in the vase life of cut rose flowers43
Brassinosteroids alleviate postharvest water deficit stress in cut Dendrobium 'Khao Sanan' orchid through modulation of protective mechanisms, osmotic regulation, and endogenous hormonal levels42
Joint 2D to 3D image registration workflow for comparing multiple slice photographs and CT scans of apple fruit with internal disorders42
Editorial Board41
Acoustic vibration multi-domain images vision transformer (AVMDI-ViT) to the detection of moldy apple core: Using a novel device based on micro-LDV and resonance speaker41
Transcriptome and metabolome analyses reveal the regulation effect of ultraviolet-B irradiation on secondary metabolites in pakchoi41
The delaying effect of Clausena lansium extract on pear ring rot is related to its antifungal activity and induced disease resistance41
Biochemical and phenotypic characterization of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars with induced surface pitting40
Special issue: Data analytics and artificial intelligence in postharvest biology and technology40
Melatonin reduces pink rib discoloration in wounded lettuce midribs40
A natural mutant kumquat fruit with abnormal oil glands shows lower volatile production, better fruit flavor and higher resistance to postharvest disease40
A polymer-based gel fumigator, having a combination of Monarda citriodora essential oil (MEO) and hexanal: A solution for the postharvest rot and phytotoxicity of apple during storage39
Optimization of Bacillus velezensis S26 sporulation for enhanced biocontrol of gray mold and anthracnose in postharvest strawberries39
A new nano-sachet manufactured by solution blow spinning to retard ripening of bananas using biodegradable nanostructured polymeric mats emitting 1-methylcyclopropene38
Implication of VelB in the development, pathogenicity, and secondary metabolism of Penicillium expansum38
Nondestructive internal disorders detection of ‘Braeburn’ apple fruit by X-ray dark-field imaging and machine learning38
24-Epibrassinolide regulates volatile metabolic pathways to improve tomato flavor quality during postharvest storage38
3-hydroxycoumarin effectively inhibits development and pathogenicity by targeting Pempk proteins of Penicillium expansum38
Assessment of Escherichia coli bioreporters for early detection of fungal spoilage in postharvest grape berries37
Effect on lipoxygenase pathway and flavor stabilization of postharvest strawberries by intense pulsed light treatment37
Inhibitory activity and action mechanism of coumoxystrobin against Phytophthora litchii, which causes litchi fruit downy blight37
Ferulic acid enhanced resistance against blue mold of Malus domestica by regulating reactive oxygen species and phenylpropanoid metabolism37
Impact of relative humidity on ethylene removal kinetics of different scavenging materials for fresh produce industry37
Nondestructive prediction of fruit detachment force for investigating postharvest grape abscission37
Combined effects of Aloe vera gel and modified atmosphere packaging treatments on fruit quality traits and bioactive compounds of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) fruit during cold storage and shelf lif36
Gas exchange model using heterogeneous diffusivity to study internal browning in ‘Conference’ pear36
Xanthan gum coating delays ripening and softening of jujube fruit by reducing oxidative stress and suppressing cell wall polysaccharides disassembly36
Understanding the effect of calcium in kiwifruit ripening and establishment of early and late response mechanisms through a cross-omics approach36
Carboxymethyl chitosan different durations induces disease resistance of grapefruit by modulating ascorbate-glutathione cycle and cell wall metabolism36
MaWRKY147-MaMADS68 transcriptional cascade module regulates low-temperature-affected banana fruit ripening36
Water barrier coating of chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)/trans-cinnamaldehyde regulated postharvest quality and reactive oxygen species metabolism of ‘Frutica’ tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)36
Maturity determination at harvest and spatial assessment of moisture content in okra using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging36
The phytocytokine systemin enhances postharvest tomato fruit resistance to Botrytis cinerea36
Optimal allyl isothiocyanate concentration on Botrytis cinerea during the postharvest storage of blackberries and mechanism of blackberry color changes at high concentration of allyl isothiocyanate35
LhKCS17 delays senescence of cut lily and improves resistance to water-loss stress by promoting synthesis of petal wax35
The gradient distribution of pigment metabolites provided insights into the uneven colouration of pulp in cold-stored blood orange35
Exogenous dopamine ameliorates chilling injury in banana fruits by enhancing endogenous dopamine and glycine betaine accumulation and promoting ROS scavenging system activity35
Why measuring blueberry firmness at harvest is not enough to estimate postharvest softening after long term storage? A review34
Nondestructive online measurement of pineapple maturity and soluble solids content using visible and near-infrared spectral analysis34
Influences of subcellular Ca redistribution induced by γ irradiation on the fruit firmness of refrigerated blueberries34
Physicochemical and microbial qualities of Citrus reticulata cv. Bakraei coated with Lepidium sativum gum containing nanoemulsified Echinophora cinerea essential oil during cold storage34
A general procedure for predicting the remaining shelf life of nectarines and peaches for virtualization of the value chain34
Nondestructive evaluation of SW-NIRS and NIR-HSI for predicting the maturity index of intact pineapples34
Simulated transit vibration effects on the postharvest quality of persimmon during storage34
Overexpression of MrMYB12 or MrMYB12/MrF3’5’H results in flavonol-rich tomato fruit that improves resistance against Botrytis cinerea during the shelf life period34
FaMYB6-like negatively regulates FaMYB10-induced anthocyanin accumulation during strawberry fruit ripening34
Identification and delineation of action mechanism of antifungal agents: Reveromycin E and its new derivative isolated from Streptomyces sp. JCK-614134
Cultivar and tissue-specific changes of abscisic acid, its catabolites and individual sugars during postharvest handling of flat peaches (Prunus persica cv. platycarpa)33
Chitosan inhibits postharvest berry abscission of ‘Kyoho’ table grapes by affecting the structure of abscission zone, cell wall degrading enzymes and SO2 permeation33
Cultivation of Rhodosporidium paludigenum in gluconic acid enhances effectiveness against Penicillium digitatum in citrus fruit33
Small GTPase RacA is critical for spore growth, patulin accumulation, and virulence of Penicillium expansum33
Auxin induced carotenoid accumulation in GA and PDJ-treated citrus fruit after harvest33
Prediction of the temperature sensitivity of strawberry drop damage using dynamic finite element method33
UV-C irradiation delays the physiological changes of bell pepper fruit during storage33
Optical properties and Monte Carlo multi-layered simulation of potato skin and flesh tissues33
Multivariate shelf life model for postharvest Agaricus bisporus at different temperatures32
Transcriptional responses of postharvest ABA treatment in Persimmon fruit32
Proteomics revealed the effects of nucleic acid metabolism, transcription and translation on postharvest broccoli senescence under elevated O2 stress32
Optical property mapping and early-bruise identification in apples using spatial frequency domain imaging32
Effect of post-harvest management practices on the mycobiome and ochratoxin A contamination of differently processed Robusta coffees from Ivory Coast32
Postharvest ripening improves the texture and active ingredients of noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) for processing32
Nanocomposite packaging regulates energy metabolism of mushrooms (Flammulina filiformis) during cold storage: A study on mitochondrial proteomics31
Identification of marker compounds for predicting browning of fresh-cut lettuce using untargeted UHPLC-HRMS metabolomics31
Efficacy and potential mechanisms of benzothiadiazole inhibition on postharvest litchi downy blight31
Fruits’ cold tolerance: a review of mechanisms and methods31
Microbiological and physicochemical quality of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) coated with Lactobacillus rhamnosus and inulin enriched gelatin films31
Natural rubber latex cushioning packaging to reduce vibration damage in guava during simulated transportation30
A comprehensive study of factors affecting postharvest disorder development in celery30
Postharvest ripeness assessment of ‘Hass’ avocado based on development of a new ripening index and Vis-NIR spectroscopy30
Impact of sanitizer application on Salmonella mitigation and microbiome shift on diced tomato during washing and storage30
The chemical composition and potential role of epicuticular and intracuticular wax in four cultivars of table grapes30
Transcriptome and physiological analysis revealed the difference of resistance to fresh-cut browning among sweetpotato genotypes30
From laboratory to industrial storage – Translating volatile organic compounds into markers for assessing garlic storage quality30
Microbial estimation using real-time monitoring of vegetable wash water quality parameters30
Methyl jasmonate promotes wound healing by activation of phenylpropanoid metabolism in harvested kiwifruit30
Integrated transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic approaches reveal the antifungal mechanism of methyl ferulate against Alternaria alternate29
Assay for transposase accessible-chromatin with high throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq) analysis the molecular responses of postharvest pear during Penicillium expansum infection29
Evaluation of physiological changes in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) tuberous root under normoxia high-CO2 conditions29
Ferulic acid treatment enhances the synthesis, transport and deposition of suberin polyaliphatic monomers on potato tuber wounds29
Role of apyrase-mediated eATP signal in chilling injury of postharvest banana fruit during storage28
First step for hand-held NIRS instrument field use: Table grape quality assessment consideration of temperature and sunlight chemometrics correction28
Assessing sugar composition and tissue structure indices of ‘Korla’ pear cortex using bulk optical properties in the 500–1500 nm28
Analysis of fluorescence changes in different sections of green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) over storage periods28
Exogenous glutathione modulates redox homeostasis in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) during storage28
The regulatory role of nitric oxide and its significance for future postharvest applications28
Indole-3-acetic acid, a hormone potentially involved in chilling-induced seed browning of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit during cold storage28
Application of deep learning diagnosis for multiple traits sorting in peach fruit28
Segregation of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit for storage potential using Vis-NIR spectroscopy28
SafePod: A respiration chamber to characterise apple fruit response to storage atmospheres28
Allelic variations in the tomato carotenoid pathway lead to pleiotropic effects on fruit ripening and nutritional quality28
Plasma activated water on improving the quality of fresh-cut banana slices28
Editorial Board28
Polyamines conjugated to the bio-membranes and membrane conformations are involved in the melatonin-mediated resistance of harvested plum fruit to cold stress27
Endogenous melatonin delays sepal senescence and extends the storage life of broccoli florets by decreasing ethylene biosynthesis27
Insight into the mechanisms involved in the improved antagonistic efficacy of Pichia caribbica against postharvest black spot of tomato fruits by combined application with oligochitosan27
Intelligent dielectric method for evaluating some qualitative characteristics of date fruit27
Postharvest calcium chloride dips. An effective strategy to reduce Botrytis blight severity and increase petal strength in cut roses.27
Calcium chloride enhances phenylpropanoid metabolism, antioxidant ability and phytohormone signaling to effectively alleviate chilling injury in postharvest nectarines27
Biocontrol of antifungal volatiles produced by Ceriporia lacerate HG2011 against citrus fruit rot incited by Penicillium spp.27
Editorial Board27
Exogenous nicotinamide accelerates pyridine nucleotides metabolism and redox homeostasis: A novel strategy for extension of potato dormancy27
Spore discharge associated with physiological quality variations and energy metabolism in harvested Lentinula edodes27
Comprehensive metabolome and transcriptome analyses shed light on the regulation of SlNF-YA3b in carotenoid biosynthesis in tomato fruit27
Preharvest glycerol treatment enhances postharvest storability of orange fruit by affecting cuticle metabolism27
Role of chlorine dioxide and chloroxyanions residue in yellowing alleviation of ready-to-eat broccoli: Insights from transcriptomic evidence27
Influence of pH and temperature in a heated flooder application on imazalil residue loading, citrus green mould infection and sporulation inhibition27
Molecular and metabolic insights into the mechanism of exogenous methyl jasmonate in enhancing the postharvest resistance of kiwifruit to Botrytis cinerea27
The dynamic and diverse volatile profiles provide new insight into the infective characteristics of Penicillium expansum in postharvest fruit27
Silencing Sly-miR159 accelerated preharvest ripening and delayed postharvest senescence of tomato fruit27
Comparative transcriptomics of Monilinia fructicola - resistant and - susceptible peach fruit reveals gene networks associated with peach resistance to brown rot disease26
The changes in chlorophyll, solanine, and phytohormones during light-induced greening in postharvest potatoes26
Preharvest L-phenylalanine sprays accelerated wound healing of harvested muskmelons by eliciting phenylpropanoid metabolism and enzymatic browning26
Hyperspectral imaging-based early damage degree representation of apple: a method of correlation coefficient26
Multiple genetic analyses disclose the QTL dynamic for fruit texture and storability in Norwegian apples (Malus domestica Borkh.)26
Ursolic acid, a natural endogenous compound, inhibits browning in fresh-cut apples26
Revealing the mode of action of Phenylalanine application in inducing fruit resistance to fungal pathogens26
Detection of internal browning in ‘Scilate’ apples with a high-speed linear-rail dual-laser scanning system26
Physical, chemical, and physiological characterization of the reactions preceding chilling injury–induced cell membrane damage in cucumber26
Deep inside the genetic regulation of ascorbic acid during fruit ripening and postharvest storage26
Combination of 3’,4’,5,7-tetrahydroxy isoflavone and active modified atmosphere packaging inhibits yellowing, maintains quality, and prolongs shelf life of fresh peeled water chestnuts (Eleocharis dul25
Potential use of atmospheric cold plasma for postharvest preservation of blueberries25
Detection of subsurface bruising in fresh pickling cucumbers using structured-illumination reflectance imaging25
Evaluation of fast method for aroma profiling of fungal infection of pear fruit (Pyrus communis) by SIFT-MS25
Improving blueberry firmness classification with spectral and textural features of microstructures using hyperspectral microscope imaging and deep learning25
PpMYB44 positively affects salicylic acid biosynthesis in Pichia guilliermondii-induced peach fruit resistance against Rhizopus stolonifer25
Volatile organic compounds and rapid proliferation of Candida pseudolambica W16 are modes of action against gray mold in peach fruit25
Exploring the limit of detection on early implicit bruised ‘Korla’ fragrant pears using hyperspectral imaging features and spectral variables25
MRI investigation of internal defects in potato tubers with particular attention to rust spots induced by water stress25
Non-destructive determination of internal soluble solid content in pomelo using visible/near infrared full-transmission spectroscopy25
Characterization of bioactive films loaded with melatonin and regulation of postharvest ROS scavenging and ascorbate-glutathione cycle in Agaricus bisporus25
Inhibitory activity and action mode of apple polyphenols against Peronophythora litchii that causes litchi downy blight25
LED irradiation delays postharvest senescence in pakchoi by regulating amino acid metabolism25
Contactless estimation of apple fruit respiration rate using machine learning models based on laser speckle imaging24
Nano-silver treatment reduces bacterial proliferation and stem bending in cut gerbera flowers: An in vitro and in vivo evaluation24
Determination of bruise susceptibility of fresh corn to impact load by means of finite element method simulation24
Melatonin alleviates chilling injury and maintains postharvest quality by enhancing antioxidant capacity and inhibiting cell wall degradation in cold-stored eggplant fruit24
Mechanisms of texture and cell microstructure changes during post-ripening of ‘Cuixiang’ kiwifruit24
Apple-based coatings incorporated with wild apple isolated yeast to reduce Penicillium expansum postharvest decay of apples24
MAPK cascade and ROS metabolism are involved in GABA-induced disease resistance in red pitaya fruit24
The pathobiome concept applied to postharvest pathology and its implication on biocontrol strategies24
Elucidating the mechanism of MaGWD1-mediated starch degradation cooperatively regulated by MaMADS36 and MaMADS55 in banana24
Shedding light about the use of photosensitizers and photodynamic treatments during postharvest of fruit and vegetables: Current and future state24
Identification of volatile organic compounds as markers to detect Monilinia fructicola infection in fresh peaches24
Non-destructive assessment of 'Fino' lemon quality through ripening using NIRS and chemometric analysis24
Rapid and nondestructive prediction of firmness, soluble solids content, and pH in kiwifruit using Vis–NIR spatially resolved spectroscopy24
Acidic electrolyzed water treatment delays the senescence of ‘Lingwu long’ jujube fruit during cold storage by regulating energy and respiratory metabolism24
Semi-supervised robust models for predicting dry matter in mango fruit with near-infrared spectroscopy24
Involvement of energy metabolism and amino acid metabolism in quality attributes of postharvest Pleurotus eryngii treated with a novel phase change material23
The CpCOR1 gene enhances cold tolerance and antioxidant activity of papaya fruit in response to postharvest chilling stress23
Buffering moisture variation during cherry tomatoes preservation through deep eutectic solvent films23
Effect of pressing and impacting bruises on optical properties of kiwifruit flesh23
The promising application of a β-glucosidase inhibitor in the postharvest management of Volvariella volvacea23
Cinnamic acid application inhibits the browning of cold-stored taro slices by maintaining membrane function, reducing flavonoid biosynthesis and enhancing glutathione metabolism23
Functional analysis of LcDORN1 genes in the senescence of litchi fruit23
Potential application of pre-harvest LED interlighting to improve tomato quality and storability23
Phyto-squalane: A new active ingredient to prevent superficial scald on pears23
Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses reveal key factors regulating chilling stress-induced softening disorder in papaya fruit23
Transcription factor CcbHLH66 regulates mandarin fruit coloration via modulating the expression of chlorophyll degradation related genes CcRCCR and CcNYC23
Phosphoproteomic analysis highlights phosphorylation of primary metabolism-related proteins in response to postharvest cold storage and subsequent shelf-life in tomato fruit23
Combination of 1-methylcyclopropene and phytic acid inhibits surface browning and maintains texture and aroma of fresh-cut peaches22
Caffeic acid regulated respiration, ethylene and reactive oxygen species metabolism to suppress senescence of Malus domestica22
Nanocomposite packaging delays lignification of Flammulina velutipes by regulating phenylpropanoid pathway and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species metabolisms22
Exogenous melatonin maintains leaf quality of postharvest Chinese flowering cabbage by modulating respiratory metabolism and energy status22
Flavor deterioration of liquid endosperm in postharvest tender coconut revealed by LC-MS-based metabolomics, GC-IMS and E-tongue22
The effect of layer-by-layer edible coating on the shelf life and transcriptome of ‘Kosui’ Japanese pear fruit22
Postharvest Fumigation of (E)-2-Hexenal on Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis cv. ‘Haegeum’) Enhances Resistance to Botrytis cinerea22
Resistance response enhancement and reduction of Botrytis cinerea infection in strawberry fruit by Morchella conica mycelial extract22
Exogenous application of GABA retards cap browning in Agaricus bisporus and its possible mechanism22
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of hexokinase genes in peach fruit under postharvest disease stress22
Influence of natural antifungal coatings produced by Lacto-fermented antifungal substances on respiration, quality, antioxidant attributes, and shelf life of mango (Mangifera indica L.)22
Antimicrobial peptide CB-M exhibits direct antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea and induces disease resistance to gray mold in cherry tomato fruit22
Metabolite changes of apple Penicillium expansum infection based on a UPLC-Q-TOF metabonomics approach22
Melatonin enhances the resistance of ginger rhizomes to postharvest fungal decay22
AchMYC2 promotes JA-mediated suberin polyphenolic accumulation via the activation of phenylpropanoid metabolism-related genes in the wound healing of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis)22
PpWRKY45 is involved in methyl jasmonate primed disease resistance by enhancing the expression of jasmonate acid biosynthetic and pathogenesis-related genes of peach fruit22
Influence of water loss on mechanical properties of stored blueberries22
Magnolol inhibits gray mold on postharvest fruit by inducing autophagic activity of Botrytis cinerea22
Alternaria alternata stimulates blackhead disease development of ‘Korla’ fragrant pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) by regulating energy status and respiratory metabolism22
Exploring the antifungal mechanism of limonin-loaded eugenol emulsion against Penicillium italicum: From the perspective of microbial metabolism22
Development of defense system and secondary metabolites of Korla fragrant pear during Alternaria alternata infection21
Optimization of postharvest progesterone treatment to alleviate chilling injury in mango fruit, maintaining intracellular energy, cell wall stability, and antioxidant activity21
Ascorbic acid mitigates ROS-induced chilling injury development in postharvest sweet basil via improving antioxidant defense system to impede senescence process21
Strategy to develop volatile barcodes of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) fruit. The “Pera Rocha do Oeste” pear case-study21
The effect of plasma-activated ice slurry with both pre-cooling and antifungal activity on postharvest sweet cherry fruit21
Programmed cell death and postharvest deterioration of fresh horticultural products21
Exogenous brassinolides and calcium chloride synergically maintain quality attributes of jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)21
Integration analysis of transcriptomics and proteomics reveals the inhibitory effect of carvacrol on Alternaria alternata by interfering with carbohydrate metabolism21
ε-Polylysine treatment maintains sensory quality, texture, flavor, and inhibits aerobic bacteria growth in vacuum-packed fresh-cut lettuce21
Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses provide comprehensive new insights into the mechanism of chitosan delay of kiwifruit postharvest ripening21
Hydrogen sulfide alleviates the chilling-induced lignification in loquat fruit by regulating shikimate, phenylpropanoid and cell wall metabolisms21
Uncovering the transcriptional molecular dynamics of shelf life extension and lignin-based resistance induction to Fusarium pallidoroseum in melon fruit by the use of pulsed-light21
NIR spectroscopy for quality assessment and shelf-life prediction of kiwifruit20
Evaluation of yeast isolates from kimchi with antagonistic activity against green mold in citrus and elucidating the action mechanisms of three yeast: P. kudriavzevii, K. marxianus, and Y. lipolytica20
Attenuation of prochloraz phytotoxicity to postharvest mango fruit by melatonin is associated with the regulation of detoxification capacity20
Impact of dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma on the quality and phenolic metabolism in blueberries based on metabonomic analysis20
Postharvest nicotinamide treatment modifies the redox status in highbush blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum L.) fruit during storage20
Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and disodium succinate regulate the pulp softening and breakdown in fresh longan by modulating the metabolism of cell wall polysaccharides20
Corrigendum to “PpZAT10 negatively regulates peach cold resistance predominantly mediated by inhibiting VIN activity” [Postharvest Biol. Technol. 190 (2022) 111952]20
Benzothiadiazole induced changes in the transcriptome and regulation of banana fruit ripening and disease resistance20
Involvement of lignin deposition and cell wall degradation in stem senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage during storage20
A novel approach for the non-destructive detection of shriveling degrees in walnuts using improved YOLOv5n based on X-ray images20
Exogenous melatonin delays yellowing in postharvest broccoli by regulation of ABA and carotenoid metabolite20
Rapid origin identification of chrysanthemum morifolium using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and chemometrics20
Overexpression of Solanum lycopersicum DDB1 interacting protein 4 (SlDDI4) extends tomato shelf life by methylation-mediated suppression of softening-related genes expression20
Editorial Board20
γ-Aminobutyric acid regulates mitochondrial energy metabolism and organic acids metabolism in apples during postharvest ripening20
Histone deacetylase VlSRT1 represses the regulation of VlERF95-mediated transcriptional activation during rachis browning in grape20
Preparation and characterization of carbon/polymer composite as a novel ethylene scavenger to preserve fruit and vegetables quality in refrigerator drawer20
Arginine and cysteine delay postharvest ripening of tomato fruit by regulating ethylene production20
Carboxymethyl cellulose coating regulates cell wall polysaccharides disassembly and delays ripening of harvested banana fruit19
Exogenous abscisic acid mitigates chilling injury in zucchini during cold storage by eliciting a time-dependent shaping of specialized metabolites19