Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy

(The median citation count of Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hamiltonian reduction through explicit canonical transformations and resonant canonical variables23
Circular restricted full three-body problem with rigid-body spacecraft dynamics in binary asteroid systems19
A deep dive into the $$2g+h$$ resonance: separatrices, manifolds and phase space structure of navigation satellites16
Three families of 5-body central configurations in the plane15
The orbital evolution of resonant chains of exoplanets incorporating circularisation produced by tidal interaction with the central star with application to the HD 158259 and EPIC 245950175 systems14
Closed-form perturbation theory in the restricted three-body problem without relegation12
Bifurcations of relative equilibrium points during homotopy deformation of asteroids12
Analysis of the natural orbits around Io12
A study of periodic orbits near Europa12
The planar two-body problem for spheroids and disks11
Structures of secular resonances for inner test particles in hierarchical planetary systems11
Triple collision orbits with nonzero initial velocities9
Planetary systems with forces other than gravitational forces9
Nekhoroshev estimates for the orbital stability of Earth’s satellites9
Integrated trajectory optimization for Jupiter missions with single-satellite-aided capture8
The circular restricted 4-body problem with three equal primaries in the collinear central configuration of the 3-body problem7
On the symmetric central configurations for the planar 1+5-body problem with small arbitrary masses7
Direct exploration of the $$\hbox {L}_2$$ isolated invariant set using isolating neighborhoods6
Physics-informed neural networks for gravity field modeling of small bodies6
Mascon distribution techniques for asteroids and comets6
Orbiting below the Brillouin sphere using shifted spherical harmonics6
Design of satellite orbits in the Sun–Earth–Moon system6
Stability analysis of apsidal alignment in double-averaged restricted elliptic three-body problem6
Approximating orbits in a rotating gravity field with oblateness and ellipticity perturbations6
Spin–orbit coupling of the primary body in a binary asteroid system6
Applying data mining techniques to higher-dimensional Poincaré maps in the circular restricted three-body problem6
Orbit determination of the moons of the Pluto–Charon system6
Theoretical and computational models for Saturn’s co-orbiting moons, Janus and Epimetheus6
“Twist vectors" for central configuration equations5
Gaia-DR2 asteroid observations and INPOP planetary ephemerides5
Tidal evolution for any rheological model using a vectorial approach expressed in Hansen coefficients5
Bifurcation of frozen orbits in a gravity field with zonal harmonics5
Secular evolution of co-orbital motion of two exoplanets: semi-analytical investigation5
Invariant manifolds near $$L_1$$ and $$L_2$$ in the Sun–Jupiter elliptic restricted three-body problem I5
On the limits of application of mean motion resonant normal forms of the three-body problem for crossing orbits and close encounters5
An attempt to build a dynamical catalog of present-day solar system co-orbitals4
Non-integrability of charged three-body problem4
Accelerating binary asteroid system propagation via nested interpolation method4
Generating function of the inertial integrals for small celestial bodies4
Asymptotic behaviour of orbit determination for hyperbolic maps4
Regularization of the Hill four-body problem with oblate bodies4
High-order polynomial continuation method for trajectory design in non-Keplerian environments4
A new perturbative solution to the motion around triangular Lagrangian points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem4
Ellipsoidal equilibrium figure and Cassini states of rotating planets and satellites deformed by a tidal potential in the spatial case4
Asteroid families: properties, recent advances, and future opportunities4
The nature of the Laplace resonance between the Galilean moons4
Positive mass of $$k+l$$-Moulton configuration3
Automated tour design in the Saturnian system3
A generalization of the equinoctial orbital elements3
Nonsingular vectorial reformulation of the short-period corrections in Kozai’s oblateness solution3
Symmetric periodic orbits in the Hamiltonian Galactic-Tidal models3
An integrable model for first-order three-planet mean motion resonances3
Evolution of the characteristic curves in the restricted three-body problem in terms of the mass parameter3
Free and forced inclinations of orbits perturbed by the central body’s oblateness and an inclined third body3
Revisiting Earth tide parameters used in the development of planetary and lunar ephemeris3
Transfers from the Earth to $$L_2$$ Halo orbits in the Earth–Moon bicircular problem3
Theory and applications of fast Lyapunov indicators to model problems of celestial mechanics3
Satellite transfers between Keplerian orbits3
Numerical confirmation of the existence of triple collision orbits inside the domain of the free-fall three-body problem3
A stochastic optimization algorithm for analyzing planar central and balanced configurations in the n-body problem3
Correction: Bifurcation of frozen orbits in a gravity field with zonal harmonics3
Rapid and accurate methods for computing whiskered tori and their manifolds in periodically perturbed planar circular restricted 3-body problems3
Detection of separatrices and chaotic seas based on orbit amplitudes3
Brouwer’s satellite solution redux3
Three-body periodic collisionless equal-mass free-fall orbits revisited3
Orbit determination from one position vector and a very short arc of optical observations3
Impact of a moon on the evolution of a planet’s rotation axis: a non-resonant case3
A new collision-based periodic orbit in the three-dimensional eight-body problem3
The resonance perturbations of the (39991) Iochroma family3
Equilibria in an accelerated three-body problem3
Simulating a breakup event and propagating the orbits of space debris3
Secular orbital dynamics of the innermost exoplanet of the $$\upsilon $$-Andromedæ system3
Invariant manifolds near $$L_1$$ and $$L_2$$ in the quasi-bicircular problem3
On the effect of the sun on Kordylewski clouds3
Normal forms for the Laplace resonance2
Spatial equilateral chain central configurations of the five-body problem with a homogeneous potential2
The phase space structure of retrograde mean motion resonances with Neptune: the 4/5, 7/9, 5/8 and 8/13 cases2
Assessment of dynamical models for transitioning from the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem to an ephemeris model with applications2
Mapping the structure of the planetary 2:1 mean motion resonance: the TOI-216, K2-24, and HD27894 systems2
Bifurcations of quasi-periodic solutions from relative equilibria in the Lennard–Jones 2-body problem2
Identification of structures within higher dimension Poincaré maps relating to quasi-periodic transforming orbits2
Low-thrust station-keeping control for lunar near rectilinear halo orbits2
Circulating, eccentric periodic orbits at the Moon2
Recent arrivals to the main asteroid belt2
Milankovitch equations with spinors2
General relativistic effects acting on the orbits of Galileo satellites2
On mean elements in artificial-satellite theory2
Physics-informed neural networks for gravity field modeling of the Earth and Moon2
Forced hovering orbit above the primary in the binary asteroid system2
Single-averaged model for analysis of frozen orbits around planets and moons2
Lidov–Kozai mechanism in Hildas and Jupiter Trojans2
Analytical solution of orthogonal similar oblate spheroidal coordinate system2
An analytical model for tidal evolution in co-orbital systems. I. Application to exoplanets2
Metrics on space of closed orbits for near-Earth objects identification2
Konstantin Kholshevnikov 1939–20212
Analytical investigation about long-lifetime science orbits around Galilean moons2
Transfer design between neighborhoods of planetary moons in the circular restricted three-body problem: the moon-to-moon analytical transfer method2
Orbit averaging applied to inverse-square perturbations2
The Conley–Zehnder indices of the spatial Hill three-body problem1
Relegation-free closed-form perturbation theory and the domain of secular motions in the restricted three-body problem1
Constructing motion primitive sets to summarize periodic orbit families and hyperbolic invariant manifolds in a multi-body system1
Bifurcation of periodic orbits for the N-body problem, from a nongeometrical family of solutions1
Triple collision orbits in the free-fall three-body system without binary collisions1
Reduction and regularization of the Kepler problem1
Dispersion velocity revisited1
The dynamics about asteroid (162173) Ryugu1
Correction: Chaotic coexistence of librational and rotational dynamics in the averaged planar three-body problem1
The current orbit of Methone (S/2004 S 1)1
Shannon entropy diffusion estimates: sensitivity on the parameters of the method1
State uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis of the post-impact binary asteroid system1
From the Lagrange polygon to the figure eight I1
Sensitivity analysis of polar orbiter motion to lunar viscoelastic tidal deformation1
Uncertainty maps for motion around binary asteroids1
On the integral solution of elliptic Kepler’s equation1
Bounded Martian satellite relative motion1
On the global families of periodic solutions of a generalized Sitnikov problem1
Transition methods for stochastic simulation of parametric uncertainty in inverse problems of orbital dynamics1
Regular n-gon rotating equilibria with logarithm gravitational interaction1
An in-plane $$J_2$$-invariance condition and control algorithm for highly elliptical satellite formations1
The capture probability of Dawn into ground-track resonances with Vesta1
The orbit of Aegaeon and the 7:6 Mimas-Aegaeon resonance1
Extended two-body problem for rotating rigid bodies1
Critical homoclinics in a restricted four-body problem: numerical continuation and center manifold computations1
Periodic orbits in a galactic potential1
A flow-informed strategy for ballistic capture orbit generation1
Relativistic gravitational force1
Proper elements for resonant planet-crossing asteroids1
Resonance perturbation of (5026) Martes and 2005 WW113 asteroid pair1
Role of galactic bars in the formation of spiral arms: a study through orbital and escape dynamics—I1
Conditions for Convergent Migration of N-Planet Systems1
Dynamical stability of the Laplace resonance1
Understanding flow around planetary moons via finite-time Lyapunov exponent maps1
Reducing inter-satellite drift of low Earth orbit constellations using short-periodic corrections1
Librations of a body composed of a deformable mantle and a fluid core1
Explicit solution and resonance dynamics around triangular libration points of the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem1
Regularized phase-space volume for the three-body problem1
Determination of the doubly symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem and Hill’s lunar problem1
Tidal dissipation with 3-D finite element deformation code CitcomSVE v2.1: comparisons with the semi-analytical approach, in the context of the Lunar tidal deformations1
Existence proof of librational invariant tori in an averaged model of HD60532 planetary system1
Correction: Secular orbital dynamics of the innermost exoplanet of the $$\upsilon $$-Andromedæ system1
Comparative study of Mercury’s perihelion advance1
A LiDAR-less approach to autonomous hazard detection and avoidance systems based on semantic segmentation1
Measurement of three-body chaotic absorptivity predicts chaotic outcome distribution1
Exact solution of Vinti orbital motion1
Low-energy Earth–Moon transfers via Theory of Functional Connections and homotopy1
A direct numerical verification of tidal locking mechanism using the discrete element method1