Designs Codes and Cryptography

(The TQCC of Designs Codes and Cryptography is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The b-symbol weight distributions of all semiprimitive irreducible cyclic codes26
Partition and mix: generalizing the swap-or-not shuffle26
On the algebraic degree of iterated power functions23
Properties of the cycles that contain all vectors of weight $$\le k$$23
Weak rotational property and its application21
Shared permutation for syndrome decoding: new zero-knowledge protocol and code-based signature18
Uniqueness of the inversive plane of order sixty-four18
Symplectic 4-dimensional semifields of order $$8^4$$ and $$9^4$$17
Combinatorial constructions of optimal low-power error-correcting cooling codes17
Classification of semiregular relative difference sets with $$\gcd (\lambda ,n)=1$$ attaining Turyn’s bound17
On Pappus configurations in Hall planes16
Polynomial reduction from syndrome decoding problem to regular decoding problem16
Generalized bilateral multilevel construction for constant dimension codes15
MDS array codes with efficient repair and small sub-packetization level14
Algebraic hierarchical locally recoverable codes with nested affine subspace recovery14
Generalized attack on ECDSA: known bits in arbitrary positions14
Circular external difference families: construction and non-existence14
RETRACTED ARTICLE: $$\mathbb {Z}_p\mathbb {Z}_{p^2}$$-linear codes: rank and kernel14
Explicit constructions of NMDS self-dual codes13
Non-canonical maximum cliques without a design structure in the block graphs of 2-designs13
Automorphism subgroups for designs with $$\lambda =1$$12
On the subgroup perfect codes in Cayley graphs12
Improving the Gaudry–Schost algorithm for multidimensional discrete logarithms11
On the security of functional encryption in the generic group model11
Diagonal groups and arcs over groups11
Isomorphism of maximum length circuit codes11
A construction of maximally recoverable codes10
Fast subgroup membership testings for $$\mathbb {G}_1$$, $$\mathbb {G}_2$$ and $$\mathbb {G}_T$$ on pairing-friendly curves10
SO-CCA secure PKE from pairing based all-but-many lossy trapdoor functions10
Book Review: “Designs from Linear Codes”, second edition, by Cunsheng Ding and Chunming Tang, World Scientific, 202210
A note on the Assmus–Mattson theorem for some binary codes II10
Switching for 2-designs10
Introducing nega-Forrelation: quantum algorithms in analyzing nega-Hadamard and nega-crosscorrelation spectra10
Self-dual bent sequences for complex Hadamard matrices10
Practical key recovery attacks on FlexAEAD10
Quantum time/memory/data tradeoff attacks10
Counting the number of non-isotopic Taniguchi semifields9
Exploiting ROLLO’s constant-time implementations with a single-trace analysis9
Hardness estimates of the code equivalence problem in the rank metric9
New quantum codes from self-dual codes over $$\mathbb {F}_4$$9
Some classes of power functions with low c-differential uniformity over finite fields9
Editorial Note: Coding and Cryptography 20229
Spectral symmetry in conference matrices9
Optimal quaternary Hermitian LCD codes and their related codes9
Construction of lightweight involutory MDS matrices8
Codes with respect to weighted poset block metric8
On certain self-orthogonal AG codes with applications to Quantum error-correcting codes8
Improving the minimum distance bound of Trace Goppa codes8
A further study on bridge structures and constructing bijective S-boxes for low-latency masking8
Flag-transitive symmetric 2-designs of prime order8
Observations on the branch number and differential analysis of SPEEDY8
Flag-transitive 2-designs with prime square replication number and alternating groups8
Privacy-preserving data splitting: a combinatorial approach8
Gold functions and switched cube functions are not 0-extendable in dimension n > 58
Vectorial bent functions and partial difference sets8
Incremental symmetric puncturable encryption with support for unbounded number of punctures7
Another look at key randomisation hypotheses7
Multiplicative and verifiably multiplicative secret sharing for multipartite adversary structures7
Cayley sum graphs and their applications to codebooks7
Eggs in finite projective spaces and unitals in translation planes7
A general family of Plotkin-optimal two-weight codes over $$\mathbb {Z}_4$$7
Post-quantum security on the Lai–Massey scheme7
A class of constacyclic codes are generalized Reed–Solomon codes7
Cameron–Liebler k-sets in subspaces and non-existence conditions7
LCD subspace codes7
Several families of irreducible constacyclic and cyclic codes6
Ligero: lightweight sublinear arguments without a trusted setup6
Bounding the length of impossible differentials for SPN block ciphers6
Perfect mixed codes from generalized Reed–Muller codes6
Generalized semifield spreads6
Cameron–Liebler sets in bilinear forms graphs6
Efficient computation of $$(2^n,2^n)$$-isogenies6
On two non-existence results for Cameron–Liebler k-sets in $${{\,\mathrm{\textrm{PG}}\,}}(n,q)$$6
Moments of autocorrelation demerit factors of binary sequences6
Leakage-resilient $$\textsf {IBE} $$/$$\textsf {ABE} $$  with optimal leakage rates from lattices6
Coloring linear hypergraphs: the Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture and the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz6
Difference-based structural properties of costas arrays6
Polar sampler: A novel Bernoulli sampler using polar codes with application to integer Gaussian sampling6
Johnson graph codes6
Construction of storage codes of rate approaching one on triangle-free graphs6
An improved upper bound on self-dual codes over finite fields GF(11), GF(19), and GF(23)6
Variants of Jacobi polynomials in coding theory6
Constructing saturating sets in projective spaces using subgeometries5
The first families of highly symmetric Kirkman Triple Systems whose orders fill a congruence class5
Equivalence classes of Niho bent functions5
Hulls of projective Reed–Muller codes5
Novel generic construction of leakage-resilient PKE scheme with CCA security5
Small weight codewords of projective geometric codes II5
Sok: vector OLE-based zero-knowledge protocols5
On the number of q-ary quasi-perfect codes with covering radius 25
Improved meet-in-the-middle attack on 10 rounds of the AES-256 block cipher5
Binomial permutations over finite fields with even characteristic5
Additive complementary dual codes over $$\mathbb {F}_4$$5
Balancedly splittable orthogonal designs and equiangular tight frames5
Mosaics of combinatorial designs for information-theoretic security5
Optimal quaternary $$(r,\delta )$$-locally recoverable codes: their structures and complete classification5
Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues5
The projective general linear group $${\mathrm {PGL}}(2,2^m)$$ and linear codes of length $$2^m+1$$5
A complete characterization of $${\mathcal {D}}_0 \cap {\mathcal {M}}^\#$$ and a general framework for specifying bent functions in $${\mathcal {C}}$$ outside $${\mathcal {M}}^\#$$5
Improved bounds for codes correcting insertions and deletions4
Minimal abundant packings and choosability with separation4
Functional commitments for arbitrary circuits of bounded sizes4
On the algebraic immunity—resiliency trade-off, implications for Goldreich’s pseudorandom generator4
Locally maximal recoverable codes and LMR-LCD codes4
Hulls of cyclic codes with respect to the regular permutation inner product4
Some restrictions on the weight enumerators of near-extremal ternary self-dual codes and quaternary Hermitian self-dual codes4
Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings4
A class of twisted generalized Reed–Solomon codes4
Densities of codes of various linearity degrees in translation-invariant metric spaces4
On Boolean functions derived from linear maps over $$\mathbb {Z}_4$$ and their application to secret sharing4
Parameters of several families of binary duadic codes and their related codes4
Construction-D lattice from Garcia–Stichtenoth tower code4
Constructions of t-strongly multimedia IPP codes with length $$t+1$$4
A method for constructing quaternary Hermitian self-dual codes and an application to quantum codes4
Difference matrices with five rows over finite abelian groups4
$$\textsf {TOPAS}$$2-pass key exchange with full perfect forward secrecy and optimal communication complexity4
On the number of rational points of Artin–Schreier’s curves and hypersurfaces4
Quantum rectangle attack and its application on Deoxys-BC4
SAND: an AND-RX Feistel lightweight block cipher supporting S-box-based security evaluations4
Ternary isodual codes and 3-designs4
On the design and security of Lee metric McEliece cryptosystems4
On prefer-one sequences4
Cryptanalysis of a code-based full-time signature4
A new family of EAQMDS codes constructed from constacyclic codes4
Improved generalized block inserting construction of constant dimension codes4
Extended cyclic codes, maximal arcs and ovoids3
Short attribute-based signatures for arbitrary Turing machines from standard assumptions3
Decreasing norm-trace codes3
Covering polynomials and projections of self-dual codes3
New method for combining Matsui’s bounding conditions with sequential encoding method3
Nearly optimal balanced quaternary sequence pairs of prime period $$N\equiv 5\pmod 8$$3
The differential spectrum and boomerang spectrum of a class of locally-APN functions3
Perfect LRCs and k-optimal LRCs3
Hadamard matrices related to a certain series of ternary self-dual codes3
On translation hyperovals in semifield planes3
Efficient information-theoretic distributed point functions with general output groups3
Correction: Self-orthogonal codes over a non-unital ring and combinatorial matrices3
Non-binary irreducible quasi-cyclic parity-check subcodes of Goppa codes and extended Goppa codes3
Approximate unitary 3-designs from transvection Markov chains3
An improved degree evaluation method of NFSR-based cryptosystems3
Extremely line-primitive automorphism groups of finite linear spaces3
Simple and efficient FE for quadratic functions3
On the maximum size of variable-length non-overlapping codes3
Fast Kötter–Nielsen–Høholdt interpolation over skew polynomial rings and its application in coding theory3
Non-existence of quasi-symmetric designs with restricted block graphs3
The equivalence of linear codes implies semi-linear equivalence3
$$(d,\varvec{\sigma })$$-Veronese variety and some applications3
Rank weight hierarchy of some classes of polynomial codes3
Several classes of bent functions over finite fields3
On vectorial functions with maximal number of bent components3
Simple vs. vectorial: exploiting structural symmetry to beat the ZeroSum distinguisher3
Two classes of exceptional m-to-1 rational functions3
On the dimension and structure of the square of the dual of a Goppa code3
A gapless code-based hash proof system based on RQC and its applications3
The existence of cyclic (v, 4, 1)-designs3
Symmetric functions and spherical t-designs in $$\pmb {\mathbb {R}^2}$$3
Combinational constructions of splitting authentication codes with perfect secrecy3
A survey of compositional inverses of permutation polynomials over finite fields3
Bounds for flag codes3
Fully selective opening secure IBE from LWE3
Infinite families of 3-designs from special symmetric polynomials3
The cycle structure of a class of permutation polynomials3
Extremely primitive groups and linear spaces3
The Eckardt point configuration of cubic surfaces revisited3
Additive twisted codes: new distance bounds and infinite families of quantum codes3
Blocking sets of secant and tangent lines with respect to a quadric of $$\text{ PG }(n,q)$$3
Association schemes arising from non-weakly regular bent functions3
Construction of asymmetric Chudnovsky-type algorithms for multiplication in finite fields3
Chain-imprimitive, flag-transitive 2-designs2
New spence difference sets2
On $$\mathbb {Z}_2\mathbb {Z}_4$$-additive polycyclic codes and their Gray images2
Breaking tweakable enciphering schemes using Simon’s algorithm2
Traceable ring signatures: general framework and post-quantum security2
Plane curves giving rise to blocking sets over finite fields2
A polynomial time algorithm for breaking NTRU encryption with multiple keys2
Determination of the sizes of optimal geometric orthogonal codes with parameters $$(n\times m,k,\lambda ,k-1)$$2
Construction of LDPC convolutional codes via difference triangle sets2
The existence of $$(\mathbb {Z}_v,4,1)$$-disjoint difference families2
The estimates of trigonometric sums and new bounds on a mean value, a sequence and a cryptographic function2
Security analysis of P-SPN schemes against invariant subspace attack with inactive S-boxes2
Adaptively secure lattice-based revocable IBE in the QROM: compact parameters, tight security, and anonymity2
Finding orientations of supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders2
Pseudorandom functions in NC class from the standard LWE assumption2
On the packing density of Lee spheres2
Vectorial negabent concepts: similarities, differences, and generalizations2
Association schemes and orthogonality graphs on anisotropic points of polar spaces2
On the sunflower bound for k-spaces, pairwise intersecting in a point2
Affine vector space partitions and spreads of quadrics2
Individual discrete logarithm with sublattice reduction2
An improved method for constructing formally self-dual codes with small hulls2
Wide minimal binary linear codes from the general Maiorana–McFarland class2
The minimum locality of linear codes2
Phase orthogonal sequence sets for (QS)CDMA communications2
Near-MDS codes from elliptic curves2
Adventures in crypto dark matter: attacks, fixes and analysis for weak pseudorandom functions2
Special overlarge sets of Kirkman triple systems2
Rate-improved multi-permutation codes for correcting a single burst of stable deletions2
External codes for multiple unicast networks via interference alignment2
Some constructions of quantum MDS codes2
Some self-dual codes and isodual codes constructed by matrix product codes2
On the (in)security of optimized Stern-like signature schemes2
Butson full propelinear codes2
MDS symbol-pair codes from repeated-root cyclic codes2
Quantum security of Trojan message attacks on Merkle–Damgård hash construction2
Permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses over finite fields by a local method2
Structure of CSS and CSS-T quantum codes2
Extremal regular graphs and hypergraphs related to fractional repetition codes2
Interpolation-based decoding of folded variants of linearized and skew Reed–Solomon codes2
The geometry of $$(t\mod q)$$-arcs2
ZLR: a fast online authenticated encryption scheme achieving full security2
Block-transitive 3-$$(v,4,\lambda )$$ designs with sporadic or alternating socle2
On a class of optimal constant weight ternary codes2
Constructing linked systems of relative difference sets via Schur rings2
CCA security for contracting (quasi-)Feistel constructions with tight round complexity2
Design-theoretic analogies between codes, lattices, and vertex operator algebras2
About r-primitive and k-normal elements in finite fields2
On arithmetic progressions in finite fields2
Flag-transitive, point-imprimitive 2-$$(v,k,\lambda )$$ symmetric designs with k and $$\lambda $$ prime powers2
Jacobi polynomials for the first-order generalized Reed–Muller codes2
Robustly reusable fuzzy extractor with imperfect randomness2
Constructions of MDS symbol-pair codes with minimum distance seven or eight2
Compressed M-SIDH: an instance of compressed SIDH-like schemes with isogenies of highly composite degrees2
A class of functions and their application in constructing semisymmetric designs2
Cryptanalysis of a key exchange protocol based on a modified tropical structure2
Classification of extremal type II $$\mathbb {Z}_4$$-codes of length 242
Optimal ternary locally repairable codes2
New MDS entanglement-assisted quantum codes from MDS Hermitian self-orthogonal codes2
Optimal binary signed-digit representations of integers and the Stern polynomial2
Monomial isomorphism for tensors and applications to code equivalence problems2
Zero-knowledge proofs for set membership: efficient, succinct, modular2
Subset sums and block designs in a finite vector space2
Computing gluing and splitting $$(\ell ,\ell )$$-isogenies2
A generalization of cyclic code equivalence algorithm to constacyclic codes2
New code-based cryptographic accumulator and fully dynamic group signature2
Square root computation in finite fields2
A design and flexible assignment of orthogonal binary sequence sets for (QS)-CDMA systems2