Open Economies Review

(The median citation count of Open Economies Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Nowcasting Real GDP for Saudi Arabia1*109
Macroprudential Policies and Global Banking15
Correlates of Crisis Induced Credit Market Discipline: The Roles of Democracy, Veto Players, and Government Turnover15
The Cost of a Currency Peg during the Great Recession13
International Reserve Management and Firm Investment in Emerging Market Economies12
Regulatory Capital Requirements, Inflation Targeting, and Equilibrium Determinacy12
Effectiveness of Fiscal Announcements: Early Evidence from COVID-1911
Removing Bias in Estimating Financial Contagion: An Empirical Analysis Based on European Economies10
Testing for UIP-Type Relationships: Nonlinearities, Monetary Announcements and Interest Rate Expectations10
US Sanctions Reinforce the Dollar’s Dominance10
The Government Spending Multiplier in the Presence of the Informal Sector8
Choosing the Narrative: the Shadow Banking Crisis in Light of Covid7
The Impacts of Financial Crises on the Trilemma Configurations7
North and South: A Regional Model of the UK7
Forward Interest Rates as Predictors of Future US Spot Rates Before and After the 2008 Financial Crisis6
The Shock Absorbing Role of Cross-border Investments: Net Positions Versus Currency Composition5
Financial Constraints and Firms’ Productivity: The Role of Participation in Global Value Chains5
Does Household Borrowing Reduce the Trade Balance? Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries5
Jacques Mélitz5
Explaining the Endurance of Price Level Differences in the Euro Area4
Extreme Capital Flow Episodes From the Global Financial Crisis to COVID-19: An Exploration With Monthly Data4
Effect of Remittance Inflows on External Debt in Developing Countries4
Monetary Policy Announcements, Information Shocks, and Exchange Rate Dynamics3
Is There a Pervasive World Real Credit Cycle?3
Time-Varying Effects of External Shocks on Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Peru: An Empirical Application using TVP-VAR-SV Models3
Global Shocks in the US Economy: Effects on Output and the Real Exchange Rate3
The Role of Fiscal Policy — A Survey of Recent Empirical Findings3
Business Cycle Co-Movement in Europe: Trade, Industry Composition and the Single Currency3
What Have the Monetary Authorities Really Stabilised, and Does it Matter?3
Convergence in Financial Development and Growth3
Money Growth, Money Velocity and Inflation in the US, 1948–20213
Cultural Distance and International Trade2
Collateral Misrepresentation, External Auditing, and Optimal Supervisory Policy2
The Role of Systemic Risk Spillovers in the Transmission of Euro Area Monetary Policy2
Debt and Private Investment: Does the EU Suffer from a Debt Overhang?2
Does Distance Matter for Trade in Services? The Case of Interprovincial Trade in Canada2
Evaluating the Treatment Effect of Hard Pegs: New Wine in Old Bottles2
Optimum Currency Area in the Eurozone2
EU Sanctions on Russia and Implications for a Small Open Economy: The Case of Cyprus2
Monetary Policy and Determinacy: An Inquiry into Open Economy New Keynesian Macrodynamics2
Money-Output Revisited: Time-Varying Granger Causality Evidence from Forty-Three Countries2
Editorial – Recent Trends in International Reserves: Theory and Evidence2
Does the Interest Parity Puzzle Hold for Central and Eastern European Economies?2
One Shock, Many Policy Responses2
Exporter’s Productivity and the Cash-In-Advance Payment: Transaction-Level Analysis of Turkish Textile and Clothing Exports2
Third-Country Effects of Export Incentives2
Fiscal Policy Spillovers in a Monetary Union2
Austerity, Assistance and Institutions: Lessons from the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis2
An Apocalypse Foretold: Climate Shocks and Sovereign Defaults2
The Influence of Economic Institutions in the Debt-Growth Nexus: Evidence from Nigeria2
Did the Unconventional Monetary Policy of the U.S. Hurt Emerging Markets?2
Pandemics and Trade in the 21st Century: Evidence from five Pre-Covid Pandemics2
Exchange Rate Volatility and Firms’ Export Decisions: Evidence from Exporter Dynamics Database2
Real and Financial Integration in Asia – Recent Evidence and Policy Perspective1
Income Inequality in the Over-Indebted Eurozone Countries and the Role of the Excessive Deficit Procedure1
The Law of One Food Price1
The Trade Effects of the EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement: Heterogeneity Across Time, Country Pairs, and Directions of Trade within Country Pairs1
International Fiscal-Financial Spillovers:the Effect of Fiscal Shocks on Cross-Border Bank Lending1
Guaranteeing Trade in a Severe Crisis: Cash Collateral Over Bank Guarantees1
Trade Diversion effects of China`s Vat Export Rebates1
African Asylum Seekers in Europe: The Interplay between Foreign Aid and Governance in Origin Countries1
Building Bridges or Walls? Understanding Urban-Rural Price Convergence in China1
Why do they JUST DO IT? A Theory of Outsourcing and Working Conditions1
Household Debt and Economic Growth: Debt Service Matters1
Exchange Rates and Trade Balances: Effects of Intra-Industry Trade and Vertical Specialization1
The Mundellian Trilemma and Optimal Monetary Policy in a World of High Capital Mobility1
The Macroeconomic Controversy Over Price Rigidity — How to Resolve it and How Bayesian Estimation has Led us Astray1
Do Financial Markets Value Quality of Fiscal Governance?1
The Economic Effects of COVID-19 Containment Measures1
Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Monetary Policy, and Real Exchange Rates: Iceland and the 2008 Crisis1
The Aftermath of Anti-Dumping: Are Temporary Trade Barriers Really Temporary?1
Going Viral: A Gravity Model of Infectious Diseases and Tourism Flows1
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Chinese Trade Relations1
Is there Consumer Risk-Pooling in the Open Economy? The Evidence Reconsidered1
Introduction: Consensus on Convergence1
Foreign and Domestic Uncertainty Shocks in Four Open Economies1
Sectoral Exchange Rate Pass-through to Manufacturing Prices: A GVAR Approach1
Prospects for Reforming the Money and Financial System1
Navigating Integration Through Rising Complexity: Convergence Dynamics in the ASEAN Banking Markets1
New Evidence on WTO Membership After the Uruguay Round: An Analysis at the Sectoral Level1
Strategic Asset Allocation of a Reserves’ Portfolio: Hedging Against Shocks1
The Gibson Paradox and the Fisher Effect in Advanced and Emerging Economies1
Rising Wages and Intra-Country Industry Relocation: Evidence from China1
China’s Monetary Policy and the Loan Market: How Strong is the Credit Channel in China?1
Long Memory, Spurious Memory: Persistence in Range-Based Volatility of Exchange Rates1
Asymmetric Shocks and the Role of Exchange Rate in Emerging Markets: Evidence from India1
World Commodity Prices and Economic Activity in Advanced and Emerging Economies1
Measuring Inflation During the Pandemic with the Benefit of Hindsight1
Testing for Consumer Risk-Pooling in the Open Economy – further Results1
Emerging Market Economies’ Challenge: Managing the Yield Curve in a Financially Globalized World0
The Effects of Corruption in a Monetary Union0
On the International Spillover Effects of Uncertainty0
Effects of Redistribution on Growth in Brazil: A GVAR Approach0
Stock Market Uncertainty and Business Optimism in Major Emerging Economies0
Can Regional Trade Agreements Negatively Impact Primary Schooling?0
Uncertain Potential Output: Implications for Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy0
Distributional Effects of Structural Reforms in Developing Countries: Evidence from Financial Liberalization0
Openness and Real Exchange Rate Volatility: Evidence from China0
Forecasting Fiscal Crises in Emerging Markets and Low-Income Countries with Machine Learning Models0
Housing Affordability, Tourism Activity and Income Inequality: Friends or Foes?0
How Much Price Stickiness in Hong Kong? —Evidence from Small Open Economy DSGE and Indirect Inference0
Monetary Policy Cooperation/Coordination and Global Financial Crises in Historical Perspective0
Reserve Volatility and the Identification of Exchange Rate Regimes0
Boosting Carry with Equilibrium Exchange Rate Estimates0
Lifting the Veil: Using a Spatial Discontinuity to Assess the Impact of National Development Zones on Upgrading of Chinese Manufacturing0
Responses of Foreign Exchange Market to External Shocks: What Makes Differences?0
Religion and Equity Home Bias0
Global Liquidity and Household Credit Growth0
Fiscal Space and Policy Response to Financial Crises: Market Access and Deficit Concerns0
The Flaw in the Plan: Information Transparency and International Tax Avoidance Channels0
Globalisation, Welfare Models and Social Expenditure in OECD Countries0
Using Machine Learning to Capture Heterogeneity in Trade Agreements0
Original Sin Dissipation and Currency Exposures in Emerging Markets0
Correction: Editorial – Recent Trends in International Reserves: Theory and Evidence0
Structural Tax Reforms and Public Spending Efficiency0
Global Firms, (de)unionization and Wage Inequality0
The Threshold Effect of Finance on Growth: Reassessing the Burden of Evidence0
A New Class of Revealed Comparative Advantage Indexes0
Exchange Rate Regimes and Business Cycle Synchronization0
Old Firms and New Export Flows: Does Experience Increase Survival?0
Do Monetary Policy Shocks Have Asymmetric Effects on Stock Market?0
Macroeconomic Fluctuations in the United States: The Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Shocks0
Gravity in the Beautiful Game: Labor Market Liberalization and Footballer Migration0
Big Data Analytics and Exports—Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries0
The Effects of Globalization on Skilled Labor, Unskilled Labor, and the Skill Premium0
Indirect Inference and Small Sample Bias — Some Recent Results0
Econometric Aspects of Convergence: A Survey0
Market Shocks in the G7 Countries0
Policy Challenges for Open Economies0
Technological Leaders, Laggards and Spillovers: A Network GVAR Analysis0
The Revival of Target Zone Modeling0
Currency Compositions of International Reserves and the Euro Crisis0
Financial Development, Political Instability, Trade Openness and Growth in Brazil: Evidence from a New Dataset, 1890-20030
Revisiting Paul de Grauwe’s Chaotic Exchange Rate Model: New Analytical Insights and Agent-Based Explorations0
Determinants of Net Transactions in TARGET2 of European Banks Based on Micro-data0
Does Domestic Demand Matter for Firms’ Exports?0
The Determinants of FDI Reinvestment Rates0
Risk Sharing in a Politically Divided Monetary Union0
The Geographical Scope of Multinational Firms and Heterogeneity0
Do Countries Converge to Their Steady States at Different Rates?0
Fiscal Stabilization in the United States: Lessons for Monetary Unions0
Firm Heterogeneity, Home Market Effect, and Gravity Equation in an Oligopoly0
Transforming East Asia: Regional Integration in a Trade War Era0
Revisiting the Impact of US Uncertainty Shocks: New Evidence from China’s Investment Dynamics0
Multiplicity in New Keynesian Models0
Correction to: Debt and Private Investment: Does the EU Suffer from a Debt Overhang?0
Capital Controls or Macroprudential Policies: Which is Better for Land Booms and Busts?0
When the United States and the People’s Republic of China Sneeze: Monetary Policy Spillovers to Asian Economies0
Monetary Policy Strategies in Advanced and Emerging Economies0
50 Years of Capital Mobility in the Eurozone: Breaking the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle0
Monetary Policy is Not Always Systematic and Data-Driven: Evidence from the Yield Curve0
Current Account Adjustment of the Euro Area in the 2010s: Causes and Policies0
Which Capital Flow Surge Methods Are Better at Predicting Reversals and Sudden Stops?: Balancing Type 1 and Type 2 Errors0
The European Monetary Policy Responses During the Pandemic Crisis0
Assessing Digital Leadership: Is the EU Losing Out to the US?0
What Drives Illicit Financial Flows? An Empirical Study of Trade Data Discrepancies0
The Rising Tides That Lift the Boats: Growth through Heterogeneous Convergence in Chinese Provinces0
The Heterogenous Threshold Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries0
Covid-19 and Capital Flows: The Responses of Investors to the Responses of Governments0
A Match Made in Maastricht: Estimating The Treatment Effect of the Euro On Trade0
Greece 2010–18: What Could Have Been Done Differently?0
Systemic Financial Crises and Income Inequality in OECD Countries0
The “Double Trap” in China—Multiple Equilibria in Institutions and Income and their Causal Relationship0
Foreign Aid and Recipient Countries’ Participation in Global Value Chains: A Comparative Study Based on Chinese and U.S. Aid0
Current Account Imbalances, Real Exchange Rates, and Nominal Exchange Rate Variability0
Market Power, Productivity and Sectoral Labour Shares in Europe0
Leaning-Against-the-Wind Intervention and the “Carry-Trade” View of the Cost of Reserves0
International Trade Liberalization, Human Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth0
Assessing the Effects of Capital Account Liberalization on Savings0
Taming the “Capital Flows-Credit Nexus”: A Sectoral Approach0
Capital Mobility Based on Onshore-Offshore Arbitrage: Empirical Evidence from India and China0
Identifying Export Opportunities: Empirical Evidence from the Southern Euro Area Countries0
“How Do Shocks Affect International Reserves? A Quasi-Experiment of Earthquakes”0
A Functional Classification Analysis of Government Spending Multipliers0
Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policies on Credit Surge and Stop Episodes0
Reserve Currencies in an Evolving International Monetary System0
Gross Product, Population Distribution and Heterogeneity of Border Effects in Gravity Models of Trade0
Computable General Equilibrium Models of Trade in the Modern Trade Policy Debate0
Yet it Endures: The Persistence of Original Sin0
The Controversy over European Inflation in 1500–1700: Precious Metals or Population? The English Evidence0
Sudden Stops, Productivity and the Optimal Level of International Reserves for Small Open Economies0
Mapping the Global Business Cycle Network0
Liberalizing Trade and Capital Flows and the Wage Gap: Does Sequencing Matter?0