Real-Time Systems

(The TQCC of Real-Time Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A comprehensive survey of industry practice in real-time systems21
An ILP representation of a DAG scheduling problem9
Scheduling IDK classifiers with arbitrary dependences to minimize the expected time to successful classification6
Linear-time admission control for elastic scheduling6
Online reconfiguration of regularity-based resource partitions in cyber-physical systems5
A note on slack enforcement mechanisms for self-suspending tasks5
Optimally ordering IDK classifiers subject to deadlines5
Profile-driven memory bandwidth management for accelerators and CPUs in QoS-enabled platforms4
Bounding the execution time of parallel applications on unrelated multiprocessors4
A framework for multi-core schedulability analysis accounting for resource stress and sensitivity4
Mixed-criticality real-time scheduling of gang task systems4
Evaluating virtualization for fog monitoring of real-time applications in mixed-criticality systems3
Partial-order reduction in reachability-based response-time analyses of limited-preemptive DAG tasks3
Dynamic power management under the RUN scheduling algorithm: a slack filling approach3
Reaching self-stabilising distributed synchronisation with COTS Ethernet components: the WALDEN approach3
Real-time task scheduling with image resizing for criticality-based machine perception3
Design optimization for real-time systems with sustainable schedulability analysis3
Statically optimal dynamic soft real-time semi-partitioned scheduling2
Feedback-based resource management for multi-threaded applications2
Algorithms for implementing elastic tasks on multiprocessor platforms: a comparative evaluation2
Concurrency groups: a new way to look at real-time multiprocessor lock nesting2
Supporting AI-powered real-time cyber-physical systems on heterogeneous platforms via hypervisor technology2
Performance optimization of autonomous driving control under end-to-end deadlines2
Configuration optimization for heterogeneous time-sensitive networks2