Environmental & Resource Economics

(The median citation count of Environmental & Resource Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
How Does Green Investment Affect Environmental Pollution? Evidence from China163
Public Awareness of Nature and the Environment During the COVID-19 Crisis153
Cross-Country Comparisons of Covid-19: Policy, Politics and the Price of Life151
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Global Agricultural Markets144
Infectious Diseases and Meat Production140
The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy139
Air Pollution Exposure and Covid-19 in Dutch Municipalities134
Five Lessons from COVID-19 for Advancing Climate Change Mitigation125
The Impact of the Wuhan Covid-19 Lockdown on Air Pollution and Health: A Machine Learning and Augmented Synthetic Control Approach117
Cultured Meat: Promises and Challenges107
Green Recovery Policies for the COVID-19 Crisis: Modelling the Impact on the Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions96
Assessing Short-Term and Long-Term Economic and Environmental Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis in France95
Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing: A Meta-Analysis92
Building a Social Mandate for Climate Action: Lessons from COVID-1985
The Value of Greenspace Under Pandemic Lockdown82
Real-Time Estimation of the Short-Run Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activity Using Electricity Market Data67
Charting a “Green Path” for Recovery from COVID-1958
Suggestions for a Covid-19 Post-Pandemic Research Agenda in Environmental Economics45
Green Stimulus in a Post-pandemic Recovery: the Role of Skills for a Resilient Recovery42
The environmental effects of the “twin” green and digital transition in European regions42
What Policies Address Both the Coronavirus Crisis and the Climate Crisis?41
The Net Zero Challenge for Firms’ Competitiveness40
Trade in Carbon and Carbon Tariffs38
Effects of Physical Distancing to Control COVID-19 on Public Health, the Economy, and the Environment38
The Unintended Impact of Colombia’s Covid-19 Lockdown on Forest Fires37
Governments’ Fiscal Squeeze and Firms’ Pollution Emissions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China37
Does Environmental Regulation Shape Entrepreneurship?37
Porter Hypothesis vs Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Can There Be Environmental Policies Getting Two Eggs in One Basket?36
COVID-19 Tests the Market Stability Reserve35
The Consequences of COVID-19 and Other Disasters for Wildlife and Biodiversity35
Corporate Green Bonds: Understanding the Greenium in a Two-Factor Structural Model35
Does a Carbon Tax Reduce CO2 Emissions? Evidence from British Columbia34
CITES and the Zoonotic Disease Content in International Wildlife Trade33
Twenty Key Challenges in Environmental and Resource Economics32
Impact of Carbon Pricing on Low-Carbon Innovation and Deep Decarbonisation: Controversies and Path Forward32
COVID-19, Systemic Crisis, and Possible Implications for the Wild Meat Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa32
Study on the Interactive Relationship Between Marine Economic Growth and Marine Environmental Pressure in China31
Guidance to Enhance the Validity and Credibility of Environmental Benefit Transfers29
On the Good and Bad of Natural Resource, Corruption, and Economic Growth Nexus28
Effects of the COVID-19 on Air Quality: Human Mobility, Spillover Effects, and City Connections27
The Economics of the Greenium: How Much is the World Willing to Pay to Save the Earth?26
Farmers Follow the Herd: A Theoretical Model on Social Norms and Payments for Environmental Services26
Climate Change Legislations and Environmental Degradation24
Model Uncertainty in Climate Change Economics: A Review and Proposed Framework for Future Research24
Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus24
Unraveling the Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Economic Sectors Worldwide: Direct and Indirect Impacts23
Liability Structure and Carbon Emissions Abatement: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises22
What Causes Heterogeneous Responses to Social Comparison Messages for Water Conservation?22
COVID-19 and EU Climate Targets: Can We Now Go Further?21
How Do Carbon Taxes Affect Emissions? Plant-Level Evidence from Manufacturing21
Linking Human Destruction of Nature to COVID-19 Increases Support for Wildlife Conservation Policies20
A Study on Herd Immunity of COVID-19 in South Korea: Using a Stochastic Economic-Epidemiological Model19
Moral Suasion and the Private Provision of Public Goods: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic19
Implications of Entry Restrictions to Address Externalities in Aquaculture: The Case of Salmon Aquaculture18
Determinants of Electric Vehicle Diffusion in China18
The Corona-Pandemic: A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Regional and Global Governance18
Post-collection Separation of Plastic Waste: Better for the Environment and Lower Collection Costs?18
The Short-Run Effect of a Local Fiscal Squeeze on Pollution Abatement Expenditures: Evidence from China’s VAT Pilot Program17
A Physico-Economic Model of Low Earth Orbit Management17
Environmental Impacts and Policy Responses to Covid-19: A View from Latin America17
Financing Energy Innovation: Internal Finance and the Direction of Technical Change17
Environmental and Regulatory Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the Pandemic Food and Stigma Survey17
Rent Seeking over Tradable Emission Permits16
Trade Openness and Environmental Emissions: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis16
Temperature Variability and the Macroeconomy: A World Tour16
Political Stability: an Impetus for Spatial Environmental Spillovers16
Endogenizing the Cap in a Cap-and-Trade System: Assessing the Agreement on EU ETS Phase 416
Optimal Carbon Storage in Mixed-Species Size-Structured Forests15
Pandemics and the Environmental Rebound Effect: Reflections from COVID-1914
Assessing the Economic Resilience of Different Management Systems to Severe Forest Disturbance14
Diagnosing Insensitivity to Scope in Contingent Valuation14
Extended Producer Responsibility, Packaging Waste Reduction and Eco-design13
Heterogeneity in Farmers’ Social Preferences and the Design of Green Payment Schemes13
Corporate Emissions-Trading Behaviour During the First Decade of the EU ETS12
Population, Ecological Footprint and the Sustainable Development Goals12
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Eco-Performance at Farm Level: A Parametric Approach12
The Impact of Exogenous Pollution on Green Innovation12
Air Pollution, Health, and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from South Korea12
Is There an Extended Education-Based Environmental Kuznets Curve? An Analysis of U.S. States12
Potential for Sustainable Aquaculture: Insights from Discrete Choice Experiments11
Endogeneity and Measurement Bias of the Indicator Variables in Hybrid Choice Models: A Monte Carlo Investigation11
Refunding Emission Payments: Output-Based Versus Expenditure-Based Refunding11
Social Cost of Carbon Under Stochastic Tipping Points11
Stranded Assets: How Policy Uncertainty affects Capital, Growth, and the Environment11
Flood Insurance Market Penetration and Expectations of Disaster Assistance11
The Impact of Renewable Versus Non-renewable Natural Capital on Economic Growth11
Effects of Surface Ozone and Climate on Historical (1980–2015) Crop Yields in the United States: Implication for Mid-21st Century Projection10
Impact Evaluation of Alternative Irrigation Technology in Crete: Correcting for Selectivity Bias10
Firm Level Evidence of Disaster Impacts on Growth in Vietnam10
Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies10
The Policy Implications of the Dasgupta Review: Land Use Change and Biodiversity10
The More the Merrier? Evidence from Firm-Level Exports and Environmental Performance in China10
Disease Risk from Human–Environment Interactions: Environment and Development Economics for Joint Conservation-Health Policy10
Ecosystem Shifts: Implications for Groundwater Management10
Scope Elasticity of Willingness to pay in Discrete Choice Experiments10
Information, Consequentiality and Credibility in Stated Preference Surveys: A Choice Experiment on Climate Adaptation10
Human Capital, Trade Competitiveness and Environmental Efficiency Convergence Across Asia Pacific Countries10
WTP or WTA: A Means of Determining the Appropriate Welfare Measure of Positive and Negative Changes When Preferences are Reference Dependent10
On the quality of emission reductions: observed effects of carbon pricing on investments, innovation, and operational shifts. A response to van den Bergh and Savin (2021)10
Systematic Variation in Waste Site Effects on Residential Property Values: A Meta-Regression Analysis and Benefit Transfer9
Designing Effective and Acceptable Road Pricing Schemes: Evidence from the Geneva Congestion Charge9
Reflections on the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity9
The Effect of Peer Comparisons on Polluters: A Randomized Field Experiment among Wastewater Dischargers9
Current Air Pollution and Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality: Revisiting the Temporal Reliability of the Contingent Valuation Method9
Structuring Communication Effectively—The Causal Effects of Communication Elements on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas9
Weather Fluctuations, Expectation Formation, and Short-Run Behavioral Responses to Climate Change9
Measuring Gains and Losses in Virtual Water Trade from Environmental and Economic Perspectives8
Pollution for Sale: Firms’ Characteristics and Lobbying Outcome8
The Impact of Climate Legislation on Trade-Related Carbon Emissions 1996–20188
Risk-Taking and Air Pollution: Evidence from Chess8
Adapting to Rising Sea Levels: How Short-Term Responses Complement Long-Term Investment8
Low-Cost Strategies to Improve Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Nepal8
On Simple Rules for the Social Cost of Carbon8
A Machine Learning Analysis of the Recent Environmental and Resource Economics Literature8
Policies to Promote Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies8
Economic Aspects of the Energy Transition8
The Environmental Tax: Effects on Inequality and Growth8
If the Objective is Herd Immunity, on Whom Should it be Built?8
The International Dimension of the EU Emissions Trading System: Bringing the Pieces Together8
When is Environmentalism Good for the Environment?8
Optimal Siting, Sizing, and Enforcement of Marine Protected Areas8
Nudging for Cleaner Air: Experimental Evidence from an RCT on Wood Stove Usage7
The Effect of Rebate and Loan Incentives on Residential Heat Pump Adoption: Evidence from North Carolina7
Cost-Potential Curves of Onshore Wind Energy: the Role of Disamenity Costs7
Individual Carbon Footprint Reduction: Evidence from Pro-environmental Users of a Carbon Calculator7
Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Saving Practices at Home7
Forward-Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence7
Profitability, Capacity and Productivity Trends in an Evolving Rights Based Fishery: The Norwegian Purse Seine Fishery7
Vertical fiscal imbalance and energy intensity in China7
Price and Consumption Misperception Profiles: The Role of Information in the Residential Water Sector7
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials in Europe by Sector: A Bootstrap-Based Nonparametric Efficiency Analysis6
Distributional Issues in Natural Capital Accounting: An Application to Land Ownership and Ecosystem Services in Scotland6
The Economics of Biodiversity: Afterword6
The Welfare Effects of Index-Based Livestock Insurance: Livestock Herding on Communal Lands6
Blow the Lid Off: Public Complaints, Bargaining Power, and Government Responsiveness on Social Media6
The Role of Industrial and Market Symbiosis in Stimulating CO2 Emission Reductions6
Buy Coal or Kick-Start Green Innovation? Energy Policies in an Open Economy6
Social Versus Private Benefits of Energy Efficiency Under Time-of-Use and Increasing Block Pricing6
Assessing the Economic Implications of Free Trade on Environmental Quality: Empirical Evidence from Africa6
Elections and Environmental Quality6
Trade, Resource Use and Pollution: A Synthesis6
The Benefit-Cost Ratio as a Decision Criteria When Managing Catastrophes6
The Power of Nudging: Using Feedback, Competition, and Responsibility Assignment to Save Electricity in a Non-residential Setting6
A Mire of Discount Rates: Delaying Conservation Payment Schedules in a Choice Experiment6
Equity and Cost-Effectiveness in Valuation and Action Planning to Preserve Biodiversity6
Sustainable Power Generation in Europe: A Panel Data Analysis of the Effects of Market and Environmental Regulations6
Climate Action for (My) Children6
Leadership and Free-Riding: Decomposing and Explaining the Paradox of Cooperation in International Environmental Agreements6
Leveraging the Honor Code: Public Goods Contributions under Oath6
The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters Through Industrial Linkages6
Creatively Destructive Hurricanes: Do Disasters Spark Innovation?6
Balancing Cost Effectiveness and Incentive Properties in Conservation Auctions: Experimental Evidence from Three Multi-award Reverse Auction Mechanisms5
Can Transverse Eco-compensation Mechanism Correct Resource Misallocation in Watershed Environmental Governance? A Cost-benefit Analysis of the Pilot Project of Xin’an River in China5
Addressing Attribute Value Substitution in Discrete Choice Experiments to Avoid Unintended Consequences5
Environmental Policy and the CO2 Emissions Embodied in International Trade5
Valuing the Environment as Input, Ecosystem Services and Developing Countries5
On the Cost-Effective Temporal Allocation of Credits in Conservation Offsets when Habitat Restoration Takes Time and is Uncertain5
Long-Term Climate Treaties with a Refunding Club5
When Power Plants Leave Town: Environmental Quality and the Housing Market in China5
The Economy, Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: Links and Policy Implications5
A Dual Probabilistic Discounting Approach to Assess Economic and Environmental Impacts5
The European Green Deal, Energy Transition and Decarbonization5
Sustainable Intensification Farming as an Enabler for Farm Eco-Efficiency?5
Local Effects of Payments for Ecosystem Services on Rural Poverty5
Blame the Foreigners? Exports and Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in China5
Climate Change and the Cost-Effective Governance Mode for Biodiversity Conservation5
The Role of Cultural Worldviews in Willingness to Pay for Environmental Policy5
Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective5
Adjusting and Calibrating Elicited Values Based on Follow-up Certainty Questions: A Meta-analysis5
Pollutant Trading with Transport Time Lags4
Negative Traffic Externalities and Infant Health: The Role of Income Heterogeneity and Residential Sorting4
Spatial Trade-Offs in National Land-Based Wind Power Production in Times of Biodiversity and Climate Crises4
Killing Two Birds with One Stone? Green Dead Ends and Ways Out of the COVID-19 Crisis4
Permit Markets with Political and Market Distortions4
Investigating Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Packaging Through a Different Behavioural Approach: A Random Regret Minimization Application4
Environmental Taxation and Import Demand for Environmental Goods: Theory and Evidence from the European Union4
Optimal Management of a Renewable Resource Under Multiple Regimes4
Experience and Learning with Improved Technologies: Evidence from Improved Biomass Cookstoves in Ethiopia4
Fish Protein Transition in a Coastal Developing Country4
The Achievement of Multiple Nationally Determined Contribution Goals and Regional Economic Development in China4
Weather-Related Home Damage and Subjective Well-Being4
Valuation of Wetland Restoration: Evidence from the Housing Market in Arkansas4
Temperature and Exports: Evidence from the United States4
Do Stringent Environmental Policies Deter FDI? M&A versus Greenfield4
Productive Capacity of Biodiversity: Crop Diversity and Permanent Grasslands in Northwestern France4
Assurance Contracts to Support Multi-Unit Threshold Public Goods in Environmental Markets4
Income, Policy, and Pollution4
A Model of Quota Prices in a Multispecies Fishery with “Choke” Species and Discarding4
International Environmental Agreement and Trade in Environmental Goods: The Case of Kyoto Protocol4
COVID-19 Regulations, Political Institutions, and the Environment4
The Impacts of Removing Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Increasing Carbon Taxation in Ireland3
Assessing the Impacts of Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone on Air Quality: Estimates from a Machine Learning and Synthetic Control Approach3
Behavioural and Welfare Analysis of an Intermediary in Biodiversity Offset Markets3
Stepwise Investment in Circular Plastics Under the Presence of Policy Uncertainty3
A Biodiversity Hotspots Treaty: The Road not Taken3
Tradeable Nitrogen Abatement Practices for Diffuse Agricultural Emissions: A ‘Smart Market’ Approach3
The Dasgupta Review and the Problem of Anthropocentrism3
Anatomy of Green Specialisation: Evidence from EU Production Data, 1995–20153
Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Cognitive Performance: New Evidence from China’s College English Test3
Low-Carbon Investment and Credit Rationing3
Productivity and Management of Renewable Resources: Why More Efficient Fishing Fleets Should Fish Less3
Assessing the Impact of Offshore Wind Power Deployment on Fishery: A Synthetic Control Approach3
A Valuation of Restored Streams Using Repeat Sales and Instrumental Variables3
Substitution Preferences for Fish in Senegal3
Protected Area Network Expansion and Management: Economics to improve conservation outcomes3
The Welfare Impacts of Large Urban Noise Reductions: Implications from Household Sorting in Vienna3
Save a Tree and Save a Life: Estimating the Health Benefits of Urban Forests3
A Novel HydroEconomic - Econometric Approach for Integrated Transboundary Water Management Under Uncertainty3
In the Name of COVID-19: Is the ECB Fuelling the Climate Crisis?3
Stick or Carrot? Asymmetric Responses to Vehicle Registration Taxes in Norway3
Don’t Drink the Water! The Impact of Harmful Algal Blooms on Household Averting Expenditure3
The Zonal and Seasonal CO2 Marginal Emissions Factors for the Italian Power Market3
Enforcement Federalism: Comparing the Effectiveness of Federal Punishment versus State Punishment3
Social Costs of Setback Distances for Onshore Wind Turbines: A Model Analysis Applied to the German State of Saxony3
Drivers of Bilateral Climate Finance Aid: The Roles of Paris Agreement Commitments, Public Governance, and Multilateral Institutions3
How Does State-Level Carbon Pricing in the United States Affect Industrial Competitiveness?3
Optimal Emission Prices Over the Business Cycles3
Determining the Generalized Discount Rate for Risky Projects3
Air Pollution and Housing Values in Korea: A Hedonic Analysis with Long-range Transboundary Pollution as an Instrument3
COVID-19’s U.S. Temperature Response Profile3
Open Access Versus Restricted Access in a General Equilibrium with Mobile Capital3
Any Signs of Green Growth? A Spatial Panel Analysis of Regional Air Pollution in South Korea3
Landfill Scarcity and the Cost of Waste Disposal3
The Role of Non-Binding Pledges in Social Dilemmas with Mitigation and Adaptation3
Labor Market Impacts of Deforestation Caused by Invasive Species Spread3
The Economic and Climate Value of Flexibility in Green Energy Markets3
Inferring Economic Impacts from a Program’s Physical Outcomes: An Application to Forest Protection in Thailand3