School Effectiveness and School Improvement

(The TQCC of School Effectiveness and School Improvement is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Did students learn less during the COVID-19 pandemic? Reading and mathematics competencies before and after the first pandemic wave56
Does school leadership matter for teachers’ classroom practice? The influence of instructional leadership and distributed leadership on instructional quality49
Is the school context associated with instructional quality? The effects of social composition, leadership, teacher collaboration, and school climate21
Organizational characteristics of successful and failing schools: a theoretical framework for explaining variation in student achievement19
Mapping teacher collaboration for school success17
Does school climate that includes students’ views deliver academic achievement? A multilevel meta-analysis15
The participant effects of private school vouchers around the globe: a meta-analytic and systematic review13
To what extent is shared instructional leadership related to teacher self-efficacy and student academic performance in China?10
Factors related to differences in digitally measured student perceptions of teaching quality10
Disciplinary climate, opportunity to learn, and mathematics achievement: an analysis using doubly latent multilevel structural equation modeling8
The effects of school choice on mental health7
School value-added models for multivariate academic and non-academic outcomes: exploring implications for performance monitoring and accountability7
Assessing the impact of collaborative inquiry on teacher performance and effectiveness6
The impact of schools as learning organisations on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a cross-country analysis6
Unravelling the challenges of the data-based approach to teaching improvement6
The impact of an assessment for learning teacher professional development program on students’ metacognition6
The overwhelming importance of prior achievement when assessing school effects: evidence from the Australian national assessments5
A focus on students’ and teachers’ learning through strategic human resource management5
Effects of school-wide positive behavior support in Denmark: results from the Danish National Register data5
Examining the contextual factors of science effectiveness: a machine learning-based approach5
Investigating differential teacher effectiveness: searching for the impact of classroom context factors5
The effects of early between-school tracking on gender segregation and gender gaps in achievement: a differences-in-differences study5
Country and school family composition’s effects on mathematics achievement5
The contributions of school and classroom climate to mathematics test scores: a three-level analysis5