Small Business Economics

(The median citation count of Small Business Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurship and small businesses231
The early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on business sales120
Women’s entrepreneurship and culture: gender role expectations and identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment118
Macroeconomic lockdown and SMEs: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain88
Small firms and the COVID-19 insolvency gap79
Contextualizing small business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from small business owner-managers78
The evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971–202174
When the rainy day is the worst hurricane ever: the effects of governmental policies on SMEs during COVID-1971
Necessity or opportunity? Government size, tax policy, corruption, and implications for entrepreneurship68
The determinants of bootstrap financing in crises: evidence from entrepreneurial ventures in the COVID-19 pandemic65
Corporate entrepreneurship: a systematic literature review and future research agenda59
Working from home: small business performance and the COVID-19 pandemic59
Initial coin offerings, information disclosure, and fraud58
Risk of burnout in French entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis55
Evolutionary entrepreneurial ecosystems: a research pathway51
Digital affordances: how entrepreneurs access support in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic50
Signalling entrepreneurs’ credibility and project quality for crowdfunding success: cases from the Kickstarter and Indiegogo environments45
Levels of necessity of entrepreneurial ecosystems elements43
The power of shared positivity: organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises42
Understanding firm exit: a systematic literature review42
Discrimination in lending? Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program39
Impacts of COVID-19 on the self-employed39
Does entrepreneurship fit her? Women entrepreneurs, gender-role orientation, and entrepreneurial culture39
SMEs’ line of credit under the COVID-19: evidence from China38
Women entrepreneurs’ progress in the venturing process: the impact of risk aversion and culture38
Barriers to innovation and innovation performance: the mediating role of external knowledge search in emerging economies36
The organizational architecture of entrepreneurial universities across the stages of entrepreneurship: a conceptual framework36
Crowdfunding cultural and commercial entrepreneurs: an empirical study on motivation in distinct backer communities36
Security token offerings34
Did the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program get disbursed to minority communities in the early stages of COVID-19?34
Ecosystem dynamics: exploring the interplay within fintech entrepreneurial ecosystems33
Subjective value in entrepreneurship33
Determinants of financing constraints31
The future of entrepreneurship: the few or the many?30
Mapping the venture capital and private equity research: a bibliometric review and future research agenda29
The mediating role of values in the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship29
Productivity and firm exit during the COVID-19 crisis: cross-country evidence28
Innovation ambidexterity, resource configuration and firm growth: is smallness a liability or an asset?28
Mapping SME productivity research: a systematic review of empirical evidence and future research agenda26
Practice rather than preach: cultural practices and female social entrepreneurship26
Different response paths to organizational resilience26
Recovery and exit of zombie firms in Portugal25
Entrepreneurship in the twenty-first century23
Examining the cohesiveness and nestedness entrepreneurial ecosystems: evidence from British FinTechs23
Refugee entrepreneurship: systematic and thematic analyses and a research agenda23
Business failure and institutions in entrepreneurship: a systematic review and research agenda23
Do Nonfamily Managers Enhance Family Firm Performance?23
Responding to unexpected crises: The roles of slack resources and entrepreneurial attitude to build resilience23
Becoming an academic entrepreneur: how scientists develop an entrepreneurial identity22
The entrepreneurial financing of the immigrant entrepreneurs: a literature review22
Disentangling succession and entrepreneurship gender gaps: gender norms, culture, and family22
Who benefits from SMEs’ radical innovations?—empirical evidence from German biotechnology22
Entrepreneurial learning in online communities22
Mind the gender gap: the impact of university education on the entrepreneurial entry of female and male STEM graduates21
Does the entrepreneurial state crowd out entrepreneurship?21
Artificial intelligence and radical innovation: an opportunity for all companies?21
Experts in the crowd and their influence on herding in reward-based crowdfunding of cultural projects21
Does patenting always help new firm survival? Understanding heterogeneity among exit routes20
Procurement policy and SME participation in public purchasing20
Buddhist entrepreneurs, charitable behaviors, and social entrepreneurship: evidence from China19
The well-being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles19
Mobile money, traditional financial services and firm productivity in Africa19
The Italian Start Up Act: a microeconometric program evaluation19
Social innovation, goal orientation, and openness: insights from social enterprise hybrids19
Social network research in the family business literature: a review and integration19
Crowdfunding: different types of legitimacy19
Does personality matter? Small business owners and modes of innovation19
My mother-in-law does not like it: resources, social norms, and entrepreneurial intentions of women in an emerging economy19
Board openness and family firm internationalization: a social capital perspective19
COVID-19 and the global venture capital landscape19
Were small businesses more likely to permanently close in the pandemic?18
Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: learning from forest ecosystems18
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hours lost by self-employed racial minorities: evidence from Brazil18
Does the adoption of emerging technologies improve technical efficiency? Evidence from Korean manufacturing SMEs18
Soft and hard information in equity crowdfunding: network effects in the digitalization of entrepreneurial finance18
Narratives in entrepreneurial ecosystems: drivers of effectuation versus causation18
Short-term financial constraints and SMEs’ investment decision: evidence from the working capital channel18
Assessing the influence of institutions on students’ entrepreneurial dynamics: evidence from European post-socialist and market-oriented economies18
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, institutional quality, and the unexpected role of the sustainability orientation of entrepreneurs17
Relationship lending and the use of trade credit: the role of relational capital and private information17
What drives the valuation of entrepreneurial ventures? A map to navigate the literature and research directions17
Historical roots of entrepreneurship in different regional contexts—the case of Poland17
Financing decisions in private family firms: a family firm pecking order17
In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand16
Gender, culture, and implicit theories about entrepreneurs: a cross-national investigation16
Topic-based classification and identification of global trends for startup companies16
The persistence of family firms: How does performance threshold affect family firm exit?16
Culture and gender in entrepreneurial teams: the effect on team processes and outcomes16
Rethinking stabilization policies; Including supply-side measures and entrepreneurial processes16
One swallow does not make a summer: episodes and persistence in high growth16
Institutions, financial development, and small business survival: evidence from European emerging markets16
Natural disasters, entrepreneurship activity, and the moderating role of country governance16
Innovation and borrower discouragement in SMEs16
Decision-making style in entrepreneurial finance and growth15
The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: an Asian perspective15
Financial performance of hidden champions: Evidence from German manufacturing firms15
Fostering regional innovation, entrepreneurship and growth through public procurement15
The salience of ethnic identity in entrepreneurship: an ethnic strategies of business action framework15
Graduates of venture creation programs – where do they apply their entrepreneurial competencies?15
Entrepreneur fund-seeking: toward a theory of funding fit in the era of equity crowdfunding14
Can corporate social responsibility mitigate the liability of newness? Evidence from China14
How gender stereotypes shape venture growth expectations14
Entrepreneurs’ actions and venture success: a structured literature review and suggestions for future research14
Self-efficacy and entrepreneurial performance of start-ups14
CEOs’ religiosity and corporate green initiatives14
The growth of entrepreneurial human capital: origins and development of skill variety14
Overcoming the ability-willingness paradox in small family firms’ collaborations14
Public research and the quality of inventions: the role and impact of entrepreneurial universities and regional network embeddedness14
Cognitive financial constraints and firm growth14
Innovation drivers of external competitiveness in the great recession14
Liminal spaces: A review of the art in entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship in art13
Crowdfunding to overcome the immigrant entrepreneurs’ liability of outsidership: the role of internal social capital13
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and industry knowledge: does the winning region take all?13
Small matching grants for women entrepreneurs: lessons from the past recession13
Does globalization affect perceptions about entrepreneurship? The role of economic development13
Does gender matter for corporate entrepreneurship? A cross-countries study13
Industrial policy, innovative entrepreneurship, and the human capital of founders13
Regional entrepreneurship and innovation: historical roots and the impact on the growth of regions13
Homophily and peer influence in early-stage new venture informal investment13
The COVID-19 pandemic and family business performance13
Motivational drivers to choose worker cooperatives as an entrepreneurial alternative: evidence from Spain13
The role of distinct ADHD symptoms for pre-entry entrepreneurial behavior: when intentions do not translate into action13
Effective policy mixes in entrepreneurial ecosystems: a configurational analysis in China12
Same same, but different: capital structures in single family offices compared with private equity firms12
Formal and informal entrepreneurship: a cross-country policy perspective12
Openness to knowledge: does corporate social responsibility mediate the relationship between familiness and absorptive capacity?12
Power and entrepreneurship12
Proximity and inter-firm corruption: A transaction cost approach12
Whirlwind model of entrepreneurial ecosystem path dependence12
Digital platforms and entrepreneurial support: a field experiment in online mentoring12
Digitalization and trade participation of SMEs12
The nascent ecology of social enterprise11
Initial Coin Offerings: a Hybrid Empirical Review11
Gender differences in business performance: evidence from Kenya and South Africa11
Three waves of immigrant entrepreneurship: a cross-national comparative study11
Empowering female entrepreneurs through university affiliation: evidence from Italian academic spinoffs11
Whom do nascent ventures search for? Resource scarcity and linkage formation activities during new product development processes11
Is there a gender gap in equity-based crowdfunding?11
Remittances, ethnic diversity, and entrepreneurship in developing countries11
The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research11
CEO age, shareholder monitoring, and the organic growth of European firms11
Capacity constraints as a trigger for high growth11
The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields11
Do African resource rents promote rent-seeking at the expense of entrepreneurship?11
Social capital and small informal business productivity: the mediating roles of financing and customer relationships11
Taking mental models seriously: institutions, entrepreneurship, and the mediating role of socio-cognitive traits11
Has previous loan rejection scarred firms from applying for loans during Covid-19?11
Distinguishing unpredictability from uncertainty in entrepreneurial action theory11
Lockdown, employment adjustment, and financial frictions10
The role of entrepreneurial absorptive capacity for knowledge spillover entrepreneurship10
Entrepreneurial accessibility, eudaimonic well-being, and inequality10
Defining networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: the openness of ecosystems10
Global value chains, financial constraints, and innovation10
Female entrepreneurs managing from home10
Banking stability and borrower discouragement: a multilevel analysis for SMEs in the EU-2810
Corporate taxes and high-quality entrepreneurship10
Heterogeneity and state dependence in firms’ access to bank credit10
Innovation as a mixed gamble in family firms: the moderating effect of inter-organizational cooperation10
Achieving aging well through senior entrepreneurship: a three-country empirical study10
The role of accelerator programmes on the capital structure of start-ups10
Does mobile money enable women-owned businesses to invest? Firm-level evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa10
The timing dilemma: understanding the determinants of innovative startups’ patent collateralization for loans10
Ownership, governance, and internationalization in family firms: a replication and extension9
Digital economic activity and resilience for metros and small businesses during Covid-199
The effects of social spending on entrepreneurship in developed nations9
Third-party signals in crowdfunded microfinance: which microfinance institutions boost crowdfunding among refugee entrepreneurs?9
Deconstructing involuntary financial exclusion: a focus on African SMEs9
Accelerating emergence: the causal (but contextual) effect of social impact accelerators on nascent for-profit social ventures9
How much state ownership do hybrid firms need for better performance?9
The contribution of board experience to opportunity development in high-tech ventures9
Is managerial discretion high in small firms? A theoretical framework9
Does democracy foster entrepreneurship?9
Exploring the contribution of micro firms to innovation: does competition matter?9
Does education enhance entrepreneurship?9
Reexamining the gender gap in microlending funding decisions: the role of borrower culture9
Gender bias in high stakes pitching: an NLP approach9
Examining the outcomes of entrepreneur pitch training: an exploratory field study9
Bankruptcy laws, entrepreneurs’ socio-cognitions, and the pursuit of innovative opportunities8
Artificial intelligence and firm growth — catch-up processes of SMEs through integrating AI into their knowledge bases8
The creation of digital innovative start-ups: the role of digital knowledge spillovers and digital skill endowment8
Committed to the venture or the family? A study of entrepreneurial persistence in distressed ventures8
Narrative entrepreneurship: bringing (his)story back to entrepreneurship8
Only the brave: improving self-rationing efficiency among discouraged Swiss SMEs8
Bursting the bubble: why sustainability initiatives often lack adequate intention to action translation8
Is digitalization a source of innovation? Exploring the role of digital diffusion in SME innovation performance8
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and pandemic-related policies on new firm creation: an analysis of the Italian case8
Fluffy cuffs: SME’s innovation in alliances with buyer firms8
Does team diversity really matter? The connection between networks, access to financial resources, and performance in the context of university spin-offs8
Gendered regulations and SME performance in transition economies7
The impact of public procurement on financial barriers to general and green innovation7
Resilient entrepreneurs? — revisiting the relationship between the Big Five and self-employment7
Persistence of culture: how the entrepreneurial culture of origin contributes to migrant entrepreneurship7
The identity of social impact venture capitalists: exploring social linguistic positioning and linguistic distinctiveness through text mining7
Founder affiliations: jobseeker reactions and impact on employee recruitment by start-up ventures7
Women in the boardroom: a bottom–up approach to the trickle-down effect7
Bribery, on-the-job training, and firm performance7
Comprehensive and multifaceted perspectives on sustainability, urban studies, and entrepreneurship7
The economic psychology of creating and venturing: a comparative behavioural portrait of artists and entrepreneurs7
Productivity growth over the business cycle: cleansing effects of recessions7
Creative and resourceful: How human, social, and psychological resources affect creative workers’ ability to rebound after failure7
An anthropological perspective on contextualizing entrepreneurship7
Entrepreneurial organizing activities and nascent venture performance7
SME viability in the COVID-19 recovery6
Effectuation and causation models: an integrative theoretical framework6
The Paycheck Protection Program and small business performance: Evidence from craft breweries6
How family firms use governance mechanisms to mitigate the risks of ecosystems: a case study from healthcare6
The struggle of small firms to retain high-skill workers: job duration and the importance of knowledge intensity6
The economics of PIPEs, revisited6
Financing constraints and SME growth: the suppression effect of cost-saving management innovations6
Are there wages from “sin”? Working conditions spillover from paying bribe in Vietnam6
Is the German Mittelstand more resistant to crises?6
Contextualizing emotional intelligence for commercial and social entrepreneurship6
Navigating the storm: the SME way of tackling the pandemic crisis6
Accountants in family firms—a systematic literature review6
New venture dissolution and the comobility of new venture teams6
The role of similarity and complementarity in the selection of potential partners for open innovation projects in family firms6
When does market hostility curtail competitive performance through diminished entrepreneurial efforts? Buffering effects of women entrepreneurs’ family business support6
The “open family firm”: openness as boundary work in family enterprises6
Being your own boss and bossing others: the moderating effect of managing others on work meaning and autonomy for the self-employed and employees6
Bank failures, local business dynamics, and government policy6
Green management, access to credit, and firms’ vulnerability to the COVID-19 crisis6
Immigrant-native differences in long-term self-employment6
Which firms drive employment growth in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Kenya6
Technological progress, financial constrains, and digital financial inclusion6
Competition and firm recovery post-COVID-196
Radical innovation and its regional impact—a roadmap for future research6
The future-time reference of home-country language and immigrant self-employment: an imprinting perspective6
ECB unconventional monetary policy and SME access to finance6
Does digitalization sufficiently empower female entrepreneurs? Evidence from their online gender identities and crowdfunding performance6
Estimating the innovation benefits of first-mover and second-mover strategies when micro-businesses adopt artificial intelligence and machine learning6
Crowdfunding and bank financing: substitutes or complements?6
From discovery to commercialization: accretive intellectual property strategies among small, knowledge-based firms5
Causal effects of a tax incentive on SME capital investment5
Informal institutions, transaction risk, and firm productivity in Myanmar5
High-growth firms’ contribution to aggregate productivity growth5
Emotional demands and entrepreneurial burnout: the role of autonomy and job satisfaction5
Exploration-exploitation and acquisition likelihood in new ventures5
Financial munificence, R&D intensity, and new venture survival: critical roles of CEO attributes5
Ownership succession intentions affecting earnings management in private family firms5
Are SMEs less efficient? A Bayesian approach to addressing heterogeneity across firms5
The interplay between human, social and cognitive resources of nascent entrepreneurs5
Does competition from informal firms hurt job creation by formal manufacturing SMEs in developing and emerging countries? Evidence using firm-level survey data5
Stickiness of entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of migration in two mid-sized US cities4
The influence of start-up motivation on entrepreneurial performance4
Correction to: The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship4
Human capital effects on fundraising for necessity- and opportunity-based entrepreneurs4
Administrative reform and the disposal of zombie enterprises: evidence from China4
Angel investors: the impact of regret from missed opportunities4
Cultural diversity, social integration, and migrant entrepreneurship—evidence from the China migrants dynamic survey4
SME participation in research grant consortia—the emergence of coordinated attention in collaborative innovation4