Journal of Engineering and Technology Management

(The median citation count of Journal of Engineering and Technology Management is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Digital platform-based business models – An exploration of critical success factors58
The fourth industrial revolution of supply chains: A tertiary study33
The moderating effect of absorptive capacity on the technology search and innovation quality relationship in high-tech manufacturing firms31
Uncovering the potential of blockchain in the agri-food supply chain: An interdisciplinary case study27
Industry 4.0 enabling technologies as a tool for the development of a competitive strategy in Italian manufacturing companies27
On the nature, origins and outcomes of Over Featuring in the new product development process26
Approaches to measuring dynamic capabilities: Theoretical insights and the research agenda24
Effects of innovation capability on radical and incremental innovations and business performance relationships24
Effects of demotivational managerial practices on job satisfaction and job performance: Empirical evidence from Myanmar’s construction industry22
Understanding non-adopters’ intention to use internet pharmacy: Revisiting the roles of trustworthiness, perceived risk and consumer traits20
A reference model for science and technology parks strategic performance management: An emerging economy perspective19
Navigating uncharted waters: Designing business models for virtual and augmented reality companies in the medical industry18
Research on the mechanism of sustainable business model innovation driven by the digital platform ecosystem17
The role of big data analytics and decision-making in achieving project success16
Supplier involvement in product development: Challenges and mitigating mechanisms from a supplier perspective16
Business model innovation in mobile apps market: Exploring the new subscription plans with a behavioral reasoning perspective15
Project planning, top management support and communication: A trident in search of an explanation14
A bibliographic analysis of 20 years of research on innovation and new product development in technology and innovation management (TIM) journals14
R&D collaboration strategies for industry 4.0 implementation: A case study in Brazil14
The effect of CEO entrepreneurial orientation on firm strategic change: The moderating roles of managerial discretion13
Cross-country creativity and knowledge flows of patent acquisitions: Drivers and implications for managers and policy-makers12
Research on the influence of technological innovation and technological application: Evidence from China12
Measuring open innovation under uncertainty: A fuzzy logic approach11
How does intelligent manufacturing reconcile the conflict between process standards and technological innovation?11
The digitalisation of roadmapping workshops11
How do patent trolls affect the technological innovation of Chinese enterprises? Evidence from enterprise patent survey data in China10
A scientometric review of technology capability research10
Case study as a methodological foundation for Technology Roadmapping (TRM): Literature review and future research agenda10
Knowledge conversion capability and networks as drivers of innovation in Academic Spin-Offs10
Production outsourcing, technological cooperation and E-business adoption by Spanish manufacturing firms9
The multiple roles of universities in U-I collaborations: The case of Emilia–Romagna motor vehicle industry9
The arcanum of artificial intelligence in enterprise applications: Toward a unified framework9
Technology legitimacy and the legitimacy of technology: The case of chronic kidney disease therapies8
Critical Success Factors in a multi-stage adoption of Artificial Intelligence: A Necessary Condition Analysis8
Achieving continuous interaction with users: An in-depth case study of Xiaomi8
The Impact of the Patent System on the Timing of Technology Licensing in China: Theory and Evidence from Patent Disclosure and Grant Delays7
A resilience framework to explorative quality management in innovative building projects7
Ecosystems, strategy, and resilience: Four empirical cases in the COVID-19 crisis7
Innovation in the construction sector: Bibliometric analysis and research agenda7
Open innovation and collaboration: A systematic literature review6
The relation between high-performance work systems and product innovativeness: The mediating role of technological capabilities and the moderating role of university-industry collaboration6
The emergence of social robots: Adding physicality and agency to technology6
Does the learning ability of smart products lead to user resistance?6
Battles in space: De-facto standardization of Global Navigation Satellite Systems6
Team intuition and creativity in new product development projects: A multi-faceted perspective6
How to leverage the impact of firm-specific uncertainty on innovation performance? Moderating effects of alliance stage and partner type in the pharmaceutical industry5
A Scrum-based framework for new product development in the non-software industry5
Exploring the role of entrepreneurial passion for facilitating university technology commercialization: Insights from battery research as an interdisciplinary field5
Technology diffusion and firm agency from a technological innovation systems perspective: A case study of fatigue monitoring in the mining industry5
Assessment of the mono-disciplinary approaches and interdisciplinary approaches in prototyping practice4
Knowledge dissimilarity, bargaining power, and smaller firms’ ability to negotiate a favorable alliance contract4
The quest for combined generativity and criticality in digital-physical complex systems4
Exploring the probability of firm cooperation in innovation: The role of technological intensity, knowledge intensity, and size4
A reverse engineering-based model for innovation process in complex product systems: Multiple case studies in the aviation industry4
Adopting big data analytics (BDA) in business-to-business (B2B) organizations – Development of a model of needs4
Assessing the effect of supply chain collaboration on the critical barriers to additive manufacturing implementation in supply chains4
Knowledge integration in interdisciplinary research teams: Role of social networks4
Technological capability and performance in developing countries: A meta-analysis4
How firms’ openness promotes radical innovation performance: The joint interaction effects of political ties and business ties3
The project manager as chameleon? Changing project manager roles with technological uncertainty3
Mediating and moderating effects of a client focus on the innovation–financial performance relationship3
Flawed decision models and flexibility in product development3
Impact of artificial intelligence on aeronautics: An industry-wide review3
Geographic distance and innovation: The impact of distant knowledge acquired on patent value3
The importance of possessing knowledge on black-box components: The case of smartphone OEMs3
Modeling learning traits and team performance with knowledge application: Training and education for engineering work teams3
Social cross-functional vendor selection in technologically uncertain sourcing situations3
Patenting and standardization: Similarities and differences based on firms' strategic motives and experienced barriers3
Effects of customization and product modularization on financial performance2
Organizational learning and the evolution of firms’ competitive advantage2
Disentangling the effects of open innovation in the time of financial crisis: A strategic choice perspective2
Configurational model for the process of alignment in technology implementations2
Policy-driven open strategy: Lessons from China’s high-speed rail industry2
Journey to the Big Bang: How firms define new value propositions in emerging ecosystems2
How to be an open innovator when you are an SME? An institutional work analysis2
Latecomers’ technological catch-up dynamics in natural resource-based industries: Evidence from Iran’s oil & gas sector2