Postharvest Biology and Technology

(The H4-Index of Postharvest Biology and Technology is 40. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Postharvest decontamination of fresh black truffle (Tuber melanosporum): Effects on microbial population and organoleptic qualities144
Dynamic controlled atmosphere monitored by respiratory quotient as a new method to store pears: Effect on the volatile compounds profile and general quality100
Application of ABA and GA3 alleviated browning of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) via different strategies96
Nitrogen management can inhibit or induce the sprouting of potato tubers: Consequences of regulation tuberization92
Impact of storage atmosphere relative humidity on ‘Gala’ apple fruit quality91
Transcriptome analysis identified a transcriptional repressor, BES1-INTERACTING MYC-LIKE1 regulating rapid postharvest fruit softening of Actinidia arguta85
Exogenous isoleucine can confer browning resistance on fresh-cut potato by suppressing polyphenol oxidase activity and improving the antioxidant capacity84
The relative importance of postharvest eating quality and sustainability attributes for apple fruit: A case study using new sensory–consumer approaches78
Preharvest spraying with L-Phenylalanine effectively delayed the degradation of chlorophyll in postharvest broccoli76
Efficient estimation of gas exchange and respiration kinetics in apple using pathlength-resolved GASMAS71
Metabolic adaptation of ‘Conference’ pear to postharvest hypoxia: The impact of harvest time and hypoxic pre-treatments69
Postharvest light and temperature elicitors improve chemical composition and level of essential oils in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) through boosting antioxidant machinery63
Design of aminoethoxyvinylglycine functional analogues to delay postharvest ripening of tomato fruit58
Postharvest application of imazalil sulphate using a heated flooder for control of citrus green mould58
Nonclimacteric ‘Jen-Ju Bar’ guava ripening behavior is caused by Copia LTR retrotransposon insertion in the promoter region of PgACS1, a System-2 ACC synthase gene57
Small GTPases RasA and RasB regulate development, patulin production, and virulence of Penicillium expansum56
Long non-coding RNAs associated with the postharvest quality and stress resistance of horticultural crops53
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Extremely low oxygen with different hysteresis and dynamic controlled atmosphere storage: Impact on overall quality and volatile profile of ‘Maxi Gala’ apple52
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New insights into early biochemical prediction of internal browning disorder in 'Conference' pears51
Monitoring low O2 stress in apples – What we can learn from chlorophyll fluorescence and respiratory characteristics51
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Assessment of the efficacy of decontamination treatments against Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Thompson on strawberries at different storage conditions46
Integration of 4-OH-7-C3HO-coumarin and controlled atmosphere storage extends the storage period of peeled water chestnuts (Eleocharis dulcis) by delaying the yellowing and quality deterioration46
Oxalic acid alleviates chilling injury and positively influences post-harvest parameters of sweet bell pepper by affecting glycine betaine accumulation, cells respiration rate and NADPH oxidase enzyme45
Aqueous formulations of 1H-cyclopropabenzene modulate ethylene production and fruit quality in Japanese plums45
Spatial frequency domain imaging combining profile correction enables accurate real-time quantitative mapping of optical properties of apples44
Wuyiencin reduces the virulence and patulin production of Penicillium expansum by interfering with its membrane integrity and the patulin synthesis pathway44
Postharvest quality and metabolism changes of daylily flower buds treated with hydrogen sulfide during storage44
Pichia galeiformis-secreted protein PgSLP increases citrus fruit disease resistance by activating amino acid metabolism44
Multifunctional fibrous films fabricated by microfluidic blow spinning for the preservation of fresh-cut apples43
Identification and characterization of lettuce cultivars with high inhibitory activity against the human pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7: Toward a plant-intrinsic hurdle approach to microbial safety43
The water relation parameters are associated with the genotypic differences in the vase life of cut rose flowers42
PcPME63 is involved in fruit softening during post-cold storage process of European pear (Pyrus communis L.)42
Joint 2D to 3D image registration workflow for comparing multiple slice photographs and CT scans of apple fruit with internal disorders41
Brassinosteroids alleviate postharvest water deficit stress in cut Dendrobium 'Khao Sanan' orchid through modulation of protective mechanisms, osmotic regulation, and endogenous hormonal levels41
Acoustic vibration multi-domain images vision transformer (AVMDI-ViT) to the detection of moldy apple core: Using a novel device based on micro-LDV and resonance speaker41
The delaying effect of Clausena lansium extract on pear ring rot is related to its antifungal activity and induced disease resistance40
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Transcriptome and metabolome analyses reveal the regulation effect of ultraviolet-B irradiation on secondary metabolites in pakchoi40