Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

(The median citation count of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Continuous Well-Composedness Implies Digital Well-Composedness in n-D21
New Properties for Full Convex Sets and Full Convex Hulls18
A Structured L-BFGS Method with Diagonal Scaling and Its Application to Image Registration17
A New Insight into the Epipole from Four Point Correspondences in Two Calibrated Views16
Enforcing Geometrical Priors in Deep Networks for Semantic Segmentation Applied to Radiotherapy Planning14
Fuzzy Circularity: A New Fuzzy Shape-Based Descriptor of the Object14
Statistical Model and ML-EM Algorithm for Emission Tomography with Known Movement13
Local Binary Patterns of Segments of a Binary Object for Shape Analysis13
A Local MM Subspace Method for Solving Constrained Variational Problems in Image Recovery13
Complete and Incomplete Sets of Invariants11
Consistent Approximation of Interpolating Splines in Image Metamorphosis11
Appreciation to Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Reviewers11
Learning Grayscale Mathematical Morphology with Smooth Morphological Layers10
Topological Imaging Methods for the Iterative Detection of Multiple Impedance Obstacles10
A Quotient Space Formulation for Generative Statistical Analysis of Graphical Data10
Cortically Based Optimal Transport10
Pairwise Rigid Registration Based on Riemannian Geometry and Lie Structures of Orientation Tensors9
On Maximum a Posteriori Estimation with Plug & Play Priors and Stochastic Gradient Descent9
A Hierarchical Geodesic Model for Longitudinal Analysis on Manifolds9
Fast and Robust Certifiable Estimation of the Relative Pose Between Two Calibrated Cameras8
Learning-Based Non-rigid Video Depth Estimation Using Invariants to Generalized Bas-Relief Transformations7
Convergent Plug-and-Play with Proximal Denoiser and Unconstrained Regularization Parameter7
Generalized Inversion of Nonlinear Operators7
Subspace Discrimination for Multiway Data7
Hough Transform for Detecting Space Curves in Digital 3D Models6
A Graph Multi-separator Problem for Image Segmentation6
A Multi-spectral Geometric Approach for Shape Analysis6
An Edge-Preserving Regularization Model for the Demosaicing of Noisy Color Images6
A Variational Model for Deformable Registration of Uni-modal Medical Images with Intensity Biases6
About the Incorporation of Topological Prescriptions in CNNs for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation5
Monotonic Sampling of a Continuous Closed Curve with Respect to Its Gauss Digitization: Application to Length Estimation5
On Bayesian Posterior Mean Estimators in Imaging Sciences and Hamilton–Jacobi Partial Differential Equations5
Nonlocal Adaptive Biharmonic Regularizer for Image Restoration5
A Stochastic-Geometrical Framework for Object Pose Estimation Based on Mixture Models Avoiding the Correspondence Problem5
A Probabilistic Approach to Restore Images Acquired in Underwater Scenes5
Morphology on Categorical Distributions5
Discrete Approximations of Gaussian Smoothing and Gaussian Derivatives5
PDE-CNNs: Axiomatic Derivations and Applications4
Re-initialization-Free Level Set Method via Molecular Beam Epitaxy Equation Regularization for Image Segmentation4
Understanding the Deltoid Phenomenon in the Perspective 3-Point (P3P) Problem4
Generalised Diffusion Probabilistic Scale-Spaces4
A Physically Admissible Stokes Vector Reconstruction in Linear Polarimetric Imaging4
Spatiotemporal Kernel of a Three-Component Differential Equation Model with Self-control Mechanism in Vision4
Wavelet-Based Multiscale Flow For Realistic Image Deformation in the Large Diffeomorphic Deformation Model Framework4
Correction: Sparse Resultant-Based Minimal Solvers in Computer Vision and Their Connection with the Action Matrix4
Application of Integral Invariants to Apictorial Jigsaw Puzzle Assembly4
A Tighter Relaxation for the Relative Pose Problem Between Cameras3
Efficient and Robust Background Modeling with Dynamic Mode Decomposition3
A Polygonal Approximation for General 4-Contours Corresponding to Weakly Simple Curves3
eGHWT: The Extended Generalized Haar–Walsh Transform3
Morphological Hierarchies: A Unifying Framework with New Trees3
Generation of Tubular and Membranous Shape Textures with Curvature Functionals3
On Strong Basins of Attractions for Non-convex Sparse Spike Estimation: Upper and Lower Bounds3
Image Scaling by de la Vallée-Poussin Filtered Interpolation3
Elastic Shape Analysis of Planar Objects Using Tensor Field Representations3
U-Flow: A U-Shaped Normalizing Flow for Anomaly Detection with Unsupervised Threshold3
Hypergraph p-Laplacians and Scale Spaces3
Towards Off-the-Grid Algorithms for Total Variation Regularized Inverse Problems3
Irregularity Index for Vector-Valued Morphological Operators3
Batch-Less Stochastic Gradient Descent for Compressive Learning of Deep Regularization for Image Denoising3
Using the Split Bregman Algorithm to Solve the Self-repelling Snakes Model3
Bilevel Parameter Learning for Nonlocal Image Denoising Models2
Automated Data-Driven Selection of the Hyperparameters for Total-Variation-Based Texture Segmentation2
Corrected Laplace–Beltrami Operators for Digital Surfaces2
Correction to: Non-congruent non-degenerate curves with identical signatures2
Scale-Covariant and Scale-Invariant Gaussian Derivative Networks2
Guest Editorial JMIV Special Issue SSVM’212
Guest Editorial: Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology2
Some Equivalence Relation between Persistent Homology and Morphological Dynamics2
Combining Image Space and q-Space PDEs for Lossless Compression of Diffusion MR Images2
Inferring Object Boundaries and Their Roughness with Uncertainty Quantification2
From Riemannian Trichromacy to Quantum Color Opponency via Hyperbolicity2
Connections Between Numerical Algorithms for PDEs and Neural Networks2
Mathematical Properties of Pyramid-Transform-Based Resolution Conversion and Its Applications2
Multiscale Hierarchical Decomposition Methods for Images Corrupted by Multiplicative Noise2
Mixing Support Detection-Based Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Sparse Hyperspectral Image Unmixing2
Characterization of hv-Convex Sequences2
Surface-Based Computation of the Euler Characteristic in the BCC Grid2
Discrete Morse Functions and Watersheds2
Sparse Resultant-Based Minimal Solvers in Computer Vision and Their Connection with the Action Matrix2
Three-Dimensional Maximal and Boundary Ghosts2
Automated Image Restoration and Segmentation Using Mumford–Shah-Like Regularization and Topological Asymptotic Expansion2
Concentric Ellipse Fitting with Bias Correction and Specialized Geometric-Based Clustering Approach2
Construction of Generalized Hybrid Trigonometric Bézier Surfaces with Shape Parameters and Their Applications1
Generalized Polar Coordinate Moments with Quasi Inner Product1
Adaptive Anisotropic Total Variation: Analysis and Experimental Findings of Nonlinear Spectral Properties1
Analysis of Joint Shape Variation from Multi-Object Complexes1
High-Resolution Neural Texture Synthesis with Long-Range Constraints1
Sufficient Conditions for Topology-Preserving Parallel Reductions on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid1
A Diffusion Equation for Improving the Robustness of Deep Learning Speckle Removal Model1
Convex Object(s) Characterization and Segmentation Using Level Set Function1
Tackling Algorithmic Bias in Neural-Network Classifiers using Wasserstein-2 Regularization1
Topology- and Perception-Aware Image Vectorization1
Learning to Generate Wasserstein Barycenters1
Uncertainty Quantification in Image Segmentation Using the Ambrosio–Tortorelli Approximation of the Mumford–Shah Energy1
Novel Arc-Cost Functions and Seed Relevance Estimations for Compact and Accurate Superpixels1
Non-Gaussian Noise Removal via Gaussian Denoisers with the Gray Level Indicator1
Appreciation to the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Reviewers1
Globally Optimal Point Set Registration by Joint Symmetry Plane Fitting1
Active Contour Directed by the Poisson Gradient Vector Field and Edge Tracking1
A Retinex-Based Selective Segmentation Model for Inhomogeneous Images1
Estimating Rigid Transformations of Noisy Point Clouds Using the Universal Manifold Embedding1
Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform Subspace Modeling for Image Classification1
Regularising Inverse Problems with Generative Machine Learning Models1
Speckle Reduction in Matrix-Log Domain for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging1
A Novel Discriminant Locality Preserving Projections Method1
Transporting Deformations of Face Emotions in the Shape Spaces: A Comparison of Different Approaches1
A Generalisation of Flat Morphology, II: Main Properties, Duality and Hybrid Operators1
An Algebraic Proof of the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a P3P Problem Having a Pair of Point-Sharing Solutions1
Density Functions of Periodic Sequences of Continuous Events1
Dimensionality Reduction Based on kCCC and Manifold Learning1
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Spatial Regularization, Volume and Star-Shape Priors for Image Segmentation1
Deformable Groupwise Image Registration using Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition1
Comparison of Two Linearization-Based Methods for 3-D EIT Reconstructions on a Simulated Chest1
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology1