Signal Processing-Image Communication

(The H4-Index of Signal Processing-Image Communication is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Diving deeper into underwater image enhancement: A survey146
UIEC^2-Net: CNN-based underwater image enhancement using two color space141
Underwater image processing and analysis: A review110
Image encryption based on compressed sensing and DNA encoding105
Enhancing underwater image via color correction and Bi-interval contrast enhancement90
Hybrid quantum–classical generative adversarial networks for image generation via learning discrete distribution72
A reference-free underwater image quality assessment metric in frequency domain65
Latency impact on Quality of Experience in a virtual reality simulator for remote control of machines48
Comparing deep learning models for low-light natural scene image enhancement and their impact on object detection and classification: Overview, empirical evaluation, and challenges46
Simple low-light image enhancement based on Weber–Fechner law in logarithmic space45
FD-SSD: An improved SSD object detection algorithm based on feature fusion and dilated convolution45
Multi-label semantics preserving based deep cross-modal hashing42
DewaterNet: A fusion adversarial real underwater image enhancement network41
Video stabilization: Overview, challenges and perspectives41
Watermarking schemes for digital images: Robustness overview39
Using Deep learning for image watermarking attack36
A novel hybrid image encryption–compression scheme by combining chaos theory and number theory35
Predicting ASD diagnosis in children with synthetic and image-based eye gaze data34
Focus-and-Detect: A small object detection framework for aerial images33
3D image recognition using new set of fractional-order Legendre moments and deep neural networks33
Underwater image enhancement via integrated RGB and LAB color models32
Early detection of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder based on visual exploration of images31
Multi-scale relation reasoning for multi-modal Visual Question Answering30
Low-Light Homomorphic Filtering Network for integrating image enhancement and classification29
Machine learning-based offline signature verification systems: A systematic review28
Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of hyperspectral images28
A fast parallel batch image encryption algorithm using intrinsic properties of chaos26
CNN spatiotemporal features and fusion for surveillance video forgery detection26
Double color image encryption based on fractional order discrete improved Henon map and Rubik’s cube transform26