Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications

(The median citation count of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On computing the supremal right-closed control invariant subset of a right-closed set of markings for an arbitrary petri net25
Overview of networked supervisory control with imperfect communication channels14
Contention-resolving model predictive control for an intelligent intersection traffic model11
Correction to: Transformational supervisor synthesis for evolving systems10
Diagnosability verification using LTL model checking5
Dynamics of products of matrices in max algebra5
Triangulation of diagonally dominant min-plus matrices5
Epistemic interpretations of decentralized discrete-event system problems5
Zero-sum semi-Markov games with state-action-dependent discount factors5
Interpreted synchronous extension of time Petri nets5
Conflict-free electric vehicle routing problem: an improved compositional algorithm5
Multi-level control for multiple mobile robot systems4
Offline analysis of the relaxed upper boundedness for online estimation ofoptimal event sequences in Partially Observable Petri Nets4
A multi-objective approach for manufacturing systems with multiple production routes based on supervisory control theory and heuristic algorithms4
Reducing the computational effort of symbolic supervisor synthesis4
Average criteria in denumerable semi-Markov decision chains under risk-aversion4
Probabilistic state estimation for labeled continuous time Markov models with applications to attack detection4
Cycle times in D/D/S series queues with single multi-server bottlenecks3
A modular synthesis approach for the coordination of multi-agent systems: the multiple team case3
Do what you know: coupling knowledge with action in discrete-event systems3
Cost-optimal timed trace synthesis for scheduling of intermittent embedded systems3
A survey on compositional algorithms for verification and synthesis in supervisory control3
Hierarchical scheduling learning optimisation of two-area active distribution system considering peak shaving demand of power grid3
MGF-based SNC for stationary independent Markovian processes with localized application of martingales3
Max-plus steady states in discrete event dynamic systems with inexact data2
Correction to: Local and global robustness with q-step delay for max-plus linear systems2
Analysis and control of timed event graphs in (max,+) algebra for the active localization of time failures2
An extremum timed extended reachability graph for temporal analysis of time Petri nets2
Disordered discrete-time quantum walk over max-plus algebra2
A general language-based framework for specifying and verifying notions of opacity2
Synthesis of winning attacks on communication protocols using supervisory control theory: two case studies1
An algebraic control method to guarantee generalized marking constraints for partially observable timed event graphs1
Design and verification of pipelined circuits with Timed Petri Nets1
Generation of mathematical programming representations for discrete event simulation models of timed petri nets1
Mixed Nondeterministic-Probabilistic Automata1
Transformational supervisor synthesis for evolving systems1
Failure detection and localization for timed event graphs in $(\max \limits ,+)$-algebra1
Hierarchical planning in a supervisory control context with compositional abstraction1