Journal of Materials Processing Technology

(The H4-Index of Journal of Materials Processing Technology is 48. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Flow stress modeling of ultra-thin austenitic stainless steel for proton exchange membrane fuel cell incorporating strain rate, temperature, and grain size204
On deformation characterisation of machined surfaces and machining-induced white layers in a milled titanium alloy171
Systematic in-depth study on material constitutive parameter identification for numerical cutting simulation on 16MnCr5 comparing temperature-coupled and uncoupled Split Hopkinson pressure bars153
Combined-extrusion techniques for fabricating yield-symmetric ZK61 magnesium alloys rods focusing on texture influence on their mechanical responses138
Electrochemical polishing of microfluidic moulds made of tungsten using a bi-layer electrolyte136
Study of mode transition in three-dimensional laser beam oscillating welding of aluminum alloy136
Multi-energy source (MES) configuration for bead shape control in wire-based directed energy deposition (w-DED)126
Analysis on the influence of vapor capillary aspect ratio on pore formation in laser beam welding of aluminum113
3D printed compliance tool incorporated internal-impeller structure for high performance face grinding of titanium alloy104
Study on surface integrity of titanium alloy machined by electrical discharge-assisted milling98
Effect of arc dynamic behavior on deposition quality of additive manufactured aluminum alloys97
Limits to making L-shape ring profiles without ring growth96
Analytical-method for polishing-surface prediction considering tool flexibility and grain-material interaction89
Uncovering electromigration effect on densification during electrical field assisted sintering85
Analysis of the thermo-mechanical load and productivity during force-compliant grinding of pcBN84
In-situ ultrasonic measurement of molten polymers during injection molding81
Contributions of porosity and laser parameter drift to inter-build variation of mechanical properties in additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel80
The impact of thermocapillary on equiaxed/columnar microstructure evolution in laser powder bed fusion: A high-fidelity ray-tracing based finite volume and cellular automaton study79
Deformation behavior and microstructure formation mechanism at the interface of Mg/Al composite plate during vibration assisted rolling process77
Incremental shape rolling of top-hat shaped automotive structural and crash components74
Investigation on mechanism in fabricating truncated cone with tooth features of titanium alloy via flexible free incremental forming at room temperature73
Line distributed pores in laser powder bed fusion manufactured dies: A critical factor in die failure for high pressure die casting71
Enhanced forming height and accuracy of thin-walled aluminum alloy by impact pneumatic forming71
How defects depend on geometry and scanning strategy in additively manufactured AlSi10Mg66
On the effects of electric current intensity and pulse frequency on the solidified structure of pure aluminum subjected to pulse magneto-oscillation treatment64
Effect of surface geometry on laser powder bed fusion defects64
Water-repellent hierarchical microstructured PTFE films via micro powder hot embossing64
Toward the use of small size bulge tests: Numerical and experimental study at small bulge diameter to sheet thickness ratios63
Investigation of austenitising behaviour of medium-Mn steel in the hot-stamping heating process62
High-temperature wetting behavior of molten Ni-based superalloy on Y2O3 ceramics with different surface microstructures61
Joining of copper foils via Al/Ni reactive multilayer nanofoils61
Vacuum infiltration molding and mechanical property of short carbon fiber reinforced Ti-based metallic glass matrix composite61
Improving the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu dissimilar joints by ultrasonic dynamic-stationary shoulder friction stir welding60
Cutting depth-oriented surface morphology control in diamond-turning brittle single-crystal germanium58
Enhanced machinability of aluminium-based silicon carbide by non-resonant vibration-assisted magnetorheological finishing58
An integrated approach to study the hot tearing behavior by coupling the microscale phase field model and macroscale casting simulations57
Influence of the printing strategy on the microstructure and mechanical properties of thick-walled wire arc additive manufactured stainless steels57
Deformation behavior of pure titanium foils in ultrasonic-assisted tensile forming process56
Utilization of machining chips waste for production of functionally gradient magnesium matrix composites55
Laser machining of free-standing silicon nitride membranes53
Effect of various quenching treatments on microstructure and mechanical behavior of a laser additively manufactured 12CrNi2 alloy steel52
Electromagnetic attractive forming of aluminum alloy tubes utilizing a dual-frequency current: New circuit design and forming process analysis52
Robust metallic-based superhydrophobic composite with rigid micro-skeleton structure for anti-icing/frosting50
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Aluminium nitride layers prepared by nitrogen arc discharge on Al-Si alloy substrate49
Kinematic analysis of the dynamic contact in ultrasonic-assisted cutting based on the moving frame method49
An optimization strategy for the shear specimen with cutouts considering the coordinated deformation of multiple regions48
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Editorial Board48